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Murders in London Overtake New York for First Time Since 1800 Under Sadiq Khan
Post Date: 2018-04-01 21:01:51 by Horse
London has overtaken New York City for number of murders for the first time in over 200 years under the mayoralty of Labour’s Sadiq Khan. Britain’s multicultural capital edged ahead of the American city — once so notorious for its high crime rates that it was chosen as the setting for Charles Bronson’s Death Wish –– in February, The Times reports. London saw 15 killings to New York’s 14 over the course of the month, and appears to have outstripped ‘Gotham’ yet again in March, with 22 killings to 21. Historically, London has had a murder rate per person between half and one- twentieth of New York’s since 1800, according to FBI data and ...

An Army Of Illegal Aliens Is Marching On America
Post Date: 2018-03-31 22:46:07 by Horse
Sounds like the first line of a movie script based on some dystopian future, doesn’t it? But it’s actually an underreported story from the real world. I first became aware of this developing tale thanks to a tweet from Nicolas Medina Mora lionizing the work of Adolfo Flores of Buzzfeed. What is Adolfo up to? Take a look. Nicolás Medina Mora @MedinaMora Follow the great @aflores as he accompanies a caravan of 1,200 Central American migrants as they cross Mexico all the way to the US. https://twitter.com/aflores/status/979708026117484544 … Flores is apparently on a lengthy trek through all of Mexico with a literal army of migrants from a number of countries ...

Americans Strongly Support Citizenship Status on Census (89%!)
Post Date: 2018-03-31 18:30:37 by Horse
The U.S. Census Bureau released their 2020 census questions, including one that asks whether respondents are legal U.S. citizens. Americans recognize the importance of the census and are on board with including the question moving forward. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 89% of American Adults agree it’s at least somewhat important for the government to get as accurate a count of the U.S. population as possible in the U.S. Census, including 69% who say it’s Very Important. (To see survey question wording, click here.) www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/lifestyle/general_lifestyle/march_2018/a me ...

In Nearly 70% Of US Counties, The Average Worker Can’t Afford To Buy A Home (Detroitis affordable but who wants to live there)
Post Date: 2018-03-31 18:11:19 by Horse
Housing, as we’ve pointed out in the past, is perhaps the most reliable bellwether of widening economic inequality in the US. And in its latest quarterly report on housing affordability in the US, ATTOM discovered that median-priced homes aren’t affordable to average wage earners in an astounding 68% of US housing markets. In its report, the company calculated affordability by incorporating the amount of income needed to make monthly home payments – including mortgage payments, property tax payments and insurance – on a median-priced home, assuming a 3% down payment and a 28% maximum “front-end” debt-to-income ratio. That required income was then compared ...

Students ‘Stomped On’, Beaten with Hammer in Third ‘Asian’ Gang Attack in Oldham This Month
Post Date: 2018-03-31 18:03:18 by Horse
A student in Oldham was hit in the head with a claw hammer and “stomped on” on Saturday — the third ‘Asian’ gang attack in Oldham, Greater Manchester, this month. The 20-year-old victim and a friend, also 20, were “jumped” while walking home from a takeaway near the King Street Metrolink stop shortly after 3 a.m., the Manchester Evening News reports. “I got up and tried to fight them off. I just thought ‘what am I going to do?’,” the friend told the newspaper, having managed to struggle to his feet and escape after being punched to the ground. “I ran over to the tram stop to try and get help. I was shouting at them to get off ...

Illegal alien smashes U.S. Border Patrol Agent’s head into rock
Post Date: 2018-03-31 10:58:26 by Horse
From Tucson.com: A Border Patrol agent was wounded in a fight with a Honduran man he was trying to arrest near Sasabe, officials say. The agent had stayed behind to arrest one of four people a group of agents had been tracking in the desert west of Tucson last Thursday evening. His colleagues continued to chase three people while the agent stayed to arrest the man who had been caught, according to a news release from the Border Patrol. During the arrest the 25-year-old Honduran man started to fight with the agent. At some point the man slammed the agent’s head into a rock, causing a bloody injury. Other agents who heard the brawl ran back to the agent and helped apprehend the ...

Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Would Cost U.S. Taxpayers $2 Trillion create 10 million homeless Americans
Post Date: 2018-03-27 20:53:51 by Horse
Giving amnesty to the millions of illegal aliens living across the United States will cost American taxpayers about $2 trillion, a researcher predicts. Princeton Policy Adviser President Steven Kopits says in his latest research on illegal immigration that handing over amnesty to illegal aliens would come with a “steep” price tag for American taxpayers. Kopits notes that if illegal aliens are given amnesty, they will “sooner or later” become “eligible for government programs.” Although not many illegal aliens have reached retirement age yet, Kopits predicts that by 2025 and into the 2030s, more and more illegal aliens will become eligible for taxpayer-funded ...

