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"I Think Governor Bentley Of Alabama Is A Modern Day Governor Wallace Of Alabama"
Post Date: 2011-06-09 23:12:14 by Horse
Poster Comment:Illegal immigrants drive down wages. We have a 22% unemployment rate. Wages in California for skilled and educated new hires are dropping below what we would all consider to be a living wage. Do you want all whites, blacks and Mexicans with legal status to work for two dollars an hour? The dollar will soon crash maybe even by November. Inflation will lower your wages down below what it costs you to buy even the cheapest food and shelter.

Murder charges dropped against illegal alien—translator botched Miranda rights
Post Date: 2011-06-09 12:47:33 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
"Murder charges dropped against illegal alien—translator botched Miranda rights" Murder charges dropped against illegal alien—translator botched Miranda rightsAntonio M. Martinez-Nunez Last month, a judge in Ohio ruled that an interpreter failed to properly inform Antonio M. Martinez-Nunez of his rights prior to police questioning. The 31-year-old illegal alien was charged with murdering another illegal alien in a Columbus suburb over drug territory. As such, any statements made by Martinez-Nunez would be suppressed during trial…Basically, eliminating the state’s case against the illegal alien. Martinez-Nunez speaks only Spanish. On Wednesday, Assistant ...

Forcine Concrete, Pennsylvania - Illegal aliens taking jobs from Americans
Post Date: 2011-06-09 00:07:29 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
This video shows illegal immigrants doing a job that many Americans would love to have. This is a Whiting Turner Job Site

ICE Has Released More Than 8,000 Criminal Aliens Into U.S. Since 2009
Post Date: 2011-06-01 13:19:42 by freepatriot32
Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas) has introduced a bill that he said is needed to protect Americans from criminal illegal immigrants who are being released into U.S. communities based on a Supreme Court decision that said they can't be incarcerated for more than six months. (CNSNews.com/Penny Starr) The Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, which is responsible for enforcing U.S. immigration laws inside the country, has released more than 8,000 criminal aliens onto the streets of the United States since fiscal 2009, according to ICE data released by House Judiciary Chairman Lamar Smith (R.- Texas). Citing these statistics, Smith has introduced legislation that would allow Homeland ...

US Hispanic population tops 50m
Post Date: 2011-05-26 23:30:38 by Horse
The US Hispanic population grew of 43 per cent in 10 years, which is four times faster than the total US population, according to 2010 census data released on Thursday. The Hispanic population increased by more than 15.2m people, which is more than half of the total US population increase of 27.3m. In terms of total population, people that reported being of Hispanic origin was 50.5m people, or 16.3 per cent of the total population of 308m. EDITOR’S CHOICE Supreme Court backs Arizona workers’ law - May-26 Clive Crook: America’s immigration mess - May-15 Obama in fresh push on immigration - May-10 Editorial: US immigration - May-11 Migrant workers face US electronic ...

In a Sanctuary City (Austin), An Illegal Immigrant Gets the Death Penalty
Post Date: 2011-05-26 15:46:52 by X-15
Areli Carbajal Escobar, a violent 32-year-old illegal immigrant from Mexico, had a long rap sheet. Over the years in the sanctuary city of Austin, Texas, police and prosecutors had many contacts with him. Yet Escobar was never deported. Now, immigration problems are the least of Escobar's worries. Last week, a Travis County jury sentenced him to death for the brutal rape and murder of a high school honor student. Texas may lead the nation for executions, but most condemned murderers aren't from Austin, the capital, and surrounding Travis County -- for both are enclaves of liberal Democrats in an otherwise red state. In Travis County, murderers aren't often sentenced to ...

Update: See Shocking Excerpts From Tucson‘s ’Mexican-American Studies’ Curriculum
Post Date: 2011-05-26 11:52:29 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Update: See Shocking Excerpts From Tucson‘s ’Mexican-American Studies’ Curriculum Earlier today we brought you the story of how students chained themselves together at a local Tucson school board chamber to protest administrators who wanted to change the Mexican-American studies curriculum. Currently, a class that teaches history from a Mexican-American perspective is allowed to substitute for the required U.S. history class. But the school superintendent also wants to reevaluate the entire program (and possibly get rid of the class),* in part because it advocates the overthrow of the U.S. government. Below are excerpts from the controversial curriculum, which (among other ...

