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Danish Minister: "Dangerous For All Of Us" If Muslims Work During Ramadan
Post Date: 2018-05-23 08:35:30 by Horse
Back in March of last year, Erico Matias Tavares , asked Iben Thranholm - one of Denmark’s most widely read columnists on such matters - if Denmark was on the brink? Thranholm is a former editor and radio host at the Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR), at which she created a religious news program that set a new standard for religious analysis in the newsroom. She has traveled extensively in the Middle East, Italy, the United States and Russia to carry out research and interviews. She has been awarded for her investigative research into Danish media coverage of religious issues. Her response now seems prophetic.. IT: Yes, Denmark is on the brink. And Europe is on the brink. We ...

INSANITY: California Pushes For Bill to Give Health Care to Illegal Aliens; California would become ‘utopia’ for illegal aliens with free healthcare coverage, says OC Supervisor
Post Date: 2018-05-23 03:48:29 by Horse
California might become the first state in the U.S. to offer health care coverage to illegal immigrants. Orange County Supervisor Michelle Steel told FOX Business that the healthcare bill would flood the state with a wave of undocumented workers from other states and other parts of the world. “It’s going to be utopia for illegal immigrants,” Steel said during an interview on the “After the Bell” program on Monday. California’s bill would afford protection to illegal immigrants who commit crimes, according to Steel. “You’re getting welfare benefits, you have free healthcare coverage and then you can hide because government itself is protecting ...

Ann Coulter: 'They Hate This Country And Want to Replace Us'
Post Date: 2018-05-21 22:25:56 by Horse
Ann Coulter laid it all out over the weekend while speaking with Fox News' Jesse Watters. From Breitbart: New York Times best-selling author and populist conservative columnist Ann Coulter says Democrats “hate this country” and “want to replace” American citizens with foreign nationals. After President Trump called MS-13 gang members “animals” during a White House roundtable on sanctuary city policies, the media establishment and Democrats across the country began denouncing the president’s attack on the violent El Salvadorian gang, as Breitbart News reported. Coulter, during an interview with Fox News’ Jesse Watters, says the left’s ...

UK: Jury Hears Police Sergeant Mohammed Perwaze ‘Repeatedly Raped’ 8-year-old Girl
Post Date: 2018-05-21 09:56:52 by Horse
Prosecutors say “manipulative” police officer Mohammed Perwaze repeatedly raped an 8-year-old girl, telling his victim: “I can love you more than your puppy ever will.” Perwaze, who until he was charged in November worked as a police sergeant with Durham Constabulary, denies four counts of rape and 14 other charges relating to the girl — including five of indecent assault and four of sexual assault. Sheffield Crown Court heard the girl had been “broken down” from constant attacks carried out on her by the 45-year-old after he began abusing her at the age of eight, the Northern Echo reports. Simon Reevell QC, prosecuting, said: “By the time she ...

Post Date: 2018-05-21 09:47:34 by Horse
On the 18th of May, the Five Star-Movement and the League struck a deal to form a populist government. One of their government’s pledges is to deport half-a- million migrants. A few days before the deal, EU Migration Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos stated that he wished Italy would “not change its migratory policy”. The government deal not only changes the migratory policy of Italy, it revolutionises it. The programme calls for the deportation of the 500,000 migrants present in Italy. “Today, there are around 500,000 illegal migrants in Italy (…) expulsion orders are not enough: those who don’t have the right to stay must return to their home ...

Jerry Brown Accuses Trump Of 'Lying On Immigration,' Californians Say Otherwise
Post Date: 2018-05-20 13:14:00 by BTP Holdings
Jerry Brown Accuses Trump Of ‘Lying on Immigration,’ Californians Say Otherwise By Randy DeSoto May 17, 2018 at 3:23pm California Gov. Jerry Brown accused President Donald Trump of “lying” about illegal immigration, as well as the public safety risk created by the Golden State’s recently enacted “sanctuary state” law. Senate Bill 54 — the “California Values Act” — greatly limits the ability of state and local law enforcement officials to cooperate with federal immigration authorities. On Wednesday, Trump hosted a roundtable to discuss the impact of California’s sanctuary policies with multiple local officials whose ...

Sarah Huckabee Sanders clarifies Trump's "animals" comment on immigrants
Post Date: 2018-05-18 23:36:01 by Horse
Poster Comment:She takes it to liberal reporters over MS-13 being animals.

11 Animalistic Crimes Committed Against Americans by MS-13 Gang
Post Date: 2018-05-18 16:12:06 by Horse
Here, Breitbart News rounds up the most animalistic, heinous, and vicious crimes committed against Americans by MS-13 gang members: 1. MS-13 Pimp Ordered Baseball Bat Beating of Underage ‘Prostitute’ Prosecutors in Montgomery County, Maryland, charged a known MS-13 leader for ordering the beating of a 15-year-old girl with a baseball bat who had been forced into prostitution. Two other Salvadoran nationals are also named in the case. Law enforcement officials said that Miguel Angel “Noctorno” Ayala-Rivera, a 24- year-old MS-13 member who illegally entered the U.S. from El Salvador, ordered his fellow gang members to beat a 15-year-old girl with a baseball bat. ...

