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Latest Articles: Immigration

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200-square-foot ‘shed’ renting for $1,050 a month in California
Post Date: 2019-10-04 06:08:02 by Horse
SAN DIEGO - A rental listing in San Diego received some backlash from locals who say the rental illustrates how bad the cost of living has become in the city. On a rental site called Zumper, the listing shows a 200-square-foot “studio” that is located in the University Heights neighborhood. Monthly rent is $1,050 but the potential renter must have an income 2.5 times more than that and a credit score of 650 or better. They must also have good rental references and no rental evictions on their record. The small abode comes with a wall air conditioning unit, full bathroom and a kitchen with a mini-fridge and full-sized stove and oven. While the requirements might seem a little ...

Sweden Makes It Legal For Jihadist Migrants To Leave With The Intent Of Committing Terror Acts, Then Return
Post Date: 2019-10-01 08:26:04 by Horse
“I believe that Allah’s rules should prevail over all other laws.”

How the Sierra Club Was Hijacked by Open Borders Radicals
Post Date: 2019-09-29 09:34:16 by GreyLmist
To explore, enjoy, and protect the planet. To practice and promote the responsible use of the Earth’s ecosystems and resources; to educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out those objectives. – Sierra Club mission statement With the Sierra Club's advocacy for “open borders” procured by multimillionaire David Gelbaum circa 2004, the above mission statement has become a meaningless paragraph of puffery, as the rapidly expanding population of the United States, driven by record numbers of immigrants, causes unprecedented environmental destruction and loss of wild lands. ...

War On Free Speech: New York City Criminalizes Term ‘Illegal Alien’
Post Date: 2019-09-29 08:36:09 by Horse
In a shocking attack on the First Amendment, New York City has banned the term “illegal alien” and criminalized threatening to call ICE on illegal immigrants. NYC Commission on Human Rights released a 29-page directive on Thursday outlining “new legal enforcement guidance and actions against discrimination based on immigration status and national origin.” “If you want to come into the ultimate city of immigrants and try to spread hate, you WILL face the consequences,” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio tweeted with the attached the unconstitutional directive. From the New York Post: The restrictions — violations of which are punishable by fines of up ...

2 Child Rape Suspects at-Large After Police in NJ, NY Refused to Detain Illegals
Post Date: 2019-09-27 23:33:39 by Horse
Sanctuary City policies putting public in danger

Immigration and Teething Pains
Post Date: 2019-09-22 16:47:29 by Ada
At Last, A Reasonable Voice I have often pointed out that the Dissident Right, fervently disliking Latinos, criticizes Hispanics for all sins real or imagined but never says what policies it favor toward the tens of millions American citizens of Latin-American descent. I have to retract. Recently John Derbyshire, the star writer at the anti-immigrant site Vdare.com, has stated clearly and even eloquently that he favors assimilation. Thus: This country can only work—can only be a country worth the name—under an ethic of relentless assimilation. You settle here, you Americanize yourself, for which the very first step is to master English, so you can join in the national political ...

California overturns verdict of illegal immigrant in Kate Steinle's death
Post Date: 2019-09-20 04:03:11 by Horse
Poster Comment:Might I point out that the population of Mexico in 1950 was 28 million. Today there are 34 million Mexican Americans and 132 million people in Mexico. Solving the over population problems of Latin America, Africa, the Mideast and Asia is way beyond our ability. The Wall Street Elite deliberately over populated America. Study the writings of Leon Walras and Wassily Leontieff. The latter won a Nobel Prize in economics for his study of the American economy. He studied the inputs and outputs of American industry. Starting with an extractive industry like mining which outputs coal and iron. These outputs become inputs to the making of steel as an output. This steel in turn ...

California Gov. Newsom asks Trump to help with homelessness crisis
Post Date: 2019-09-19 12:56:22 by Horse
Poster Comment:after he spent $23 BILLION on illegals…

Maine or Mogadishu? African 'Refugees' Turn White Paradise Into Crime-Ridden Hellhole
Post Date: 2019-09-19 12:51:22 by Horse
Several weeks ago I drew attention to the plight of the highly-unusual African migrant destination of Portland, Maine on The Third Rail podcast. It seems I wasn’t the only one whose suspicions were raised by what has rapidly turned into a crisis, with the city totally ill-equipped to deal with an influx of hundreds of Africans bussed-in by Catholic Charities from San Antonio, Texas. Who I can only assume is a local going under the name Concerned Citizen recently published a brilliant piece on Medium entitled “Such a Disgrace: How Ethan Strimling Betrayed the People of Portland” describing the trainwreck in Vacationland’s largest city. I highly recommend it as a primer on ...

