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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Watch: Biden Press Secretary Says "You're With The Smugglers If You Claim Border Is Open"
Post Date: 2022-12-20 17:21:58 by Horse
“The removal of Title 42 does not mean the border is open…Anyone who suggests otherwise is simply doing the work of these smugglers, who are spreading misinformation...”

They HID the numbers at the border, it's much worse than they're admitting | Redacted News
Post Date: 2022-12-20 01:12:46 by Horse
Poster Comment:New reports show that migrants have been under-reported by 18,000%. That's a lot! How will the U.S. account for and support this massive influx? What will happen to collective living? It's a scary question! Ankle monitors under reported by 600%.

"We Are In Urgent Need For Help": NYC Mayor Starts Freaking Out Over Impending Wave Of Illegal Migrants
Post Date: 2022-12-19 10:05:50 by Horse
"Our shelter system is full, and we are nearly out of money, staff and space..." Poster Comment:In Texas and likely elsewhere illegal aliens are pushing Americans out onto the streets just days before Christmas. In Denver their mayor freaked out after 1,000 illegal aliens showed up. Biden let in more than 11 million illegal aliens since the Democrats stole the election of 2020.

Biden's Migrants Are Displacing Americans from Homeless Shelters
Post Date: 2022-12-18 19:20:58 by Horse
Tens of thousands of economic migrants invited by President Joe Biden are displacing Americans from homeless shelters just before Christmas, according to the Wall Street Journal. The newspaper reported on December 15 from El Paso, Texas, where the many job-seeking migrants are being released by Alejandro Mayorkas’s easy migration policies. The numbers are so high that many migrants cannot find seats in departing buses and aircraft: John Martin, deputy director at El Paso’s Opportunity Center for the Homeless … said the Opportunity Center’s five shelters traditionally focus on the city’s local homeless population but since August have routinely ...

‘Bostonians Of The Year’: Martha’s Vineyard Residents Win Praise For Dealing With Illegal Aliens For 48 Hours
Post Date: 2022-12-17 17:50:45 by Ada
Martha's Vineyard, MA - September 16: Venezuelan migrants and volunteers celebrate together outside of St. Andrew's Parish House. Two planes of migrants from Venezuela arrived suddenly two days prior causing the local community to mobilize and create a makeshift shelter at the church. (Photo by Carlin Stiehl for The Boston Globe via Getty Images) Remember when Martha’s Vineyard residents had to deal with illegal aliens for two days in September courtesy of one Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL)? This was after Labor Day and “the season” was starting to slow down. Suddenly, 49 men, women, and children appeared on the island. None of these liberals had ever seen anything ...

Washington state to provide illegal immigrants with health, dental insurance through Affordable Care Act
Post Date: 2022-12-15 13:30:26 by Horse
The Biden administration has extended eligibility of the Affordable Care Act, also referred to as Obamacare, at the request of Washington state's government, which would allow the state to provide illegal immigrants with health and dental insurance, Fox News Digital reported. Poster Comment:Democrats paying off illegal alien voters.

France in chaos and 14-year-old boy dead after World Cup football fans riot
Post Date: 2022-12-15 09:54:51 by Horse
A 14-year-old boy has been killed after being run down in Rue de la Mosson, near the football stadium in Montpellier, France. This comes as football fans have clashed in the cities of Paris, Nice, Lyon and Montpellier after France beat Morocco 2-0 in the World Cup semi-final. Poster Comment:Argentina vs France on Sunday, 9AM. A reporter criticized Argentina saying that a third of Argentina used to be Black, obvious genocide.

US Weighs Opening Venezuela Asylum Program To Nicaraguans, Haitians, Cubans
Post Date: 2022-12-14 18:24:32 by Horse
Everyone in the pool! Poster Comment:The goals is to cut our wages 60% so we can accept a Global Government.

Imagine 6.4m illegal migrants in a SINGLE year!
Post Date: 2022-12-13 10:56:52 by Horse
Astonishingly, it's about to get easier to enter the US - and, says TODD BENSMAN, future generations will never forget the moment the hurricane hit Every record in the annals of mass migration lay shattered after nearly two years of President Joe Biden's negligent stewardship of the American southern border. Yet unimaginably, in about a week's time, it's going to get catastrophically worse. Image removed.Total known illegal border crossings stand at a record-breaking 4.4 million in 2022 with another 1.5 million estimated 'got-aways' believed to have slipped into the country undetected. Interior deportations are at the lowest number ever and the ...

