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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Trump Justice Department Pushes for Citizenship Question on Census, Alarming Experts
Post Date: 2017-12-30 16:13:14 by Horse
“This is a recipe for sabotaging the census,” said one. The administration’s stated reason for the controversial move: protecting civil rights. The Justice Department is pushing for a question on citizenship to be added to the 2020 census, a move that observers say could depress participation by immigrants who fear that the government could use the information against them. That, in turn, could have potentially large ripple effects for everything the once-a-decade census determines — from how congressional seats are distributed around the country to where hundreds of billions of federal dollars are spent. ights Act “and its important protections against racial ...

Tucker Carlson Reveals Shocking New Gov't Statistic Democrats Don't Want You to Hear
Post Date: 2017-12-25 17:16:53 by Horse

Mexico Suffers Deadliest Year Ever: Violence Hits Cabo, Tourist Havens
Post Date: 2017-12-23 11:02:37 by Horse
Local authorities near the beautiful tourist town of Los Cabos on the Baja California peninsula found six bodies suspended from three different bridges this week. Authorities did not want to comment on the details surrounding how the men got onto the bridges, but Reuters suspects “drug gangs”, who often hang the bodies of their murdered rivals in public for intimidation purposes. According to official data in November, there were more murders in October in Mexico than any other month over the past 20-years. Mexico is on track to have the deadliest year ever since modern records began. In the first 10-months of 2017, there were more than 20,878 murders nationwide, as many in the ...

Bombshell Report Reveals Up To 30% Of Federal Inmates Are Illegal Immigrants
Post Date: 2017-12-23 10:54:39 by Horse
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has released its findings on the immigration status of federal prison inmates, as mandated in a controversial Executive Order signed during the President Trump's first week in the White House. The report reveals that of the 37,557 confirmed immigrants in the federal prison system, 35,334 (94%) of them are in the United States illegally - which means out of a total of 185,507, federally incarcerated individuals, over 19% are confirmed illegal immigrants - which, in 2014, cost U.S. taxpayers $1.87 billion to house. It should be noted that the 19% figure is based on known illegals in federal prison - while 58,766 individuals are "known or ...

ILLEGAL MIGRANTS ‘EMBODY THE BEST OF OUR NATION,’ SAYS DEMOCRATS’ LEADER Pelosi’s for migrants flattery failed to persuade the GOP-majority panel, which rejected her proposal
Post Date: 2017-12-22 13:15:13 by Horse
Illegal migrants “embody the best of our nation,” says the leader of the Democrats in the House of Representatives, Rep. Nancy Pelosi. The flattery for migrants came December 21 as Pelosi urged the House Committee on Rules to include an amnesty for 3.25 million ‘dreamer’ illegals in the two- week budget resolution. According to Politico: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi urged the committee to add an amendment to the short-term spending bill that would attach the bipartisan DREAM Act, H.R. 3440 (115). Pelosi said Congress had a “duty and obligation” to protect undocumented immigrants … “They embody the best of our nation: patriotism, hard work, ...

Bestiality brothels are 'spreading through Germany' warns campaigner as abusers turn to sex with animals as 'lifestyle choice'
Post Date: 2017-12-22 08:49:21 by Horse
Abusers turn to sex with animals as 'lifestyle choice' Animal welfare officer Madeleine Martin problem of 'erotic zoos' is growing She tells of farmer whose once friendly sheep began refusing human contact So when he put CCTV in his barn he watched men file in and abuse his herd Bestiality brothels are spreading through Germany faster than ever thanks to a law that makes animal porn illegal but sex with animals legal, a livestock protection officer has warned. Madeleine Martin told the Frankfurter Rundschau that current laws were not protecting animals from predatory zoophiles who are increasingly able to turn to bestiality as a 'lifestyle choice'. She ...

Merkel’s Last Stand – Article 7 For Poland
Post Date: 2017-12-20 09:52:04 by Ada
As she fights for her political life Soon-to-be-ex-Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel will go down swinging against her stiffest political opponents in the European Union, the Poles. Merkel and French President Emmanual Macron publicly agreed to back Article 7 proceedings against Poland for refusing to comply with EU immigration quotas and changes to its judicial system. Immigration quotas, I might add, that are becoming harder to defend as the war in Syria is mostly over and the flow of refugees from there has slowed to a trickle. But, those brought in and stranded in camps in Italy and Greece apparently need to go somewhere else. But, no one wants them. And the rest of the EU is ...

Couple furious as jury pays illegal alien’s fine after jewelry theft conviction
Post Date: 2017-12-19 18:09:54 by Horse
I understand having compassion for people. Yet as small as the fine was, it was the perfect opportunity to teach this young women about personal responsibility for your actions. FYI: Fairfax County is a sanctuary county. From Fox News: A Virginia woman was outraged after the maid she hired stole $5,000 worth of jewelry from her home and then the jury chipped in to pay for the woman’s fine after convicting her of theft. Sandra Mendez Ortega, 19, who is in the country illegally, was convicted of felony grand larceny for stealing three rings on Dec. 8 by a jury at Fairfax County court. Instead of jail time, the jury sentenced her to a $60 fine. A sympathetic jury for the teenager, who ...