21-Year-Old Illegal Accused of Raping 6-Year-Old Girl in Montgomery County, Maryland – Faces 155 Years in Prison
Post Date: 2019-09-17 11:35:25 by Horse
Wilder Hernandez-Nolasco, 21, of Silver Spring, Maryland began sexually assaulting the little girl (possibly a family member) when she was just 5 years old — and the Democrats endorse this evil with their silence. The victim told police that Wilder Hernandez-Nolasco touched her vagina with his hand, digitally penetrated her vagina, exposed his penis, had the victim touch it and engage in vaginal intercourse, according to the statement of charges.

DACA Illegals Sue to Ensure They Can Use Welfare and Still Get Green Cards
Post Date: 2019-09-17 11:32:30 by Horse
Two illegal aliens shielded from deportation by President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program are suing the Trump administration to ensure they can collect federal welfare and still obtain green cards to permanently stay in the United States. The open borders group CASA de Maryland and two DACA illegal aliens are suing the Trump administration over its soon-t0-be enforcement of the “public charge” rule, which would save American taxpayers billions by effectively ending welfare-dependent legal immigration to the U.S.

Illegal Immigration Is Far More Dangerous Than Mass Shootings
Post Date: 2019-09-16 21:22:56 by Horse
There are communities fighting back against becoming dumping grounds for the Cloward and Piven-style United Nations-engineered replacement migration of sovereign nations. However, finding their message on mainstream media is a fleeting reality. In fact, a quick search of protests against immigration leads you to pro-immigration protesters against the agencies keeping our borders safe. But what if these people are wrong? What if we truly aren’t safe in our communities due to the policies of the left as they kowtow for the United Nations? Wouldn’t these protesters simply be supporting unchecked violence against legal residents? Are they not aiding and abetting the thousands of ...

Ban On Eating Dogs & Cats Blocked in the UK Because it Might Offend East Asians
Post Date: 2019-09-16 21:18:12 by Horse
Clown world strikes again.

Liberal utopia of California has the highest poverty rate in the nation
Post Date: 2019-09-16 11:34:03 by Horse
From Sacramento Bee: California, typically one of the most prosperous and progressive states, is also one of the poorest. That’s according to new data from the US Census Bureau that offers insight into the economic status of people in California and the nation. The annual release of survey data measures income, poverty and insurance status. For California, that means another reminder that the state’s poverty rate of 18.2 percent is exceeded only by Washington DC, which has a poverty rate of 18.4 percent when you account for the cost of living. It accounts for about 1 in every six residents. The state’s poverty rate in 2018 was about 5 percentage points higher than the ...

Quotidian Sweat
Post Date: 2019-09-15 18:57:03 by Ada
There is a dearth of writing about work, its variety, tedium and grind. This is understandable, since most writers have devoted much of their time to writing and reading, and not painting houses, cleaning toilets, washing dishes, planting crops or performing mind numbingly monotonous tasks on an assembly line, etc. This blind spot or ignorance has become worse in contemporary America, where your typical writer spends nearly his entire adulthood inside academia. There is no more surreal theme park than a college campus. During my few cameo appearances as a university professor, I’d encourage students to write about their work experiences, especially if they appear pointless, for this ...

Measles outbreaks are in states with either a high illegal immigrant population or an out of control homeless problem.
Post Date: 2019-09-14 10:43:12 by Horse
The left attacks anti-vax to cover up failed policy. Non-vaxxed Illegals bring disease and the dirty living conditions of the homeless spread the disease in sanctuary cities.

We have typhus in San antonio.
Post Date: 2019-09-09 14:47:42 by Horse
SAN ANTONIO — A local veterinarian is warning people about rising numbers of typhus. She says she contracted the potentially deadly disease from a flea! “Me and my tech started within about 10 to 12 hours of each other. We both had flu-like symptoms,” said Dr. Olga Jaimez, who owns 4 Paws Animal Hospital. She also said that’s when both she and one of her technicians went to the doctor. “They tested us for flu and strep and we both came out negative,” she said. “Within a few days, I still continued with my symptoms of fever and flu-like symptoms, and then, all of a sudden, in probably a couple of hours, I developed red spots all over my body.” ...

