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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Our Afghan Atomic Bomb—Insane Foreign Policy Meets Insane Immigration Policy
Post Date: 2021-09-05 08:32:34 by Ada
We are now out of Afghanistan. This is such a relief after twenty years of futility, Joe Biden has been getting thanks from some surprising people—Ann Coulter and Richard Spencer, for example. I’m as glad as they are. But I think the appalling mess Biden’s people made of the evacuation cancels out any gratitude due to the president. When the Soviet Union, on its last geriatric legs, made a cleaner, cheaper show of withdrawing from Afghanistan in defeat than we have, heads should roll. A basic atom bomb depends on a mass of nuclear material going into a spontaneous fission reaction. You put two or more subcritical masses into some device, keeping them apart from each ...

DHS's E-Verify Authorizes Thousands Of Illegal Immigrants To Work In US
Post Date: 2021-09-04 20:32:22 by Horse
"...[errors] resulted in E-Verify deeming about 613,000 individuals ‘Employment Authorized’ without meeting USCIS’ own identification system-use requirement.”

Border Patrol using wild mustangs to patrol border with Mexico
Post Date: 2021-09-04 16:10:43 by Ada
SUNLAND PARK, N.M. — Whiskey had a busy morning roaming the rugged hills that surround one of the busiest migrant crossings on the southern border. The 8-year-old quarter horse and his Border Patrol rider helped round up some 30 migrants who had tried to hide in the scrub in the border badlands before dawn on Wednesday. Whiskey is one of 334 horses patrolling the border with Mexico, able to reach remote areas where there are no roads and no access for even four-wheel-drive or all-terrain vehicles. “Working this whole area and climbing up Cristo Rey on horseback is so much easier,” said Whiskey’s Border Patrol rider, who did not want to be identified. He said that he ...

Why Are Brits Forced to Take PCR COVID Tests on Returning to UK
Post Date: 2021-09-04 11:13:28 by Horse
But Illegal Migrants Aren’t Brits face harsher restrictions than foreign asylum seekers. A member of the House of Lords is demanding to know why Brits returning to the UK from abroad are required to take several PCR COVID tests even if fully vaccinated while illegal migrants, the vast majority of whom are unvaccinated, don’t have to take a PCR test at all. Under the current system, UK citizens returning from countries on the ‘amber list’ – which includes numerous popular holiday destinations – are forced to take multiple PCR tests at their own cost to prove they are not carrying the virus, even if they have been double jabbed. Illegal migrants arriving via ...

Over 80% of Culprits Responsible For Looting After German Floods Were Foreign Migrants
Post Date: 2021-09-04 08:34:04 by Ada
An investigation into the identity of criminal looters who exploited the chaos following the devastating floods in Germany has found that over 80 per cent of the culprits were migrants of non-German origin. Diversity continues to remain a strength. The floods killed over 180 people and caused billions in property damage, but the situation was worsened by criminal opportunists carrying out looting and robberies amidst a temporary breakdown in normal law and order. “Rumors that the looters were predominately foreigners was dismissed as “right-wing propaganda” or disinformation on social media,” reports RMX News. “However, as more information flows in, it is ...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez let the cat out of the bag on how Joe Biden plans to open the border
Post Date: 2021-09-02 18:12:03 by BTP Holdings
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez let the cat out of the bag on how Joe Biden plans to open the border The open borders crisis is about to get worse. Democrats are already laying the groundwork for a massive influx of migrants. And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez let the cat out of the bag on how Joe Biden plans to open the border. Some Democrats look at the chaos in Afghanistan due to Joe Biden’s incompetently executed withdrawal as a chance to open the border and flood America with a massive influx of refugees. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is one of those Democrats. Americans don’t mind allowing the small number of Afghans that assisted the U.S. military into the country, but only after all ...

Gov. DeSantis Demands Biden Admin Cease Resettlement Of Illegals In Florida
Post Date: 2021-08-29 17:14:56 by Horse
"...the resulting influx of unvetted illegal aliens endangers our national security and undermines the socioeconomic wellbeing of hardworking American citizens,"

Green Card Applicants Will Soon Need COVID-19 Vaccine To Be Eligible: CDC
Post Date: 2021-08-29 08:46:21 by Horse
"...vaccination and routine infection control practices will provide the best protection from COVID-19 for applicants..." Poster Comment:That will discourage the Green Card holders. But the illegal aliens will still be coming.

