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Zach Taylor Interview from the film; "Back to the Border" JFA
Post Date: 2014-09-24 01:56:09 by Horse
Poster Comment:This Border Agent lays out how bad it is on our southern borders.

The real 'border incursion'..
Post Date: 2014-09-21 20:34:59 by X-15
After the greaser jumped the White House 'fence', I say that The People boost about 100,000 illegal mexicon chillren and about 1,000 Child Protective Services attorney's to FORCE Barry Obama to let them enter and take up residence in the White House. FUCK BARRY 'NIGGER' OBAMA.

Jewish Groups Pay to Send U.S. Police to Train in Israel
Post Date: 2014-09-19 22:24:16 by Horse
The militarization of American police forces hasn’t been paid for by just the federal government. Pro-Israel groups in the U.S. have also played a role by financing trips for hundreds of law enforcement officers to travel to the Middle East for counterterrorism training, according to Ali Winston, a contributor to the Center for Investigative Reporting (CIR). Monies provided by such groups as the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee’s Project Interchangeand the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs have made it possible for “at least 300 high-ranking sheriffs and police from agencies large and small – from New York and Maine to Orange County and ...

BREAKING: Governor Defies Obama and Refuses to House Illegals
Post Date: 2014-09-19 22:03:19 by Horse
The opposition against President Obama continues to rise, as more Americans, both in politics and out, are starting to see through the border crisis, recognizing it’s a ploy to help Obama once again break the law, bypass Congress, and implement his agenda. States at the border are experiencing heavy economic strain as local communities struggle to come up with funds and other resources to support the influx of illegals flooding into the U.S. While many people think that the immigration crisis only impacts those states that are along the border, recent developments in states like Michigan prove otherwise. Obama’s plan to orchestrate this invasion of illegals includes ...

Gumballs to represent immigration
Post Date: 2014-09-18 09:50:02 by christine

Census Bureau: Noncitizen income rose 15 times faster than income of native U.S. workers in 2013
Post Date: 2014-09-16 18:42:18 by Horse
The U.S. Census Bureau reported Tuesday that household income for noncitizens working in the United States rose 6.0 percent between 2012 and 2013, 15 times more than the paltry 0.4 percent increase for households led by native-born U.S. workers. Census said income households led by foreign-born workers, which includes noncitizens and naturalized citizens, rose 1.7 percent over the same period of time. That’s still about four times higher than the 0.4 percent increase for native born workers. Children who have had their fathers deported attend a protest in response to US President Barack Obama’s delay on immigration reform in front of the White House in Washington, DC. Democrats ...

Feds force public schools to accept illegal children without medical screenings
Post Date: 2014-09-10 18:58:34 by Horse
Feds force public schools to accept illegal children without medical screenings Posted September 10, 2014 2:04 pm by PatriotRising with 0 comments Obama administration ignores law to ensure future voting base Feds force public schools to accept illegal children without medical screenings Since October 2013, 50,303 “unaccompanied children” from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras have crossed America’s porous Southern border to claim green cards via the immigration courts. The Obama administration has sent none of these children home. Instead, federal officials have chosen to set aside normal immigration practices and to allow this wave of young illegal immigrants to ...

Gov. Jerry Brown: Nearly 30% of CA Kids Illegal or 'Don't Speak English'
Post Date: 2014-09-07 03:26:30 by Horse
During Thursday night's California gubernatorial debate against Republican Neel Kashkari, California Governor Jerry Brown (D) revealed that nearly 30% of the state's schoolchildren are either illegal immigrants or do not speak English. Brown, who recently said that illegal immigrants from Mexico were "all welcome in California," praised his administration's immigration policies. He said that California is "setting the pace" on immigration laws and mentioned bills he signed that gave driver's licenses to illegal immigrants, made California a sanctuary state (Trust Act), and granted in-state tuition to illegal immigrants (CA DREAM Act). Brown then said ...

US court rules foreign victims of domestic violence can seek asylum
Post Date: 2014-09-05 15:15:00 by scrapper2
An American court has found for the first time that foreign women who suffer domestic violence in their home countries can have grounds to seek asylum in the US. The decision is likely to be used by Latin American women fighting deportation from the US and could potentially trigger a new wave of asylum seekers fleeing violence at home. It may also spark fresh rancour among Americans who believe the White House should be turning back the tens of thousands of women and unaccompanied children who have arrived at the southern border this year. The case was brought by Aminta Cifuentes, a Guatemalan mother-of-three who fled to the US in 2005 to escape her abusive husband. The husband beat ...

tudy: Net Job Growth in NC Since 2000 Went to Immigrants
Post Date: 2014-09-04 19:13:20 by Horse
The net increase in the number of employed working-age adults in North Carolina has gone entirely to legal and illegal immigrants since 2000, according to an analysis of government data conducted by the Center for Immigration Studies. According to the limited immigration group, while the “native” working age (16-65 years old) North Carolina population has increased by 61 percent since 2000, the share of “natives” in that state’s work force has declined. “The total number of working-age (16 to 65) immigrants (legal and illegal) holding a job in North Carolina increased by 313,000 from the first quarter of 2000 to the first quarter of 2014, while the number of ...