Median-Priced Home In San Francisco Requres $333,000 Annual Income
Post Date: 2018-05-18 00:01:18 by Horse
San Francisco County Real Estate is so hot right now that in order to afford a median priced home of $1,610,000, a household needs to bring in around $333,000 in annual income, according to a quarterly survey by the California Association of Realtors. Nearby San Mateo county isn't much better - where a $1,575,000 median priced home requires an income of $326,000. The good news, at least for well off San Franciscans, is that more households - 15% - were able to buy a median-priced single-family home in the first quarter of 2018 vs. the fourth quarter of 2017, thanks to rising incomes which rose faster than the increase in home prices and interest rates. Six out of nine bay ...

Sweden In Free Fall
Post Date: 2018-05-17 07:15:02 by Horse
If it is considered 'objectionable' in the West to talk about the factual consequences of migration, in Sweden it is now viewed as a crime. The kind of 'integration' that the mosque in Växjö is reportedly spreading to the local Muslim inhabitants is that Muslims are urged not to participate in the Christmas celebration of "kuffars" [a derogatory term for 'disbelievers'], and Jews are, of course, mentioned as the enemies of Allah. The mosque's school uses Saudi Arabian school curricula, and encourages women not to dress in 'Western clothes'. "Silence has become an established norm in certain groups of inhabitants" in these ...

Hungary Put Up a Border Wall to Keep Out Non-White Invaders - and It Works Great!
Post Date: 2018-05-15 08:52:44 by Ada
It is well-known that Hungary put up a border fence, but how does it really work to keep migrants out? It appears to be a multiple-layer border fence stopping illegal migration to the country almost totally. The legal framework is nothing short of astounding. The main ruse of all Soros-funded NGOs is constant litigation. Today, most illegal immigrants enter countries in the EU legally but overstay or violate whatever visa they may have obtained. When the illegals get detained waiting for a deportation trial, lawyers employed by NGOs funded by billionaire George Soros, have unlimited funds to plead for their release. The litigation overcrowds detention centers, because the longer the ...

France, 30 gang members try to destroy a police station with iron bar, molotov cocktails and fireworks
Post Date: 2018-05-15 02:02:55 by Horse
A "retaliation" attack happened in Champigny sur Marne, near Paris, in the Bois l'Abbé neighborhood during the night of saturday 5 may 2018 after french Police arrested 3 drug dealers. Poster Comment:Boring video at source. European press still trying to convince us that No Go Zones do not exist,

FACT: If CA deported every Illegal overnight, CA could COMPLETELY END the sales tax in the ENTIRE state and still balance the budget.
Post Date: 2018-05-14 16:04:35 by Horse
Executive Summary Californians bear an enormous fiscal burden as a result of an illegal alien population estimated at almost 3 million residents. The annual expenditure of state and local tax dollars on services for that population is $25.3 billion. That total amounts to a yearly burden of about $2,370 for a household headed by a U.S. citizen. Nearly half of those expenditures ($12.3 billion) result from the costs of K-12 education for the children of illegal aliens — both those illegally in the country and those born in the United States. Another major outlay ($2.1 billion) results from the need to provide supplemental English language instruction to Limited English Proficient ...

Poll: Europeans Say Greatest Threats Are Immigration and Terrorism
Post Date: 2018-05-13 14:03:12 by Horse
The majority of Europeans say the greatest threat to their nation is immigration and terrorism, according to a new YouGov poll. Citizens of Great Britain, France and Spain said terrorism was the greatest threat to their country's security while citizens of Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Greece and Italy said the greatest threat was immigration. Nearly every country said immigration was the most important issue facing the EU: When it comes to protection against terrorism, the majority of citizens in France, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Lithuania, Greece, Italy and Spain said they don't trust their government "very much" or "at all" to make things ...

Hungary’s unique solution to the Soros strategy
Post Date: 2018-05-13 12:40:40 by X-15
It is well-known that Hungary put up a border fence, but how does it really work to keep migrants out? It appears to be a multiple-layer border fence stopping illegal migration to the country almost totally. The legal framework is nothing short of astounding. Published: May 13, 2018, 8:45 am The main ruse of all Soros-funded NGOs is constant litigation. Today, most illegal immigrants enter countries in the EU legally but overstay or violate whatever visa they may have obtained. When the illegals get detained waiting for a deportation trial, lawyers employed by NGOs funded by billionaire George Soros, have unlimited funds to plead for their release. The litigation overcrowds detention ...

Voting Solutions for All People (VSAP): 2020 Vote Centers
Post Date: 2018-05-12 21:48:19 by Horse
Poster Comment:No ID. Same day registration. Vote fraud built in. Illegals welcome.

