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Post Date: 2005-10-01 17:17:34 by BTP Holdings
ILLEGAL ALIENS COST BILLIONS SAYS REPORT By Mike Blair October 3, 2005 American Free Press There are currently at least 20 million illegal aliens living in the United States, costing taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars for social services, police protection and medical care. Not to be overlooked are the dozens of state and federal agencies that have been created to deal with this growing problem. According to Diana Mull, president of Californians for Population Stabilization and an expert on immigration, the number of undocumented migrants in the United States is currently more than the entire population of New York State. It is larger than the combined populations of Alaska, ...

Doomed To Repeat
Post Date: 2005-10-01 16:50:02 by boonie rat
July 29-August 4, 2004 cover story Doomed To Repeat Forty years ago, political deceptions plunged the U.S. into war. A Navy pilot from New Hope, whose photographs helped escalate conflict in Vietnam, wants you to know the same thing happened in Iraq. by David S. Barry Although they have never met, Bob Kay and Daniel Ellsberg share an experience that spans five decades, eight presidencies and three wars. Both men worked on covert military programs in the early 1960s: Kay as a Navy reconnaissance pilot, and Ellsberg as an ex-Marine officer working at the Pentagon. And both were on duty Aug. 4, 1964, the day America turned the corner into the Vietnam War through an event known as the ...

Fractured States Of America - Part 3, It' All About Power
Post Date: 2005-10-01 01:08:16 by Coral Snake
Fractured States Of America - Part 3, It's All About Power By Frosty Wooldridge http://NewsWithViews.com 9-30-5 Power intoxicates. Hitler, Stalin, Alexander the Great, Caesar and Franklin D. Roosevelt loved power. It led those extremists toward notorious moments in history-at a loss of millions of lives. Today in America, rich men buy elected office with the power of money. Who funds the money? Now you're getting the picture-corporations. Why? They can affect legislation of our laws. Who heads them? Men with extreme power ambitions. Corporations pay millions of dollars for lobbyists to make certain laws are watered down, degraded, not passed or not enforced. The power of money gives ...

Fractured States Of America - Part 2, Danger Of Critical Mass
Post Date: 2005-10-01 01:02:52 by Coral Snake
Fractured States Of America - Part 2, Danger Of Critical Mass By Frosty Wooldridge http://NewsWithViews.com 9-30-5 Power intoxicates. Hitler, Stalin, Alexander the Great, Caesar and Franklin D. Roosevelt loved power. It led those extremists toward notorious moments in history-at a loss of millions of lives. Today in America, rich men buy elected office with the power of money. Who funds the money? Now you're getting the picture-corporations. Why? They can affect legislation of our laws. Who heads them? Men with extreme power ambitions. Corporations pay millions of dollars for lobbyists to make certain laws are watered down, degraded, not passed or not enforced. The power of money ...

Fractured States Of America - Part 2, Danger Of Critical Mass
Post Date: 2005-10-01 00:52:20 by Coral Snake
Fractured States Of America - Part 2, Danger Of Critical Mass By Frosty Wooldridge http://NewsWithViews.com 9-30-5 One thousand eight hundred years ago, Romans allowed Vandals an open ticket into Italy. Big mistake! The Vandals and other barbarians--Romans were barbarians too, but that is another story--gained critical mass. Consequently, Vandals overwhelmed Rome. The once greatest civilization known to humanity gasped its last breath in 476 A.D. If you believe the United States, as the world's only superpower, is too mighty to fall, look around you for graphic evidence pouring into every state in the Union. Today, as most Americans carry on their busy lives, they don't realize we ...

Fractured States Of America - Part 1, It's All About Money
Post Date: 2005-10-01 00:44:11 by Coral Snake
Fractured States Of America - Part 1, It's All About Money By Frosty Wooldridge http://NewsWithViews.com 9-30-5 America's disintegration accelerates--driven by money, power and novel for this century--critical mass. This country suffers a free fall because most Americans sit clueless in their Lazy Boys while a silent invasion undermines this nation's ability to function. Half our citizens don't vote in national elections and 80 percent stay home for local elections. We allowed 'purchased' senators, congressmen and a certain president to gain unprecedented power corrupted by corporate interests that have no concern for this nation's or your future. If ever a country was ripe for ...

