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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Illegals in hotels... Americans Living In The Street!
Post Date: 2021-05-20 11:38:31 by Horse

Tax The Rich? Meme
Post Date: 2021-05-20 11:16:28 by Horse
Poster Comment:It was possible to support a family on the husband's income until Wall Street decided to flood America with legal and illegal immigrants. We added 32.3 million people to our population from 1929 (123 million) to 1950. The first wave was a lot of Jewish immigrants. We did lose at least 3 million Americans to starvation in the 1930s. And we lost 405,000 soldiers during the war but probably another 400,000 after the war died from wounds received during the war. When America's population reached 150 million, we had to begin importing natural resources. We had to print money to lower wages to make jobs for legal and illegal aliens. We also had to print money to occupy ...

Video Shows Spanish Soldiers Throwing Migrants Into the Sea
Post Date: 2021-05-19 10:24:06 by Horse
Video footage shows Spanish soldiers beating migrants and throwing them into the sea after thousands reached European soil as a result of Morocco deliberately loosening border controls to punish Spain. “Images of Spanish soldiers beating migrants/refugees and throwing them into the sea on the Moroccan border,” tweeted journalist Josep Goded. According to the Associated Press, many of the migrants were sub-Saharan Africans. They were part of a flood of people who arrived in Ceuta, the Spanish city of 85,000 located in North Africa which is separated from Morocco by a 10 meter fence. Half of the migrants who swarmed the border were expelled, but many have now made their way into ...

71% of French Say ‘We’re Full’: No More Immigration
Post Date: 2021-05-19 10:18:38 by Horse
A new poll has found that 71 per cent of French people think the country has had enough immigration and that it can’t take any more. The 2021 Fraternity Barometer, a joint effort by the polling firm Ifop and le Labo de la Fraternité, found that almost three quarters of respondents desired to see no more immigration, while a clear majority of 64 per cent said France should no longer accept refugees because of the threat of terrorism. France has suffered numerous terror attacks carried out by jihadists who were let into the country as “refugees,” including the majority of the Paris massacre terrorists. Perhaps reflecting the doublethink that still plagues ...

Texas Gov. Abbott: Border Agents Seized Enough Fentanyl To Kill Every New Yorker
Post Date: 2021-05-18 22:18:29 by Horse
"We had almost an 800% increase April over April of the amount of fentanyl..." Poster Comment:Time to legalize drugs. Cartels and Jewish Bankers are getting rich.

As Mollie Tibbetts' Accused Killer Is Placed on Trial, Legal Expert Warns First Major Problem Primed to Surface
Post Date: 2021-05-18 20:09:51 by BTP Holdings
As Mollie Tibbetts' Accused Killer Is Placed on Trial, Legal Expert Warns First Major Problem Primed to Surface by Jack Davis May 16, 2021 at 12:39pm Almost three years after 20-year-old Mollie Tibbetts was found dead in an Iowa cornfield, the illegal immigrant accused of killing her will go on trial. Jury selection in the trial of Cristhian Bahena Rivera, who is charged with first-degree murder, begins May 17. Tibbetts was last seen alive on July 18, 2018, when she went out for a run. Her body was not found until August 21 after a flurry of national attention placed a larger spotlight on the case. The trial was moved out of Iowa’s Poweshiek County to Davenport in Scott ...

DISGUSTING: Muslim Rape Gang Granted Over £2 Million In Taxpayer-Funded Legal Aid
Post Date: 2021-05-18 02:39:57 by Horse
Members of a notorious Muslim pedophile gang in the United Kingdom have received more than £2 million in taxpayer-funded legal aid. As the abusers prepare to file new deportation appeals, the cost to taxpayers is about to rise even more. According to a report from the Sun, Two of the nine Rochdale child rapists, Qari Abdul Rauf and Adil Khan, are to launch new appeals against deportation to their native Pakistan. Breitbart reports: Adil Khan and Qari Abdul Rauf were convicted in 2012 on a slew of charges related to the sexual abuse of children as young as 12, yet were both released early — Khan in 2016 and Rauf in 2014, after serving just over two years behind bars.

Biden Stumbles on an Innovative Way to Push His Transgender Agenda: Import Trans Migrants
Post Date: 2021-05-16 21:02:41 by BTP Holdings
Biden Stumbles on an Innovative Way to Push His Transgender Agenda: Import Trans Migrants BY TYLER O'NEIL MAY 15, 2021 8:27 AM ET AP Photo/Evan Vucci From day one, President Joe Biden has twisted the law and has turned aspects of society upside down to push transgender activism through executive orders, even attempting to resurrect a mandate that would force Catholic hospitals and doctors to perform transgender surgery against their consciences. Yet transgender people only account for 0.4 percent of the population. It does not make sense to railroad women’s rights, religious freedom, and free speech to kowtow to such a small population. So the Biden administration stumbled on ...

