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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Supreme Court Grants Trump Admin Fast-Track Deportations Without Legal Recourse
Post Date: 2020-06-25 12:51:16 by Horse
"In 2019, a grant of asylum followed a finding of credible fear just 15% of the time."

FBI Demands "White Nationalist" Get 10 Years In Prison For Smoking Marijuana
Post Date: 2020-06-21 09:06:48 by Ada
Trump appointed FBI director Christopher Wray today declared that "white nationalists" and the "far-right" are being treated as a threat on par with ISIS. The Department of Justice under William Barr has also ordered a massive offensive against "anti-Semitism." The FBI has been engaged in an aggressive crusade to gather facts to bolster their claims of a supposed terror threat. What they've been able to get on their grenade-fishing trips has been underwhelming, to say the least. So far, their big "terror" busts include "Riot Act" arrests thrown out as unconstitutional in California, charges of harboring an illegal alien and shooting ...

One Dead After Shooting In Seattle Autonomous Zone
Post Date: 2020-06-20 15:06:32 by Esso
Following roughly 2 weeks of existence that have been characterized by an incessant stream of video showing beatdowns, brazen theft, armed robbery and myriad other crimes and/or 'revolutionary' acts, Seattle's autonomous zone has finally sustained its first casualty since "declaring independence" from the US. According to the Seattle PD twitter account, the shooting has been ruled a homicide. At least one person is dead with another in critical condition after a shooting early Saturday morning in the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest, or CHOP (as they're now calling it). The shooting comes after the mayor of Seattle decided to appease the group of mostly fringe ...

Supreme Court Blocks Trump From Ending DACA, Shielding Illegal Immigrants From Deportation
Post Date: 2020-06-18 18:08:02 by Horse
In a blow to President Trump's immigration agenda, the Supreme Court on Thursday ruled to block the Trump administration from ending the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which protects nearly 700,000 young illegal immigrants from deportation. In a split ruling which will keep the program open to an estimated 1.3 million non-citizens, the justices said the Trump administration failed to adequately justify terminating the program. In other words - struck down on a technicality that the Trump administration can correct. Poster Comment:Mike Rivero (or his wife) wants to keep DACA!! I would end the program and say to hell with the Supreme Court. It has too ...

Pirates Threaten Oil Operations In Gulf Of Mexico
Post Date: 2020-06-18 17:59:08 by Horse
the losses from fuel theft over the past three years have reached $7.5 billion (147 billion Mexican pesos). Poster Comment:Local drug cartels working with corrupt PEMEX officials steal billion dollars a year in oil from land and sea. They do use boats to rob oil platforms.

Suspect in sex assault, murder of 92-year-old Queens woman in US illegally
Post Date: 2020-06-17 22:32:20 by Horse
RICHMOND HILL, Queens (WABC) -- The homeless man charged in the murder and sexual assault of a 92-year-old woman in Queens is apparently in the country illegally, officials say. Authorities say 21-year-old Reeaz Khan, who is accused of assaulting and killing Maria Fuertes last week in Richmond Hill, is a Guyanese national now being held on Rikers Island. Khan was indicted by a jury Wednesday on seven charges. Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz released the following statement: "A grand jury has taken action indicting this defendant to hold him accountable for the horrible attack of an elderly woman, who was beloved in her neighborhood. The defendant is accused of pouncing on ...

Can We Say No?
Post Date: 2020-06-11 10:47:20 by Dakmar
Ladies and gentlemen, presenting the most important Irishman in the world! To be honest, I don’t know much about him. My knowledge of Irish politics can fit in a leprechaun’s jockstrap with room to spare. So when I speak of Justin Barrett, I’m speaking with complete ignorance regarding what kind of man he is. Is he a nice fella? A lout? Does he beat his dog and cheat on his wife (or, worse, the converse)? Who knows? I certainly don’t. But I do know this: Justin Barrett, leader of Ireland’s National Party, asked the defining question of the 21st century. That, alone, makes him significant. Last year, Barrett attended a public meeting in his hometown of Borrisokane, ...