America - Part 1It's All About Money
Post Date: 2005-09-30 20:17:31 by Kamala
Fractured States Of America - Part 1 It's All About Money By Frosty Wooldridge http://NewsWithViews.com 9-30-5 America's disintegration accelerates--driven by money, power and novel for this century--critical mass. This country suffers a free fall because most Americans sit clueless in their Lazy Boys while a silent invasion undermines this nation's ability to function. Half our citizens don't vote in national elections and 80 percent stay home for local elections. We allowed 'purchased' senators, congressmen and a certain president to gain unprecedented power corrupted by corporate interests that have no concern for this nation's or your future. If ever a country was ripe for ...

Two die as African migrants storm Spanish enclave
Post Date: 2005-09-29 12:53:05 by Tauzero
Two die as African migrants storm Spanish enclave 29.09.2005 - 10:47 By Tony Mejias CEUTA, Spain (Reuters) - Two African migrants died on Thursday as hundreds stormed a razorwire fence between Morocco and a Spanish enclave, the third assault in as many days on the rich European Union's only land borders with Africa. Government officials in the outpost of Ceuta said the two were either crushed in a stampede or fell, with 30 others injured. The Civil Guard said one was trampled to death and the other suffocated. State radio cited Spanish police sources as saying four Africans had died in the mass influx. "We've never seen numbers like this before -- a group this big and so organised ...

In L.A., immigrants bypass English
Post Date: 2005-09-28 15:33:54 by Zipporah
In ethnically diverse Los Angeles, many immigrants find that learning Korean, Spanish or Mandarin is more important than English. Manuel Aliga, a Peruvian immigrant, has spent years studying Korean. He runs a store that sells soccer supplies in Koreatown. At the beginning, English was very important -- and it still is, if I need to go to a government office or court or get a license, Aliaga told the Los Angeles Daily News. Aliaga began learning Korean because he worked in Korean owned groceries and wanted to talk to his employers and customers. Now, he needs to communicate with his own customers, suppliers and other business owners in the neighborhood. But he has also become an admirer ...

New Illegal Immigrants to U.S. Surpass Legal Immigrants Destinations of New Immigrants Have Broadened
Post Date: 2005-09-27 11:29:05 by Zipporah
The number of new illegal immigrants to the United States surpassed the number of authorized immigrants from 1999 through at least last year, according to a study based on government statistics that was released today by the Pew Hispanic Center. The study said that immigration to the United States-- legal and illegal, from all regions of the world-- rose during the 1990s, peaked in 2000 and declined substantially since 2001 as the national economy slowed. The number of new arrivals rose in 2004, as economic conditions improved, the study said. Although, the arrival of both authorized and unauthorized immigrants declined with the economic downturn, the number of legal immigrants declined ...

Forced marriage deals blamed for Asian ghettos (in UK)
Post Date: 2005-09-24 20:44:19 by robin
September 25, 2005 The Sunday Times Forced marriage deals blamed for Asian ghettos David Leppard and Ali Hussain THE number of British Asians bringing in spouses from the Indian subcontinent has doubled over five years, prompting warnings that the practice is helping to perpetuate ghettos. Instead of integrating over successive generations by marrying in the UK, some Asian communities are fuelling segregation through arranged marriages to overseas partners, according to a report by Migration Watch UK, an independent think tank. The report reveals that the number of spouses and fiancés from the Indian subcontinent doubled between 1996 and 2001, when 22,000 were granted entry into ...

Thousands of Criminals Nabbed by Border Patrol
Post Date: 2005-09-21 09:10:25 by robin
Thousands of Criminals Nabbed by Border Patrol Jim Kouri, CPP Since October 1, 2004, Border Patrol agents in the Tucson, AZ Sector have apprehended 27,834 illegal aliens with criminal records, 74 of which were for homicide. Last fiscal year, the Tucson Sector apprehended 14,506 illegal aliens with criminal records. These figures do not include the thousands of criminal aliens apprehended by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents or those in other Border Patrol sectors. For example, Border Patrol agents of the Tucson Sector apprehended an illegal alien with an outstanding murder warrant for his arrest in New York City. The suspect killed his victim, escaped back into Mexico and then ...

Bush to Press Congress for Guest-Worker Program, Tancredo Says
Post Date: 2005-09-20 20:00:40 by Brian S
Sept. 20 (Bloomberg) -- President George W. Bush will push this year for legislation overhauling immigration laws, including creating a new guest-worker program, said U.S. Representative Tom Tancredo, chairman of the House Immigration Reform Caucus. The Bush administration has met with Republican lawmakers to press the issue and will likely urge party leaders such as House Speaker Dennis Hastert to hold votes on immigration measures before the end of the congressional session, Tancredo said. ``Certainly there will be a tremendous amount of pressure to do something before Thanksgiving,'' Tancredo, a Colorado Republican who opposes Bush's guest-worker plan, said in an interview. ``The ...