Michel Barnier Calls For 3-5 Year Suspension Of Immigration Into EU
Post Date: 2021-05-12 07:47:51 by Horse
Michel Barnier has called for a 3-5 year suspension of immigration into EU countries, warning that the bloc’s external borders have become a “sieve” for criminals and terrorists. The EU’s former Brexit negotiator cited links between between immigration and “terrorist networks that infiltrate migrational flows” as part of his reasoning for calling for the shutdown, while also highlighting the issue of human trafficking networks. The comments are particularly noteworthy because Barnier is known as a centrist – even a globalist in some ways – yet he is spouting rhetoric normally espoused by right-wing politicians. When asked whether the comments ...

Biden administration blasted by Texas sheriff for treatment of national guard
Post Date: 2021-05-10 18:15:07 by BTP Holdings
Biden administration blasted by Texas sheriff for treatment of national guard By Staff Writers May 10, 2021 A Texas sheriff blasted President Joe Biden’s immigration policies Sunday on “Fox & Friends Weekend,” accusing Biden of presiding over a “complete embarrassment” of a border operation. “It’s incomprehensible that a national security border, our border with another…foreign country is in the shape that it is,” Jackson County, Texas Sheriff Andy Louderback said. Louderback argued the situation is preventable — if the president or vice president will come to the border to see for themselves. He shared, “This is a major ...

Caitlyn Jenner Backs Amnesty For Illegal Aliens
Post Date: 2021-05-10 09:29:57 by Horse
The GOP establishment's new hero wants to give mass amnesty to illegal aliens.

Child Rape Gang Victim: UK Police Did Nothing as I Was Abused by ‘Hundreds’ of Pakistani Men
Post Date: 2021-05-05 08:31:17 by Horse
A grooming gang survivor has revealed that she was abused by hundreds of Pakistani heritage men for years, but despite reporting her abusers to the police, none have ever been arrested. Sarah — a fake name given to protect her identity — said that she was systematically raped and abused as a child in the early 2000s after running away from care homes in Derby. She was eventually awarded compensation by the local government after authorities acknowledged the abuse and the repeated failures of social services to protect her from being raped. But she says despite the recognition of the acts perpetrated against her as a child and the confirmation that social services had failed to ...

One Thousand Haitians Crossing Mexico’s Southern Border Daily
Post Date: 2021-05-04 13:50:50 by Horse
More than 11,000 Haitians reportedly gathered in southern Mexico city Around one thousand Haitian nationals have been crossing Mexico’s souther border every day, according to reports. A stunning number of illegal aliens from Haiti entered the state of Chiapas last week via the Suchiate River, which separates Mexico from Guatemala. “So far this week, on average, about a thousand Haitian migrants have been counted who daily arrive at these offices in Tapachula to resolve their immigration status and stay,” Milenio reported on Friday. “In other words, as of Thursday, some 4,000 Haitian migrants would have entered through the Chiapas-Guatemala border to request ...

Le Pen Cleared of Breaking Hate Speech Laws For Posting Images of ISIS Atrocities
Post Date: 2021-05-04 13:45:51 by Horse
Populist leader Marine Le Pen has been cleared of violating hate speech laws after she was ludicrously charged for posting images of ISIS atrocities in an effort to illustrate the barbarity of ISIS. Le Pen originally posted the images in 2015 as a rebuttal to comparisons that were being made between her National Front party and Islamic jihadists. “This is what Daesh is,” she wrote under the photos, which showed ISIS militants executing people. Despite posting the photos in an effort to denounce ISIS, Le Pen was accused of “disseminating violent messages that could seriously harm human dignity,” a charge that was never applied to media outlets or journalists who shared ...

Biden Hikes Refugee Admission Cap To 62,500 After Outcry From Progressives
Post Date: 2021-05-03 20:13:01 by Horse
“Today, I am revising the United States’ annual refugee admissions cap to 62,500 for this fiscal year,”

To Hecklers Screaming "Abolish ICE", Biden Says "I Agree With You...Give Me Another 5 Days"
Post Date: 2021-04-29 21:13:29 by Horse

The horror that is Covidocratic Chile
Post Date: 2021-04-28 23:53:48 by NeoconsNailed
The long and short of it: a dozen or so GloboCorp families own Chile lock, stock, and barrel, and have at least since the Pinochet era. There was pushback here, as there was elsewhere. Covid-19(84) came here as it did elsewhere, and for more than a year now, this country of just over 19 million has been descending into a totalitarian hellscape. Moreover, one of the world’s most aggressive mass vaccination campaigns began here shortly after the start of this year. As of April 21, around 13 million Chileans had gotten the jab (while the rate varies with availability, somewhere around 135,000 are jabbed per day). The most interesting fact about Chile now is the explosion of new cases of ...