Top NYC Health Official Says “Racism” Will be to Blame for Spike in COVID, Not Thousands of Demonstrators Gathering in Close Proximity
Post Date: 2020-06-04 17:10:42 by NeoconsNailed
A top health official in New York says that if there is a second spike in coronavirus cases, “racism” will be to blame, not thousands of demonstrators gathering in close proximity. Yes, really. Mark D. Levine, the Chair of the New York City council health committee, tweeted, “Let’s be clear about something: if there is a spike in coronavirus cases in the next two weeks, don’t blame the protesters. Blame racism.” Mark D. Levine ✔ @MarkLevineNYC Let's be clear about something: if there is a spike in coronavirus cases in the next two weeks, don't blame the protesters. Blame racism. 71.8K 8:36 AM - Jun 3, 2020 Twitter Ads info and privacy 29.9K ...

Belgian Asylum Agency Sending COVID-Infected Migrant Children Into Schools
Post Date: 2020-05-29 22:13:49 by Horse
Migrant children infected with coronavirus are being sent to schools by Belgium's federal asylum agency, according to reports. Hundreds of migrants were relocated to an air base in Koksijde, Belgium, earlier this year, despite the protestations of Mayor Marc Vanden Bussche and his constituents. At the onset of the coronavirus crisis, Mayor Vanden Bussche requested that planned refugee resettlement at the base be delayed, but he was denied by Fedasil, the federal agency for the reception of asylum seekers, SCEPTR reports. Fedasil also refused to administer coronavirus tests to incoming migrants, saying it would be a "form of discrimination," according to Vanden Bussche. Now ...

Gov. Cuomo Quietly Makes It a Felony For N.Y. Officials to Share Illegal Alien Driver Info With ICE
Post Date: 2020-05-28 09:20:46 by Horse
By Dan Lyman Wednesday, May 27, 2020 New York State officials who provide information about illegal alien drivers to federal immigration enforcement agencies can now face felony charges. An amendment to the highly controversial ‘Green Light Law,’ which went into effect in December and cleared illegal aliens to apply for New York State driver’s licenses, was slipped into the state’s 2020 budget bill and signed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo in April, in the midst of the coronavirus crisis. It is now a Class E felony for state officials, such as law enforcement officers, to disclose DMV records with agencies such as Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) or Customs and Border ...

Seattle Seeking $100 Million in Coronavirus Aid For Illegals
Post Date: 2020-05-20 09:20:34 by Horse
City council asking state for massive crisis fund for "undocumented Washingtonians" Poster Comment:I would give free cash to any illegal alien who went to the nearest baseball or football stadium and got in line. Put them on boats like Ike did. Instead of coming back over the border the next day, the boats took them to Vera Cruz which would take months to return that far to the border without cash.

Newsom’s Budget Closes Veterans Nursing Home, But Gives $80 Million To Illegal Aliens
Post Date: 2020-05-18 08:27:18 by Horse
After giving nearly $80 Million to illegal aliens from the cornovirus emergency funds, California governor Gavin Newsom doesn’t have the funds to keep a veterans nursing home up and running in the town of Barstow, in San Bernardino county. Shuttering the home will save the state $2.6 Million, as the state government searches for ways to close a multi billion dollar budget gap.

This Massive Lizard Threatens Gators and Charges People, and It's Invading Georgia
Post Date: 2020-05-18 00:07:03 by NeoconsNailed
An ugly and invasive lizard is making a new home in the state of Georgia, threatening native species as dangerous as the American alligator. According to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, the Argentine black and white tegu has so far only been confirmed in two counties in the state. The lizards, which can grow up to four feet long, have been confirmed in Toombs and Tattnall counties. Authorities are urging residents to remove outdoor pet food that could present an easy meal for the beasts. Native to South America, it’s believed that the wild breeding populations in the United States are descendants of released pet tegus. Females can lay roughly 35 eggs every year, ...

The Diversity Cult Strikes Again
Post Date: 2020-05-13 19:15:18 by Horse

Los Angeles Sheriff Says Inmates Deliberately Trying to Catch Coronavirus to Force Prisons to Release More Criminals
Post Date: 2020-05-12 11:21:52 by Horse
Inmates in the Los Angeles County prison system are deliberately trying to contract the coronavirus so that they will be released, according to Sheriff Alex Villanueva.