Slipping Backwards On Immigration—Get On It, Mr. President!
Post Date: 2018-05-12 08:24:48 by Ada
It’s been a depressing few days on the immigration front. Not least depressing has been the collapse of the lawsuits against Disney World. Just to remind you: Disney was in the news three years ago for laying off American IT workers and replacing them with cheaper workers from India on H-1B visas. The American workers even had to train their replacements, at peril of losing their severance pay [ Last Task After Layoff at Disney: Train Foreign Replacements, By Julia Preston, New York Times, June 3, 2015] Well, the laid-off American workers got lawsuits going against Disney, suing on both the state—that’s the state of Florida—and the federal levels. Michelle Malkin ...

Post Date: 2018-05-11 16:29:54 by Horse

National Guard making impact at US-Mexico line, Customs and Border Protection agency says
Post Date: 2018-05-11 11:07:45 by Horse
National Guard troops deployed to the U.S.-Mexico border following President Donald Trump's April directive have freed U.S. Customs and Border Protection personnel to apprehend an additional 1,600 people illegally crossing into the U.S., CBP officials said. The approximately 775 National Guard troops have also helped capture 1,000 pounds of marijuana and turn back 451 people who attempted to illegally cross the border, the Washington Examiner reported. The extra personnel have allowed the CBP to focus on monitoring surveillance systems and being better equipped to make arrests, the report said. Defense Secretary James Mattis stipulated Tuesday that National Guard officers do not ...

Post Date: 2018-05-10 19:29:07 by Horse
Victim frantically texted parents begging for help. Victim frantically texted parents begging for help An Afghan migrant who gang raped a 16-year-old girl with another “refugee” in Sweden was sentenced to just 2 months in jail. The girl’s ordeal began when she invited two Afghan migrants to her home in Lomma while her parents were out shopping having met them via a friend. As soon as they arrived at the house, the migrants began attacking her as the girl tried to fight them off. She frantically texted her parents, begging, “Come home now. Quickly. Before he rapes !!!! I mean it,” and “Hurry!!! I’m fainting!!” However, one of the migrants pinned ...

Chelsea Manning’s Platform Will One Day Be The Democratic Mainstream
Post Date: 2018-05-09 11:40:39 by Horse
Famed leaker Chelsea Manning is running for the U.S. Senate in Maryland, and the transgender activist has quite the platform for a Democratic primary. Manning’s top three issues, according to a recent Associated Press profile: eliminate Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), abolish national borders and close down all prisons. All of these ideas would have earned the mockery of Democrats just a few years ago, but now at least one of Manning’s issues has mainstream acceptance among liberals: getting rid of ICE. Back in March, Vox reported on how this position has become more popular on the Left. Mainstream figures like former Hillary Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon have ...

Post Date: 2018-05-09 11:12:23 by Horse
Sweden is likely to restart collection of statistics that record the link between migrants and crime for the first time in over a decade as concerns about the country’s violent crime rate and rape problem grow. “It can now be noted that the demand in the community debate on updated information on the relationship between crime on the one hand and descent and migration on the other hand is so strong that the government needs to reconsider opportunities again,” the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) announced yesterday. The figures have not been collected since 2005, prompting critics on the right to accuse the government of attempting to cover-up the ...

28 Illegals Arrested for Child Rape in NC. Total number of illegals arrested for child sex crimes in 2018 is 69.
Post Date: 2018-05-07 22:17:05 by Horse
Liberty Headlines) North Carolinians for Immigration Reform and Enforcement released their April reportthat documents the number of child rapes committed by illegal immigrants. NCFIRE reported that police arrested 28 illegal aliens, the highest number of arrests that NCFIRE has reported in more than 2 years. The 28 illegal immigrants arrested accumulated 89 sexual assault charges. Police in Centre County, Pennsylvania arrested William Menelio Velasquez, 64, who lives in Greensboro, North Carolina, according to Centre Daily News. Authorities charged Velasquez with six sexual assault felonies after he abused a girl over a four year period, starting when she was 10. An illegal immigrant ...

Watch & Learn Sweden, Germany, UK - Locals in Oaxaca Beat Suspected Rapist, Toss Him Into Crocodile Cage (VIDEOS)
Post Date: 2018-05-07 22:15:12 by Horse
Locals in Mexico's Oaxaca state took matters into their own hands on Friday by throwing an alleged rapist into a crocodile cage, though not before dishing out several kicks and punches to the man, identified as Jacinto. According to local media reports, Jacinto was accused of raping a local woman and assaulting two others, one of which he nearly killed when she put up a fight. As the story goes, minutes after local law enforcement brought the 20- year-old man into the station, a group of 50 outraged residents stormed the station and took him to a nearby park. Once removed from the custody of the police, locals stripped and beat Jacinto. Footage of the incident was later shared on ...

Post Date: 2018-05-07 12:09:55 by Horse
Police were called to Kingsland High Street in Dalston just after 5am this morning after the men sustained injuries. The victims, aged 17, 22 and 27 were hit with a “noxious substance” according to police. No arrests have been made yet in connection with the incident. There has been an alarming rise in the number of acid attacks taking place in the UK in recent years, with London seeing a particular alarming spike. The UK has one of the highest rates of acid attacks per capita in the world, according to Acid Survivors Trust International (ASTI). Last year saw more than 400 incidents reported in the six months to April 2017 alone. 22-year-old Sophie Hall was left with ...

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