Attkisson: Obama Admin Refusing to Tell Congress Where Illegal Children Went
Post Date: 2014-09-04 14:47:55 by Horse
Wednesday on Newsmax TV's "The Steve Malzberg Show," former CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson said the Obama administration is refusing to tell Congress where the ten of thousands of unaccompanied minors who crossed the U.S.-Mexican Border this summer were sent after they were processed though holding centers along the border. Attkisson said the Obama administration seems to be intentionally stonewalling by not answering letters from members of Congress or reporters questions. She added the only recourse is a FOIA lawsuit that will take years to go though the system. Poster Comment:Video at source.

Feds Punish Business For Engaging In ‘Citizenship-Discrimination’
Post Date: 2014-09-04 12:02:55 by X-15
A Texas catering business will pay the United States $26,400 for engaging in “citizenship-discrimination,” as part of a settlement with the Justice Department announced Tuesday. Culinaire International unlawfully discriminated against employees based on their citizenship status, the Justice Department claimed, because it required non-citizen employees to provide extra proof of their right to work in the United States. Culinaire has agreed to pay the United States $20,460 in civil penalties, receive training in anti-discrimination rules of the Immigration and Nationality Act, revise its work eligibility verification process, and create a $40,000 back pay fund for “potential ...

Cost of educating new class of illegal immigrant minors estimated at over $760M
Post Date: 2014-09-03 22:01:48 by X-15
A new report puts the price of educating the thousands of illegal immigrant children who recently crossed into the U.S. at a whopping $761 million this school year -- as some school systems push for the feds to pick up the tab. The estimate comes from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), which issued a report on the 37,000 “unaccompanied minors” – who mainly are from Central America – after analyzing data from the Department of Health and Human Services and education funding formulas in all 50 states. The numbers underscore the concerns critics have raised for months about the burden the surge is putting on local school systems and ...

Feds to Advertise Settlement Allowing Deported Illegals to Return
Post Date: 2014-08-31 03:45:40 by Horse
As part of a legal settlement that will allow some illegal immigrants who deported themselves from Southern California to return to the United States, the federal government has agreed to advertise the settlement on various Mexican and Spanish-language media outlets. The ACLU filed a class-action lawsuit last year on behalf of eleven illegal immigrants who deported themselves. The settlement reached on Wednesday will only cover "longtime California residents with relatives who are U.S. citizens and... young migrants whose parents brought them into the country illegally" who deported themselves between 2009 and 2013. An ACLU official has indicated that there were nearly 250,000 ...

How Racism Became a Dirty Word, In Jane Birdwood’s Eyes
Post Date: 2014-08-30 08:22:59 by Deasy
It was Humbert Wolfe (1885-1940) who penned the immortal and oft’ quoted lines: You cannot hope to bribe nor twist Thank God the British journalist, But seeing what the man will do Unbribed, there’s no occasion to. (10) There’s many a true word written in rhyme, and no individual nor group of people have been more wilfully misrepresented, traduced, lied about, slandered and libelled than so-called racists. In Britain, the leftist/media-induced hysteria about racism, fascism, “Nazis” and anti-Semitism has at times reached fever pitch. Since the first boatload of West Indians arrived in this country shortly after the Second World War, (11) we have been subjected to a ...

National Guard troops deployed to the border are using food banks because they haven't been paid in weeks.
Post Date: 2014-08-29 23:07:10 by Horse
About 50 National Guard troops deployed to the border by Gov. Rick Perry are using food and gas assistance from a food bank in the Rio Grande Valley because they haven't been paid in weeks. The troops were deployed weeks ago -- state and local officials were tight-lipped about an exact deployment date -- and told RGV Food Bank employees in Pharr that they won't be paid until Sept. 5, according to a report from KGBT. "To have any of our men and women in uniform having to be in a food bank line is embarrassing for Texas," state Rep. Rene Oliveira, D-Brownsville, told KGBT, adding that it is "disrespectful" and blamed poor planning. Neither Perry nor the National ...

Jesse Lee Peterson at PROP 187 Rally. Los Angeles 1996
Post Date: 2014-08-28 18:23:24 by Horse
Poster Comment:A Univision reporter asks a man with blood streaming down his face if he's a racist and gets her frijoles handed to her...

