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Trump: Reagan 'Tried for 8 Years to Build a Border Wall'
Post Date: 2018-12-21 20:28:40 by BTP Holdings
Trump: Reagan 'Tried for 8 Years to Build a Border Wall' (Getty Images) By Jeffrey Rodack | Friday, 21 December 2018 09:08 AM President Donald Trump invoked Ronald Reagan’s name as he vowed to get funding for a wall on the southern border “one way or the other.” His comments came in a Friday morning Twitter posting – part of a presidential tweetstorm that focused on border security and a possible government shutdown. Trump wrote: “Even President Ronald Reagan tried for 8 years to build a Border Wall, or Fence, and was unable to do so. Others also have tried. We will get it done, one way or the other!” Poster Comment:I tried to look for anything ...

California cops are 'frustrated' with sanctuary laws stopping them from working with ICE over twice-deported undocumented immigrant who went on deadly crime spree before killing himself following high-speed chase
Post Date: 2018-12-21 15:24:56 by Horse
A California sheriff has vented his frustration with the state's controversial sanctuary laws after a twice-deported criminal carried out a deadly crime spree, which ended with his suicide at the end of a 100mph police chase. Gustavo Garcia, 36, died in an apparently intentional wrong-way crash in Porterville on Monday, after officials said he shot dead a gas station attendant, wounded two other people, carjacked farmworkers and robbed a convenience store at gunpoint. The US immigration and Customs Enforcement later released a statement saying that Garcia's rampage 'could have been prevented' if the federal agency had been made aware of his release from jail on Friday, ...

Swedish Politician Says It’s “Crucial” For Young Swedes To Learn Arabic if They’re to be Successful
Post Date: 2018-12-19 14:50:32 by Horse
Swedish Moderate Party leader Ulf Kristersson insists that it’s “crucial” for young Swedes to learn Arabic if they are to be successful in the future. During a speech at Haymarket Hotel in Stockholm, Kristersson said that in order to assure Sweden’s “competitiveness in the increasingly globalised economy,” it’s crucial for the long term success of Swedish students “to master not only English, school-level French and school-level German, but also Arabic and Chinese.” Some may take Kristersson’s remarks as another sign that Sweden, which has accepted large numbers of migrants from the Middle East in recent years, is becoming increasingly ...

Post Date: 2018-12-19 14:24:27 by Horse
Poster Comment:That would be a red line for me. Arrest the Sheriff and send him to Guam for a military trial.

Belgian Government Falls Over UN-Brokered Migration Accord
Post Date: 2018-12-19 13:58:23 by Horse
Belgium is back to doing what it does best: running without a government. Following in the footsteps of the political chaos that has gripped much of Europe, on Tuesday Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel became the latest political figure to fall after he tendered the resignation of his government when his liberal-led coalition lost its parliamentary majority and an appeal to lawmakers in Parliament failed to garner backing for a minority administration. Charles Michel Belgium’s royal palace said in a tweet that the country’s king holds his decision on whether to accept the resignation “in abeyance.” The king could still keep Michel as premier in a caretaker ...

Gilets Jaunes: The End of Dystopia
Post Date: 2018-12-19 08:50:52 by Ada
The French are the best. The men don’t get fat. The women don’t sleep alone. The kids are well-behaved. They have the best architecture, the best way of living, best bread, best wine, best olive oil, best cooking, some of the best writing, films, painting, poetry, perfume – and women. They also excel in revolutions. Each revolution of theirs is a peach, perfect, round and juicy. They open a new epoch for mankind. Just thinking of a French revolution makes me feel young, for I remember the previous one, in May 1968, and it was a beauty, the revolution of Forbidden to Forbid. It ushered us into the short-living paradise of permissible. Believe it or not, we could freely ...

