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Latest Articles: Immigration

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AOC Calls for Resignation of Jewish 'White Supremacist' Stephen Miller
Post Date: 2019-11-17 19:51:41 by BTP Holdings
AOC Calls for Resignation of Jewish 'White Supremacist' Stephen Miller AOC May Have Made Her Biggest Mistake Yet with Accusations of Racism Volume 90% By Jack Davis Published November 16, 2019 at 10:57am Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York is demanding the resignation of White House aide Stephen Miller on the strength of a report that claims Miller is a “white nationalist” based on emails from 2015 and 2016. “Stephen Miller, Trump’s architect of mass human rights abuses at the border (including child separation & detention camps w/ child fatalities) has been exposed as a bonafide white nationalist. He’s still at the White ...

CAIR Vows to Get 30 Muslims Elected to Congress and Add at Least One Muslim to Supreme Court
Post Date: 2019-11-17 10:41:21 by Horse
Home / News / Terror-Tied CAIR Vows to Get 30 Muslims Elected to Congress and Add at Least One Muslim to Supreme Court Terror-Tied CAIR Vows to Get 30 Muslims Elected to Congress and Add at Least One Muslim to Supreme Court 04:21 0 Comments - News Nihad Awad CAIR’s Executive Director Nihad Awad recently said at the organization’s 25th annual gala in DC that his goal is to get 30 Muslims elected to Congress. But Awad didn’t stop there – he also envisioned at least one Muslim placed on the Supreme Court (Sharia law) along with Muslim federal judges (more Sharia law) and more Muslims in Hollywood. In other words, CAIR is fiercely working to change America culturally ...

Even With Better Education, Millennials Earn 20% Less Than Baby Boomers, Study Finds
Post Date: 2019-11-17 10:16:32 by Horse
The scars of the financial crisis persist until this day... Poster Comment:Lower wages and higher rents and taxes might be explained through legal H1-B immigration and illegal immigration. Might I point out that the population of Mexico in 1950 was 28 million. Today there are 34 million Mexican Americans and 132 million people in Mexico. Solving the over population problems of Latin America, Africa, the Mideast and Asia is way beyond our ability.

"It's Cozy" - LA Imports Are Paying $800/Month To 'Live In A Coffin'
Post Date: 2019-11-16 01:07:42 by Horse
I sold all my belongings and I moved here to be in this pod... I'm finding comfort in being uncomfortable,"

IRS Sent $46,378,040 in Refunds to 23,994 ‘Unauthorized’ Aliens at 1 Atlanta Address
Post Date: 2019-11-15 19:47:08 by Horse
The Internal Revenue Service sent 23,994 tax refunds worth a combined $46,378,040 to “unauthorized” alien workers who all used the same address in Atlanta, Ga., in 2011, according to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA). That was not the only Atlanta address theoretically used by thousands of “unauthorized” alien workers receiving millions in federal tax refunds in 2011. In fact, according to a TIGTA audit report published last year, four of the top ten addresses to which the IRS sent thousands of tax refunds to “unauthorized” aliens were in Atlanta.

ICE Announces Massive Increase in Arrests of Child Predators
Post Date: 2019-11-15 19:38:27 by Horse
Over 3,500 sexual offenders removed in FY 2019

Half of Europe’s Nearly Five Million Illegals Have Ended up in Just Two Countries, Germany And the UK
Post Date: 2019-11-14 11:41:56 by Horse
The figures from the Pew Research Centre show the number of illegals — what the report calls unauthorised immigrants — has risen steeply since 2014, reaching a peak in 2016 Poster Comment:5 Million. Next Euro Trash that opens his yap about the US gets 10 million American illegals to make it fair.

Alert! Court Actually Claws Back Post-9/11 Search Creep
Post Date: 2019-11-14 08:11:25 by Ada
New ruling puts the brakes on practice of seizing travelers' laptops and cell phones. At last a victory for citizens. For nearly 20 years, the federal government has used and abused the memory of the 9/11 attacks to expand its law enforcement authorities at the nation’s airports, even if that has meant broaching one of our most sacrosanct constitutional freedoms: the right against illegal search and seizure, otherwise known as the 4th Amendment. On Tuesday, a federal court in Boston ruled that the Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) can no longer detain Americans coming back over the border to search their laptops, cell phones and ...

