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"Heavily Armed" Muslim Extremists Arrested In NM; Trained 11 Children To Commit School Shootings"Heavily Armed" Muslim Extremists Arrested In NM; Trained 11 Children To Commit School Shootings
Post Date: 2018-08-09 02:23:51 by Horse
Update: Fox News reports that Wahhaj's father is an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 WTC bombing: Wahhaj’s family background was already controversial prior to his arrest. Wahhaj is the son of a Brooklyn imam, also named Siraj Wahhaj, who was named by prosecutors as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the New York Post reported. The elder Wahhaj, who heads Masjid At-Taqwa mosque, was a character witness in the trial for Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, the notorious “blind sheikh” who was convicted in 1995 of plotting terror attacks in the U.S. Hujrah and Subhannah Wahhaj, who is married to Morton, are Wahhaj Sr.’s daughters. The ...

Nancy Pelosi Voting For Democrats Gives “Leverage” To Illegal Immigrants
Post Date: 2018-08-08 23:09:09 by Horse

Becoming an Illegal Alien - 'I Know a Good Deal When I See One'
Post Date: 2018-08-07 20:26:54 by hondo68
FORMS ARE GOING FAST - SIGN UP TODAY! “Becoming an Illegal” (An actual letter from an Oregon resident sent to his Senator) Dear Senator Wyden, The Honourable Mr. Wyden, As a native Oregonian and excellent customer of the Internal Revenue Service, I am writing to ask for your assistance. I have contacted the Department of Homeland Security in an effort to determine the process for becoming an illegal alien, and they referred me to you. My primary reason for wishing to change my status from U.S. Citizen to illegal alien stems from the bill which was recently passed by the Senate and for which you voted. If my understanding of this bill is accurate, as an illegal alien who has ...

Conservatives Furious After Heineken Promotes Open Borders
Post Date: 2018-08-05 15:49:22 by BTP Holdings
Conservatives Furious After Heineken Promotes Open Borders By John Falkenberg May 30, 2017 at 4:33pm Heineken has put some writing on the side of its bottle that’s turning the heads of some conservative consumers. Heineken has written on their bottles, in no uncertain terms, an endorsement for open borders. Because… Reasons? The inscription goes like this: *extremely late stage capitalism voice* "Open borders, because a stranger is just a friend you haven't had a cold Heineken® with yet." pic.twitter.com/EY03AxwFmn — ChristopherColumbine (@SoylentMerchant) May 26, 2017 “Here’s to an Open World. To a world without borders or barriers. To ...

Post Date: 2018-08-04 22:50:40 by Horse

CNN Commentator: ICE Brought My Ancestors Here on a Slave Ship
Post Date: 2018-08-04 14:31:38 by BTP Holdings
CNN Commentator: ICE Brought My Ancestors Here on a Slave Ship By Chris Agee August 3, 2018 at 10:04am After White House adviser Ivanka Trump opined on her father’s immigration policy this week, a pair of CNN commentators debated whether her denunciation of family separation was sufficiently robust. Though President Donald Trump’s eldest daughter described the controversial border practice as a “low point,” she went on to defend the administration’s broader hard-line approach to immigration. Attorney and liberal commentator Angela Rye appeared with Trump campaign spokesman Jason Miller on CNN’s “Cuomo Prime Time” on Thursday to discuss the first ...

L.A. Production of ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’ Replaces Nazis with ICE Agents Hunting for ‘LatinX’ Illegals
Post Date: 2018-08-04 03:52:58 by Horse
A modernized theatrical production of The Diary of Anne Frank in Los Angeles will re-imagine the Jewish Frank family hiding from Nazis with Latino immigrants hiding from Immigration, Customs, and Enforcement (ICE) officials, its directors have revealed. The production, directed by former Roseanne writer Stan Zimmerman and scheduled to run throughout September, “was inspired by the true story of a Jewish woman in Los Angeles who created a ‘Safe House’ for a Latina mother and her two daughters after her husband was deported by ICE.” The play’s characters in the attic will be played by a LatinX cast, according to a promotional website. “Director Stan Zimmerman ...