Immigration memo intended for Rove arrives on Democrat's fax
Post Date: 2005-09-19 20:52:21 by Zipporah
An immigration memo intended for embattled White House advisor Karl Rove arrived instead on the fax machine of a Democratic congressman, RAW STORY can reveal. The congressman who received the fax opted not to comment, and asked that his name not be used. The focus of Smith's memo, addressed to "Hon. Karl Rove," is on immigration politics. "Immigration needs to be considered in the context of: (1). Media Bias, (2). Animosity toward the president and (3) the feelings of the Republican base," Smith's memo states. Smith is a member of the Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims as well as the Subcommittee on Economic Security, Infrastructure Protection, ...

Interim Guidance Process for Entry of Katrina Relief Workers (Documentation waived for foreign workers)
Post Date: 2005-09-19 12:23:36 by Zipporah
I got this in email from a known source. However there does not seem to be any way to verify the below info from CBP. Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 6:35 PM Subject: Hurricane Relief Workers? The orders have come in. Just about anybody can be classified as a Hurricane Relief Worker. They don't even need a passport or visa to enter. They can be "Paroled" into the US and given an "Employment Authorization." For those that are not familiar with the INA, an "Employment Authorization" is worth [its weight in] gold. With a simple stamp on your document bearing these 2 words a person can get a Social Security card in their name, a job, a whole new identity. Los SeƱores ...

White House shows guest- worker plan for entrants (Karl Rove at it again)
Post Date: 2005-09-19 12:17:20 by Zipporah
Those already here could stay for 3 years, then renew visas By C.J. Karamargin ARIZONA DAILY STAR The White House is preparing to unveil an immigration-reform plan that would allow millions of undocumented residents to remain in the United States as guest workers, two Arizona congressmen said. Under a plan presented to a handful of Republican lawmakers by top presidential adviser Karl Rove, undocumented residents already here could apply for a three-year guest-worker visa. As explained to the congressmen, the plan gives workers the opportunity to renew that visa for another three years before requiring them to leave the country. They could then apply again to return. Rep. Jim Kolbe, ...

Annual Mexican independence parade protested,Police keep pro- and anti-Minutemen demonstrators apart
Post Date: 2005-09-18 22:40:36 by christine
Austin's sixth annual Mexican Independence Day parade Saturday ended with a confrontation at the Capitol between the marchers and demonstrators protesting illegal immigration from Mexico. Police and state troopers kept the roughly 100 protesters and 400 marchers apart, especially when some began shouting at each other, but there were no incidents or arrests. The modest parade, consisting of decorated trailers, antique cars, and adults and children representing organizations such as the United Farm Workers, filled the north lane of traffic as it swept up Congress Avenue to the Capitol. It lacked the charros (Mexican cowboys) and horses of previous Diez y Seis parades, but, as in the past, ...

Unarmed volunteers attacked and terrorized in San Diego, US Flag desecrated
Post Date: 2005-09-18 19:21:39 by robin
Public Alert by FBP... Please alert your volunteers, supporters, and mailing lists. Unarmed volunteers attacked and terrorized in San Diego, US Flag desecrated By Andy Ramirez, FBP Chairman September 18, 2005 Dear Fellow Americans, It is with a heavy heart today that I write and ask for your support. Yesterday, September 17, 2005, a few of our unarmed volunteer citizens of Friends of the Border Patrol were attacked by the so-called peaceful humanitarians of Gente Unida [Enrique Morones' goons] in San Diego, California, as they were meeting at a gathering point for an orientation and training session. As many people know, our organization has spent many months training volunteers, including ...

Texans for Freedom Announces a Rally in Support of American and Texas Sovereignty against MECHA and La Raza Demonization of Texan Heritage Alex Jones to lead demonstration against dangerous reconquista movement
Post Date: 2005-09-18 00:06:31 by Coral Snake
Texans for Freedom Announces a Rally in Support of American and Texas Sovereignty against MECHA and La Raza Demonization of Texan Heritage Alex Jones to lead demonstration against dangerous reconquista movement http://Infowars.com | September 16, 2005 Having read reports that Texas United Latino Artists (TULA) is planning to lead a march down Congress from Riverside to the Capitol in celebration of Mexican independence from Spain, Texans for Freedom is announcing a counter demonstration to be led by its director, Alex Jones from 4:00-6:00 PM on Saturday, September 17 th at the intersection of Congress and 11 th Street in front of the big iron gates at the south entrance to the Capitol. ...