AZ High School Students Chain Themselves to Desks to Protest ‘Mexican-American Studies’ Change
Post Date: 2011-05-26 08:10:37 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
AZ High School Students Chain Themselves to Desks to Protest ‘Mexican-American Studies’ Change Is this what the leftists had in mind when they called on the youth of the nation to rise up? A Group of rowdy high school students chained themselves to desks at the local school board chambers in order to protest a curriculum change. They chanted, screamed, and banged their hands on the desks for two hours, preventing the meeting from taking place. What deserved such an outburst? According to KSAZ-TV, the students are upset that the board is considering no longer allowing a Mexican-American history class — a class that teaches history from a Mexican-American perspective — ...

Mad Mex – Los Zetas Use Road Warrior-Style Vehicles to Battle Other Cartels, Military
Post Date: 2011-05-25 21:00:26 by Horse
For over a year, the criminal organization known as Los Zetas has moved in to the Falcon Lake area on the Texas-Mexico border, chasing out paramilitary groups from the Gulf Drug Cartel. As these two drug cartel organizations fought for this crucial smuggling route or ‘plaza,’ Los Zetas burned down the city of Mier and several big businesses in the town of Miguel Aleman, Mexico. With the exception of the local news media on both sides of the border, the major news outlets in Mexico and the U.S. have been silent, as local residents have been forced out of their homes, creating a refugee crisis to the point in which the city of Roma, Texas has been involved in humanitarian tasks to ...

White House: Israel Right Over Border Killings
Post Date: 2011-05-24 20:30:21 by GreyLmist
Speaking one day after Israeli troops killed at least 20 civilian protesters in cross border attacks, White House spokesman Jay Carney praised Israel for its “restraint” and said that the Netanyahu government had every right to kill those people “to prevent unauthorized crossing at its borders.” The protesters were commemorating the “Nakba” or “catastrophe,” which refers to the mass expulsion of Palestinians from their homes at the founding of the Israeli state. The commemoration is explicitly banned within Israel since 2009. Late Sunday night Israeli media reports emerged showing that the Foreign Ministry had dispatched an official memorandum on ...

Illegal aliens accused of gang rape in Oklahoma
Post Date: 2011-05-23 18:05:26 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Illegal aliens accused of gang rape in Oklahoma (L to R) Reynaldo Gomez, Erasmo Martin Del Campo and Carlos Reynosa-Londeta Credit: booking photo On Thursday, Reynaldo Gomez, 22, Erasmo Martin Del Campo, 21 and Carlos Reynosa-Londeta, 33, were arraigned on rape charges in Pontotoc County District Court, for an alleged gang rape on May 1, 2011. The three were arrested after police reportedly found images of the sexual assault on a cell phone belonging to one of the suspects. District Attorney Chris Ross wrote in the affidavit, that the three defendants “did unlawfully, willfully and feloniously rape, ravish and carnally know and have sexual intercourse with [the ...

Newt "AMNESTY" Gingrich....Lest we forget!
Post Date: 2011-05-20 06:45:26 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Newt "AMNESTY" Gingrich....Lest we forget! Over the past few years, TheTownCrier has brought you facts about immigration and those pushing amnesty. Right at the front of the line was always CFR member, presidential wannabe Newt Gingrich, flanked by his open border, jihadist Muslim loving cohort, Grover Norquist.Newt bashes conservatives every chance he gets and this week undermining Rep. Paul Ryan and his proposals to harness our national debt was the target. Newt will play conservative when it suits him, problem is it doesn't suit him often. Gingrich openly pushed the Bush/Kennedy/McCain AMNESTY......in a letter he wrote to the WSJLet me remind you of a few FACTS.In his ...