The Supreme Court Looks Ready To Uphold Trump’s Bid To End DACA
Post Date: 2019-11-12 15:40:15 by Horse
A closely-divided Supreme Court seemed inclined to uphold President Donald Trump’s bid to terminate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program during arguments Tuesday morning. The high court’s conservative majority appeared to think the administration has provided an adequate basis for ending the policy, and in spaces even wondered if the courts had power to review the dispute. DACA does not confer lawful status on recipients, nor is it a defense against deportation. Instead, if delays removal for a renewable two year period and allows beneficiaries to apply for work permits. Former President Barack Obama established the program in 2012. To qualify, recipients ...

Truth About the Mexican Massacre
Post Date: 2019-11-10 07:33:41 by Horse
Poster Comment:Legalize drugs. Gather together Mexican recruits to join an Army to do battle with Mexican Drug Cartels and corrupt politicians and police. The CIA is a partner with the Drug Cartels.

BREAKING! New Evidence Confirms Kentucky Election Fraud! Non-citizens being added to voter registration from DMV database
Post Date: 2019-11-10 04:07:41 by Horse
Just weeks before the Kentucky election, 175,000 purged voters were put back on the registration rolls after Democrat challenger Attorney General Andy Beshear sued to have the inactive voters reinstated. A recently released recorded phone call between the Kentucky Board of Elections office and a journalist named Tore shows that Tore and her immigrant husband, who is ineligible to vote, were placed on the Kentucky voter rolls as registered Democrats. The only problem is, Tore and her husband haven’t lived in the state Kentucky for years and both of them have never registered as Democrats. Tore was concerned about her husband’s immigration status and how the apparent election ...

Warren Says She Is “Open To Suspending Deportations” For People With Criminal Records
Post Date: 2019-11-08 20:54:02 by Horse
Poster Comment:A Latina woman with 5 children asked Pocahontas in Spanish if she would have deported the woman's husband who had a criminal record.

Migrants Charged In Brutal Gang Rape of 13-Year-Old Swedish Girl
Post Date: 2019-11-08 18:29:39 by Horse
Four young males from Eritrea have been charged with brutally raping a 13-year-old Swedish girl, according to reports. The men, aged between 20 and 25, allegedly took turns raping the girl and filmed the attack, which occurred in a bathroom in Hallsberg in June. The victim suffered a variety of injuries, including internal bleeding, as well as “bruises on the shoulder, arm, hand and knees, a bloodied hand, pain and tenderness,” Fria Tider reports. “The intercourse was preceded by violence consisting of at least two of the defendants grabbing the plaintiff's neck and shoulder, slamming her head into a wall and pushing her into a bathroom,” the indictment states. ...

Tulsi Gabbard to Breitbart News: ‘We Do Not Have a Nation If We Do Not Have Borders’
Post Date: 2019-11-07 18:57:48 by Horse

Leprosy In Los Angeles Update: Doctor Issues Warning
Post Date: 2019-11-07 13:38:04 by Horse
Leprosy, a deadly disease from the middle ages has re-emerged threatening a number of homeless people in Los Angeles. According to the CDC, between 100 and 200 new cases of leprosy are annually reported in the U.S., Dr. Marc Siegel, a professor of medicine and medical director at Doctor Radio at NYU Langone Health, wrote in The Hill. Dr. Siegel added a USC study discovered that most of the 187 patients with leprosy who were treated at its clinic between 1973 to 2018 came from Mexico where the disease is widespread. He also noted that leprosy remains more prevalent in Central and South America with over 20,000 new cases diagnosed annually. “Given that, there is certainly the ...

Massive Voter Fraud In 3 States Yesterday
Post Date: 2019-11-07 13:36:25 by Horse
Poster Comment:Voter fraud. More voters than legal registered voter American citizens in Kentucky. 101 counties across the nation are the center of voter fraud. Two Kentucky counties registered tens of thousands of illegal aliens.