Rallies Denounce Civilian Border Patrol [attacks citizen patrols as hate-filled, white supremacists]
Post Date: 2005-09-17 12:39:07 by Brian S
Anticipating the arrival next month of citizen militias at California's border with Mexico, immigrants joined with religious, labor and community leaders Thursday in vigils and rallies in San Jose and Oakland, to denounce the growing number of armed volunteers conducting patrols. The news conference outside the Santa Clara County government center in San Jose was part of a statewide action to support California's immigrants, said the Rev. Jon Pedigo, a San Jose pastor, ``and reject the racist-tinged'' rhetoric of Minuteman, the group patrolling the Arizona border and preparing to start in California in October. Rallies also were held in Sacramento and San Diego. ``We believe there's no ...

White House shows guest- worker plan for entrants
Post Date: 2005-09-16 21:28:27 by StarShadow
White House shows guest- worker plan for entrants Those already here could stay for 3 years, then renew visas By C.J. Karamargin ARIZONA DAILY STAR The White House is preparing to unveil an immigration-reform plan that would allow millions of undocumented residents to remain in the United States as guest workers, two Arizona congressmen said. Under a plan presented to a handful of Republican lawmakers by top presidential adviser Karl Rove, undocumented residents already here could apply for a three-year guest-worker visa. As explained to the congressmen, the plan gives workers the opportunity to renew that visa for another three years before requiring them to leave the country. They ...

White House to Fortify U.S.-Mexico Border
Post Date: 2005-09-14 22:41:49 by Brian S
(09-14) 18:34 PDT SAN DIEGO, (AP) -- The Bush administration said Wednesday it will fortify the westernmost stretch of the U.S.-Mexico border, despite concerns the project will harm a refuge for endangered birds. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff signed an environmental waiver that expedites the Border Patrol's plans to fill in canyons and erect additional fencing along the final 3 1/2 miles of the border before it meets the Pacific Ocean. Chertoff said the fortifications would help reduce illegal border crossings. But Border Patrol Chief David Aguilar told reporters the project was a broader effort to close gaps that terrorists and others could exploit. "This is ...

Court: Illegal Immigrant Eligible For Workers Compensation
Post Date: 2005-09-14 13:01:38 by Brian S
ANNAPOLIS, Md. -- Maryland law providing compensation for on-the-job injuries applies to illegal immigrants even if they are not lawfully employed, the Court of Appeals ruled Monday. Six of the seven judges on the state's highest court joined in the majority opinion that said the workers compensation law does not specifically mention whether status as an undocumented worker affects an employees ability to be compensated if injured at work. The majority noted that the law specifies that it should be "construed as liberally in favor of injured employees as its provisions will permit in order to effectuate its benevolent purposes" and that "any uncertainty in the law should be ...

Minuteman area group calls it quits
Post Date: 2005-09-14 10:47:08 by StarShadow
The first Texas chapter of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps disbanded Monday. "The Goliad chapter of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps was dissolved today," chapter president Kenneth Buelter said in a brief e-mail sent to the Victoria Advocate on Monday evening. The e-mail included no further explanation and directed all comments to either Minuteman Civil Defense Corps of Texas president Al Garza or to a representative of the Falfurrias chapter. Repeated attempts to contact Buelter on Monday evening were unsuccessful. Buelter notified the Texas leader of his resignation and the dissolution of the Goliad-area chapter Monday evening, Garza said in a phone interview from ...

Undocumented aliens rebuilding Biloxi, say they deserve visas
Post Date: 2005-09-13 19:07:59 by Zipporah
BILOXI, Mississippi - As Biloxi rises from the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, it is doing much of it on the backs of undocumented foreign workers. Some are starting to suggest that their contributions are worth at least a temporary visa. "If we are working and helping to raise this city, at least they should give us a work visa," said Manuel Armenta, a 44-year-old Mexican who came to Biloxi five months ago to do cleaning work at a hotel. His old workplace - and his apartment - are now in ruins, but the hurricane created plenty of new jobs: cleaning up the hotels and casinos that fed much of the economy and putting new roofing on buildings of all sorts. President Bush long ...

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