Blood flows in the streets of Ferrara, Italy, as Nigerian migrants wage war with machetes, axes and knives, local media reports.
Post Date: 2018-08-03 18:53:07 by Horse
A slew of gruesome attacks have taken place in the last week in shop squares, parks, and bars as gang members and drug dealers settle disputes with lethal weapons in the once-peaceful bastion of high culture and gastronomy. Police and emergency services have been responding to scenes of frequent clashes where butchered combatants are found lying in pools of gore. "A nightmare... We are at the fourth fight on the street in two days. Here it is normal now," said a local official. Ferrarese senator Alberto Balboni has filed an urgent inquiry with the Ministry of the Interior, warning that "ferocious" Nigerian crime syndicates have exploited the asylum system to ...

My neighbors made the news.
Post Date: 2018-08-03 11:37:36 by TommyTheMadArtist
So... not sure if anyone remembers when I went on a rant about my Iraqi Refugee Neighbors and how much money they made off the system. Well anyway, they made the news in a truly awful way. Click on the link. It made the National News. The kid in this article was special needs. They could not find his father's eyes.

Latino Groups Blast Zuckerberg For Requiring ID To Buy Facebook Political Ads
Post Date: 2018-08-03 11:00:36 by Horse
Facebook’s recent policy changes requiring proof of identity to purchase political ads is unfair to Latino immigrants, several progressive groups claimed Thursday. Facebook began requiring users to submit a government-issued ID and mailing address before purchasing any political ads in April as part of the company’s efforts to combat foreign meddling in American politics. A coalition of progressive political groups asked Facebook in May to reverse the ID requirement but claim the company has been unresponsive. The activists said Thursday they will “step up efforts to continue shaming Facebook until the policy is amended” in a press release. “Facebook’s ...

The German Government Is Paying For Refugees To Return Home For 3-Week Vacation
Post Date: 2018-08-03 10:57:31 by Horse
You really cannot make up a story like this, because it sounds just so unbelievable. I am in Germany on business and did not see the place overrun with refugees as on my last trip. So I made some inquiries. To my complete astonishment, the German government is actually giving refugees three weeks paid vacations INCLUDING airfare BACK to the very countries that claim they are fleeing because it is unsafe. So in other words, despite claiming their lives would be at risk if they were forced to return home, the government is paying them for a vacation to the very place they claim to be fleeing. You just cannot make up such a completely insane government policy. I know someone who works with ...

Portland police 'refused to respond to TWO 911 calls from ICE employees inside their offices while protests against Trump's immigration policy raged outside'
Post Date: 2018-08-01 22:53:48 by Horse
Union representing ICE agents sent letter to Mayor Ted Wheeler Wheeler didn't allow Portland police to come to ICE's aid during Occupy protest Protests were launched in response to Trump's separation of migrant families A union representing agents of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement is accusing Portland, Oregon’s mayor of ordering his police force to deny help while they were faced with violent demonstrators occupying their offices. Portland police have been accused of refusing to respond to at least two 911 calls from employees in the ICE offices in the city. The accusation was reported by The Daily Caller. DailyMail.com has reached out to the Portland Police ...

Knife crime 'epidemic' is straining the NHS, warns surgeon: Victims use up hospital beds and blood supplies and paramedics are forced to wear stab proof vests
Post Date: 2018-08-01 22:18:44 by Horse
Adam Brooks, a trauma surgeon in Nottingham, warned stabbings are rising He said knife crime victims are getting younger and their injuries more severe Some spend months in hospital and blood supplies are running low Paramedics in London wear stab vests to stay safe while they are working Police say 31 of 39 police forces reported higher levels of stabbings last year England is in the midst of a national knife crime epidemic which is putting extra pressure on the NHS, a top surgeon has warned. The rise in violent stabbings seen in London in recent years has spread to the country's other major cities, according to Adam Brooks, a major trauma surgeon at Nottingham University ...