Whos Paying for This? Mexican Police Escort 20 Buses of Illegal Aliens and Drop Them Off at US Border in Juarez
Post Date: 2022-12-13 07:28:55 by Horse
Are Joe Biden and Democrats giving US dollars to leftist organizations and NGOs to facilitate the invasion across the open US southern border?

Robots set their sights on a new job: sewing blue jeans
Post Date: 2022-12-12 11:46:29 by Horse
Will a robot ever make your blue jeans? There is a quiet effort underway to find out — involving clothing and technology companies, including Germany’s Siemens AG and Levi Strauss & Co. "Clothing is the last trillion-dollar industry that hasn’t been automated," said Eugen Solowjow, who heads a project at a Siemens lab in San Francisco that has worked on automating apparel manufacturing since 2018. The idea of using robots to bring more manufacturing back from overseas gained momentum during the pandemic as snarled supply chains highlighted the risks of relying on distant factories. Finding a way to cut out handwork in China and Bangladesh would allow more ...

The nightmare before Christmas:
Post Date: 2022-12-11 10:15:23 by Horse
Jeep lays off 1,350 workers at Illinois Cherokee SUV plant - blames high cost of switching to electric car production and moves factory to MEXICO Hundreds of workers are expected to be laid off when automaker Stellantis closes an assembly plant in northern Illinois early next year, citing the challenge of rising costs of electric vehicle production. The company, which employs about 1,350 workers at the plant in Belvidere, Illinois, said the action will result in indefinite layoffs and it may not resume operations as it considers other options.  Stellantis said the industry 'has been adversely affected by a multitude of factors like the ...

Post Date: 2022-12-10 22:56:06 by Horse
Biden Regime Boasts Full Steam Ahead On Terminating Title 42, Welcoming 30,000 Illegal Aliens EVERY DAY Since assuming power, Joe Biden has deliberately orchestrated the worst border disaster in American history to pacify the radical left. An announcement from his regime on Wednesday, however, will make us long for the current crisis. Poster Comment:Latino illegals require $5,500 in subsidies per family per year from taxpayers. They drive up rents. Young people are paying over 50% of their after tax income for rent. We get higher energy costs and lower wages. Why? Because we are over populated by design.

Miscalculation causes ICE to underreport illegal immigrants released without tracking technology by over 18,000%
Post Date: 2022-12-10 18:37:29 by Horse
During a private event hosted by ICE last week, the agency distributed documents to attendees about the 2004 “Alternatives to Detention” program. The initiative was launched as a “flight-mitigation tool” to track illegal immigrants using ankle bracelets and cell phones while they await scheduled court proceedings.

Woke LA DA George Gascn orders prosecutors not to charge immigrants
Post Date: 2022-12-08 12:19:40 by Horse
because they might be DEPORTED and instead consider non-criminal programs Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón has ordered his prosecutors to avoid filing criminal charges against illegal immigrants - so that they don't get deported.  Woke Gascón's new directive issued this week means prosecutors will have to weigh the effects of their charging decisions on the immigration status of the suspects. Instead, they will be encouraged to seek diversion programs to help avoid offenders, living in LA illegally, from being deported. 

Are Muslims Invading the UK?
Post Date: 2022-12-07 10:02:09 by Horse
The secretary of the United Kingdom’s Home Office, which regulates immigration, recently caused a scandal by referring to the nonstop immigration of mostly Muslim migrants as an “invasion.” On Oct. 30, 2022, Suella Braverman said: The British people deserve to know which party is serious about stopping the invasion on our southern coast and which party is not… Some 40,000 people have arrived on the south coast this year alone, many of them facilitated by criminal gangs, some of them actual members of criminal gangs. So let’s stop pretending that they are all refugees in distress: the whole country knows that that is not true…. I’m utterly serious ...

