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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Amy Klobuchar Says English Should No Longer Be Official Language Of The U.S.
Post Date: 2020-02-18 10:01:18 by Horse
Sen. Amy Klobuchar, who received heaps of praise after her last Democratic primary debate performance, which skyrocketed her to a third place finish in the New Hampshire primary, made a rather bold and controversial statement on Thursday night, saying English should no longer be the primary language of the United States. Interestingly, her new stance is in complete contrast to a bill she voted for in 2007 called the English-language amendment, which undid a Clinton-era executive order that required government papers to be offered in a variety of languages other than English. The 2020 candidate attempted to defend her reversal and argue why English should no longer be the primary language ...

Joy Behar Brings Holocaust Survivor into Border Debate, It Backfires Almost Instantly
Post Date: 2020-02-18 06:07:07 by BTP Holdings
Joy Behar Brings Holocaust Survivor into Border Debate, It Backfires Almost Instantly By Madeleine Grisanzio Published February 17, 2020 at 12:02pm ‘The View” co-host Joy Behar attempted to compare the horrors of the Holocaust to the detention of migrants at America’s southern border, but it didn’t quite go as she hoped. The ABC talk show welcomed Holocaust survivors Millie and Mikhl Baran to honor Holocaust Memorial Day last month. The couple appeared with their two adult daughters to share their experiences and showcase an inspirational video about their lives together. The video, narrated by Whoopi Goldberg, depicts the couple’s journey to America after ...

WATCH: Ramos Grills Biden For Lying About His Record, Biden Snaps
Post Date: 2020-02-17 10:16:52 by Horse
Left-wing journalist Jorge Ramos repeatedly fact-checked Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden during an interview on Friday after Biden repeatedly lied about his record as vice president in the Obama administration

WATCH: Granddaughter Of Immigrant Allegedly Killed By An Illegal Alien Gives Powerful Speech With Trump
Post Date: 2020-02-17 10:11:15 by Horse
The granddaughter of a 92-year-old woman who was allegedly murdered in New York City by an illegal alien gave a powerful speech with President Donald Trump on Friday about how the Democrat-controlled city shielded the illegal alien with its sanctuary policies. “ICE revealed it had filed a detainer for [Reeaz] Khan in November 2019, when he had been arrested on assault and weapons charges,” Fox News reported. “But crucially, that detainer was ignored and Khan was released onto the streets.” Daria Ortiz, granddaughter of Maria Fuentes, spoke alongside the president at the National Border Patrol Council where she pointed out how her grandmother would still be alive if it ...

New trend: Foreigners rob Swedish kids before peeing on them
Post Date: 2020-02-17 10:05:23 by Horse
Robberies against children and young people are becoming more common and more serious in Sweden, according to the police. Many victims also dare not report the crimes because they are afraid of retaliation.

Economic Woes: 1-In-4 Renters Are Now Spending Over Half Their Income On Housing
Post Date: 2020-02-16 13:33:52 by Horse
Because the cost of buying property, maintaining it, and covering property taxes has jumped, so have the costs of renting... even for the middle class. Poster Comment:This is due to legal and illegal immigration increasing the demand for housing. And wage increases discounted for inflation have been less than a tenth of one per cent of the increase in productivity. Might I point out that the population of Mexico was 28 million in 1950. Today it is 132 million and there are 34 million Mexican-Americans. I wrote this: Senator, Why Do You Want to Cut Our Wages and Pensions 50%? https://vidrebel.wordpress.com/2019/04/29/senator-why-do-you-want-to-cut-our-wages-and-pensions-50/

Border Patrol Deploys 100 'Elite' Tactical Agents To Sanctuary Cities As Federal Immigration Crackdown Begins
Post Date: 2020-02-15 16:03:53 by Horse
The first major operation will begin this weekend. Poster Comment:This will drown out the Donkey campaigns. All we will hear will be save the illegal aliens. Donald is deporting gangbangers, rapists, murderers, burglars and car thieves back to Mexico

Italy: Salvini Facing Show Trial For "Kidnapping" Migrants
Post Date: 2020-02-15 11:01:38 by Horse
...if I have to go to court, I will explain to the judges that defending the borders of my country and protecting citizens was my duty..."

