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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Paul Joseph Watson: Why Does This Keep Happening?
Post Date: 2017-05-26 04:40:02 by Horse
Poster Comment:Paul takes on the morons who protect the terrorists. He suggests we arrest the NGOs who bring refugees from Libya and other countries to Europe. These NGOs are in contact with ISIS to coordinate the migration of the rape refugees.

Blowback? Manchester bomber linked to terrorist group which UK allegedly backed
Post Date: 2017-05-25 16:17:42 by Horse
Manchester suicide bomber Salman Abedi and his father, Ramadan, had long- standing links to a violent jihadist group which may have had British backing for the 2011 Libyan war and a 1996 attempt to kill then-Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. The controversy centers on the role of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), which was both an anti-Gaddafi and Al-Qaeda subsidiary in the North African state. Many of the fighters which formed the group in the mid-90s were veterans of the Afghan-Soviet war from the 1980s. They went on to fight the Gaddafi regime in Libya itself. The war saw the overthrow of the Gaddafi regime and the eventual murder of the leader himself after he was captured by ...

State Dept. Redacts Big Chunks of $22.8 Mil Contract to Resettle Muslim Refugees
Post Date: 2017-05-24 20:10:04 by Horse
The U.S. government spends billions of dollars to “resettle” foreign nationals and transparency on how the money is spent depends on the agency involved. Judicial Watch has been investigating it for years, specifically the huge amount of taxpayer dollars that go to “voluntary agencies”, known as VOLAGs, to provide a wide range of services for the new arrivals. Throughout the ongoing probe Judicial Watch has found a striking difference on how government lawyers use an exemption, officially known as (b)(4), to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to withhold records. All the cases involve public funds being used to resettle foreigners on U.S. soil and Americans should be ...

Post Date: 2017-05-24 17:14:36 by Horse

My Reply To Claim There are No UN Trioos on US soil
Post Date: 2017-05-24 13:02:02 by Horse
George Soros, Obama and the UN have been flooding the US with MS-13 gang member, professional criminals and recruits for other gangs. More than ten divisions of fighting age men with criminal backgrounds have arrived since 1989. I keep telling you that the Dollar Will Die. When it does, there will effectively be no Food Stamps. If there are still free benefits, inflation will wipe them out. I expect Nationwide Food Riots. So which would be more dangerous to us: 100,000 foreign troops or millions of illegal alien males under 40 who are armed and have criminal records either here or back home?

Post Date: 2017-05-24 10:31:25 by Horse
Social media giant threatened to terminate my account Given that leftists are “tolerant progressives” and Islam is a “religion of peace,” you can understand how I receive a lot of death threats for having a different opinion. In the vast majority of cases, be it Facebook or Twitter, complaints about these death threats are met with total inaction by both social media giants. But Facebook has reached a new low in that it has now decided to punish me for complaining about a direct death threat I received from an Islamist. Last week, I received a message which read, “Hey you mother fucker, you keep mocking allahu and sweet Islam. I fucking find you and kill ...

Katy Perry calls for ‘no barriers, no borders’ after Islamic terrorist attack in England — while living behind gates, walls
Post Date: 2017-05-24 08:38:07 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Katy Perry calls for ‘no barriers, no borders’ after attack — while living behind gates, wallsDo as Katy Perry says, not as Katy Perry does.  The pop singer, perhaps best known for singing “I Kissed A Girl” and for once being married to petulant gasbag Russell Brand, offered her version of a public policy solution after an Islamic terrorist detonated a nail bomb in the middle of a crowd of Ariana Grande fans.During a Tuesday appearance on the Elvis Duran and the Morning Show, Perry called on everyone to “unite” after the attack.“Whatever we say behind people’s backs, the Internet can be a little bit ruthless as far as fan bases go but I ...

Food For Thought - Steven Morrissey
Post Date: 2017-05-24 05:00:37 by Horse
Steven Morrissey: "Celebrating my birthday in Manchester as news of the Manchester Arena bomb broke. The anger is monumental. For what reason will this ever stop? Theresa May says such attacks "will not break us", but her own life is lived in a bullet-proof bubble, and she evidently does not need to identify any young people today in Manchester morgues. Also, "will not break us" means that the tragedy will not break her, or her policies on immigration." Poster Comment:Full article here: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/may/23/morrissey- attacks-politicians-and-the-queen-over-manchester-terrorism-response

Dramatic moment armed police swoop to arrest man, 23, in south Manchester over ISIS arena massacre as addresses across the city are raided
Post Date: 2017-05-23 11:07:43 by Horse
Police trying to establish who carried out attack at Manchester Arena last night Examining whether the suicide bomber was a 'lone wolf' or part of a terror cell Terrorist was killed in the blast as he murdered 22 after Ariana Grande concert Understood to have arrived at a nearby train station before detonating device A 23-year-old man has been arrested in Manchester in connection with attack Police carry out controlled explosion at address in Fallowfield, Manchester ISIS claimed today that one of its fanatics was responsible for the massacre This is the dramatic moment anti-terror police swooped to arrest a man over last night's ISIS suicide bomb atrocity at Manchester ...

