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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Ted Cruz Introduces Brilliant Bill That Will END Illegal Immigration… By Sending Illegals to Towns of Rich White Liberals
Post Date: 2021-10-20 10:38:50 by Ada
Ted Cruz has introduced a brilliant new bill that will end illegal immigration as we know it. How, you ask? By sending the illegals to towns where the rich Liberals live. On Tuesday, Cruz introduced legislation that would relocate illegal immigrants to wealthy Democrat-controlled municipalities with a majority of white liberals. “For the past ten months, President Biden and his administration have willingly surrendered the United States’ southern border to dangerous criminal cartels, with no thought given to the South Texas border communities like McAllen and Del Rio, which are running low on resources due to the massive influx of illegal immigrants,” Cruz said. ...

Biden Admin Has Released Over 16,000 COVID-Positive Migrants Into US:
Post Date: 2021-10-19 15:13:52 by Horse
"None of the migrants received the COVID-19 vaccine, either voluntary or forced..."

Kinney County Texas Sheriff Coe Plans to Deputize Citizens to Fight Border Invasion
Post Date: 2021-10-19 11:38:04 by Horse
Kinney County Texas Sheriff Brad Coe will make a historic announcement tonight live on 100% Fed Up and The Gateway Pundit. Sheriff Coe... Kinney County will also build a fence around the county to protect the border county from the invasion. The people have had enough. Poster Comment:Video.

Biden Secretly Flying In Underage Migrants To NY,
Post Date: 2021-10-19 10:36:04 by Horse
Spreading Border Crisis Across US Now it's not just Texas's problem... Poster Comment:Underage children can work as male and female prostitutes in NYC. These children have no adult guardians. Some were probably kidnapped by the Cartels.

The Bidens Announce That Illegal Immigrants Will No Longer be Arrested
Post Date: 2021-10-13 10:17:02 by Ada
I don’t think they were arresting these people anyway. But they’ve announced that they won’t arrest them. CBS News: The Biden administration on Tuesday announced U.S. immigration authorities will no longer carry out mass arrests of unauthorized immigrants at work sites, saying law enforcement efforts should focus on holding exploitative employers accountable. In a memo, Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) should prioritize combating illegal acts committed by “unscrupulous” employers, whom he noted often pay workers substandard wages, subject them to unsafe working conditions and facilitate human trafficking and child ...

Financial Times Says Europeans Should “Prepare for Demographic Replenishment by Arabs and Asians”
Post Date: 2021-10-12 10:58:50 by Ada
Climate change to force billions to relocate. The Financial Times has published an article which asserts that people living in European countries should “prepare for demographic replenishment by Arabs and Asians.” Yes, really. Parag Khanna, the writer of the article also authored a book called ‘Move: How Mass Migration Will Reshape the World — and What It Means For You’. Unsurprisingly, he also has close ties with the World Economic Forum and the Council on Foreign Relations and was a ‘Global Governance Fellow’ at the Brookings Institution. Khanna ludicrously claims that large swathes of the planet will become “uninhabitable” due to ...

Post Date: 2021-10-09 10:56:30 by Horse
More illegal immigrants crossed the southern border in September than all the new jobs created in the U.S. during the same period.

Financial Times Says Europeans Should "Prepare
Post Date: 2021-10-09 10:00:59 by Horse
For Demographic Replenishment By Arabs And Asians" ...climate change to force billions to relocate. Poster Comment:The Rothschilds own the Financial Times.

Bad News For Biden:
Post Date: 2021-10-08 19:24:02 by Horse
Women Lost 26K Jobs In September Poster Comment:Losing jobs is really bad when you consider that all those illegal aliens and Green card immigrants are probably getting jobs. That means lots of native born women are losing jobs. A lot more than 26,000.

Video: Trump Warns Central American Countries Are “Emptying Their Prisons Into The U.S.”
Post Date: 2021-10-08 09:00:50 by Ada
"What are they doing? They are destroying our country." In an interview with Sean Hannity Thursday, President Trump urged that America cannot take much more of the Biden administration’s policies, urging that central American countries are being allowed to “empty their prisons into the U.S.” Trump said that “All they (had) to do was leave (the border) alone. The wall was almost complete… one thing you didn’t see was drugs. Drugs were at their lowest point, in particular Fentanyl, which is a brutal drug. It was stopped, it was at a level we had not seen in a long time.” “Now it’s coming in at levels that we have never seen: Three, ...

In Just One Texas City, Biden Admin Has Released 7,000 COVID-Positive Illegal Immigrants
Post Date: 2021-10-06 20:18:02 by Horse

JUST IN: Ted Cruz, Senate Republicans Castigate Biden Over Continued ‘Border Crisis’
Post Date: 2021-10-06 17:19:48 by BTP Holdings
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and fellow GOP Senators slam the Biden Administration over the continuing surge of migrants crossing the southern border. Poster Comment:Biden's feet need to be held to the fire on the horrid immigration policies on the southern border.

Dems Try To Sneak Handout That Provides "Billions Of Dollars" To Illegal Aliens
Post Date: 2021-10-06 10:20:06 by Horse
Into Biden's Spending Bill Under the new rules, illegal immigrants could receive monthly payments of $250 to $300 per child...

Influx of Haitian migrants pushing locals out of housing in Colombia beach town
Post Date: 2021-10-03 11:53:26 by Ada
NECOCLI, Colombia (Reuters) - An influx of thousands of mostly Haitian migrants seeking transport northward toward the United States is pushing locals in the Colombian beach town of Necocli out of housing, residents said, as landlords favor migrants able to pay in dollars. The backlog of migrants waiting in the town for scarce places on boat transport toward the jungles of the Darien Gap in Panama, where smugglers guide groups northward on foot, has swelled to up to 19,000 after the lifting of COVID-19 border closures. Though many migrants, low on cash, are sleeping in tents or on the town's beach, others are able to rent rooms by the day or share houses. That has pushed out dozens ...

