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Immigrant rights group calls for boycott Dunkin Donuts, Applebee's accused of discrimination
Post Date: 2006-10-03 22:33:49 by Zipporah
September 30, 2006 - A local group fighting for immigrant rights is calling for a boycott of two nationally known companies. Dunkin Donuts and Applebee's are accused of discriminating against immigrant workers whose names don't match their social security numbers. On the 10th anniversary of what immigration reform advocates call stringent changes to immigration laws, supports of the legalization of the undocumented are once again speaking out -- only this time, they are hoping not only to mobilize their vote, but also use their buying power to force the kind of change they want. "The social security administration says it plans to send out 8 million no match letters," said ...

Border fence won't happen, GOP lawmaker says [all hat, no cattle...GOP!]
Post Date: 2006-10-03 22:29:13 by Brian S
Oct. 3, 2006 02:28 PM WASHINGTON - Sen. John Cornyn, a Texas Republican and key liaison to the White House on immigration, said Tuesday that 700 miles of fencing approved by Congress will probably not be built because of a lack of money and other practical considerations. "It's one thing to authorize. It's another thing to actually appropriate the money and do it," he told reporters. Cornyn predicted that some fencing would be built as part of a comprehensive strategy that includes more Border Patrol agents, more technology, more detention facilities and various physical barriers. advertisement "There's different kinds of fencing ... there's the old fence post and ...

(Illegal Aliens) Compared to Calif., Metro roads great
Post Date: 2006-10-03 02:54:09 by Horse
A list of the nation's top 10 cities with the bumpiest roads has come out of Washington, D.C., and guess what? Detroit isn't on it! This doesn't mean that driving on Metro Detroit roads is like a puck gliding across the ice. We still have plenty of room for improvement, according to a study released Monday by TRIP (The Road Information Program), a national transportation group. Dollar-wise, driving on roads in Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties costs motorists an additional $474 in extra maintenance costs (compared to $457 in 2005) due to potholes, rough pavement and crumbling concrete. But that figure is well below the $705 in additional wear and tear on vehicles in San Jose, Calif., ...

Mother seeks $100 million in son’s death
Post Date: 2006-10-02 00:20:30 by scrapper2
The mother of a man killed in a triple homicide last year plans to sue the federal government for $100 million, court documents state. Sandra Miller of Altoona is the mother of Stephen Heiss, who died Aug. 28, 2005. Miguel Padilla was convicted and received death sentences this month for killing Alfred Mignogna, owner of the United Veterans Association building; Fredrick Rickabaugh Sr., UVA doorman; and Heiss, a patron. The jury wasn’t told that Padilla is an illegal alien. The civil lawsuit notice, filed by attorney Art Cohen of Hollidaysburg, blames the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement for allowing Padilla to remain in the United ...

'Shadow' agency to issue N. American border passes
Post Date: 2006-10-01 11:13:47 by robin
The Department of Transportation, acting through a Security and Prosperity Partnership "working group," is preparing in 2007 to issue North American biometric border passes to Mexican, Canadian, and U.S. "trusted travelers" according to documents released to WND columnist and author Jerome R. Corsi under a Freedom of Information Act request. "The FOIA documents show the organizational chart and the composition of a 'shadow Department of Transportation' which includes formal membership from Mexico and Canada's Departments of Transportation," asserts Corsi. "SPP has in effect created a fully-functioning trilateral Department of Transportation which will ...

Mexico to ask Bush not to sign border bill
Post Date: 2006-10-01 08:00:24 by Zipporah
6 59 am 9/30/2006 1:07 PM By: Associated Press MEXICO CITY -- Mexican Foreign Secretary Luis Ernesto Derbez said today the government will try to persuade President Bush not to sign a bill that would extend a 700-mile wall along the southern border. In a news conference with reporters, Derbez strongly criticized the fence. The Senate has joined the House in approving an extension of a wall along the border intended to stop illegal immigrants. The Senate vote was 80-19. No one knows how much the fence will actually cost. A $1.2 billion down payment for the fencing is part of a separate bill also on the way to the White House. A homeland security bill Congress was completing on ...