Jeff Sessions releases final guidance defining 'sanctuary' cities
Post Date: 2017-05-23 10:46:40 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
by Kelly Cohen | May 22, 2017Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Monday released final guidance that calls on the Justice Department to withhold grants from certain "sanctuary" city jurisdictions, in a bid to crack down on cities and jurisdictions that refuse to follow federal requests to detain illegal immigrants.In a memo released Monday afternoon, Sessions said he and Department of Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly have decided that a sanctuary jurisdiction will refer "only to jurisdictions that ‘willfully refuse to comply with 8 U.S.C. 1373.'"Section 1373 requires state and local jurisdictions not to limit communications with DHS about people's ...

Amid opposition, Trump makes low budget request for Mexico border wall
Post Date: 2017-05-23 10:13:03 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
 Tue May 23, 2017President Donald Trump is asking Congress for $1.6 billion to begin building a wall along the border with Mexico, far short of the amount needed for a project sharply criticized by Democrats and even some conservative Republicans.Two Republican aides in Congress said the modest request is an acknowledgement from the White House that full funding is not realistic given opposition from Freedom Caucus conservatives in the House of Representatives as well as Democrats in the House and the Senate.http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-budget-wall-idUSKBN18J05H?il=0

Trump calls to cut off tax breaks for illegal immigrants
Post Date: 2017-05-22 22:36:07 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
President Trump will seek to tighten restrictions on some tax credits to prevent them from being claimed by illegal immigrants, a measure that the administration says is necessary to respect taxpayers and balance the budget. Trump's fiscal 2018 budget, set to be released Tuesday, will set higher eligibility standards for the earned income tax credit and the child tax credit, Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney said Monday. According to the administration, the measures will save $40 billion over 10 years. "How do I go to somebody who pays their taxes, and say, ‘Look, I want you to give this earned income tax credit to somebody who's working here ...

Police Confirm 19 Dead, 50 Injured After "Suspected Suicide Bombing" At Ariana Grande Concert In Manchester - Live Feed
Post Date: 2017-05-22 20:41:36 by Horse
What we know so far: Manchester Arena hit by at least one explosion Police confirm 19 Dead, around 50 injured Police state it is 'possible terrorist incident' UK officials suspect it was caused by suicide bomber. Senior counter-terrorism officials meeting in London Police warn people to stay away from area Emergency services rush to scene Ariana Grande 'Okay' following the incident Poster Comment:She is an American singer (white) 23 years-old. I wonder if the suicide bomber was a Methodist from Iowa.

Tommy Robinson: British Political System Is Defending The Most Dirty Sex Slavers Ever
Post Date: 2017-05-20 16:01:59 by Horse

Post Date: 2017-05-20 14:55:46 by Horse
Immigrants represent a steadily growing share of the American workforce, a trend that could be interrupted by U.S. efforts to overhaul immigration policy. The number of foreign-born workers in the U.S. rose to nearly 27 million in 2016, up about 700,000 from the previous year and representing 16.9 percent of the nation’s labor force, according to an annual report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics released Thursday. That’s the highest proportion in records going back to 1996, when immigrants accounted for just 10.8 percent of the workforce. The share has risen steadily over the last six years following a slight dip during the last recession when foreign-born workers suffered ...

Migrants Gang Rape Woman In Wheelchair, Police Free Them For Sick Reason
Post Date: 2017-05-20 14:43:08 by Horse
Migrants Gang Rape Woman In Wheelchair, Police Free Them For Sick Reason One of the freed migrant rapists (left) thought his identity was safe with his undercover police escort (right). A gang of 5 Muslim migrants brutally raped a wheelchair-bound woman for hours, forcing their handicapped victim to suffer through the most debauched torture imaginable. Just days after police arrested the rapists, however, they were released without any charges for one unbelievably sick reason. Sweden was shocked when national headlines revealed that a handicapped woman in her 30s was overtaken by a group of at least 5 men who had forced their way into her house over the weekend in Visby. Aftonbladet ...

You can’t make this stuff up - Texas Judge Suspended After Officials Find Out She’s Not a US Citizen
Post Date: 2017-05-20 00:47:10 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Texas Judge Suspended After Officials Find Out She’s Not a US Citizen Jim Hoft May 19th, 2017 10:33 pm Leave a Comment A Texas judge was recently placed on unpaid leave after it was discovered she was not a US citizen. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1493995449995-0'); }); Judge Young Min Burkett has 90 days to become a citizen. She may keep her job after lying about her citizenship for years. How many times did she lie on an application to become a judge in the state of Texas? And she gets to keep her job? Her rulings will stand. You can’t make this stuff up.Waco Trib reported: googletag.cmd.push(function() { ...

