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TRUMP CAMPAIGN SLAMS DEMOCRATS AS ‘COMPLICIT’ IN MURDERS BY ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS IN EXPLOSIVE NEW AD The ad featured Luis Bracamontes, an illegal immigrant on trial for killing two police officers who told a judge he only wished he “had killed more of the mother******s.”
Post Date: 2018-01-21 13:40:43 by Horse
President Trump’s re-election campaign released a new ad on Saturday slamming Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and other Democrats as “complicit” in future murders committed by illegal immigrants. The ad featured Luis Bracamontes, an illegal immigrant on trial for killing two police officers who told a judge he only wished he “had killed more of the mother******s

Orange County California is now a shit hole NWO
Post Date: 2018-01-20 15:56:54 by Horse
Poster Comment:This clip is deeply disturbing. I left northern California in 2009. I saw tent cities but nothing like this.

57.9% OF ILLEGALS CAUGHT AT U.S.-MEXICO BORDER IN FY17 NOT MEXICAN; FROM 111 OTHER COUNTRIES The Border Patrol apprehended deportable aliens along the U.S.-Mexico border who came from 84 countries that are not in the Americas.
Post Date: 2018-01-19 15:02:18 by Horse
Only 42.1 percent of the “deportable aliens” that the U.S. Border Patrol apprehended along the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal 2017 were citizens of Mexico, according to data collected by U.S. Customs and Border Protection. A significant majority—57.9 percent—came from 111 other countries. In fact, during fiscal year 2017, the Border Patrol apprehended deportable aliens along the U.S.-Mexico border who came from 84 countries that are not in the Americas. In fiscal 2017, according to a U.S. Customs and Border Protection spreadsheet, the Border Patrol apprehended a total of 310,531 “deportable aliens” in all 20 Border Patrol sectors. (These include nine sectors ...

Sweden Is Preparing For A "Civil War": PM Wants To Deploy Army In No-Go Zones
Post Date: 2018-01-18 16:25:50 by Horse
For the first time since World War II, Sweden is preparing to distribute a civil defense brochure to some 4.7 million households, warning them about the onset of war. The booklet will serve as a manual of "total defense" in case of a war, and provide details on how to secure basic needs such as water, food, and heating, the FT reported. The manual also covers other threats such as cyber attacks, terrorism, and climate change. "All of society needs to be prepared for conflict, not just the military. We haven’t been using words such as total defense or high alert for 25-30 years or more. So the knowledge among citizens is very low," said Christina Andersson, head of ...

DHS Report: 3 Of Every 4 Terrorism Offenders Since 9/11 Were Foreign-Born
Post Date: 2018-01-17 02:34:41 by Horse
The Department of Homeland Security released Tuesday a study that sheds new light on the connection between the U.S. immigration system and so-called homegrown terrorism. Of the 549 people convicted of international terrorism-related charges between Sept. 11, 2001 and and the end of last year, 402 — 73 percent — were foreign- born, according to the DHS report. Of those, 148 had become naturalized U.S. citizens before committing terrorism offenses. DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen says the findings suggest the U.S. needs to improve its immigration vetting process, to include screening certain immigrants after they arrive. “I think what we take directly away from the report ...

Brooklyn - 650 sq feet Apt - Only $3,375 a month
Post Date: 2018-01-16 22:03:37 by Horse
Today, 28-year-old Nicole Hansalik shows us around her $3,375/month one-bedroom apartment in Fort Greene, which she shares with her boyfriend. Her 650-square-foot apartment also has all the other fixings (Wiki) The racial makeup of the neighborhood was 27.9% (7,289) White, 42.5% (11,081) African American, 0.3% (67) Native American, 7.3% (1,897) Asian, 0.0% (7) Pacific Islander, 0.3% (84) from other races, and 3.3% (857) from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 18.4% (4,797) of the population.[2] Fort Greene is bounded by Park and Flushing Avenues to the north, Flatbush Avenue to the west, and Vanderbilt Avenue to the east, and Fulton Street and Atlantic Avenue to the ...

SHOCK: NJ (Democrat) Governor Leaks Plan To Create Entire Agency To Protect Illegals, It’s Insidious
Post Date: 2018-01-16 19:32:09 by Horse
Democrats are keen on making America the nanny state of the entire world and bringing as many “refugees” into our country as possible. They would have you believe they’re motivated by compassion, but far from it – illegal aliens are their top supporters, and there’s nobody else to vote for them if Trump and his allies cut off their flow of illegal immigration. Now a top Democrat just revealed his new plan to ensure that illegals will forever have a place to stay and that our immigration crisis will never get put under control. Freshly inaugurated New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy has announced his agenda to build a Garden State, a sanctuary for extreme-left policies ...