Border Barrier Approved
Post Date: 2006-09-30 16:26:20 by robin
Border Barrier Approved The bill, which calls for 700 miles of fence and beefed-up enforcement, easily clears the Senate. It does not include a guest worker program. By Nicole Gaouette Times Staff Writer September 30, 2006 WASHINGTON — The Senate on Friday approved and sent to President Bush a bill calling for construction of a 700-mile wall along the U.S. border with Mexico, voting overwhelmingly for a project that became the centerpiece of efforts to improve border security and stem illegal immigration. Bush is expected to sign the measure into law. "Most immigrants come to America with good intentions, but not all of them," Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) ...

Chinese reap opportunity, rancor in Russia's Far East
Post Date: 2006-09-29 00:43:22 by Peetie Wheatstraw
BLAGOVESHCHENSK, Russia -- The imprint of China is everywhere in this Russian Far East city perched on the banks of the winding Amur River. He Wenan's construction firm built 30 apartment buildings, three shopping centers and a hospital here. Wei Jing Qing is one of dozens of Chinese traders at the bustling Central Market who hawk everything from track suits to pipe fittings. Outside the city, Xiao Bin's produce farm fills Blagoveshchensk-bound trucks with cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplant, carrots and cabbage. Just how this burgeoning node of Chinese enterprise should be received is the subject of fierce debate on the Asian side of Russia, a vast, resource-rich region where the population ...

Visas for Skilled Workers Still Frozen
Post Date: 2006-09-28 23:54:39 by DeaconBenjamin
For technology companies and research institutions that have spent recent autumns lobbying for permission to hire more foreign workers, this was supposed to be the year that ended the annual rite of desperation. A bill that passed the Senate this spring would have doubled the number of visas issued every year for highly skilled professionals, such as scientists and engineers. And it would have helped clear a backlog of applications for permanent residency from such workers. But the attempt by Congress to rewrite the nation's immigration laws has bogged down in controversy over border security and illegal immigration. That means changes in the skilled-worker programs, while less ...

Post Date: 2006-09-28 22:52:50 by BTP Holdings
THE NEXT ADDED 100 MILLION AMERICANSPART 1 By Frosty Wooldridge September 28, 2006 http://NewsWithViews.com Consequences of Human Tsunami According to a front page feature story in USA TODAY, July 5, 2006, “A NATION OF 300 MILLION”, the United States surpasses 300,000,000 people by the end of October. Their current demographic prediction, based on accelerating immigration-pushed growth levels, shows America adding 100 million people by 2040. For those asleep at the wheel—that’s 34 years from now—a blink in time. To place this kind of horrific growth rate into perspective, it resembles a human tsunami. Much like nature’s earthquakes that occurred beneath ...

Third Night of Ramadan Rioting in Capital of Europe
Post Date: 2006-09-28 12:29:45 by Tauzero
Third Night of Ramadan Rioting in Capital of Europe From the desk of Paul Belien on Wed, 2006-09-27 11:32 It looks as if immigrants youths want to turn nightly rioting during the Islamic holy month of ramadan into an annual tradition. Around 8:30pm last night violence erupted again in Brussels, the capital of Europe. The riots centered on the Brussels Marollen quarter and the area near the Midi Train Station, where the international trains from London and Paris arrive. Youths threw stones at passing people and cars, windows of parked cars were smashed, bus shelters were demolished, cars were set ablaze, a youth club was arsoned and a shop was looted. Two molotov cocktails were thrown into ...

Mums the word on border
Post Date: 2006-09-28 11:45:42 by Tauzero
Mums the word on borderAgent suspended for speaking to Congressman during unannounced visit Sara A. Carter, Staff Writer Congressmen who visit the U.S.-Mexico border unannounced are being monitored by the Department of Homeland Security, and at least one U.S. Customs and Border Protection agent has been suspended for speaking to a congressman without first getting supervisory clearance, according to documents obtained by the Daily Bulletin. Congressional representatives interviewed by the Daily Bulletin said they were unaware until recently that Border Patrol agents were required to file Significant Incident Reports -- normally used for shootings and other serious border incidents -- when ...

Lawmakers Agree to Spend $1.2 Billion on Tightening Border
Post Date: 2006-09-27 00:01:45 by DeaconBenjamin
WASHINGTON, Sept. 25 — House and Senate negotiators agreed Monday evening to spend $1.2 billion to install hundreds of miles of fence and vehicle barriers along the Mexican border as part of a $34.8 billion spending plan for the Department of Homeland Security for the coming year. The border security spending is just one of several major policy initiatives that Congressional leaders decided to insert into the annual appropriations bill. Others include a mandate for antiterrorism steps at high-risk chemical plants nationwide and the reorganization of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The biggest increase in spending in the bill, on which the House and Senate are expected to ...