Victims of Illegal Alien Violence Rally for Stronger Border Security
Post Date: 2018-12-18 16:31:55 by Horse

Albanian illegal immigrant, 25, who led police on 100mph chase before crashing into a family's home and sending bricks and debris flying into their young son's bedroom is jailed for a year
Post Date: 2018-12-17 15:09:12 by Horse
An illegal immigrant who led police on a 100mph chase before crashing into a family home has been jailed for a year. Eljado Prendaj, 25, struck the family's cars so hard that one was forced into the property, sending bricks and debris flying into their young son's room. Both cars were written off and the home - which suffered £40,000 worth of damage - was deemed unsafe.

Pope Says Western World "Has Moral Responsibility" To Let In More Migrants
Post Date: 2018-12-17 14:52:22 by Horse
“It is the “moral responsibility” of the outside world to accept even more migrants,” Pope Francis explained in a speech on Thursday. This year it is 70 years since the globalist organisation that is the UN adopted the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. It was for that reason that Pope Francis urged the outside world to open its doors to even more migrants. Poster Comment:Mike Rivero's Comment: "We need more Catholics from the third world to start tossing their cash into western collection plates so we can make bail!" -- His Popeness

Berlin 'Ridiculous' Safety Tips Show Gov't Unable to Protect People - AfD Member
Post Date: 2018-12-17 14:50:39 by Horse
The German government's "ridiculous" public safety tips, which have been issued in the wake of the recent Strasbourg Christmas market shooting, prove that the authorities are totally incapable of ensuring safety of German people, Eugen Schmidt, a member of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, told Sputnik on Sunday. Schmidt recalled that, after the Strasbourg tragedy, German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer recommended that visitors of Christmas markets in Germany wear body armors to protect themselves in case of a similar shooting attack. He noted that concrete security barriers around the markets were useless against terrorists with firearms.

NORWAY POLICE: We have no control over the parts of Oslo, and migrants rape and strangle women
Post Date: 2018-12-17 14:40:57 by Horse
Police in Norway say it lost control of the city of Oslo because of the radical Islamists taking over the area. According to the police, Grønland, a district in the city of Oslo, is experiencing "apocalyptic levels of violence and lawlessness." The Grønland neighborhood in the city of Oslo looks like Karachi, Basra and Mogadishu all in one. People are selling drugs open to the subway station, violence has taken the level of the epidemic, and the police largely give up the implementation of the law. This is no longer Norway or Europe, except for the standard of living. The police are powerless. Five years ago, Aftenposten, the pro-Islamic largest newspaper in Oslo, ...

New Jersey Becomes a Sanctuary State By Order of Its Attorney General
Post Date: 2018-12-17 14:39:44 by Horse
On November 29, New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir Grewal issued a directive turning the Garden State into a sanctuary state. The New Jersey Attorney General, unlike those of most states, is appointed by the governor, in this case Governor Phil Murphy (D), so this appears to be the first case of a state being made into a sanctuary for illegal aliens by the unilateral executive action of a non-elected official.

Sweden: Afghan Migrant Claims Old Woman is “Racist,” Punches Her in the Face Gets off with just 4 weeks in prison despite previous conviction of attempted murder
Post Date: 2018-12-17 12:44:56 by Horse
An Afghan migrant who has avoided deportation despite being convicted of attempted murder punched a 74-year-old Swedish woman in the face after he claimed she had been “racist” towards him. The incident began when Ingrid met Walid in the laundry room of her apartment block (surnames are retracted in reporting of criminal cases in Sweden). Walid was carrying a mattress, which prompted Ingrid to ask him if he had slept at his parent’s house. “No, I’m an idiot,” said Walid, to which Ingrid replied “Yes, you are”. Walid then ripped Ingrid’s glasses off, breaking them, before punching her hard in the face. After his arrest, Walid grinned when he ...