Majority of Democrats: Illegal Aliens Should be Given the Right to Vote 54 percent of Democrats said illegal aliens in the U.S. should be given the right to vote so long as they pay taxes
Post Date: 2018-08-01 08:33:21 by Horse
A majority of Democrat voters now say that the 12 million illegal aliens currently residing in the United States should be given the right to vote. In a new poll by Rasmussen Reports, a majority of 54 percent of Democrats said illegal aliens in the U.S. should be given the right to vote so long as they pay taxes. Illegal aliens paying taxes ensures the identity theft of Americans. Likewise, 53 percent of self-described liberal voters said they too support giving the 12 million illegal aliens in the U.S. the right to vote. While the majority of Democrats support illegal aliens having the right to vote, the plan is very unpopular with American voters overall. Nearly 60 percent of voters ...

Austerity And Mass Migration
Post Date: 2018-08-01 07:54:33 by Horse
Why did Britain vote Yes in the Brexit vote Cameron called? To a large degree to protest policies he himself imposed. For many it’s still a mystery ‘mechanism’, but not for all. People like Steve Bannon understand it very well. That is, austerity and mass migration make voters turn to the political right. Even if they are initiated by the right. When Britain’s Tories under David Cameron and George Osborne began ripping apart much of the country’s institutions and infrastructure, they knew that their austerity measures would only make their party stronger. The incompetence of Theresa May and her ministers on Brexit will lead to an almighty backlash, and soon, but ...

Trump Responds to Reporters ‘Red Line’ Question by Completely Shattering Obama’s Reputation
Post Date: 2018-07-31 21:35:08 by BTP Holdings
Trump Responds to Reporters ‘Red Line’ Question by Completely Shattering Obama’s Reputation By Cillian Zeal July 31, 2018 at 6:16am Setting distinct red lines and keeping them probably won’t be what Barack Obama’s administration will be remembered for. Obama was, after all, the president who drew a “line in the sand” when it came to Syrian dictator Bashar Assad regime’s use of chemical weapons against his own people. Obama then decided against keeping his word when Assad used poisoned gas after all. Obama later said he was “very proud” of his decision not to punish the dictator with military force. Well, so much for that. But if an ...

“I’m Confused:” ICE Official Has To Explain To Dem Senator That Illegal Immigrants Break The Law
Post Date: 2018-07-31 18:56:43 by Horse

The Wall Goes With Him
Post Date: 2018-07-30 22:53:42 by X-15
The insufferable nature of celebrity and executive progs isn’t that they know nothing of middle class concerns, but that they don’t have to know. What’s your problem with water? says the man on a yacht to the man on a dinghy. That’s the insufferable core of celebrity and executive prog patronizing. Other people’s mortal concerns appear trivially small when viewed from the distant summit of wealth. So small, they are certain, that only a small mind could be burdened by them. Taking on 100 gallons of water doesn’t even cause my ship to list. So they meticulously pretend to ignore the conditions and concerns of their lower altitude countrymen, while just as ...

"Urban Jungle At Night": Amsterdam Police Powerless To Stop Late-Night Mayhem
Post Date: 2018-07-30 10:35:37 by Horse
"Scooters race against traffic or through pedestrian areas. There is shouting, thefts, and poo on the streets. There is violence." -Arre Zuurmond After turning a blind eye to rampant drug use and out-of-control tourists, Amsterdam's Red Light District hs become an "urban jungle at night," according to city ombudsman Arre Zuurmond. "The city center becomes an urban jungle at night," Zuurmond told Dutch newspaper Trouw, adding "Criminal money flourishes, authority no longer exists and the police can no longer handle this situation." Tasked with investigating mayhem in the Red Light District, Zuurmond set up three CCTV cameras in the middle of ...