Everyone Benefits from Foreign Workers
Post Date: 2006-09-26 21:11:37 by Siri
«MED ET FULLSTENDIG FRITT arbeidsmarked ser man i Tyskland for seg at man innen enkelte bransjer, som kjøttindustrien, byggfagene og restaurantbransjen, må regne med en timelønn på mellom 25 og 50 kroner.» Det skrev Klassekampens redaktør Bjørgulv Braanen i en leder i avisa i fjor. Han er en av de mange som frykter såkalt sosial dumping med utvidelsen av EU møt øst. Bekymringen har ført til at flere går inn for å begrense arbeidsinnvandring til Norge. Debatten blir ikke mindre aktuell av at EU i ettermiddag vil åpne opp for medlemsskap for Bulgaria og Romania. Også professor Ottar Brox ...

North American Students Trained For 'Merger'
Post Date: 2006-09-25 22:16:26 by Brian S
10 universities participate in 'model Parliament' in Mexico to simulate 'integration' of 3 nations WASHINGTON – In another example of the way the three nations of North America are being drawn into a federation, or "merger," students from 10 universities in the U.S., Mexico and Canada are participating annually in a simulated "model Parliament." Under the sponsorship of the Canadian based North American Forum on Integration, students met in the Mexican Senate for five days in May in an event dubbed "Triumvirate," with organizers declaring "A North American Parliament is born." A similar event took place in the Canadian Senate in 2005. The ...

Mexican President-elect Calderon Rips U.S. Border Wall Plan
Post Date: 2006-09-25 22:01:27 by Brian S
(09-25) 18:47 PDT MEXICO CITY, Mexico (AP) -- Mexican President-elect Felipe Calderon on Monday slammed U.S. plans to build more fences on its southern border, saying it would not solve illegal immigration. "We are worried ... about the actions that the United States is discussing concerning building a border wall and tightening restrictions on migrants," Calderon said after meeting with Mexico's foreign secretary. The U.S. Senate is debating legislation to build 700 miles of fence on the U.S.-Mexico border along with other security measures, which the House has already passed. President Vicente Fox, of Calderon's conservative National Action Party, has called the plans ...

Post Date: 2006-09-24 15:47:59 by Itisa1mosttoolate
Stang: THE COUNTRY IS GONE - WHAT CAN WE DO? (PART I) September 23, 2006 By Alan Stang Gather ‘round, my friends. It’s time for another come to Jesus discussion. To validate the inflammatory title above, I offer three recent developments. First, you already know about the Extreme Court’s ruling in Kelo , which says in effect that if local governments can find somebody, some corporation, that can pay more under the table than the local gauleiters can extort from homeowners, then the former can kick the latter out and use eminent domain to make the stink bomb smell legal. At the time, you probably retched, as I did. With a manful effort, I was able to suppress the vomit. ...

Herndon Police May Join Immigration Enforcement
Post Date: 2006-09-23 11:47:53 by DeaconBenjamin
Officers' Role Could Include Initiating Deportations Herndon officials are considering applying for a federal program that would train some of the town's police officers to enforce U.S. immigration law, including the initiation of deportation proceedings. Police Chief Toussaint E. Summers Jr. asked the Town Council on Tuesday to contact U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to express interest in enrolling some of the town's officers in the agency's five-week "287(g)" program, a provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Officers who pass the course are authorized to question or detain people they believe to be in the country illegally. They can also collaborate with ...

3 charged with raping woman sleeping on Hollywood beach
Post Date: 2006-09-22 10:01:06 by InsideJob
3 charged with raping woman sleeping on Hollywood beach http://sun-sentinel.com Posted September 21 2006, 12:20 PM EDT HOLLYWOOD – Three men have been charged with raping a woman who fell asleep on the beach early Wednesday morning, police said. Capt. Tony Rode, police spokesman, said the attack occurred around 3:30 a.m. He said the woman was sitting on the sand near the shoreline when she fell asleep. Here's what Rode said followed: The woman awoke to find a man holding her down while another was trying to sexually assault her. The victim told police she fought back and at one point found a piece of broken glass in the sand and cut one of the attackers several times in in his ...

