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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Mexican man convicted of kidnapping and sexually abusing two Oregon women GRINS in court and tells their families he'll 'see you in Hell' - as it emerges he'd already been deported TWENTY times before
Post Date: 2017-12-03 07:29:25 by Horse
Sergio Jose Martinez, 31, was sentenced to 35 years in prison on Friday He sexually assaulted a women in her home and attacked another in a parking lot Both were on the same July day, a week after he was released from jail He had been there for interfering with police; he'd also been deported 20 times Martinez pleaded guilty to 10 counts including sodomy and sexual assault A Mexican man who was deported from the US 20 times has been convicted of 10 counts including sexual assault in Oregon. On Friday, Sergio Jose Martinez, 31, was sentenced to 35 years in prison in a Portland courtroom after pleading guilty to kidnapping, sexual assault, sodomy and several other counts, KOIN reported. ...

Migrant crackdown forces bakery to raise wages
Post Date: 2017-12-01 13:28:24 by Horse

Trump Slams "Disgraceful Verdict" After San Francisco Jury Acquits "Kate's Law"-Victim's Killer
Post Date: 2017-12-01 00:04:30 by Horse
Update 2: Just as we suspected, President Trump has tweeted his opinion on this decision... Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump A disgraceful verdict in the Kate Steinle case! No wonder the people of our Country are so angry with Illegal Immigration. * * * Update 1: AP reports that U.S. immigration officials say they will deport the Mexican man found not guilty of murder in San Francisco pier shooting. As we detailed earlier, in a verdict that has shocked many in the Bay Area (and across America), a jury of six men and six women in sanctuary city San Francisco found illegal immigrant (and five-time deportee) Jose Ines Garcia Zarate not guilty in the death of Kate Steinle. Mr. ...

Britain First: (Videos Liberals Hate Trump for Re-tweeting)
Post Date: 2017-11-30 03:36:27 by Horse
Poster Comment:Trump was re-tweeting videos from Britain First. CAIR and the Democrats protested. The second video predicts civil war. I think we will lose more than 90% of the total world population so minorities might not be a problem.

Mapping The Fiscal Burden Of Illegal Immigration On Each State
Post Date: 2017-11-30 03:12:21 by Horse
There’s a lot of confusion and misunderstanding out there around the economic impact of illegal immigration in the United States. We decided to bring some clarity around the issue by mapping new numbers on the estimated costs of illegal immigration on a state-by-state basis. Our viz takes data from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) about how much illegal immigration costs in each state. FAIR takes into account a variety of different expenditures, like healthcare, education and refundable tax credits. We mapped these numbers across the United States according to a color-coded scale. Purple and dark red states have comparatively high expenditures, but the pink ...

German Police Infiltrated by Immigrant Gangs
Post Date: 2017-11-25 10:43:40 by Horse
Poster Comment:Half of the Police Academy students are Turks and Arabs. They trash their schools. In a few years they will take over the police. They say they will need foreign assistance to overcome their migrant problem. I say we give the native Germans guns and the 2nd Amendment.

$216,181: That’s the household income needed to buy a house in San Jose metro area, report says (Caused by Unlimited Immigration)
Post Date: 2017-11-22 14:20:10 by Horse
Among the 50 largest U.S. markets, San Jose and San Francisco metros require the highest salaries to purchase a home. The median house price in the San Jose area as defined in the HSH.com report is $1.165 million. The houses in this gallery sold for close to that price in recent weeks. This is 5655 Croydon Avenue, in San Jose's Princeton Plaza neighborhood; $1.12 million, 1425 square feet, 2 bedrooms. (Google Maps image) A $216,181 household income is required to buy a median-priced house in the San Jose metro area, while $171,330 is needed to buy a typical home in the San Francisco metro, according to a new report from the HSH.com mortgage information web site. This map shows the ...

The Psychology Of Desperate People: 15 Dead, 40 Injured In Food Stampede In Morocco
Post Date: 2017-11-22 06:11:06 by Horse
Your web browser (Chrome 49) is out of date. Update your browser for more security, speed and the best experience on this site. Update browser Ignore “Russia Did It” and Other Crimes by Sprott Money - Nov 22, 2017 4:05 AM As long as capitalism is made the enemy, the ruling and banking class criminals can and will continue their global crime sprees uncontested. This Could Be the Largest Marijuana Growing Company Sponsored By Wall St News In one fell swoop this licenses cannabis grower may have acquired access to more space than any other producer...find out more Greetings FRoM WaSHiNGToN DC by williambanzai7 - Nov 21, 2017 11:34 AM Its gonna blow! What We Can Expect For Gold ...