Number Of Children Forced Into Slavery Hits All-Time High
Post Date: 2018-03-26 20:39:56 by Horse
While the resurgence of human trafficking in war-torn Libya in recent years has occupied the headlines, trafficking in the UK has also climbed to an all-time high, according to the National Crime Agency. Statistics released by the NCA show the number of potential victims of slavery has increased by 35% to 5,145 since 2016 - the highest since records began in 2009. And it's likely that number will only continue to climb, per RT. The NCA said most victims are being used for sex or as drug mules by "county lines" groups, which use vulnerable children as couriers to transfer drugs from the city to rural areas. British nationals comprised the largest group, followed by people ...

Post Date: 2018-03-26 16:39:16 by Horse

Machete-wielding man (illegal alien) tried to kidnap children at Walmart
Post Date: 2018-03-26 10:55:43 by Horse
Police in Louisiana say a possible illegal immigrant with a machete tried to snatch two children from their mothers inside a Walmart. Kenner police say it happened on Friday afternoon. They say at about 2 p.m., Billy Yoe Budier-Herrera entered the Wal-Mart store with a backpack and approached a mother and her 2-year-old child, who was seated inside a grocery cart. Police say he told the mother if she did not listen to his instructions, she would die. The victim mother attempted to walk away from Budier-Herrera when he blocked the victim, placing his hand on the handle of a machete, causing the mother to fear for she and her child’s safety. Police say he then threatened to kill the ...

Parents ‘battered daughter, 16, and drenched her in hot oil’ for ‘refusing arranged marriage’
Post Date: 2018-03-26 10:44:20 by Horse
Police in Texas say the schoolgirl ran away from home following the alleged abuse. A SCHOOLGIRL ran away from home after her parents beat her with a broomstick and poured hot cooking oil over her when she refused an arranged marriage, police said. Maarib Al Hishmawi was reported missing in January after her parents allegedly lined-up a man for their daughter to marry in exchange for $20,000 (£14,000). Authorities said Abdulah Fahmi Al Hishmawi, 34, and Hamdiyah Saha Al Hishmawi, 33, subjected Maarib to "physical abuse" when she said no to the proposed nuptials. The 16-year-old, a pupil at Taft High School in Bexar County, Texas, was found earlier this month when she was ...

Trump Suggests US Military Pay for US-Mexico Border Wall Since Its Now ‘Rich’
Post Date: 2018-03-25 19:22:56 by Horse
Poster Comment:He can move money around under an Omnibus bill but not under a Congressional spending bill.

Wife of Illegal Immigrant Who Killed Two Sheriff’s Deputies Learns Her Fate
Post Date: 2018-03-25 18:22:48 by BTP Holdings
Wife of Illegal Immigrant Who Killed Two Sheriff’s Deputies Learns Her Fate By Becky Loggia March 24, 2018 at 2:12pm A Utah woman was sentenced Friday on the grounds of aiding her illegal immigrant husband as he took the lives of two Northern California sheriff’s deputies in 2014. Janelle Monroy was sentenced by Sacramento Superior Court Judge Steve White after jurors rejected her argument that she had complied with her husband, Luis Bracamontes, solely on the basis of fear. Though Monroy, 41, stated that her husband would have killed her if she didn’t help him, she was sentenced to nearly 50 years in prison. “Ms. Monroy, you did not start this reign of ...

Deep State Rolls Trump On Budget, Immigration. Is This the End?
Post Date: 2018-03-24 08:37:42 by Ada
So Congress finally passed a budget. It’s a blockbuster—$1.3 trillion, or around four thousand dollars for every man, woman, and child in the U.S.A. Basically it is a compound made up of (a) anything Leftist Democrats could wish for, and (b) anything that the Jeb Bush wing of the Republican Party, and that wing’s Big Business donors (but I repeat myself), could wish for. But how about the things that sixty-three million of us voted for in 2016, awarding the Presidency to Donald Trump? Border control? Enforcement of immigration law? An end to missionary wars and the World Policeman role? Economic and population policies that favor Americans rather than foreigners? There ...

Federal judge scolds Kobach for violating her trust at contempt hearing (Refused to let Illegals Vote)
Post Date: 2018-03-22 17:41:52 by Horse

Ann Coulter: Give Me Your Dreamers …
Post Date: 2018-03-22 17:10:09 by Horse
Does anyone know why President Trump loves “Dreamers” — i.e.: illegal aliens allegedly brought here before the age of 12 (which no federal judge will ever check) by their parents (which no federal judge will ever check), “through no fault of their own” (which no federal judge will ever check)? We’ve been lectured by Mark Zuckerberg about how much better “Dreamers” are than you lazy Americans — especially African-Americans, whose jobs are disproportionately taken by illegals. (As former Mexican President Vicente Fox once charmingly put it, illegal immigrants “are doing jobs that not even blacks want to do there in the United States.”) ...

How Many Illegal Immigrants Have Committed Violent Felonies? That's One Statistic Our Government Doesn't Track.
Post Date: 2018-03-22 16:55:41 by Horse
How Many Illegal Immigrants Have Committed Violent Felonies? That's One Statistic Our Government Doesn't Track. The New Sanctuary Coalition together with faith leaders, immigration activists, and community members organized a 'Jericho Walk' outside the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) offices and immigration courts at 26 Federal Plaza. Erik McGregor/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images JARED SICHEL @TheJaredSichel How many homicides are committed annually in the United States by illegal aliens, people who are unlawfully present? Nobody knows. How many rapes are committed annually by people who are unlawfully present? Nobody knows. How many assaults, ...