Pew Survey: 1/3 of Mexicans Want to Move to America; 60% Disapprove of Peña Nieto's Economy
Post Date: 2014-08-28 01:42:15 by Horse
As Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto travels across California and declares America to be "the other Mexico," a Pew Research survey has found that 60% of Mexicans disapprove of Peña Nieto on the economy. Perhaps as a result, a plurality of Mexicans think that life is better across the border, and a third want to move to America. In addition, the Pew survey found that "two-thirds are dissatisfied with the way things are going in Mexico today" while "only 30% are satisfied with the country’s direction." That may be why "a plurality of Mexicans (44%) believe life is better north of the border for those who migrated from Mexico" and ...

The Latin Americanization of U.S. Police Forces
Post Date: 2014-08-27 21:26:30 by Horse
Guatemala City. From Guatemala City I have been keeping up with the events in Ferguson, Missouri and my heart goes out to those United States citizens who are actively resisting a brutal local police state. I sit awake at night and contemplate how one of the greatest nations in the world has become militarized and despotic. Impunity is now normalized in most police departments across the United States and in the minds of many Americans. I did not know I would live to see this phenomenon, yet, the more I peruse online news feeds, the more evident it is to me that Americans, especially minorities, are in great danger of militarized suppression as a matter of state policy. From our ...

(Tulsa) Schools struggling to accomodate Hispanic growth
Post Date: 2014-08-25 03:01:01 by Horse
Nearly 1/3 of all students in Tulsa Public Schools are Hispanic, and speak Spanish at home. District leaders, like Laura Grisso, the Title 3 Director for TPS, tell FOX23 a lot of the growth is happening at schools like Skelly Elementary, in east Tulsa. "Our Hispanic population, as of last year, is the largest racial and ethnic population across the district. So a lot of those families need that support in Spanish and we haven’t been able to find as much staff as we need. We’ve got a lot, but we need more," said Grisso. When we visited the TPS Enrollment Center on Monday, FOX23 found many parents there did not speak English. TPS posts signs in Spanish, and offers ...

Mexico Triples The Number People Missing Because Of The Drug War
Post Date: 2014-08-22 19:51:43 by Horse
Poster Comment:22,000 Disappeared. 130,000 dead.

DHS saw no option but to free 169 illegals convicted of murder
Post Date: 2014-08-22 17:54:42 by Horse
The administration says it had no choice but to release almost all of the 169 immigrants with homicide convictions that were let back onto the streets last year, claiming court decisions gave officials no choice in the matter — but it’s promising a new system to better screen who gets let out. Of the 169 immigrants with homicide-related convictions released in fiscal year 2013, all but 15 were required to be let go because of specific court orders or because the immigrants had been held for too long under the rules established by a sweeping 2001 Supreme Court case, the Homeland Security Department said in an Aug. 15 letter to Sen. Chuck Grassley, Iowa Republican. Immigration ...

Obama Considering Granting 800K Guest-Worker Visas as 90% Believe American Workers Should Be Favored
Post Date: 2014-08-21 21:19:00 by Horse
After meeting with a "bevy" of big-business groups, President Barack Obama is reportedly considering granting them up to 800,000 additional guest-worker visas via executive actions. According to the Associated Press, "one of the more popular requests among business and family groups is a change in the way green cards are counted," which would "essentially free up some 800,000 additional visas the first year." In addition, "other requests have included removing the requirement that some spouses of U.S. citizens return to their native country for at least three years before they can apply for U.S. residency, as well as extending work permits to the spouses ...

19-year-old in leaf-pile deaths avoids deportation
Post Date: 2014-08-20 21:21:25 by scrapper2
PORTLAND, Oregon (AP) — An immigration judge has dismissed the case against a 19-year-old Oregon woman who faced possible deportation to Mexico after she drove an SUV into a leaf pile, accidentally killing two young girls playing in it. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said Tuesday that Cinthya Garcia-Cisneros was released from an immigration detention center Aug. 14. She was in removal proceedings and had been held at the facility since February. An ICE spokesman declined to say why the case was dropped, citing privacy issues. Earlier this year, Garcia-Cisneros was sentenced to three years' probation and 250 hours of community service. A jury found her guilty of two ...

Obama's Attention to Border Crisis Outrages African-Americans
Post Date: 2014-08-19 04:50:35 by Horse
President Barack Obama's attention to the illegal immigration crisis, which could lead him to issue executive orders early next week to delay deportations and grant work permits to as many as 6 million migrants, has soured many of his core voters: African-Americans. Many blacks, who twice voted for Obama in record numbers to elect him — and keep him — as the nation's first African-American president, are angry that he has neglected the problems facing inner cities while working on the border crisis. These big-city ills include chronic black unemployment, poor housing conditions, steep prices for food and services, low high-school graduation rates, and high crime rates. ...

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