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Are Federal Officials Above the Law?
Post Date: 2010-04-05 06:08:04 by Ada
A federal judge’s ruling in a case challenging the Bush administration’s infamous and illegal domestic surveillance case will likely demonstrate, once again, the hypocrisy and deceit of Barack Obama and his merry band of liberal statists. When Obama was a presidential candidate, he emphasized to American voters that President Bush’s warrantless surveillance of Americans was “unconstitutional and illegal.” But once Obama got into office, he silenced his tune, especially in lawsuits that were brought by victims of this criminal action. Like Bush’s Justice Department, Obama’s Justice Department took the position that people’s lawsuits should be ...

10 illegal aliens in S.C. admit to bilking IRS out of $13 million
Post Date: 2010-04-03 20:46:57 by Phant2000
Ten people illegally in the United States pleaded guilty for their involvement in a four-year, $13 million fraud against the Internal Revenue Service, acting U.S. Attorney Kevin F. McDonald said Thursday. Nine defendants pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit mail fraud and for entering the United States without authorization, Assistant U.S. Attorney David C. Stephens told The Greenville News . The 10th defendant pleaded guilty to mail fraud and illegal entry, Stephens said. Senior U.S. District Judge G. Ross Anderson Jr. accepted the pleas and will sentence the defendants later. “This is the largest tax fraud case that I’m aware of ever occurring in the district of South ...

Somali Muslims Changing Small Town - CBN.com
Post Date: 2010-04-02 17:59:40 by Horse

Racial ‘Cleansing’ in L.A. Federal prosecutors say a powerful Latino gang systematically targeted rival black gang members and innocent black civilians in a reign of terror
Post Date: 2010-04-02 00:16:04 by Horse
A south Los Angeles Latino street gang targeted African-American gang rivals and other blacks in a campaign of neighborhood "cleansing," federal prosecutors say. Alleged leaders and foot soldiers in the Hispanic gang Florencia 13, also called F13, are being arraigned this week on charges stemming from a pair of federal indictments that allege that the gang kept a tight grip on its turf by shooting members of a rival gang—and sometimes random black civilians. The "most disturbing aspect" of the federal charges was that "innocent citizens … ended up being shot simply because of the color of their skin," U.S. Attorney Thomas O'Brien told reporters in ...

Mexican Drug Gangs Attack Army Bases Near the Border
Post Date: 2010-04-01 17:18:02 by Horse
Drug gangs in Mexico have attacked two army bases in a serious escalation in the country's drug war. Eighteen gang members died in the ensuing gun battles, in which gunmen attacked in force in bulletproof vehicles, using hand grenades and assault rifles. The attempts to blockade soldiers inside their bases were part of seven attacks across two northern border states of Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon - areas that have seen escalating violence in recent months. Army General Edgar Luis Villegas called the attacks "desperate reactions by criminal gangs to the progress being made by federal authorities" on He said gunmen parked trucks and SUVs outside a military base in the border ...

States Boost Border Security as Pleas to Washington Go Unmet
Post Date: 2010-03-31 16:53:53 by scrapper2
Border states are looking to take matters into their own hands, boosting law enforcement to patrol for illegal immigrants while their pleas for federal assistance go unmet in the wake of the murder of a prominent Arizona rancher. Local authorities suspect Robert Krentz, found dead on his cattle ranch Saturday night, was killed by an illegal immigrant who fled back across the border into Mexico. Gov. Jan Brewer told Fox News on Wednesday that after repeatedly calling on the federal government to send in 250 National Guard troops, she hasn't ruled out making the call herself. "I can, and I haven't ruled that out," she said. Brewer has also offered state law enforcement ...

Rancher's Murder Exposes Deadly Gaps in Border Policing, Tancredo Says
Post Date: 2010-03-30 19:57:34 by scrapper2
Former Colorado Rep. Tom Tancredo, reacting to the murder of a well-known Arizona rancher by an assailant authorities believe was an illegal immigrant, said violence on the border has spiraled out of control and the federal government seems powerless to stop it. Tancredo, who has called on the Obama administration to deploy the National Guard in response, told FoxNews.com Tuesday that the killing shows how bad the situation has become for Americans living north of the Mexican border. "The violence on the border is ... getting worse all the time," he said. "This is just a horrible manifestation of it." Tancredo, a Republican who briefly ran for president in 2008, said ...

An argument to be made about immigrant babies and citizenship
Post Date: 2010-03-30 17:44:22 by scrapper2
A simple reform would drain some scalding steam from immigration arguments that may soon again be at a roiling boil. It would bring the interpretation of the 14th Amendment into conformity with what the authors of its text intended, and with common sense, thereby removing an incentive for illegal immigration. To end the practice of "birthright citizenship," all that is required is to correct the misinterpretation of that amendment's first sentence: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside." From these words has flowed the practice of ...