Secret WikiLeaks Document Confirms North American Union Plan - American Disintegration Required for North American Integration Plan
Post Date: 2011-05-18 10:34:40 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
American Disintegration Required for North American Integration Plan by William Gheen President of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) Those of us who have studied the nation's crushing effects and causes of illegal immigration for sometime have become acutely aware of the driving forces facilitating the invasion of the United States of America. Millions of illegal aliens have not landed in the United States via random acts or the chaotic consequences of market forces. This invasion of the American homeland and mockery of constitutional governance driven by American citizens, is being funded, planned, assisted, and facilitated by well financed global power players. Banks, ...

Immigration minister to cherry pick immigrants (Denmark)
Post Date: 2011-05-17 22:35:43 by X-15
The time for rigidly even-handed immigration policies that put people from developed countries on the same footing as people from undeveloped countries is over, says immigration minister Søren Pind. Pind has announced that he plans to give immigrants who are more likely to earn money and contribute to society exemptions from some of the strictest requirements under family-reunification law, reports Politiken newspaper. “It’s a colossal problem that the immigration law is so full of politically correct wording that we end up hurting people who are willing and able to come to Denmark and don’t require anything from the state,” Pind said. “The rules have been ...

Norwegian MP Has Had Enough of Labour´s Mad Demographic Experiments
Post Date: 2011-05-17 20:12:25 by X-15
Poster Comment:Muds/muslims/jews ruin EVERY neighborhood they infest. No white man was ever improved by the presence of non-Western minorities. Too bad he didn't take a shot at the damn jews and their incessant meddling in Western cultures.

University Insiders: Illegal Immigrants Get Affirmative Action
Post Date: 2011-05-17 19:27:38 by Horse
This week, Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley signed a bill to require the state's public universities to give undocumented aliens -- generally illegal -- in-state tuition privileges. The bill, known as the Dream Act, is already the law in ten other states, including California, New York, Texas and Illinois. But critics argue that the bill will give illegal aliens better treatment than Americans and legal immigrants -- thanks to existing diversity policies at universities. University of Maryland (College Park) computer science Prof. James Purtilo told FoxNews.com that, during his time as an associate dean, he frequently saw admission officers favor students because of their ...

Mexico Detains 513 People Crammed Into Two US-Bound Trucks
Post Date: 2011-05-17 16:26:02 by Horse
TUXTLA GUTIERREZ, Mexico - Police on Tuesday detained 513 undocumented migrants from Latin America and Asia who were crammed into two trucks bound for the United States, prosecutors in southeast Mexico said. The migrants, from Latin America, Japan, China, India and Nepal, "were traveling in inhuman conditions" in the southeastern state of Chiapas, near the Guatemalan border, the local attorney general's office said in a statement. Police stopped the trucks, carrying 240 and 273 people, on the outskirts of state capital Tuxtla Gutierrez early Tuesday, after they accelerated through a vehicle scanner at a police checkpoint, the statement said. Officers chased down the ...

Race War LA gangs
Post Date: 2011-05-16 23:45:03 by Horse

Mexican drug cartel suspected after 29 decapitated in Guatemala
Post Date: 2011-05-16 21:44:06 by Horse
Costa Rica's Foreign Ministry expressed solidarity with Guatemala after the more than two dozen migrant farmers were killed. Gunmen working for Los Zetas, considered Mexico's most violent drug cartel, murdered at least 29 farmworkers over the weekend in a community in northern Guatemala near the Mexican border, officials said. The bodies were found Sunday at the Los Cocos ranch outside the city of La Libertad, located about 630 kilometers (391 miles) north of Guatemala City, National Civilian Police, or PNC, deputy chief Gerson Oliva said. About 200 heavily armed men belonging to Los Zetas' Z 200 cell arrived in Los Cocos on Saturday night and attacked the farmworkers, PNC ...