ICE Slams Sanctuary Sheriff For Releasing Homicide Convict
Post Date: 2019-11-05 21:18:00 by Horse
An illegal alien convicted of “felony death by motor vehicle” was released in a North Carolina sanctuary county, despite a detainer issued by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), prompting the agency to publish a scathing statement. Jose Barajas-Diaz, a Mexican national, was arrested on Jan. 29, 2019, by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department and charged with driving while impaired and felony death by motor vehicle. “Mr. Barajas-Diaz was convicted of felony death by motor vehicle in North Carolina Superior Court for Mecklenburg County on October 24, 2019, and given a five-year suspended sentence with credit for time served,” ICE explained in a press ...

Will Trump Send SOF After Drug Cartels?
Post Date: 2019-11-05 19:13:54 by Horse
Poster Comment:Yes but will Mexican President allow Donald to send in troops to kill Cartel members? Apparently No. Leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador has said NO. Other Cartels would attack him for setting this precedent. My idea: We recruit and train an Army of Mexicans willing to kill Drug Cartels and to arrest corrupt Mexican government officials. But legalize Drugs first.

Robbery hoax at a Seattle restaurant staged to avoid DEPORTATION from the US
Post Date: 2019-11-05 19:02:08 by Horse
SEATTLE — The King County Sheriff’s office announced Monday the reported violent robbery and assault that took place at a SeaTac restaurant in October was a hoax. SeaTac police originally released information that at least two masked men tied up customers at Bob’s Burgers n’ Teriyakis on Oct. 19 and then demanded money from them and sexually assaulted two female customers. In a Monday afternoon press conference, King County Sheriff Mitzi Johanknecht said it was all a hoax in an effort for the people involved to avoid deportation. Analyst On 20-Year Win Streak Makes 8th Prediction Sponsored By Stansberry Research Each of his 7 major predictions has come true. But his ...

California: America's First THIRD WORLD STATE
Post Date: 2019-11-03 14:40:16 by Horse
Poster Comment:Since 1940 the population of California rose from 7.1 million to 39.75 million and ranks dead last in quality of life of the 50 states. 25% of all homeless are in California. They have the highest poverty rate and twice the national average. They have typhus and Bubonic plague. Might I point out that the population of Mexico in 1950 was 28 million. Today there are 34 million Mexican Americans and 132 million people in Mexico. Solving the over population problems of Latin America, Africa, the Mideast and Asia is way beyond our ability. I wrote this: Senator, Why Do You Want to Cut Our Wages and Pensions 50%? https://vidrebel.wordpress.com/2019/0 ...

Migrants Cutting Through Trump’s Shitty Artistic Steel Slats with $100 Saws
Post Date: 2019-11-03 09:23:14 by Ada
I liked the steel slats because they were artistic. But turns out they really suck. NY Daily News: Migrants and smugglers have succeeded in cutting through President Trump’s “virtually impenetrable” border wall using cordless saws that cost as little as $100 apiece at hardware stores. border agents and officials told the Washington Post. Trump administration officials admitted being aware of “a few instances” in which people-smugglers managed to breach rebuilt sections of the $10 billion wall that Trump once promised Mexico would pay for, the paper reported. The widely available saws can cut through the wall’s steel bollards within a matter of minutes. ...

Five Minutes from Midnight
Post Date: 2019-11-02 17:12:35 by Horse
Poster Comment:Daughter of Albion. She makes great videos.

Which Way, White Man? #NCCC
Post Date: 2019-11-01 13:36:47 by Horse
Poster Comment:Daughter of Albion Channel.

Billboard in London Encourages White People to Sterilize Themselves
Post Date: 2019-11-01 10:15:38 by Horse
Advertisement betrays a noticeable lack of diversity.

It happened again. (Tragedy of Cultural Relativism Strikes Again)
Post Date: 2019-10-31 18:19:10 by Horse
Poster Comment:A University study found that conservatives were more likely than liberals to be aware of dangerous situations.

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