Protector of Strangers
Post Date: 2021-08-28 15:15:34 by Ada
Theoxeny is a theme in Greek mythology in which mortals demonstrate their virtue by extending hospitality to a complete stranger, usually one who is humble like a beggar or a poor traveler. The stranger turns out to be a deity in disguise. The man who is a generous host, thus displaying his piety, is rewarded, while the man who refuses to extend hospitality is punished for his lack of piety. For the ancient Greeks, hospitality toward foreigners and guests was a very important moral obligation. Zeus is sometimes called Zeus Xenios because of his role as a protector of strangers. The name Xenios is derived from xenos, the Greek word for “stranger.” To have Zeus, the ruler of the ...

Immigration Is Really Just a Distraction at This Point – It Doesn’t Matter Anymore
Post Date: 2021-08-26 09:36:06 by Ada
A natural conservative burning the flag Americans don’t want to burn I don’t remember where I heard it, but when the Supreme Court ruled that the 2020 election could be completely fake and it didn’t matter, some semi-redpilled legal analyst said that they would try to “balance it out” by doing some conservative rulings during Joe Biden’s first year. That’s what I immediately thought of when I saw this. USA Today: A divided Supreme Court on Tuesday required President Joe Biden’s administration to reinstate a controversial immigration policy that forces migrants to wait in Mexico while U.S. officials process their asylum claims. Biden asked the ...

Homeland Security Whistleblower:
Post Date: 2021-08-26 09:29:56 by Horse
U.S. Government Giving Permits to Gangs Coming Across the Border to Sexually Traffick Children In a shocking interview just published yesterday by Project Veritas, a whistleblower who allegedly works in federal law enforcement within the Department of Homeland Security, has stated that known criminal gang members who are listed with “Transnational Criminal Organizations” and are on government “watchlists,” are not only being allowed to cross the border and come into the United States, but they are being issued Employment Authorization Cards by simply stating that their lives are in danger if they are forced to return to their countries. He states that ALL of these ...

The paradise island where no one wants to live: HMS Bounty mutineers' settlement could die out because of dark legacy of child sex abuse
Post Date: 2021-08-25 10:07:02 by Ada
Only 50 people live on Pitcairn, the last British territory in the Pacific Ocean Faced with ageing population - and last child was born there four years ago Inhabitants have made impassioned plea for people to join their community Isle harbours dark past after six men were jailed for child sex abuse in 2004 Largely populated by mutineers on HMS Bounty who arrived in late 1700s To many, it would seem the epitome of paradise - an idyllic isle thousands of miles from civilisation where the worst noise pollution comes from the azure sea gently lapping the shore. But no-one can be persuaded to live there, for love nor money. The colony on the remote Pitcairn Islands, which were largely ...

Supreme Court Rules Biden Admin
Post Date: 2021-08-25 08:42:21 by Horse
Must Resume Trump's "Remain In Mexico" Policy ...a “huge win for border security and the rule of law.”

If you want to know how much the Deep State hates you...
Post Date: 2021-08-23 08:26:22 by Ada
We Americans focus tightly on our federal elected officials. We become fanatic about our presidential candidates and scrutinize closely our senators and House members. But when it comes to the agencies that really run the government, the best we can do is contact our Senators about the officials who need Senate approval. We have no say at all over the vast army of unnamed employees. Trump’s presidency, though, revealed how powerful these unelected people are...and how much they hate us. Exhibit A for today is General Michael Hayden, former Director of the NSA and Director of the CIA – under George W. Bush. Hayden’s Twitter feed reveals how very deeply and profoundly this ...

Lawless America: Federal Judge Rewrites Immigration Law So
Post Date: 2021-08-20 10:28:34 by Horse
Deported Illegal Alien Criminals Can Freely Re-Enter the Country A Berkeley-trained ideologue born in Vietnam has single-handedly overturned American immigration law. Miranda Du, the Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Nevada, ruled today that illegal aliens cannot be prosecuted for illegally re-entering the country due to immigration law’s “Disparate Impact” against “Latinx” individuals.

Arrests of Convicted Sex Offender Migrants by Border Patrol Jump 171% in 2021
Post Date: 2021-08-20 09:55:22 by Horse
Arrests of migrants with previous convictions for sexual offenses jumped 171 percent during the first 10 months of Fiscal Year 2021, according to a report from U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Agents apprehended 423 criminal aliens with convictions for sexual offenses as of July 31. An Arrests of Individuals with Criminal Convictions report published by U.S. Customs and Border Protection reveals that Border Patrol agents arrested 423 migrants with previous convictions for sexual offenses. This is the highest year recorded during the six years included in the report. The arrest of 423 migrants in 10 months represents an increase of 171 percent over the Fiscal Year 2020 entire ...