Video: Students Becoming Part of Mexican Drug Cartels
Post Date: 2010-03-29 13:03:51 by Horse

Sen. Graham: Obamacare Doomed Immigration Bill
Post Date: 2010-03-29 01:23:11 by Horse
South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham says Democrats' aggressive push for healthcare reform has "poisoned the well" for immigration reform, leaving it effectively "dead" in the Senate. "When I say immigration's dead in the Senate, risk-aversion abounds," Graham told the media during a Capitol Hill news conference, "Some of my colleagues will lose over healthcare. The consequences of this vote are going to be long-lasting politically." Graham's view that immigration reform had been torpedoed by healthcare reform should come as no surprise to leading Democrats.

The White Anxiety Crisis
Post Date: 2010-03-28 19:56:18 by Horse
Two competing narratives dominate our debate about the ongoing ethnic and demographic transformation of America. The first holds that non-European immigrants — O.K., let's be honest, Mexicans — will rip apart the nation's social fabric. The second has it that the diversity of younger generations of Americans will inevitably lead to a more integrated, postracial era. But both of these narratives are off the mark. With some minor differences, today's immigrants are assimilating into U.S. society in ways not terribly unlike those of millions before them. At the same time, it's likely that decades from now, Americans will still invest a lot of meaning in group ...

Tancredo to keynote Tea Party protest in Arizona 20 miles from Mexican border
Post Date: 2010-03-25 17:23:20 by X-15
DENVER, COLORADO -- Former Congressman Tom Tancredo will be the keynote speaker at a Tea Party protest rally on March 27 in Sonoita, Arizona, a rural crossroads located about 20 miles from the Arizona-Mexico border. The event is sponsored by the Sonoita Tea Party organization. The trip will be the former congressman's first visit to the border region since President Obama took office. "The Tea Party movement is a grassroots citizen protest against government takeover of health care, catastrophic public debt and a bureaucracy eroding our freedoms. All of these taxpayer burdens are made worse by the costs imposed by 15 to 20 million illegal immigrants," said Tancredo." ...

What Happens Next In Immigration Reform?46;
Post Date: 2010-03-25 04:28:11 by Itistoolate
What Happens Next In Immigration Reform?46;

Minutemen return to the border – this time locked and loaded
Post Date: 2010-03-24 21:47:50 by X-15
TOMBSTONE – On March 15, Minuteman Civil Defense Corps President Carmen Mercer sent out an e-mail message proclaiming, “High Alert for All Minutemen.” Her message began with, “Obama cuts border security funding and freezes hiring of new Border Patrol.” She wrote, “The Minutemen are returning to the border – locked and loaded – to say, ‘You are wrong Obama, America comes first!’” Mercer chastised the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, stating Janet Napolitano thinks “border security is a waste of time and a politically sensitive issue,” adding the Minutemen are returning to the border – locked and loaded ...

Trucks Burned in Possible Threat to California Police
Post Date: 2010-03-24 15:39:57 by Horse
Four city trucks were torched in a Southern California town plagued by booby trap attacks on police officers, and authorities said Wednesday the fires might be linked to the previous attempts. The city code enforcement trucks were discovered burning at about 11:30 p.m. Tuesday at a Hemet City Hall parking lot about two blocks from the police department, authorities said. The trucks were empty and no one was hurt. Although the trucks are not issued to police, investigators believe the arson is connected to threats and booby-trap attacks aimed at an anti-gang task force in Hemet, a desert city about 85 miles east of Los Angeles. "The flames were going 2 to 3 feet above the truck in ...

California, in Financial Crisis, Opens Prison Doors
Post Date: 2010-03-24 05:34:32 by Jethro Tull
California Reeling: California’s Zigzag on Welfare Rules Worries Experts (October 7, 2009) Times Topic: California Budget Crisis Enlarge This Image Michal Czerwonka for The New York TimesThe terms of Eric Susie's parole changed under California's new law. “I feel like I am finally free,” he said. More Photos » The state has begun in recent weeks the most significant changes since the 1970s to reduce overcrowding — and chip away at an astonishing 70 percent recidivism rate, the highest in the country — as the prison population becomes a major drag on the state’s crippled finances. Many in the state still advocate a tough approach, with ...

Suspect in sex charges case kills self in home
Post Date: 2010-03-22 22:05:24 by DeaconBenjamin
A Delaware man who had been indicted on charges of rape and gross sexual imposition against a child fatally shot himself Friday night after officers arrived to arrest him, officials said. Zewar R. Ali-Dib, 28, of 246 Silver Maple Dr., was found dead in his apartment, according to news releases from Delaware city police and county deputy sheriffs. Earlier Friday, a Delaware County grand jury indicted Ali-Dib on one count of rape and five counts of gross sexual imposition, Sheriff Walter L. Davis III said. Officers arrived with an arrest warrant about 9:20 p.m. After knocking on the door, they saw someone peek out a front window and then heard a woman inside scream, police said. Jennifer ...

Obama backs senators' immigration overhaul outline
Post Date: 2010-03-20 23:22:36 by Rotara
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama, facing criticism from advocates of immigration reform, pledged Thursday "to do everything in my power" to get immigration legislation moving in Congress this year. Obama said work on an immigration bill should move forward based on an outline released Thursday by Sens. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. "A critical next step will be to translate their framework into a legislative proposal, and for Congress to act at the earliest possible opportunity," Obama said. The outline calls for illegal immigrants to admit they broke the law, pay a fine and back taxes, and perform community service if they want to get on ...