SWEDEN: MIGRANTS CHARGED WITH “RUTHLESS” GANG RAPE OF WOMAN WALK FREE Court says sex with up to 20 men was voluntary, despite victim’s injuries
Post Date: 2017-12-19 12:44:16 by Horse
Court says sex with up to 20 men was voluntary, despite victim’s injuries Five migrant men in Sweden charged with what one lawyer described as the worst gang rape she had ever worked on have all walked free. The incident, which happened in the Fittja area of Stockholm last summer, involved up to 20 men but only five were identified and charged. According to the 30-year-old victim, the migrants “discussed who would get to use me first” before pulling her up to the second floor of a stairwell. “Many stood waiting for their turn,” she added. The migrants allegedly smashed the woman’s head against the staircase, knocking her unconscious, as well as threatening ...

Illegal immigration on border surges back to Obama levels
Post Date: 2017-12-16 08:42:29 by Ada
Illegal immigration across the Southwest border has surged back to Obama-era levels, according to the latest data released Friday that suggests the gains President Trump made early in his tenure have worn off. Nearly 40,000 illegal immigrants were nabbed attempting to jump the border in November, which was up about 12 percent compared to October, and more than twice the monthly numbers from March and April, when Mr. Trump touted his early accomplishments. Perhaps just as worrisome for officials is the rise in families traveling together, which surged 45 percent last month, and unaccompanied minors traveling without parents, which rose 26 percent in November. Homeland Security said ...

Presidential hopeful wants Finland out of EU, says nationalists will bounce back
Post Date: 2017-12-15 00:00:24 by Horse
HELSINKI (Reuters) - Finland will leave the European Union and position itself as the Switzerland of the north to protect its independence if Laura Huhtasaari, the presidential candidate of the eurosceptic Finns Party has her way. She also told Reuters in an interview she wants to tighten immigration rules. Huhtasaari -- dubbed “Finland’s Marine Le Pen” after France’s National Front leader -- is a long-shot. But she believes she has a real chance in the January election as her party has taken a fresh start following its removal from the coalition government in June. ”The rise in Europe of parties that are critical towards the EU and immigration is due to bad, ...

Libya: Secret deal unveiled between Italy and Libyan traffickers' militia "5 million € every month"
Post Date: 2017-12-13 22:10:58 by Horse
Poster Comment:They are selling Africans into slavery and those who die will (or their body parts rather) will live on in Israel. Now don't you want to thank Hillary Clinton for what she did to Libya? That being said, those Africans in Europe should be sent back. They don't belong there.

Mormon church donates $5 million to nine federal refugee resettlement contractors
Post Date: 2017-12-11 16:52:48 by Horse
Admission numbers for FY2017 January 20, 2017 (Inauguration Day), refugee admissions for FY2017 stood at 30,122. Trump had every legal right to stop the admissions right there under the 110,000 CEILING Obama proposed. March 16, 2017: As of this date we admitted 38,106 refugees. (Trump lowered ceiling to 50,000 by September 30th.) This was supposed to be the first day of a 120-day moratorium so they could make sure “extreme vetting” was in place. September 30, 2017: 53,716 admitted (this is 15,610 refugees since the supposed, original, moratorium began and 23,594 since Trump was inaugurated). Mission * Educate citizens about Refugee Resettlement Policy of the U.S. Government. ...

ANTIFA VIOLENTLY PROTESTS MEMORIAL FOR WOMAN KILLED BY ILLEGAL ALIEN Brandished firearms to intimidate anyone from not going to memorial
Post Date: 2017-12-11 01:14:22 by Horse
Antifa invaded a memorial in recognition of Kate Steinle in Austin, Texas, and tried to intimidate and forcibly remove anyone going to the memorial at a public park:

BIG LIST of GOP lawmakers who want to save Obama's amnesty
Post Date: 2017-12-10 14:30:11 by Horse
Thread: Kate's List: GOP Lawmakers who join with Democrats supporting Amnesty for illegals ALIPAC calls for GOP primary challengers to defeat incumbent Republicans on Kate's List named in honor of Kate Steinle. Kate's List is a record of Republican lawmakers in Washington, DC, who have indicated they want to join with Democrats to pass DACA, Dream Act, or Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty for illegal aliens. The 34 names on Kate's List are GOP lawmakers who signed a letter (View) to Speaker Paul Ryan asking him to focus on passing DACA Amnesty for illegal aliens before Christmas 2017 instead of focusing on protecting Americans like Kate Steinle and thousands of ...

Silicon Valley's 'Working Homeless' Shows How Hard Life Is In "Democrat's Paradise"
Post Date: 2017-12-08 00:41:45 by Horse
Silicon Valley is the home to tech giants like Facebook, Apple, and Google. It’s also home to a surging working homeless population who live in dilapidated RV’s, tents, and their own cars, all thanks to the policies Democrats love to implement. The surging number of those working in Silicone Valley and still unable to afford adequate housing should be a warning about big government, but it sure doesn’t seem like anyone is taking notice as their taxes continue to rise. Silicon Valley has the highest median income in the nation. But a soaring tax burden and expensive regulations have caused housing prices to increase which has also caused homelessness to surge. More than ...