Politico Becomes Pravda: Use Of Word "Crisis" Banned When Describing Border Crisis
Post Date: 2021-04-22 19:30:33 by Horse
"Avoid emotive words like onslaught, tidal wave, flood, inundation, surge, invasion, army, march, sneak, and stealth..."

Mexico cartel attacks police with exploding drones; wounds 2
Post Date: 2021-04-22 10:43:58 by Horse
The battle for a key town in western Mexico has become both more medieval, and more high-tech, after two police officers were injured by drones apparently carrying explosive devices. Two cartels are battling for control of El Aguaje, a hamlet in the Aguililla township in Michoacán state: Jalisco New Generation and the rival New Michoacán Family, or the Viagras. The Jalisco cartel has recently staged attacks in the area. And in October 2019, Jalisco gunmen ambushed and killed 14 state police officers in El Aguaje. State police were sent in to restore order earlier this month, and the cartels responded by parking hijacked trucks across roads and even adopted ancient ...

French Police Battle Gangs in Fourth Night of ‘Urban Violence’
Post Date: 2021-04-22 10:11:40 by Horse
A large police force converged on the French city of Tourcoing to combat roving gangs who have been wreaking havoc for days, according to reports. Roughly 130 officers from multiple branches of the French National Police - including riot control and undercover specialists - were deployed to reinforce municipal patrols who have been overwhelmed amid four consecutive nights of 'urban violence' in the region. The chaos reportedly kicked off on Saturday night after police observed a young male performing a 'wild rodeo' on a motorcycle as he taunted them before falling off the bike and claiming to be injured. As officers approached him, a crowd quickly formed and began ...

More Americans Now Fear "Illegal Immigration" Than COVID, New Poll Finds
Post Date: 2021-04-21 17:10:54 by Horse
...48% of those polled believe illegal immigration “a very big problem,” while only 47% consider the coronavirus outbreak to their most pressing concern...

UK: Youths Try to Set 10-Year-Old Girl on Fire in ‘Unprovoked Attack’
Post Date: 2021-04-20 20:21:18 by Horse
Police in the U.K. are investigating an incident in which a 10-year-old girl was jumped by a gang of children who attempted to set her on fire, according to reports. The "completely unprovoked attack" unfolded in broad daylight on Sunday afternoon as the child and a friend walked through a park in Wirral, authorities say. "The girl had been with a female friend in New Ferry park on New Chester Road at around 1:15 p.m. when it is reported she was assaulted by a gang of males and females aged around 12-13," a Merseyside Police spokesperson told the Liverpool Echo. "It is also believed one of the group tried to unsuccessfully burn the girl’s coat. "Both ...

13-Year-Old White Girl Says Muslim Boys At School Threaten To Rape Her If She Doesn’t Give Blowjob
Post Date: 2021-04-20 09:59:58 by Horse
A heart wrenching video of a 13-year-old European girl is going viral on Telegram. The video shows the young girl, likely from England, being interviewed and describing how Asian, Muslim boys threaten to rape her and other female students in school. When the interviewer asks the girl about what’s going on in her school she responds, “Asian boys coming up to me and saying, ‘I’m gonna rape you’ and ‘if you don’t go with me I’m going to punch you in the face with a knuckleduster, if you don’t give me a blowjob’.” She also explained how it’s not just her, “it’s happening to lots of girls” The interviewer then asks if ...

More people now feel illegal immigration is more important issue than COVID-19: Poll
Post Date: 2021-04-18 12:10:21 by Ada
New polling shows that the public is more likely to call illegal immigration rather than the COVID-19 pandemic a “very big problem." Almost half, or 48%, now view illegal immigration as a “very big problem,” while 47% view the coronavirus pandemic the same way. The numbers reflect a large change from June, when only 28% viewed illegal immigration as a “very big problem,” compared to 58% who felt that way about the coronavirus, according to numbers for Pew Research. The numbers come as the Biden administration has struggled to deal with a surge in illegal border crossings since Inauguration Day, with the Department of Homeland Security now estimating that ...

Speaker Pelosi Presses Biden To Accept More Refugees Into U.S.
Post Date: 2021-04-16 19:46:06 by Horse
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi took an apparent jab at Joe Biden while pushing him to accept more refugees into the U.S. While speaking to reporters Thursday, Pelosi dropped subtle hints for Biden to raise the current cap of refugees allowed into the U.S. She claimed it was the White House’s moral responsibility to take them in. “So we have to recognize our moral responsibility as we see other countries take in refugees,” stated the House Speaker. “I think right now we have, well it’s a very few thousand, and we have to increase that number.” Under the Trump administration, the cap was cut to 15,000 from the previous cap of 85,000. Pelosi strongly opposed this ...

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