Trump: 'Real unemployment rate' is 42 percent
Post Date: 2020-05-11 08:08:07 by Horse
Trump: 'Real unemployment rate' is 42 percent © Getty Images Donald Trump claimed in a new interview that the nation’s “real unemployment rate” was 42 percent. In an interview with Time, the GOP front-runner apparently argued that the nation’s jobless rate should be measured based on the entire adult population, not just adults who want to work. “You have 90 million people that aren’t working. Ninety-three million to be exact,” he said. “If you start adding it up, our real unemployment rate is 42 percent.” Trump’s method of measuring unemployment is not the most common. The most commonly accepted way to measure the ...

REPORT: UK Only Country Not COVID-19 Screening at Airport or Closing Borders
Post Date: 2020-05-10 07:40:13 by Horse
Damning report shows Britain as only country not to take any drastic measures for border security

Germany: 75-Year-Old Man Kicked Out of His House to Make Room for Invaders
Post Date: 2020-05-07 09:33:04 by Ada
The old Germans have to move aside. This isn’t your country anymore, it never was. You’re a racist if you think otherwise, and racism is the purest of all evils. It’s even worse than raping a baby. Voice of Europe: A pensioner in Germany was fighting in court against his local council’s decision to evict him from his home to make room for migrants. The court has now upheld the council’s order. Klaus Roth, 75, lives in Neckartailfingen near Stuttgart with his partner, who is 73. Neckartailfingen is a village of approximately 3,800 residents. More than a year ago, the village, which was already hosting 40 migrants, was instructed to take in even more of them. ...

Coronavirus 18 Million People Entered the UK as the Coronavirus Pandemic Was Raging
Post Date: 2020-05-05 12:07:04 by Horse
18 million people entered the UK in the three months before lockdown with hardly any of them undergoing health screenings or being put into quarantine, it has been revealed. “Only 273 people out of 18.1million who came to the country in the three months leading up to the nation-wide lockdown were put into quarantine,” reports the Mirror. This means that “tens of thousands of people were entering from coronavirus-affected countries,” including Italy and Spain and were then allowed to circulate amongst the general population. “On what scientific basis were a handful of flights from Wuhan and one from a Tokyo singled out for extreme attention? But not a single ...

French Author: No-Go Zones Must Be ‘Reconquered By Force’
Post Date: 2020-05-05 09:59:43 by Horse
'Foreign power' has taken over many regions of France, Eric Zemmour warns

Bloomberg News: Import More Migrants Because Americans Can’t Get It Done
Post Date: 2020-05-05 09:54:34 by Horse
“The U.S. will need to bring in more foreign talent, not less." Poster Comment:He wonders why we voted against him.

‘Lockdown Lunacy’: Nigel Farage Visited by Police Officers After Reporting on Illegal Boat Migrants
Post Date: 2020-05-05 09:52:07 by Horse
“They had received a complaint that I had been to Dover to report on the illegal migrant scandal taking place”

While Brits Are on Lockdown, 100,000 People From Abroad Arrive at Airports Every Week
Post Date: 2020-05-03 14:01:19 by Horse
Borders remain open despite movement of Brits being tightly restricted. Poster Comment:If the goal were health, all those immigrants would not be allowed to cross borders.

Diversity and the Death of Labor
Post Date: 2020-05-02 09:12:36 by Ada
Bombshell leaked emails showing that Amazon strikebreakers uses racial diversity to ensure workers at Whole Foods never unionize only confirms taboo research showing that multiculturalism destroys civic cohesion and engagement of all kinds. Unionized workers — and their threat to strike — is a massive threat to executive bonuses and a companies stock value. America’s plutocrats are the wealthiest in the world, even as living standards for the majority decline. According to Amazon’s internal documents, more racially homogenous stores, which is usually codeword for white, have higher rates of sales, but tend to be “hot spots” for the threat of unionization. ...

Over 40% Of San Diego Residents Turned To Food Banks Last Month
Post Date: 2020-04-25 21:27:00 by Horse
Poster Comment:As of December 2012, San Diego has the third-largest homeless population in the United States;[102] the city's homeless population has the largest percentage of homeless veterans in the nation... San Diego was named the ninth-most LGBT-friendly city in the U.S... In 2010 45% were white. 16% Asian. Latinos 29%... Black 6.7%. Lots of space for illegal aliens but precious little for veterans.

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