ICE Is Massively Misreporting How Many Illegal Immigrants Are Being Released With GPS Trackers
Post Date: 2022-12-06 11:13:27 by Horse
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is significantly misreporting the number of illegal immigrants released into the country with GPS tracking technology by nearly 600%, according to an internal document exclusively obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

HHS knowingly transferred migrant children to criminals, sex traffickers, GOP senators charge
Post Date: 2022-12-06 10:50:10 by Horse
Republican senators are accusing the Department of Health and Human Services of "knowingly" transferring unaccompanied migrant children to criminals, based on a new whistleblower claim. In letters to HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra and Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (HSGAC) Chairman Gary Peters, D-Mich., first obtained by Fox News Digital, Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., and other GOP senators demand a hearing to investigate the shocking whistleblower claim. "We write in response to recently reported claims by federal employee whistleblower that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is knowingly transferring unaccompanied migrant ...

Europe Shows A Clear Link Between Immigration And Crime
Post Date: 2022-12-03 15:46:46 by Horse
Immigrants – as a group – commit crime at higher rates than the native-born population... Poster Comment:In 2016 illegal aliens killed 25 Americans every day, half through bad and drunken driving incidents. Probably many more 8 years later

French Diversity Working Well - Moving Bus Gets Robbed
Post Date: 2022-12-01 23:52:33 by Horse

Project Veritas: HHS Whistleblower Reveals ‘Tax Dollars’ Spent to ‘Put Children in the Hands of Criminals’…
Post Date: 2022-11-30 07:51:50 by Horse
Migrant Child: My Female Sponsor ‘Would Pimp Me to Men’ (VIDEO) Project Veritas on Tuesday released video of a Department of Health & Human Services whistleblower revealing US tax dollars were spent to put children in the hands of criminals. Tara Lee Rodas, Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity & Efficiency, told Project Veritas that the US government in complicit in child trafficking. One migrant child said her female sponsor would “pimp” her to men. “The tax dollars of people who are listening [to my testimony to Project Veritas] are paying to put children in the hands of criminals,” Rodas said. Rodas continued, “Our sponsors ...

French Interior Minister Labels Italy An "Enemy" Of France After Migration Row
Post Date: 2022-11-24 10:00:52 by Horse
...very undiplomatic... Poster Comment:Italy is refusing boat loads of African refugees. It sends them to France.

Post Date: 2022-11-23 11:49:44 by Horse
As the President of the VDARE Foundation, I work alongside my husband, Editor of VDARE.com, Peter Brimelow, to defeat the post-1964 Immigration Act disaster that has set America on a course of destruction. For us it is not a job but a mission. VDARE is an institution designed and built to fight for and defend the Historic American Nation. Our work in building this institution contradicts the defeatist murmuring of many we otherwise respect, that “conservatives are no good at community organizing,” or, as a prominent foundation executive said in a panel at the recent Philadelphia Society meeting, “We don’t think institutionally.” That has never been true. In ...

Joe Biden's sneaky new 'alternative immigration program' escorting migrants in from Mexico, work permits in hand
Post Date: 2022-11-21 09:53:58 by Ada
The ending of Title 42 COVID restrictions on illegal migrants by a federal judge pretty well signalled to millions of migrants that the border's open and no federal official can stop them so long as they utter the magic word 'asylum.' That alone is grounds to expect the mother of all border surges. But why stop there?  Rather than enforcing immigration laws and asylum abuse as the U.S. laws require, the White House has come up with a sneaky new plan to spirit the millions of migrants massing now at the border in without the Fox News helicopter cameras on them.   Why secret? Because with immigration law itself not stopping the ...

Nicholas Joseph Gutierrez, suspect accused of mowing down 25 LA sheriffs recruits on morning run, released from jail
Post Date: 2022-11-18 17:16:54 by Horse
The 22-year-old man who was arrested for allegedly mowing down dozens of Los Angeles sheriff’s recruits deliberately with his SUV, leaving several critically injured, has been released from jail to allow police to gather more evidence. Nicholas Joseph Gutierrez, who was charged with attempted murder of a peace officer, was released at 9:49 p.m. Thursday, according to jail records that cited an insufficient complaint, CNN reported. “Due to the extreme complexity of the investigation, which includes ongoing interviews, video surveillance review, and additional evidence needed to be analyzed, homicide investigators have released Mr. Gutierrez from the Sheriff’s ...

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