Biden Administration Proposes Dramatic Change To Asylum System
Post Date: 2021-08-20 07:58:54 by Horse
...to let immigration officers grant full approval to illegal aliens claiming asylum, taking that decision from judges... Poster Comment:This is worse than Obama.

LA County Sheriff Again Calls For State Of Emergency To Address Homelessness
Post Date: 2021-08-19 10:48:24 by Horse
“What we’re learning is that our political institutions are responsible for the homeless crisis as we see it today,” Poster Comment:Excessive legal and illegal immigration has made California unlivable. The rents are way too high. Here are 3 apts on Craigslist. Danville (45 minutes by train to SF) 535 sq ft only $2,050 a month. Same area. Only $3,070 for 2 bedroom apt with 825 sq feet. In SF spacious 350 sq ft for a mere $1,980 a month.

Lawless America: Federal Judge Rewrites Immigration Law So Deported Illegal Alien Criminals Can Freely Re-Enter The Country
Post Date: 2021-08-19 09:01:08 by Ada
A Berkeley-trained ideologue born in Vietnam has single-handedly overturned American immigration law. Miranda Du, the Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Nevada, ruled today that illegal aliens cannot be prosecuted for illegally re-entering the country due to immigration law's "Disparate Impact" against "Latinx" individuals. According to court documents obtained by National Justice, the defendant was Gustavo Carrillo-Lopez, a career Mexican drug trafficker who has now been caught inside the country a third time. Carillo-Lopez was removed from the country in 1999 and again in 2012, when he was convicted for selling drugs and ...

Border Patrol Dodging Bullets Coming From Mexican Side Of Border
Post Date: 2021-08-17 17:04:06 by Horse
Border Patrol agents detaining a group of undocumented aliens last Monday night near the US-Mexico border were fired upon by attackers presumed to have been on the Mexican side of the border. According to a statement from the US Customs and Border Protection agency, on August 9 at around 9pm, the agents were seizing a group of migrants near Otay Mountain in San Diego County, California. The agents were "approximately two miles east of the Otay Mesa gatehouse and approximately 250 yards north of the international border," according to the report, which was originally published in Spanish.

Homeland Security Ignoring Congressional Requests For Info On Where Illegal Immigrants Are Being Sent
Post Date: 2021-08-17 03:04:38 by Horse
"With an open border facilitating illegal entry into our nation and the manifold resulting criminalities, the executive branch is failing miserably in its duty."

Hundreds of veterans are homeless in Sacramento, many sleeping outdoors.
Post Date: 2021-08-16 18:50:05 by Horse
What can be done? Carl White sat on a black and red couch in his tent — his Pitbull mix, Buddy, at his feet — and a black “Army” hat placed proudly on the top of his head. A camouflage tarp hung at the tent’s entrance in south Sacramento, flapping in the breeze. White, an Army veteran, has been homeless for about 2 1/2 years. When his seasonal job working as a painter ended, he could no longer afford rent. Poster Comment:Unlimited legal and illegal immigration has made rent unaffordable to working people in California and other impacted areas.

Politicians Who Claim To Be Serious About Stopping Covid Better Get Serious About The Border
Post Date: 2021-08-16 02:45:19 by Horse
This year alone over 2 million illegal entries from Mexico are expected. Even CNN acknowledges that number, but the true number likely will be far, far more. That’s an invasion.

French Police, Firefighters Lured Into Explosive Ambush by 50 ‘Youths’
Post Date: 2021-08-14 13:48:14 by Horse
Law enforcement and fire crews were lured into a violent ambush set by a large group of 'very young people' in the commune of Mantes-la-Jolie, France, authorities say. A night of urban violence unfolded on Wednesday night as emergency crews were called to the scene of a dumpster fire in the Val-Fourré district at approximately 11 p.m. Fire crews and accompanying police patrols reportedly came under attack of fireworks and explosives detonated by a group of approximately 50 'young people' at the scene. "These projectile discharges resulted in significant material damage," BFMTV reports. "Six vehicles, including three trucks, were set on fire, along ...

'You Can't Just Let People Come In': Border District Dem Sends Blunt Message To Biden, Mayorkas
Post Date: 2021-08-14 12:56:04 by BTP Holdings
After meeting with Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas and border officials yesterday, Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) held a press briefing, in which he made clear that the situation at the southern border has to be addressed.

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