New London Graduation Requirement: Speak English
Post Date: 2011-05-16 10:07:26 by Horse
Only 16 percent of 10th graders test at the highest levels. Students in New London will not only have to pass English to graduate, but they will have to prove that they know the American English language and be able to demonstrate it as of 2015. The board of education on Thursday approved the major change to city education policy, according to the Day of New London. Only 16 percent of New London High School 10th graders scored at the highest levels for English on standardized tests in 2010, the Day reports. The student body includes immigrants from 28 countries, the Day reports. And the school district Web site includes translations in 52 languages. "We know from colleges and ...

President EXCLUSIVE: Border Community Organizing Petition to Protest Obama's Immigration Speech
Post Date: 2011-05-14 14:07:00 by Horse
The residents of the Chiricahua-Peloncillo drug and human smuggling corridor that runs from the Mexican border north through eastern Arizona and western New Mexico are circulating a petition to send to the White House in response to President Obama's recent immigration speech. "It is with great wonderment and sadness that we listened to your May 10 speech on immigration issues. All of the joking about moats and alligators cut residents of Portal, AZ, to the core as we sheltered with friends or at a Red Cross evacuation site, to survive a terrible fire that still threatens our lives and property, as well as our ecotourism-based economy," the letter reads. On Sunday, a massive ...

West Texas rancher shoots 2 alleged trespassers .
Post Date: 2011-05-12 14:04:23 by X-15
EL PASO, Texas (AP) — Authorities say a West Texas rancher shot and injured two alleged trespassers then drove them to a fire station for help. The El Paso Times reports that the shootings occurred Wednesday in the same community where Hudspeth County Sheriff Arvin West last year told farmers to "arm yourselves" in response to drug violence spilling across the border. El Paso County sheriff's officials said the rancher alleged the two men were trespassing. Norangel Velez told KTSM-TV in El Paso that he and his father were looking for land to buy (BULLSHIT!!) when they took a wrong turn in their truck and the rancher began shooting without warning. Velez was shot once ...

Multicultural Hell Comes to America
Post Date: 2011-05-09 11:31:24 by Turtle
On September 11, 2001, multiculturalism came to America in a firestorm of glass and steel. Air travel shut down, tall buildings were evacuated, the stock market collapsed, and our government briefly went into hiding. Now America is at war. The authorities tell us our enemy Osama bin Laden has terrorist cells in dozens of countries, including the United States. Muslim fanatics plotting the next attack may even be living in your neighborhood right now. How did this come to pass? When did Americans decide to live in a racial Tower of Babel instead of the House of their Fathers? The beginnings of what we now call multiculturalism go back even before Brown v. Board of Education, but this ...

Albinos in Tanzania murdered or raped as AIDS "cure"
Post Date: 2011-05-05 12:07:44 by Horse
DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) – Hundreds of albinos are thought to have been killed for black magic purposes in Tanzania and albino girls are being raped because of a belief they offer a cure for AIDS, a Canadian rights group said on Thursday. At least 63 albinos, including children, are known to have been killed, mostly in the remote northwest of the country. "We believe there are hundreds and hundreds of killings in Tanzania, but only a small number are being reported to the police," Peter Ash, founder and director of Under The Same Sun (UTSS), told Reuters. "There is belief that if you have relations with a girl with albinism, you will cure AIDS. So there are many girls ...

Former college president arrested in [visa] fraud case
Post Date: 2011-05-04 16:01:46 by Prefrontal Vortex
Former college president arrested in [Visa] fraud case (05-02) 21:50 PDT Pleasanton, Calif. (AP) -- The president of a now-closed Pleasanton college has been arrested on what authorities are describing as a student visa fraud scheme. Federal prosecutors say Susan Xiao-Ping Su was arrested Monday after being indicted April 28 on 33 counts alleging visa fraud, money laundering and alien harboring. Prosectuors say while she was president of Tri-Valley University, Su submitted fraudulent documents in support of applications to admit foreign students on student visas. Once the applications were approved, Su then allegedly issued visa-related documents to student aliens in exchange for ...

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