Joe Biden: Illegal Immigration Is “A Gift” To The U.S.
Post Date: 2020-02-14 21:27:39 by Horse
Poster Comment:Joe, don't let the door hit you on the way out. Every illegal immigrant costs us $6,500. Might I point out that the population of Mexico was 28 million in 1950. Today it is 132 million and there are 34 million Mexican-Americans. I wrote this: Senator, Why Do You Want to Cut Our Wages and Pensions 50%? https://vidrebel.wordpress.com/2019/04/29/senator-why-do-you-want-to-cut-our-wages-and-pensions-50/

Buttigieg Reveals Plan to Flood Small U.S. Towns With Immigration to 'Renew' Populations
Post Date: 2020-02-13 11:27:45 by Horse
Democratic 2020 presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg plans to target small-town America for population "renewal" and hand out special "fast track" visas to foreigners to get it done. Poster Comment:Senator Klobuchar wants to increase refugees 500%. Senator, Why Do You Want to Cut Our Wages and Pensions 50%? https://vidrebel.wordpress.com/2019/04/29/senator-why-do-you-want-to-cut-our-wages-and-pensions-50/

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) is vowing to increase the number of refugees resettled in the United States by more than 500 percent if elected president, almost none of whom would likely be resettled in her neighborhood.
Post Date: 2020-02-13 11:16:53 by Horse
This year, President Trump lowered the annual refugee resettlement cap to its lowest ever at about 18,000 total admissions. This is merely a numerical limit and not a goal to be reached by the State Department. Klobuchar has vowed to increase refugee resettlement back to Obama levels, admitting at least 110,000 refugees in the U.S. in her first year in office. As president, Klobuchar would “direct the State Department to restore the refugee admissions cap to at least its pre-Trump administration level,” according to her campaign. Returning to Obama-level refugee admissions would be a more than 500 percent increase in refugee resettlement to the U.S. compared to Trump’s ...

Woman Confronts Bernie Sanders Over Immigration Stance: 'You Have Not Been Consistent'
Post Date: 2020-02-12 08:33:32 by BTP Holdings
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Joe Scarborough Celebrates Demographic "Freight Train" That Will Collapse GOP
Post Date: 2020-02-11 21:08:04 by Horse
Whites being a minority in America is a "good thing"... Poster Comment:In the 1990s I met a bunch of school administrators from Fresno on the light rail as they came back from an education conference. I got to talking about what happens to white children insuper majority Mexican schools. White boys get beat up a lot. Don't need to do much about that. White girls get raped. I asked what they would do to a high school girl who files a rape complaint. They said they would flunk her out of school so she couldn't go to college.

AG Barr Announces DOJ Will File Multiple Lawsuits Against State and Local Governments For Enacting “Sanctuary City” Policies
Post Date: 2020-02-11 08:16:15 by Horse
US Attorney General Bill Barr on Monday announced the DOJ is declaring war on dangerous “sanctuary city” policies. Barr made the announcement at the National Sheriff’s Association Tech Conference

Sadiq Khan Reveals "Diversity In Advertising" Winner; Features Zero White People
Post Date: 2020-02-11 06:20:48 by Horse
Beach Body commercial banned? ...but this one is celebrated.

Jorge Ramos is mad at Mexico for blocking illegal immigration into America
Post Date: 2020-02-10 08:52:56 by BTP Holdings
Jorge Ramos is mad at Mexico for blocking illegal immigration into America February 8, 2020 By Andrea Widburg Jorge Ramos was born in Mexico City and became a journalist there. He eventually came to America on a student visa, got a job at a Spanish-language TV station in Los Angeles, liked it, and stayed. Along the way, he became rich and famous as the face of the news on Univision, America's largest provider of Spanish-language content. Although registered as an independent, his political stances, especially his support for open-borders, align him completely with the current hard-left incarnation of the Democrat party. On Friday, a very unhappy Ramos acknowledged that Trump ...

NO WONDER Sweden is the favored destination of male Muslim invaders from North Africa and the Middle East
Post Date: 2020-02-10 08:48:30 by Horse
Times of Sweden 19-year-old Somali Muslim migrant in Sweden sentenced to just 75 hours of community service for brutally raping a 13 year old girl several times, both vaginally and anally, that caused her so much pain, she wasn’t able to sit down for two days and has recurring nightmares. The prosecutor was looking to get him convicted of rape against a minor, but the Swedish court decided to only convict him of “taking advantage” of the young girl reports Swedish news site Samnytt. The age of consent in Sweden is 15. Despite this, the court did not convict 19 year old Hussein of rape against the 13 year old girl, but instead he was convicted of “sexually taking ...