Trump Threatens To ‘Shut Down’ Government Over Border Wall Funding President tells Dems to get tough on illegal immigration
Post Date: 2018-07-29 13:59:47 by Horse
Not too long ago, in a less turbulent time before the trade wars, the biggest political risk facing the market was the threat of a government shutdown. Well, as of this morning that too is back on the table when in his latest Sunday morning tweetstorm, president Trump said that he is willing to “shut down” the government over border security. “I would be willing to ‘shut down’ government if the Democrats do not give us the votes for Border Security, which includes the Wall! Must get rid of Lottery, Catch & Release etc. and finally go to system of Immigration based on MERIT! We need great people coming into our Country!” The tweet was a follow up to an ...

Crime Rate In The U.K. Soars While 90% Of Recorded Crime Goes Uncharged
Post Date: 2018-07-29 13:55:56 by Horse
Homicide and crime rates – including sexual assaults, and knife and gun attacks – continue to rise in the United Kingdom, with 90% of recorded offenses not ending in charges. A report published last week lays bare the shocking numbers – crimes resulting in charges sat at 11%, with the percentage falling two points in just a year to 9%; down from 15% in 2015. Since March of this year and the 12 months before, only 443,000 crimes out of 4.6 million recorded resulted in charges. Notably, the number of recorded crimes rose by 11% to 5.5 million offenses – the highest level in over a decade. Earlier this year, the homicide rate in London overtook New York City – with ...

600 (African) Migrants Armed With "Flamethrowers And Feces" Break Through Spanish Border In Morocco
Post Date: 2018-07-26 19:57:48 by Horse
Some 800 sub-Saharan migrants attempted to cross the border between Morocco and the Spanish enclave of Ceuta at 6:45am through a high fence. While 602 of them succeeded, 15 law enforcement officers were injured in the clashes and later taken to a hospital, the Spanish Civil Guard reported. Migrants attempted to cross the seven-meter high fence separating Morocco from Spain at 6:35 a.m. They threw stones, homemade shielrs, Molotov cocktails, feces and hashish at law enforcement representatives and used sprays as flamethrowers. The migrants also tried to cut the barbed wire on the fence with scissors and hammers. Once inside Spanish territory, they threw stones at cars of the Civil ...

"I Have a Very Simple Question for You!" Tucker DRILLS NY Councilman Jumaane Williams
Post Date: 2018-07-26 19:41:20 by Horse
Poster Comment:Black candidate for Lt Governor defends giving pardons to illegal aliens so they can stay in America.

Sen. Gillibrand: If Dems Gain Control, ‘First Thing We Should Do is…Get Rid of ICE’ (VIDEO)
Post Date: 2018-07-25 13:13:19 by Horse
Appearing at Ozy Fest in New York City, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) said that the “first thing” Democrats should do if they regain the House and Senate after the midterms is “get rid of ICE.” Speaking to Ana Kasparian, a far-left host of The Young Turks, Gillibrand was asked about how they can made sure that Democrats get things done if they regain control of the House and Senate in the midterms. Kasparian also hilariously whined that Republicans are far less likely to compromise with Democrats — ignoring that her party has made it their policy and platform to block anything that President Trump supports. “When we flip the House and flip the Senate, I ...

Terror police boost MP’s security after she is accused of racism by activists for condemning the grooming of girls by Asian sex gangs Labour MP for Rotherham, was accused by activists of ‘industrial-scale racism’
Post Date: 2018-07-25 10:17:09 by Horse
An MP has been given heightened security measures after receiving death threats for condemning the grooming of girls by Asian sex gangs. it was reported. Sarah Champion, Labour MP for Rotherham, was accused by activists of ‘industrial-scale racism’ for highlighting the ‘common ethnic heritage’ of those involved in the town’s sexual abuse scandal. The former shadow minister for Women and Equalities hit the headlines when she spoke out after 17 men from Asian backgrounds were convicted of or admitted offences in a series of trials related to child sexual exploitation. She warned people were failing to tell the truth about child abuse because they were afraid of ...

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