The Truth About 'Sh*thole Countries'
Post Date: 2018-01-16 09:25:37 by Horse

The Mass Brainwashing of Germany
Post Date: 2018-01-16 08:20:48 by Horse

LEAKED: New UN Boss Reveals Chilling Plot To Promote Global Mass Migration
Post Date: 2018-01-14 16:41:23 by Horse
The United Nations has one mission above all others – to break down the borders of independent nations and mix cultures all over the planet, in order to bring all of humanity under a New World Order: a single bureaucratic tyranny. And they just made a serious move that has Patriots on edge. U.N. Secretary General António Guterres has shared his plan to bring about mass migration across the world in the left-wing slimerag The Guardian, according to Breitbart News. Guterres is a former Socialist Party prime minister and a native of Portugal, and took the highest position in the UN on Jan. 1, 2017. Guterres wrote an article titled “Migration can benefit the world. This is ...

Buoyant, Long-Term, About Immigration Policy—and Trump’s Right: They ARE [Outhouse] Countries
Post Date: 2018-01-13 07:18:42 by Ada
Friday finds me in an unusually buoyant mood about the immigration outlook—long term. But first, was the President’s much-denounced remark fair? Let’s investigate. In Haiti‘s case the President’s remark was very apt. From the National Public Radio website, dated July 29th 2017: You Probably Don’t Want To Know About Haiti’s Sewage Problems (by Rebecca Hersher) describing the state of sanitation in Haiti in fascinating detail: Port-au-Prince, Haiti, is one of the largest cities in the world without a central sewage system. There are no sewers connecting sinks, showers and toilets to hulking wastewater treatment plants. Most of the more than 3 million ...

Post Date: 2018-01-11 23:38:03 by Uncle Bill
CLICK HERE OR PRESS 2 FOR SPANISH Once you click the link above, click here on finding out how to receive a social security number belonging to someone else - Hurry click here ALSO AS A BONUS IF YOU ACT NOW we will send this video as a guide for invasion vete a la mierda

Trump: "Why Are We Having All These People From Shithole Countries Come Here?"
Post Date: 2018-01-11 20:45:19 by Horse
While a bipartisan senate group had reportedly reached an "agreement in principle" on DACA, as well as packaging immigration reform in order to avoid a government shutdown next Friday, things took another turn for the bizarre, when the WaPo reported that Trump "grew frustrated with lawmakers Thursday in the Oval Office when they floated restoring protections for immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador and African countries" as part of the proposed deal. "Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?" Trump burst out, referring to African countries and Haiti. Instead, he suggested that the United States should instead bring more people from ...

The French Plan to recognize “Rojava”
Post Date: 2018-01-11 19:32:07 by Horse
The French Plan to recognize “Rojava” The discussion in France on where the French jihadists captured in Syria would be judged, is a clear example of a false debate. It is animated by a television presenter and journalist that hide their links to their listeners. The issue of where jihadists of French nationality will be tried is in fact intended to lay the groundwork for getting rid of those that can testify to France’s military role against Syria. Hoping that its allies accept it, France is preparing to recognize a pseudo State, under the name “Rojava”, following the model used in “Kosovo”. When questioned on the support that Turkey and France once ...

Irish Comment on Immigration
Post Date: 2018-01-11 18:16:16 by Horse

The Most Dangerous Gangs Operating in the United States
Post Date: 2018-01-11 10:31:57 by Horse
America is home to some dangerous places. We have our sketchy cities and states where you’ll want to watch your back, even though the “bad” parts of the United States tend to be much friendlier than the dangerous areas in other countries. Still, we have a culture that has ingrained a “watch your back” type of mentality. While generally trusting and friendly, we Americans retain a sense of skepticism. We know that anybody could turn out to be a cloaked villain of some sort. Or, they might even be in a gang. And when it comes to gangs, America’s collective conscious has evolved over the decades. Back in the 1980s and 90s, there was a lot of concern about street ...

Gohmert Rages: If Trump Passes DACA With No Wall, GOP Will Lose Congress And Trump Will Be Impeached
Post Date: 2018-01-11 07:39:06 by Horse
House Judiciary Committee member Louie Gohmert (R-TX) wrote a scorching op-ed on Wednesday warning that if Trump betrays his base and works with Republicans to pass a "DACA amnesty" bill without first "securing the border and building a wall where it is needed," Republicans will get slaughtered in the 2018 midterm elections less than ten months away - with Nancy Pelosi reclaiming her seat as Speaker of the House. Once that happens, Gohmert writes, Trump would most certainly face an impeachment attempt: Following that devastating loss, the first order of business for new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in January 2019 in the 116th Congress will be an impeachment vote ...

Donald Trump Calls for DACA Amnesty ‘Bill of Love’ (Jeb! flashback)
Post Date: 2018-01-09 21:43:01 by hondo68
Donald Trump Calls for DACA Amnesty ‘Bill of Love’ and Wall Funding: ‘You Need the Wall’FREDERIC J BROWN/AFP/Getty ImagesPresident Donald Trump called for a DACA amnesty “Bill of Love” during a meeting Tuesday with congressional Republicans and Democrats at the White House. “This should be a bill of love, truly. It should be a bill of love, and we can do that,” Trump said. “I really do believe Democrat and Republican, the people sitting in this room, really want to get something done,” Trump said, adding that he was looking for a “bill of love” from Congress. Trump spoke at length to the bipartisan meeting, urging them forward on ...