French Identitarians to be Fined and Jailed for Opposing Illegal Immigration Meanwhile, Open Borders Lawbreaker Walks Scott-Free
Post Date: 2019-09-08 09:20:46 by Ada
Prison for Non-Violent Opposition to Illegal Immigration: GI activists Clément Galant, Romain Espino, and Damien Lefèvre. The pro-European and anti-immigration movement Generation Identity (GI) has achieved a worldwide notoriety through its often spectacular actions, whether by occupying EU and government buildings or manning their own ship to halt migrant smugglers in the Mediterranean. Such actions are not without risk however. In spring 2018, French GI activists – frustrated by the French government’s inability or unwillingness to get the migrant crisis under control and prevent illegal immigration into their country – decided to take matters into their ...

Leprosy Could Be The Next Public Health Crisis To Hit Los Angeles
Post Date: 2019-09-07 15:35:13 by Horse
Leprosy cases are emerging in Los Angeles County... and Dr. Maria Teresa Ochoa of USC's Keck Medical Center is urging the public to “fight the stigma.”

After 7 Illegal Immigrants Charged with Sexual Crimes in Same County, Sheriff Has Had Enough: 'It's Really Outrageous'
Post Date: 2019-09-06 06:11:37 by BTP Holdings
After 7 Illegal Immigrants Charged with Sexual Crimes in Same County, Sheriff Has Had Enough: 'It's Really Outrageous' Sheriff Has Had Enough of Sexual Crime Spree from Illegal Immigrants: 'It's Really Outrageous' Volume 90% By C. Douglas Golden Published September 3, 2019 at 8:54am Montgomery County, Maryland has earned a dubious distinction as of late: No less than seven illegal immigrants have been charged with sex crimes there in less than two months. Now, a sheriff in another nearby county has had enough of the politicians he says are enabling it. During a Monday appearance on Fox News, Frederick County Sheriff Chuck Jenkins criticized the county ...

South Africans Setting Fire to Other African Migrants in Wave of Xenophobic Attacks
Post Date: 2019-09-04 20:03:10 by Horse
Xenophobic violence is flaring once again in South Africa, where black South Africans are setting fire to other African migrants and attacking foreign-owned businesses. “Rioters looted shops, created flaming barricades on roads and engaged in street fights with police, as attacks on immigrants and foreign-owned businesses increase,” reported RT. “Some 50 businesses were looted and damaged on Sunday alone. It’s the second outbreak of such violence in the country in the space of a week.” Shocking video shows black South Africans setting fire to other African migrants in the street. The violence was sparked after a South African driver was shot dead by a drug ...

Unconfirmed by Senate, Cuccinelli sees power, influence grow on immigration
Post Date: 2019-09-01 19:03:08 by BTP Holdings
Unconfirmed by Senate, Cuccinelli sees power, influence grow on immigration Brett Samuels 11 hrs ago Ken Cuccinelli is wielding immense power as the acting director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), where he has rolled out multiple significant and controversial policies in recent weeks. © Getty Images Unconfirmed by Senate, Cuccinelli sees power, influence grow on immigration In nearly three months on the job, Cuccinelli - who was not confirmed for the position by the Senate - has emerged as the point person for President Trump's immigration agenda. He's been at the forefront of a wave of initiatives to restrict legal immigration and limit access to ...

Top Democrats CAUGHT in Disturbing Sexual Assault Scandal
Post Date: 2019-09-01 11:25:07 by BTP Holdings
Top Democrats CAUGHT in Disturbing Sexual Assault Scandal They tried to ruin the career of Justice Brett Kavanaugh over alleged sexual assault accusations. Now top Democrats are knee-deep in their own sexual assault scandal… and they’ll do ANYTHING to hide it. Read on… Remember when Democrats turned Capitol Hill into a circus during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings? Not only did they nearly ruin the career and reputations of Kavanaugh over allegations of sexual misconduct nearly 30 years ago… They also lectured the entire country on why ALL women need to feel safe and protected from sexual assault (which of course ANYONE with a soul should believe). But fast forward ...

7th Illegal Alien To Be Arrested For Rape/Sexual Abuse In MD County In Past Six Weeks
Post Date: 2019-09-01 10:48:37 by Horse
A man accused of raping a 15-year-old girl in her grandmother’s bedroom had been deported from the United States less than three years ago. 37yo Emilio Carrasco-Hernandez raped a 15 yo girl in Montgomery County, Md. Poster Comment:The last Republican serving on the Montgomery County Council, Howard A. Denis of District 1 (Potomac/Bethesda), was defeated in 2006. The board has since been all-Democratic.

Jeanine Pirro Compared To Mass Shooter For Discussing 'Plot To Replace American Citizens With Illegals'
Post Date: 2019-08-31 04:57:49 by Horse
They get to vote, maybe once, maybe twice, maybe three times..."

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