ICE Arrests 6.5K Convicted Murderers, Sex Offenders Illegal Aliens This Year
Post Date: 2018-12-17 12:41:03 by Horse
Between September 2017 and October 2018, ICE agents arrested a little more than 6,600 convicted murderers and convicted sex offenders who were in the United States illegally The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency arrested more than 6,500 illegal aliens who have been convicted of homicide and sexual offenses in Fiscal Year 2018. Between September 2017 and October 2018, ICE agents arrested a little more than 6,600 convicted murderers and convicted sex offenders who were in the United States illegally. Of that total, 4,975 of the illegal aliens arrested were convicted sex offenders. The other 1,641 illegal aliens had been convicted of homicide. Another 1,913 illegal aliens ...

Latest Odds of a Shooting War Between NATO and Russia
Post Date: 2018-12-16 08:40:26 by Ada
Hungarian scholar George Szamuely tells Ann Garrison that he sees a 70 percent chance of combat between NATO and Russia following the incident in the Kerch Strait and that it is being fueled by Russia-gate. An Interview with George Szamuely George Szamuely is a Hungarian-born scholar and Senior Research Fellow at London’s Global Policy Institute. He lives in New York City. I spoke to him about escalating hostilities on Russia’s Ukrainian and Black Sea borders and about Exercise Trident Juncture, NATO’s massive military exercise on Russian borders which ended just as the latest hostilities began. Ann Garrison: George, the hostilities between Ukraine, NATO, and Russia ...

Sweden is generous to migrants, while its pensioners turn to soup kitchens
Post Date: 2018-12-15 13:43:19 by Horse
While migrants get a lot of things for free, more and more Swedish pensioners testify that they struggle to make ends meet. Many of them are therefore visiting soup kitchens. In newspaper articles and social media, pensioners tell of difficult circumstances. In a reader’s letter in the magazine Hemmets Veckotidning, the pensioner Anna wrote about her situation and asked the editorial team for advice: “I have a fistula in my palate since a year back. The dentist said it’s because I have a dead tooth and he wants to pull it out. But because of my low pension, I can’t afford it. The dental nurse tried to persuade me to obtain the money, because it was ...

Macron accused of treason by French generals for signing UN Migration Pact
Post Date: 2018-12-15 13:38:25 by Horse
General Antoine Martinez has written the letter signed by ten other generals, an admiral and colonel, and also includes former French Minister of Defense Charles Millon. They’ve given strong warning that Macron’s signing the U.N. Global Migration Pact strips France of even more sovereignty providing an additional reason for “an already battered people” to “revolt”. The highly decorated military co-signees assert that the beleaguered Macron is “guilty of a denial of democracy or treason against the nation” for signing the migration pact without putting it to the people. “The French state is late in coming to realize the impossibility of ...

The Camp of the Saints
Post Date: 2018-12-15 10:28:02 by Ada
Jean Raspail’s novel is unfolding before our eyes. The Russians and Chinese do not need to do anything about Europe and the US. The West is self-destructing at a rapid pace. FRENCH GENERALS ACCUSE MACRON OF “TREASON” OVER UN MIGRATION PACT Open letter says French citizens have another reason to revolt A group of French military generals have written an open letter to Emmanuel Macron accusing the French President of committing “treason” by signing the UN migration pact. The pact, which was signed by 164 nations on Monday, including France, is not legally binding but greases the skids for unlimited migration to be treated as a human right and criticism of mass ...

Nielsen: 'Outrageous' That Migrants Want $50K to Go Home
Post Date: 2018-12-14 19:42:11 by BTP Holdings
Nielsen: 'Outrageous' That Migrants Want $50K to Go Home (Jose Luis Magana/AP) By Sandy Fitzgerald | Friday, 14 December 2018 10:52 AM It's "outrageous" that migrants are demanding $50,000 each to return home if they're not allowed to enter the United States, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said Friday. "As an American, I think that’s outrageous," Nielsen told Fox News' "Fox and Friends." "They’ve asked us to intervene in the government of Honduras, they've demanded that Americans pay them $50,000 each and they’ve demanded that we change the way in which we do immigration and how we ...