59% Say U.S. Should Continue To Build Fence on U.S.-Mexico Border
Post Date: 2010-03-19 23:58:12 by Eric Stratton
59% Say U.S. Should Continue To Build Fence on U.S.-Mexico Border Thursday, March 18, 2010 The Obama administration announced on Tuesday that it is halting funding of the fence along the U.S.-Mexico border, but 59% of Americans believe the United States should continue to build that fence. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 26% of adults disagree and think the building of the fence should be stopped. Fifteen percent (15%) more are not sure. Support for the fence has been at this level for several years. In January of last year, 60% favored the continued building of the fence to help stop illegal immigration and drug trafficking. In August 2007, 56% felt ...

Perry activates violence response plan for border (Texas)
Post Date: 2010-03-18 22:32:06 by X-15
March 16 Texas Gov. Rick Perry has activated a secret contingency plan to handle spillover violence, citing an increasing threat along the Texas-Mexico border. Perry's office said details of the plan, activated Tuesday, wouldn't be released because of security concerns. However, the governor said, "We have taken important measures to increase the law enforcement presence along the Texas border and have placed additional resources on standby to combat any potential situation." The plan includes increased surveillance of border activity and more ground, air and maritime patrols. Additional resources ready for rapid deployment have been placed on standby. Those resources ...

Dick Armey: Tom Tancredo is ‘Destructive’ to Republicans on Immigration
Post Date: 2010-03-18 02:14:03 by X-15
Former Republican House leader Dick Armey said staunch anti-immigration opponents such as Rep. Tom Tancredo are destructive to Republicans — and are alienating a “natural” constituency that could help the party win elections. “Who in the Republican Party was the genius that said that now that we have identified the fastest-growing voting demographic in America, let’s go out and alienate them?” Armey said, referencing Hispanics, during a luncheon in Washington at the National Press Club. “When I was the majority leader, I saw to it that Tom Tancredo did not get on the stage because I saw how destructive he was,” Armey said of the Colorado ...

U.S. puts brakes on "virtual" border fence
Post Date: 2010-03-17 11:29:25 by Horse
(Reuters) - The U.S. government is pulling $50 million in funding from a problematic "virtual fence" meant to secure stretches of the Mexico border and is freezing additional funding for the project pending review, authorities said on Tuesday. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said an allocation of $50 million in funds made under the Recovery Act would be taken away from the ill-starred SBInet program, which seeks to mesh video cameras, radar, sensors and other technologies into a high-tech system to detect smugglers. Napolitano said the project, which started in 2006 and was being developed by Boeing Co, has been beset by technical problems, missed deadlines and cost ...

New Immigrants Avoiding Big Cities, Study Finds
Post Date: 2010-03-16 20:48:06 by Prefrontal Vortex
New Immigrants Avoiding Big Cities, Study Finds More new immigrants are settling in mid-size metropolitan areas like Detroit and Minneapolis, according to a study released Monday. (Mark Fox/Summit Daily News/AP) By Daniel B. Wood Staff writer posted March 15, 2010 at 7:24 pm EDT Los Angeles — US immigrant populations are spreading out, a study released Monday found. New immigrants and their US-born descendants are expected to grow by 117 million by 2050, making up 82 percent of the US population growth over that period, and will “have important implications for housing demand at a time when aging baby boomers are expected to retire and leave the housing market,” the study ...

What Was Karl Rove Thinking? Some Clues From His Autobiography
Post Date: 2010-03-16 13:33:41 by Prefrontal Vortex
What Was Karl Rove Thinking? Some Clues From His Autobiography By Steve Sailer Karl Rove, “The Architect” of George W. Bush’s campaigns and domestic policy, has been one of the central figures of this already puzzling century. No single adviser has been more closely linked to a President since Henry Kissinger served Richard Nixon. For most of the last decade, Rove defined the official Republican line, stomping alternative conservative viewpoints into obscurity. And it all ended in catastrophe. So is Rove’s autobiography, Courage and Consequence: My Life as a Conservative in the Fight, the first memoir from a true Bush insider, enlightening about what went wrong? ...

In Mexico, 13 killed in Acapulco area, 11 others elsewhere in Guerrero Five police officers are slain and the bullet-riddled bodies of eight men are found in Acapulco just as foreign tourists are arriving for spring break.
Post Date: 2010-03-15 13:36:27 by Horse
Reporting from Mexico City At least 13 people were killed Saturday, some of them beheaded, around the popular beach resort of Acapulco, just as foreign visitors have begun arriving for spring break. Elsewhere in the Guerrero state where Acapulco is located, 11 other people, including soldiers and suspected traffickers, were killed, authorities said. The dead in Acapulco included five police officers, authorities said, who were ambushed while on patrol on the city's outskirts about 2 a.m. Over the next four hours, the bullet-riddled bodies of eight men were discovered in three locations, police said. Four had been beheaded, in the style typical of drug traffickers who have been at ...

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