Peter in Sweden
Post Date: 2017-12-07 10:33:24 by Horse
Eritrean migrant who shot man in the leg in Sweden while calling him racist is freed by the Swedish court because it cannot be proven that he knew the gun would fire a bullet when he pulled the trigger. This is not 1st of April. This is the Swedish court

SWEDEN: MIGRANT WHO PARTICIPATED IN 20-MAN GANG RAPE OF WOMAN TELLS POLICE IT WAS “FUN” Victim tried to get help, but was ignored & insulted by locals
Post Date: 2017-12-06 10:42:40 by Horse
A migrant who took part in a 20-man gang rape of a woman in a suburb of Stockholm, Sweden told police that the experience was a “fun joke”. The incident occurred last summer in the Fittja area of the Swedish capital. 20 men were involved in the brutal gang rape, which took place in a stairwell, but police were only able to identify and charge five of the culprits, all of whom were migrants from Somali and Iraq. According to the 30-year-old woman, the migrants “discussed who would get to use me first” before pulling her up to the second floor. “Many stood waiting for their turn,” she added. The migrants smashed the woman’s head against the staircase, ...

After Steinle verdict, rep unveils bill to imprison officials who shelter illegal immigrants
Post Date: 2017-12-04 13:08:27 by Horse
A Republican congressman plans to introduce a bill Monday that would threaten huge fines and prison time for elected officials accused of sheltering illegal immigrant criminals from deportation, in the wake of the not-guilty verdict in the Kate Steinle murder trial. Indiana Rep. Todd Rokita’s bill is one of the most aggressive pieces of legislation to date aimed at sanctuary city policies, going beyond the Justice Department’s threat to cut off grants to those jurisdictions. “Politicians don’t get to pick and choose what laws to comply with,” Rokita told Fox News. “Americans are dying because politicians sworn to uphold the law refuse to do so.” His ...

Are Americans Second Class Citizens In Their Own Country?
Post Date: 2017-12-04 12:21:19 by Horse
Poster Comment:When Kennedy was President, the Democrats repealed the Bracero law which brought Mexicans across the border through labor contractors for up to 90 days at a time. This spiked illegal immigration which was the intent (Change America raciallyso Democrats win every election.)

Mexican man convicted of kidnapping and sexually abusing two Oregon women GRINS in court and tells their families he'll 'see you in Hell' - as it emerges he'd already been deported TWENTY times before
Post Date: 2017-12-03 07:29:25 by Horse
Sergio Jose Martinez, 31, was sentenced to 35 years in prison on Friday He sexually assaulted a women in her home and attacked another in a parking lot Both were on the same July day, a week after he was released from jail He had been there for interfering with police; he'd also been deported 20 times Martinez pleaded guilty to 10 counts including sodomy and sexual assault A Mexican man who was deported from the US 20 times has been convicted of 10 counts including sexual assault in Oregon. On Friday, Sergio Jose Martinez, 31, was sentenced to 35 years in prison in a Portland courtroom after pleading guilty to kidnapping, sexual assault, sodomy and several other counts, KOIN reported. ...

Migrant crackdown forces bakery to raise wages
Post Date: 2017-12-01 13:28:24 by Horse

Trump Slams "Disgraceful Verdict" After San Francisco Jury Acquits "Kate's Law"-Victim's Killer
Post Date: 2017-12-01 00:04:30 by Horse
Update 2: Just as we suspected, President Trump has tweeted his opinion on this decision... Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump A disgraceful verdict in the Kate Steinle case! No wonder the people of our Country are so angry with Illegal Immigration. * * * Update 1: AP reports that U.S. immigration officials say they will deport the Mexican man found not guilty of murder in San Francisco pier shooting. As we detailed earlier, in a verdict that has shocked many in the Bay Area (and across America), a jury of six men and six women in sanctuary city San Francisco found illegal immigrant (and five-time deportee) Jose Ines Garcia Zarate not guilty in the death of Kate Steinle. Mr. ...

Britain First: (Videos Liberals Hate Trump for Re-tweeting)
Post Date: 2017-11-30 03:36:27 by Horse
Poster Comment:Trump was re-tweeting videos from Britain First. CAIR and the Democrats protested. The second video predicts civil war. I think we will lose more than 90% of the total world population so minorities might not be a problem.

Mapping The Fiscal Burden Of Illegal Immigration On Each State
Post Date: 2017-11-30 03:12:21 by Horse
There’s a lot of confusion and misunderstanding out there around the economic impact of illegal immigration in the United States. We decided to bring some clarity around the issue by mapping new numbers on the estimated costs of illegal immigration on a state-by-state basis. Our viz takes data from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) about how much illegal immigration costs in each state. FAIR takes into account a variety of different expenditures, like healthcare, education and refundable tax credits. We mapped these numbers across the United States according to a color-coded scale. Purple and dark red states have comparatively high expenditures, but the pink ...

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