Pelosi: With Hispanic Agenda, Democrats Recommit to a New Direction for Latino Families
Post Date: 2006-09-21 20:07:29 by Dakmar
WASHINGTON, Sept. 21 /U.S. Newswire/ -- House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi joined Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, Congresswoman Grace Napolitano, Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, Senator Hillary Clinton, Senator Bob Menendez, and other Members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus at the seventh annual Democratic Hispanic Summit today. Below are Pelosi's remarks: "Thank you, Leader Reid. Thank you for your hospitality here this afternoon. Here we are again, another day of dialogue with the Hispanic community from across the country. "In the House of Representatives, we have so many Members of the Hispanic Caucus led by the Chair, Congresswoman Grace Napolitano ...

Let's say I break into your house.
Post Date: 2006-09-20 17:51:56 by Horse
A lady wrote the best letter in the Editorials in ages!! It explains things better than all the baloney you hear on TV. Recently large demonstrations have taken place across the country protesting the fact that Congress is finally addressing the issue of illegal immigration. Certain people are angry that the US might protect its own borders, might make it harder to sneak into this country and, once here, to stay indefinitely. Let me see if I correctly understand the thinking behind these protests. Let's say I break into your house. Let's say that when you discover me in your house, you insist that I leave. But I say, "I've made all the he beds and washed the dishes and did the ...

Man Arrested in Colo. Dragging Death
Post Date: 2006-09-20 17:39:44 by Tauzero
Man Arrested in Colo. Dragging Death Last Edited: Wednesday, 20 Sep 2006, 3:56 PM CDT Created: Wednesday, 20 Sep 2006, 3:56 PM CDT By KIM NGUYEN Associated Press Writer CASTLE ROCK, Colo. -- A man was arrested in the gruesome dragging death of a woman after a stained and tattered photograph of him was found at the crime scene, police said Wednesday. Jose Luis Rubi-Nava, 36, was arrested Tuesday night on suspicion of murder and jailed without bail. Investigators said they were still trying to identify the victim, who was dragged behind a vehicle with a rope, leaving a trail of blood more than a mile long. Authorities did not immediately respond to questions about how the photograph ended ...

Low-paid illegal work force has little impact on prices
Post Date: 2006-09-20 17:31:18 by Peetie Wheatstraw
More than 7 million illegal immigrants work in the United States. They build houses, pick crops, slaughter cattle, stitch clothes, mow lawns, clean hotel rooms, cook restaurant meals and wash the dishes that come back. You might assume that the plentiful supply of low-wage illegal workers would translate into significantly lower prices for the goods and services they produce. In fact, their impact on consumer prices — call it the "illegal-worker discount" — is surprisingly small. The bag of Washington state apples you bought last weekend? Probably a few cents cheaper than it otherwise would have been, economists estimate. That steak dinner at a downtown restaurant? ...

Illegal Immigration: Hispanics Ban White Authors
Post Date: 2006-09-20 17:08:51 by Tauzero
Illegal Immigration: Hispanics Ban White Authors By William H. Calhoun (09/19/2006) As the reconquista and invasion of the Southwestern United States continues, Hispanics have basically declared war on "gringo culture." I was recently speaking to a "gringo" (white) friend, who lives in Southern California. Her once predominantly white neighborhood is now 85% Hispanic. Crime has increased 800%, HIV 700%, rape and gang shootings are widespread, and a Hispanic school board recently removed the last of the "gringo authors" from the reading list. As a result of the ban, like many other Caucasians in California, she has been forced to start a "White ...

Death rampage by bicycle gang of 50
Post Date: 2006-09-20 11:15:52 by Tauzero
Death rampage by bicycle gang of 50 Sep 19 2006 By Crime Reporter Ben Ashford A 50-STRONG bicycle mob went on a deadly rampage, stabbing one man to death and knifing another two. The gang, thought to be youths in their teens and late 20s, took to the streets of New Cross on Sunday night armed with guns and knives. Their first victim, Jason Gayle, thought to be in his early 30s, was stabbed repeatedly in the chest on his doorstep in Ludwick Mews and shot with a gas-powered gun. Early reports suggested his brother had also been knifed in the shoulder as the youths swamped them outside their neatly-kept terraced home. As Jason lay in a pool of blood after the stabbing at 9pm, the mob ...

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