Desperate Parents Pull Children Out of School Over Fears of MS-13 Gang
Post Date: 2017-05-19 18:07:56 by Horse
Schools have become the crucible for intimidation and recruitment into the Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13, gang on Long Island and around the country. One Long Island mother, who wanted to remain anonymous for fear of reprisal from MS-13, said she and several other parents have taken their teenagers out of the local high school because they’ve become targets of the gang. Some children are being homeschooled and, in a few extreme cases, sent to stay with relatives out of the state. “I am scared to death,” the mother said. “It’s a crapshoot. I feel like we’re rolling the dice here, and it shouldn’t be like this.” Parents and children in Brentwood and ...

Justice For Chelsey
Post Date: 2017-05-16 19:43:44 by Horse
Poster Comment:British Woman Drugged, Kidnapped, Raped, and Assaulted by Migrants, Met with Police Inaction and Zero Media Coverage.

Sweden: 70yo Woman Prosecuted For Complaining About Migrants Defecating In The Streets
Post Date: 2017-05-16 19:39:52 by Horse
A 70-year-old Swedish woman is facing up to four years in prison for complaining on Facebook about migrants defecating in the streets. From Fria Tider (translated from Swedish with Google): A 70 year old woman in Dalarna prosecuted for hate speech after writing on Facebook that immigrants are defecating in the streets, writes DT.se. According to the prosecution, the woman via Facebook wrote disparagingly of people with a foreign background. In a post from 2015, she has written that immigrants "set cars on fire and urinate and defecate in the streets." This violates the law on incitement to racial hatred, according to the prosecutor. The accused woman in police interrogation ...

McConnell: Border Tax ‘Probably Wouldn’t Pass the Senate’
Post Date: 2017-05-16 12:55:31 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
by Pam Key16 May 2017Tuesday on Bloomberg, when asked about President Donald Trump’s proposed border tax on imports from Mexico to pay for a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said such a tax “probably wouldn’t pass the Senate.”McConnell said, “It probably wouldn’t pass the Senate. But the way we are trying to go forward is the secretary of the Treasury, the Speaker and myself are trying to reach an agreement on a proposal we can all agree to start with. And of course, it will start in the House. We haven’t reached that agreement yet but we will at some point. Border adjustability is a pretty controversial thing ...

Japanese PM Tells UN To Shove It, Will Not Take In Any Muslim ‘Refugees’
Post Date: 2017-05-15 08:37:18 by Ada
“There are many things that we should do before accepting immigrants” UNITED NATIONS – Japan’s prime minister said Tuesday that his nation needs to attend to its own demographic challenges posed by falling birth rates and an aging population before opening its doors to refugees. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced at the U.N. General Assembly that Japan is ramping up assistance in response to the exodus of refugees to Europe from the Middle East and Africa. He said Japan will provide $1.5 billion in emergency aid for refugees and for stabilization of communities facing upheaval. But speaking to reporters later Tuesday he poured cold water on the idea of Japan ...

The man who destroyed America
Post Date: 2017-05-14 01:23:40 by X-15
The reason white working-class Americans no longer recognize their country is because it is no longer their country. This isn't that hard. A society is made up of the people who inhabit it. It is not some sort of immutable structure that molds people into something else; the reason non-Romans in Rome behave like Romans is because they are heavily outnumbered and they don't wish to draw Roman attention to themselves. Once they are numerous enough that they feel they can influence, or worse, "improve" the society they have invaded, they will change it from what it was before. This is neither difficult nor debatable. Pour milk in your coffee and you can see the same process ...

North Carolina HS Student Says "Build That Wall" In Yearbook, School Reprints Entire Yearbook
Post Date: 2017-05-13 20:30:36 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
North Carolina School District Recalls Yearbooks Over Trump Quote Taxpayers on the hook for the second printing. Via Fox News:A North Carolina high school recalled its yearbooks after officials saw a senior’s quote which read “Build that wall” ascribed to President Donald Trump — but the move drew criticism online. Yearbooks for Richmond Early College High School in Hamlet were recalled because some senior quotes were considered controversial, The News & Observer reported. “Earlier this week, it was discovered by school administration that Richmond Early College yearbooks had errors and inappropriate comments,” the school district said on Facebook ...

Donald Trump Backslides on Campaign Promise To Curb Legal Immigration
Post Date: 2017-05-13 06:11:32 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
President Donald Trump has slid back from his campaign promises to curb the annual legal immigration of roughly 1 million foreigners.  In an interview with pro-globalist Economist magazine, Trump was asked: “Do you want to curb legal immigration?” Trump responded by saying he prefers merit-based immigration of skilled people. The interviewer pressed him again on the scale of legal immigration, asking “[are you] not looking to reduce the numbers?” “No, no, no, no, we want people coming in legally. No, very strongly,” Trump replied, as two of his economic advisors sat beside him — top economic staffer Gary Cohn, and Steve Mnuchin, the Secretary of the ...

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