Half Of Amsterdam Women Are Intimidated On The Street, Says Mayor
Post Date: 2020-02-10 07:46:18 by Horse
The Amsterdam city leadership is greatly concerned about the safety of girls and women in Amsterdam. But the mayor does not want the real perpetrators to be blamed...

Illegal Alien Who Avoided Deportation Allegedly Smothered 22 Elderly People
Post Date: 2020-02-08 11:17:31 by Horse
An illegal alien who used a loophole to obtain a green card is now suspected of smothering 22 elderly people in Texas, most of whom were women.

Trump lied about illegal immigration during State of the Union Speech
Post Date: 2020-02-08 01:26:59 by James Deffenbach
While it is true that fewer illegals are crossing America's southern border in recent months following the largest wave of illegal crossings in America's history during Trump's first three years in charge of the border, most Americans are unaware that the Trump administration is paying Mexico billions of taxpayer dollars to hold on to illegals during the election. Mexico to Receive Billions in Aid From U.S. to Help Solve Immigration Issues https://www.alipac.us/f12/mexico-rec...issues-376074/ Americans for Legal Immigration PAC is pointing out that President Trump made at least two false statements about America's borders and illegal immigration during his State of the ...

Name of witness against MS-13 gang given to defense attorneys because of new bail reform law. That witness was just beaten to death.
Post Date: 2020-02-07 18:39:42 by Horse
Wilmer Maldonado Rodriguez tried to protect two boys being threatened by members of the notoriously murderous MS-13 gang on Long Island in October 2018, officials told the New York Times. Poster Comment:Another example of Democrat's to run government.

FBI Demands "White Nationalist" Get 10 Years In Prison For Smoking Marijuana
Post Date: 2020-02-07 10:24:58 by Ada
Trump appointed FBI director Christopher Wray today declared that "white nationalists" and the "far-right" are being treated as a threat on par with ISIS. The Department of Justice under William Barr has also ordered a massive offensive against "anti-Semitism." The FBI has been engaged in an aggressive crusade to gather facts to bolster their claims of a supposed terror threat. What they've been able to get on their grenade-fishing trips has been underwhelming, to say the least. So far, their big "terror" busts include "Riot Act" arrests thrown out as unconstitutional in California, charges of harboring an illegal alien and shooting ...

Illegal immigrants cost taxpayers $6.5K a year each: Report
Post Date: 2020-02-07 09:30:29 by Ada
Illegal immigrants in growing numbers are flooding into so-called sanctuary cities and states where they are consuming up to $6,500 in taxpayer-funded services, according to a new review of costs in 10 small states. The surge is having an outsized effect on smaller states and is cutting funds for services to veterans, children, and disabled Americans, according to the report provided exclusively to Secrets from the Federation for American Immigration Reform. The report said illegal immigration costs the 10 states $454 million. “To put that figure into context, that $454 million expenditure is more than 200 times what the state of Montana budgets for its entire Veterans Affairs ...

Calif. Sheriff: Illegals Committing More Repeat Crimes Due to ‘Sanctuary’ Laws
Post Date: 2020-02-07 03:45:17 by Horse
Orange County, California, has seen a 38 percent spike in repeat offenses by criminals present in the U.S. illegally due to the state’s ‘sanctuary’ policies, according to Sheriff Don Barnes. In a press release, the Orange County Sheriff’s Department documented crimes committed by illegal aliens after their release from custody for previous offenses, including rape, domestic abuse, robbery, and assault. OC Sheriff Don Barnes ✔ @OCSheriffBarnes SB 54 has made OC less safe. The 2 year social science experiment with sanctuary laws must end. Rather than protect our immigrant community, the law has enabled offenders to be released, often times back into the ...

The ”New Way Forward Act” is Catastrophic
Post Date: 2020-02-06 20:58:36 by sonny
Read this bill thru and discover the madness, this bill is a Total Anti-American Legislative Nightmare. Congress is fast pushing this bill thru. I smell the stink of George Soros

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