California politician arrested after spanking his 7-year-old daughter: 'It's something that we do'
Post Date: 2018-12-14 17:10:19 by Horse
In an interview with the Fresno Bee, lawmaker Joaquin Arambula spoke about an incident at home Sunday night that led him to spank his 7-year-old. The following day, when she went to school, she allegedly told her teacher what had happened and expressed how she was upset about it, sparking an investigation by Child Protective Services (CPS).

'Still At Large' - Strasbourg Shooting Suspect Convicted 27 Times Before, Yelled "Allahu Akbar"
Post Date: 2018-12-12 12:25:33 by Horse
French police have detained five people in connection with Tuesday's deadly attack on a popular Christmas Market in the French city of Strasbourg - which unfolded only a few blocks away from the European Parliament. However, the shooter, who was reportedly wounded in the attack before commandeering a taxi to make his escape, remains at large, and French authorities worry that he may have fled to neighboring Germany, according to the Financial Times. Some 350 police and gendarmes are actively searching for the suspect. France has issued an "urgence attentat" (emergency attack) alert, which temporarily expands police powers and forces officers to maintain "a higher degree ...

Post Date: 2018-12-11 17:07:36 by Horse
The father “flipped out” and hit the gunman so hard that he lost consciousness and suffered severe head injury. A father of a 7-year-old boy in Malmö has been arrested for beating up a burglar who put a gun in the boy’s mouth. The 45-year-old burglar broke into a flat in Malmö. He was confronted by the family who lives there, whereupon he grabbed one of the children, a 7-year-old. He then allegedly put his gun in the boy’s mouth. When the child’s grandmother saw this, she screamed and managed to snatch the child. Then the boy’s father came into the room and the two men started fighting. https://voiceofeurope.com/20 ...

Father Speaks Out After Daughter is Allegedly Murdered by Illegal Alien: ‘He Stabbed Her to Death’
Post Date: 2018-12-10 14:10:51 by Horse
The father of a teenage girl is speaking out after his daughter was allegedly murdered at the hands of an illegal alien who entered the United States as an “unaccompanied alien child.” Ed Wells spoke to CBS New York following the first day in court since his daughter, 16-year-old Madison Wells, was allegedly murdered by 20-year-old illegal alien Bryan Cordero-Castro in September. “I had a conversation with him when I first met him … what I actually told him, if he had ever hurt my baby girl what I would do to him,” Wells told CBS New York. He stabbed her to death, and then ran like a coward,” Well said. This week, Cordero-Castro appeared in court for the ...

Democrats Contest Ballot Harvesting in N. Carolina, But in California They Love It as It Helped Flip 7 Seats Blue
Post Date: 2018-12-10 13:33:45 by Horse
‘Ballot harvesting’ is when organized workers collect ballots from absentee voters and drop them off at a polling place or election office, violating the chain of custody. Ballot harvesting is illegal in North Carolina and Democrats are contesting a recent election due to allegations that a GOP operative collected ballots and discarded the votes for the Democrat candidate, Dan McCready, who has withdrawn his concession. Meanwhile, Democrats praise ballot harvesting in California where the party won 7 out of 14 races after Election Day. The biggest surprise was in Orange County where the Republican stronghold was turned blue after a whopping 250,000 votes were produced ...

White South African family’s refugee bid rejected, accused of boosting case with ‘racist propaganda’
Post Date: 2018-12-09 19:34:16 by X-15
A white family from South Africa has had their refugee claim for asylum in Canada rejected, having been accused of submitting “white-supremacist hate literature” to bolster their claims of violence by the black majority in their homeland. The claim of the family of six was based on being white South Africans at risk of persecution due to their race, namely Afrikaners, the white minority descended from Dutch settlers in Southern Africa. Eric Williams Endre and Sonja Endre, a married couple, along with two of their children and Sonja’s parents, all came to Canada in 2016 to visit relatives living here and made refugee claim 10 days later. The Endres said they were victims of ...

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