IRS documented 1.3M cases of identity thefts by illegal aliens, can’t confirm single prosecution
Post Date: 2018-03-22 16:32:59 by Horse
A sympathetic media rarely reports on the negative impact illegal immigration has on the United States, to include criminal behavior, but is the U.S. government doing its part to stop the crime? The Internal Revenue Service may not be, according to a CNS News investigation. The online news outlet reported that in a five year period, 2011 through 2016, more than 1.3 million cases of identity theft were documented by the IRS involving illegal aliens who had been issued Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers. IRS An ITIN is a tax processing number for certain nonresident and resident aliens, their spouses, and dependents who cannot get a Social Security number, according to the IRS ...

In France, Free-Speech Is On Trial
Post Date: 2018-03-22 07:02:27 by Horse
"Free speech can't just apply to those you agree with," the editor of Spiked Online, Brendan O'Neill, once said. Politically correct speech does not need protecting. The United States' First Amendment exists precisely to protect the minority from the majority and to protect unpopular opinions from those who would silence them. On March 2, French prosecutors decided that Marine Le Pen should be prosecuted for drawing attention on Twitter to the atrocities committed by Islamic State. They apparently decided that Le Pen's message, even if factually correct, should not be heard. Le Pen's "crime," the prosecutors allege, is that in a series of tweets, ...

Post Date: 2018-03-20 19:47:35 by Horse
Gihan Muthukumarana told undercover police they could make £10 million raping children on video for “top political people”, a court has heard. The 28-year-old, who appeared in court this week accused of plotting to kidnap, rape, and beat young girls, allegedly claimed that footage of the abuse could be sold for “ridiculously big” sums of money if they “got rid” of the victims by dissolving their bodies in a vat of acid afterwards, Court News UK reports. Southwark Crown Court heard that police were tipped off after it emerged the 28- year-old had divulged his plans to an escort who he regularly met for sex, at meetings in Hounslow, west London. During ...

Tucker: Demographics In America Are Changing ‘Bewilderingly Fast’ — ‘Without Any Real Public Debate On The Subject’
Post Date: 2018-03-20 08:43:13 by Ada
Fox News’ Tucker Carlson spoke frankly on Monday about demographic change in the United States. “Now, before you start calling anyone bigoted…” WATCH: “A recent piece in National Geographic tells you a lot about demographics in America, and about how bewilderingly fast they’re changing without any real public debate on the subject,” The Daily Caller co-founder said. “The magazine profiles the small coal mining town of Hazleton, Pennsylvania. In the year 2000, Hazleton’s population was 2 percent Hispanic. Just 16 years later, Hazleton is majority Hispanic. That’s a lot of change. People who grew up in Hazleton return to find out they ...

The London police now have a firm definition of thought-crime
Post Date: 2018-03-19 19:47:33 by Horse
The London police now have a firm definition of thought-crime Jon Rappoport– Whether he went on with the diary, or whether he did not go on with it, made no difference. The Thought Police would get him just the same. He had committed—would still have committed, even if he had never set pen to paper— the essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it. Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever. You might dodge successfully for a while, even for years, but sooner or later they were bound to get you.” (George Orwell, “1984”) Welcome back, George. Things are playing out as you predicted. From the UK Met ...

UK: Ross Kemp Had to ‘Wear the Same Body Armour I Wore in Syria’ for Documentary on Multicultural Birmingham
Post Date: 2018-03-19 16:52:54 by Horse
Soap star turned investigative journalist Ross Kemp has said he had to wear the same body armour he wore in Syria while filming in Birmingham, England. The 53-year-old, famous in Britain for his role as EastEnders hardman Grant Mitchell, was filming with armed response and counter-terror units attached to West Midlands Police, the British Transport Police, Northumberland Police, and South Yorkshire Police, the Birmingham Mail reports. Kemp has fronted a number of documentaries on the war in Afghanistan, post- apartheid South Africa, and other extreme locations since he stepped away from the long-running soap opera — but the Mail reports he considered working in multicultural ...

Post Date: 2018-03-19 15:58:30 by Horse
High court refused to hear appeal to 9th Circuit Court ruling Poster Comment:High treason. So the revolution should be starting soon. More at source if you can bear to read it. SO THIS MEANS THE ILLEGALS CAN VOTE?

Child Sex Crimes Soar by 30 Per Cent in Sadiq Khan’s London as Public Anger Over Grooming Gangs Grows
Post Date: 2018-03-17 17:39:02 by Horse
The number of sexual offences committed against children in Sadiq Khan’s London has soared to 1,200 in the last year, new figures show. Statistics show the number of child sexual exploitation cases in 2017 had risen by 30 per cent on the previous year, the Evening Standard reports. The figures were released on Friday, when the Metropolitan Police co-hosted a conference to raise awareness of the problem with children’s charity Barnardo’s, which has launched a pilot scheme to help child victims of rape and sexual exploitation. “Children who have been sexually exploited can feel completely powerless, and being raped or sexually assaulted often causes debilitating levels ...

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