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton: 'The Left wants the ability to steal elections'
Post Date: 2017-11-14 18:41:57 by Horse

Minnesota Just Did Unthinkable For Muslim Attacker Who Stabbed People In Mall Of America Last Night
Post Date: 2017-11-13 18:47:23 by Horse
Poster Comment:The MSM does not mention the name of Muslims who attack whites at the Mall of America. The Mayor has a hotline for Muslims to report anti-Islam statements from whites.

E01 - "I do no like job" - Refugee crisis in EU
Post Date: 2017-11-12 16:22:53 by Horse
Poster Comment:This is part of a series from white European who oppose the Muslim-African invasion.

Ann Coulter: Trump’s Nominee to Head Homeland Security Is an “Open Borders Zealot”
Post Date: 2017-11-10 13:00:57 by Horse
President Donald Trump’s nominee for head of the Department of Homeland Security is a bleeding heart lunatic. Kirstjen Nielsen told Europe to keep their borders open to millions of more third world migrants. And this week Kirstjen told a senate panel amnesty for illegal immigrant children was our responsibility. Ann Coulter wonders how this woman was nominated to lead homeland security when she is clearly against homeland security. Breitbart.com reported: New York Times bestselling author and populist conservative commentator Ann Coulter says President Trump’s nominee to head the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Kirstjen Nielsen, is “an open borders zealot.” ...

Wages Rise As EU Migrants Leave Post-Brexit Britain
Post Date: 2017-11-10 12:39:42 by Horse
Emigration of Cheap EU Workers Caused Wages to Rise for Native Britons Net migration into the United Kingdom has been falling steadily since the nation voted to leave the European Union in 2016—the infamous Brexit referendum. A report from The Guardian shows the net migration is the lowest it’s been in three years, and it’s still falling. Why? Because many immigrants from the relatively poor countries of Eastern Europe—particularly Poland and Romania—and leaving Britain, knowing that border controls are likely coming. This is exactly what the “remainers” feared: “without cheap foreign labor Britain’s economy will collapse” they said. Of ...

Post Date: 2017-11-05 14:14:31 by Horse
Poster Comment:Immigration is what has lowered wages, raised taxes and made rent exorbitant. I was born in Oakland. I have not been there since 2007 but it was never like what you see in this video. I checked Craigslist. You can rent a 1,000 sq ft flat for a mere $2,500 a month. It is just north of the above street dwellers who are near the freeways as you come into Oakland from across the Bay Bridge.

Shameful anti-Guillespie campaign ad by Latino Victory Fund (Virginia Governor's race)
Post Date: 2017-11-01 10:36:45 by Horse
Poster Comment:GILLESPIE FAMILY LEFT ‘DISGUSTED’ BY TRUCK AD, CAMPAIGN DONATIONS ‘TRIPLE’ “They are infuriated.” http://dailycaller.com/2017/10/31/exclusive-gillespie-family-left-disgusted-by- truck-ad-campaign-donations-triple-video/

NYC Terrorist Bragged About Attack In Hospital, Was Pleased With His "Success"
Post Date: 2017-11-01 10:15:37 by Horse
Update: Reports of the details of investigators' conversations with Saipov are beginning to leak. While it's unclear what, if anything, investigators learned from him, one official told ABC News the suspect seemed “proud” of the attack. Investigators spent the overnight hours collecting video and still images from traffic and surveillance cameras along the route of the attack, sources said. Those images show that Saipov drove carefully and at moderate speed until he entered the jogging path and accelerated; investigators believe that suggests the suspect knew where he wanted to begin the attack. Authorities are pouring through toll records and other digital records to see ...

Schumer Fires Back After Trump Blames His Immigration Policy For NYC Terror Attack
Post Date: 2017-11-01 09:56:22 by Horse
Update: Schumer has responded on twitter, first blasting Trump's accusation, stating "I guess it's not too soon to politicize a tragedy"... Chuck Schumer ✔ @SenSchumer I guess it's not too soon to politicize a tragedy. ... as well as posting a statement in response to Trump’s proposed funding cuts to anti-terrorism efforts: Chuck Schumer ✔ @SenSchumer My full statement in response to President Trump’s proposed funding cuts to anti-terrorism efforts: Other Democrats also criticized the president’s reaction. “I think it’s kind of absurd in the hours after this terrible attack to be using it as a fulcrum for a debate ...

The War Party Marches On
Post Date: 2017-10-28 08:16:09 by Ada
There is only one party in DC--The War Party When will the American people catch on to the fact that we do not have two political parties in Washington, D.C.? As I have said repeatedly—and as experience continues to verify—there is just ONE party in Washington: the War Party. No matter which party controls the White House or Congress, the War Party runs things. Warmongering neocons in the GOP and warmongering neolibs in the Democrat Party control Washington, D.C. Oh, they might fuss and feud with each other over domestic and social issues (abortion, homosexuality, welfare, immigration, tort reform, etc.), but they are joined at the hip on the one issue that matters most to them: ...