Guess What Happened to This Hotel After it Allowed 150 Afghan Refugees to Stay
Post Date: 2021-10-02 02:51:45 by Horse

US Warns Mexico Of Massive, Ongoing Sewage Spill Into Rio Grande:
Post Date: 2021-09-30 22:23:29 by Horse
US Warns Mexico Of Massive, Ongoing Sewage Spill Into Rio Grande: '150 Million Gallons Since August' "...can expose humans who wade or swim in them to dangerous pathogens and cause intestinal infections." Poster Comment:They are poisoning the wetbacks swimming across the Rio Grande.

DHS Mayorkas Reveals
Post Date: 2021-09-29 08:52:42 by Horse
20 Percent of Illegals Entering US Are Sick Feds released over 10,000 Haitians from Del Rio surge without health screenings

Republicans Warn
Post Date: 2021-09-29 08:51:02 by Horse
DHS Is Planning To FIRE Unvaxxed Border Patrol Agents "It is simply unbelievable that the Biden Administration will allow Covid-positive illegal aliens to surge across the border but will terminate dedicated law-enforcement officers"

DHS Chief Mayorkas:
Post Date: 2021-09-28 10:51:26 by Horse
No Border Wall Because Illegal Border Crossings are “One of Our Proudest Traditions” During an appearance on Fox News Sunday with host Chris Wallace, DHS Chief Alejandro Mayorkas admitted to Chris Wallace that the number of illegals released into the US could be 12,000 or “higher.” Everyone knows the number is much, much higher. What about the illegals they didn’t apprehend at the border?

Home News Drug Cartels Seize Biden’s Criticism Of Border Patrol, Tell Smugglers To Provoke Force For Media Coverage: Report
Post Date: 2021-09-27 15:10:15 by Ada
On Monday, journalist Lara Logan reported that the drug cartels south of the American border who are intent on crippling border patrol efforts took notice that President Biden had vilified border patrol agents for allegedly using whips against illegal immigrants, and instructed their smugglers to trigger border patrol agents to use excessive force, which the cartel could videotape, thus giving the media the chance to vilify border patrol agents who would then be taken off duty. Logan tweeted, “Acc to law enfcmt in RGV Texas, BP agents advised latest Intel from cartels: after Biden response to horse patrol, cartels ordered their smugglers to force BP to react/appear to use excessive ...

Biden White HouseÂ’s lies a matter of life and death: Devine
Post Date: 2021-09-27 10:34:19 by Ada
President Biden has gotten away his entire career with bending the truth and taking people for fools. Now the habit has infected his entire administration. So many lies are pumped out these days that it is impossible to keep up. They aren’t just the silly, self-aggrandizing exaggerations that used to send the Trump-hating media into paroxysms of outrage during the last administration. They often are matters of life and death that have a profound impact on the future of this country.  Lie 1: The southern border is closed. No, it’s wide open, by design, and yet Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Vice President Kamala Harris keep telling us, “The ...

The Border as an Attractive Nuisance
Post Date: 2021-09-27 09:26:24 by Ada
Among the victims of our ambivalent and half-hearted enforcement of immigration laws are the migrants themselves. If you don’t put a fence around your swimming pool, and a kid falls in, you can be held liable. And if you don’t put a fence around your country, and migrants suffer harm trying to get in, your government is liable. The analogy isn’t perfect, of course. Children don’t know any better, whereas most illegals are adults who know they are taking risks and are responsible for the consequences of their decisions. But in both cases the concept of the “attractive nuisance” applies: If strangers might trespass and harm themselves, you have a ...

Tucker: Why would Biden do this to his own country?
Post Date: 2021-09-25 12:53:18 by BTP Holdings
'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host explains why the president favors mass immigration #FoxNews Poster Comment:The cat is out of the bag now. Joe Biden is a fraudster and should not be sitting in the Oval Office.

Open Borders and Affluent Americans
Post Date: 2021-09-25 09:19:00 by Ada
Who benefits from the massive surge of migrants crossing our southern boarder? Obviously, more is involved than just compassion for millions of poor Guatemalans and their children. And while adding future Democratic voters is clearly the long-term aim of those tolerating the invasion, there is one group of immediate beneficiaries whose needs have garnered scant attention: affluent Americans whose comfort depends on armies low-wage, happy-to-please foreign-born workers. The awkward truth is that millions of upscale Americans risk transforming the US into a banana republic in pursuit of creature comforts. Like those wretched masses wading across the Rio Grande, they, too, want a better ...

Democratic Mayor Of Del Rio Calls Out Biden, Harris For Absence Amid Migrant Crisis: ‘Why Aren’t You Here?’
Post Date: 2021-09-24 07:43:28 by BTP Holdings
Democratic Mayor Of Del Rio Calls Out Biden, Harris For Absence Amid Migrant Crisis: ‘Why Aren’t You Here?’ More Democrat politicians are going after President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris over the southern border crisis, and it’s very much warranted. Thousands of Haitians are under the Del Rio, Texas Del Rio International Bridge. The disaster of allowing at least a million illegal immigrants into the country under Biden’s watch is humiliating and should put them both in a shameful political place. Harris, who used to be vocal to the American people, has only made public comments in Vietnam and Saigon a couple of months ago and has since stayed ...

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