Post Date: 2018-01-09 19:00:38 by Horse
Mexico's corrupt, failing government that covers up official mass murders by attacking journalists and dissidents with cyberweapons is locked in a stalemate with the country's horrific, mass-murdering gangs, and the Mexican people are caught in the crossfire. The weak Mexican state has made it possible for cities across the country to effectively secede, abandoning the political parties, the state-funded police, and even the rule of law in a bid to find stability. The New York Times profiles three of these semi-autonomous cities: Tancítaro (exporter of $1m/day in avocados, where the rich agri-barons replaced the police with private militias who exile and kill locals they ...

“See you in f*****g hell”: The chilling words of a female MS-13 gang member convicted of a gruesome murder
Post Date: 2018-01-09 14:55:41 by Horse
Madness Hub Left photo: Venus Lorena Romero Iraheta. Right photo: Damaris A. Reyes Rivas, 15, whose body was discovered by police in Springfield An 18-year-old woman was convicted of murder Monday for stabbing a teenage girl just after vowing to see her in hell, a brutal attack carried out with other MS- 13 members and associates in Fairfax County in January 2017. Venus Romero Iraheta, who was 17 at the time of the killing, pleaded guilty as an adult in Fairfax County Circuit Court in the slaying of Damaris A. Reyes Rivas, 15, of Gaithersburg. Iraheta faces up to life in prison when she is sentenced on May 25. Iraheta, of Alexandria, Va., was a main player in the torture and killing, ...

Abukar Ibrahim Accused Of Attacking 73-Year-Old (Female) Meals On Wheels Volunteer With Machete In Vermont
Post Date: 2018-01-08 19:33:58 by Horse
A man armed with a machete assaulted an elderly volunteer worker at a homeless shelter in Shelburne, Vt., Friday morning, according to local police. 32-year-old Abukar Ibrahim attacked a 73-year-old Meals on Wheels volunteer while she was delivering food to Harbor Place, which provides temporary emergency housing to those in need. While in the office, the female victim reportedly saw Ibrahim vandalizing her car. When she confronted him and tried to intervene, the man became violent, assaulting her with a machete, according to police. The woman was taken to the University of Vermont Medical Center with multiple injuries, including a “significant leg wound.” She received treatment ...

Decrease in the overall number of deportations: Sessions considers eliminating immigration judicial policy
Post Date: 2018-01-06 14:56:44 by hondo68
Trump administration considers eliminating immigration policy seen as a lifeline for thousandsMr Sessions says he wants to be heavily involved in cutting down on the backlog facing immigration courts: Mark Wilson/Getty ImagesMoreJeff Sessions is reviewing an judicial policy that could potentially reshape the way immigration courts work and thrust thousands of people’s legal status into question." data-reactid="16">Attorney General Jeff Sessions is reviewing an judicial policy that could potentially reshape the way immigration courts work and thrust thousands of people’s legal status into question.Mr Sessions is questioning whether he should revoke judge’s ...

Migrants Protest Living Conditions in Italian Mountain Welcome Center
Post Date: 2018-01-05 16:21:33 by Ada
Dozens of African asylum-seekers took to the streets this week to protest the conditions in their Italian welcome center, including the lack of variety in the food, insufficient medical facilities and issues of cleanliness and hygiene. The migrant welcome center of Arcinazzo, not far to the south of Rome, is housed in a former tourist resort in this sparsely populated mountain town in the Appenines. There are only some 200 Italian residents left in the town, where the 134 migrants now make up almost half the population. On Tuesday, the migrants marched in the streets to protest their situation, made worse, they say, by chilly winter temperatures. Local inhabitants told Italian media ...

H-1B visa rules: Trump admin considers tweak that may send Indian techies home
Post Date: 2018-01-03 17:02:02 by Horse
H-1B visa rules: Trump admin considers tweak that may send Indian techies home An estimated 500,000 to 750,000 Indian H-1B visa holders could be deported if the administration goes ahead with the proposal which is aligned with President Donald Trump’s “Buy American, Hire American” vision. The Trump administration is considering a proposal that could potentially lead to large-scale deportation of foreigners on H-1B visas for high-speciality workers waiting for their Green Card — mostly Indians — and drastically alter the way high-tech companies operate in the United States. The proposal circulated in the form of an internal memo in the Department of Homeland ...

HILARIOUS PHOTOS | ‘Felons, Illegals and MS-13 Welcome!’… Unknown Hero Puts Up Sanctuary State Signs On California Highways…
Post Date: 2018-01-02 17:16:13 by Horse

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