Rising Rents Are Pushing More Tenants Past the Breaking Point
Post Date: 2017-10-26 10:32:11 by Horse
Almost 20 percent of those surveyed struggle to pay the rent Cities rocked by foreclosure crisis still see higher evictions Rents have increased rapidly across U.S. housing markets as the share of renting households has risen faster than the number of new units. Now, in a survey published Thursday by an apartment-listing service, nearly one in five respondents reports struggling to make the monthly payments. While big landlords seem to be succeeding at finding tenants who can keep up, the survey, by Apartment List, suggests escalating housing costs may be straining renters’ resources. Eighteen percent of respondents couldn’t pay the full rent due in at least one of the past ...

Jeff Flake Announces Retirement After Realizing It's No Longer The 1960's
Post Date: 2017-10-25 08:49:30 by Ada
Open borders, amnesty activist Senator Jeff Flake announced his retirement Tuesday with a painfully boring speech whining about "principles" and "our values." Flake, who had no problem voting for the Iraq war, the PATRIOT act and amnesty for illegals, delivered a self-righteous sermon attacking Trumpism and praising the forces of globalism. It was basically George Bush's speech from last week, but delivered as though we were in the 1960's and the country was not a bunch of warring, fractured groups on the precipice of a second civil war. Flake said: "It is clear at this moment that a traditional conservative who believes in limited government and ...

America’s Immigrant Population Reaches All-Time High—45.6 Million People
Post Date: 2017-10-23 18:03:00 by Horse
The US Census Bureau recently released new data from its 2016 American Community Survey (ACS)—the largest survey administered by the US government, with data collected directly from over 2 million households. It provides a relatively accurate snapshot of the country. Perhaps the most important, if unsurprising piece of data is the fact that America’s immigrant population is at an all time high: America is home to at least 43.7 million immigrants. In fact, the number is likely even higher: the Department of Homeland Security estimates that some 1.9 million immigrants are missed by the ACS surveys. Given this fact, there are likely over 45.6 million immigrants currently residing ...

London now more dangerous than New York City, crime stats suggest
Post Date: 2017-10-20 16:38:17 by Horse
London is now more crime ridden and dangerous than New York City, with rape, robbery and violent offences far higher on this side of the Atlantic. The latest statistics, published earlier this week, revealed that crime across the UK was up by 13 per cent, with a surge in violence in the capital blamed for much of the increase. Seizing on the figures, US President, Donald Trump, claimed the rise could be linked to the “spread of radical Islam”, adding that it demonstrated the need to “keep America safe”. Paid content Jackson, Tennessee: This Brilliant Company Is Disrupting a $200 Billion Industry Jackson, Tennessee: This Brilliant Company Is Disrupting a $200 Billion ...

ICE Detainer Issued for Suspected Wine Country Arsonist in Sonoma Jail (Surprised? Illegal Alien Did It.
Post Date: 2017-10-17 15:03:36 by Horse
The U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE) issued a detainer request on the Sonoma County Jail for Jesus Fabian Gonzalez, who was arrested Sunday on suspicion of arson in Wine Country fires that have killed at least 40 residents. Breitbart News reported earlier this week that Sonoma County Sheriffs had arrested Jesus Fabian Gonzalez, 29, at Maxwell Regional Park in Sonoma County after a series of reports of ongoing fires in the region. Mr. Gonzalez was observed around 3:00 p.m. PDT wearing a jacket and walking “out of the creek area and a plume of smoke behind him,” according to the Santa Rosa Press Democrat. Mr. Gonzalez, who is homeless and reportedly known by ...

US immigration population hits record 60 million, 1-of-5 in nation
Post Date: 2017-10-16 17:57:36 by Ada
Census: Immigration to bust 100-year record, continue surging A huge boom in immigration, legal and illegal, over the past 16 years has jumped the immigrant population to over 43 million in the United States, according to a new report. And when their U.S.-born children are added, the number grows to over 60 million, making the immigrant community nearly one-fifth of the nation's population, according to federal statistics reviewed by the Center for Immigration Studies. Click for Full Text!

Post Date: 2017-10-14 07:48:51 by Ada
AN INTERNAL HANDBOOK obtained by The Intercept provides a rare view into the extensive asset seizure operations of ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations, an office that trains its agents to meticulously appraise the value of property before taking it. HSI’s 71-page “Asset Forfeiture Handbook,” dated June 30, 2010, underscores the role seizures play in “helping to fund future law enforcement actions” and covering costs “that HSI would otherwise be unable to fund.” It thus offers an unprecedented window into ICE’s wide-ranging asset forfeiture operations and the premium the agency places on seizing valuable property. Forfeiture proceeds can ...

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