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Trump to illegal aliens: "You'll be caught and returned to your home."
Post Date: 2017-04-28 20:16:27 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Published on Apr 28, 2017 President Trump at the National Rifle Association Leadership Forum Friday reiterated his commitment to strict enforcement of U.S. immigration laws.“If [illegal immigrants] try to break in, you’ll be caught and you’ll be returned to your home,” Trump said. “You’re not staying any longer.”“And if you keep coming back illegally after deportation, you will be arrested, prosecuted, and you will be put behind bars,” he added.“Immigration security is national security,” Trump said, connecting the issue to the threat of radical Islamic terrorism.“We spend billions and billions of dollars on security all over ...

East London Is One Big No-Go Zone For Whites
Post Date: 2017-04-27 17:53:02 by Horse
Yet another day and yet another vibrant attack. Blacks don’t need bombs or Allah to ruin a city. This video shows what happens when a vibrant force meets a soft White object. You will notice several things from the video. First and foremost is how badly the Whites defend themselves in this video AND how no one else defends them either: At about the 15-second mark, another White guy comes into the frame. He watches on and does nothing. This is normal. After all, we are all rational, enlightened individuals in the West. While groups of Blacks seem to instinctively understand that it’s them vs the pale-skins, random White bystanders do not lift a finger. But perhaps I am ...

Far-Left Austrian President: All Women Must Wear Headscarves to Fight Islamophobia
Post Date: 2017-04-27 11:13:34 by Horse
Austria’s far-left president, Alexander Van der Bellen, has suggested that one day all women must wear headscarves to fight Islamophobia. During a talk to students, Van der Bellen said that whilst be believes a woman should wear “whatever she wants”, should Austria’s “rampant Islamophobia continue, there will come a day when we must ask all women to wear a headscarf – all of them! – out of solidarity towards those who do it for religious reasons”. VIDEO Van der Bellen, who was sworn in as president in January after defeating anti- mass migration Freedom Party candidate Norbert Hofer in last December’s presidential re-run, has spoken of his ...

San Francisco Federal Judge, Obama Bundler, Blocks Trump Sanctuary City Defunding Order
Post Date: 2017-04-25 22:10:08 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
San Francisco Federal Judge, Obama Bundler, Blocks Trump Sanctuary City Defunding OrderSan Francisco based Federal Judge, William Orrick, issued a preliminary injunction today blocking any attempt by the Trump administration to withhold funding from “sanctuary cities” that do not cooperate with U.S. immigration officials.Judge Orrick said president Trump has no authority to attach new conditions to federal spending.    (Via AP) […] U.S. District Judge William Orrick issued the preliminary injunction in two lawsuits — one brought by the city of San Francisco, the other by Santa Clara County — against an executive order targeting communities that protect ...

Ted Cruz Calls for $14 Billion Seized from ‘El Chapo’ to Fund Border Wall
Post Date: 2017-04-25 21:25:54 by BTP Holdings
Ted Cruz Calls for $14 Billion Seized from ‘El Chapo’ to Fund Border Wall AP File Photos by Bob Price 25 Apr 20176088 SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) introduced a bill calling for the use of $14 billion seized from cartel drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman to be used to pay for the President’s border wall between the U.S. and Mexico. “Fourteen billion dollars will go a long way toward building a wall that will keep Americans safe and hinder the illegal flow of drugs, weapons, and individuals across our southern border,” Senator Cruz stated, according to a statement obtained by Breitbart Texas from the senator’s office. ...

850,000 California illegal alien license holders worry Trump will deport them
Post Date: 2017-04-25 08:51:48 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Once celebrated, special driver's licenses stir anxiety among immigrants in CaliforniaTwo years ago, driving got less stressful for Aceves and 850,000 other Californians who received driver's licenses under a state law meant to help immigrants living in the country illegally become more integrated into society.Over the past decade, California has taken several steps to bring immigrants without legal status into the mainstream, including health care for the young and financial aid for college students.But President Donald Trump's crackdown on immigration has made those license holders anxious. Many of them worry that the cards will be used to identify them as being here illegally ...

Mexico To US: Deporting Illegal Aliens Is A ‘Violation’ Of Rules
Post Date: 2017-04-24 12:30:56 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
What does Mexico do with illegals?Via Daily Caller:    The Mexican government said Thursday the U.S. ignored its own immigration rules when it deported two illegal aliens back to Mexico.    The Secretariat of Foreign Relations, known in Mexico as SRE or the Chancellery, called the deportations of a so-called “Dreamer” and a mother of four a “violation” of immigration policy because neither had a criminal past.    “With respect to U.S. law, the Chancellery points out that the cases of Mrs. [Maribel] Trujillo and Mr. [Juan Manuel] Montes Bojorquez represent a violation of the expressed rules of deportation in that country,” SRE said ...

Post Date: 2017-04-23 13:12:49 by Horse

Sessions, at San Diego Border, Warns California Not to Go ‘Sanctuary’
Post Date: 2017-04-21 23:37:35 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
SAN DIEGO — Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly, Attorney General Sessions, and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) concluded a visit to the border on Friday with a tough message for “sanctuary city” jurisdictions, including California. Standing on an access road on the U.S. side of the border, Secretary Kelly began a press briefing by reaffirming the Trump administration’s commitment to border security, including a “physical barrier” along the southern border. He also emphasized the importance of stopping human trafficking along the border. “There’s nothing the Attorney General and I want more than to put human smugglers out of business,” he ...

Trump Tells 'Dreamers' to 'Rest Easy' - Won't Be Deported
Post Date: 2017-04-21 18:27:23 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
President Donald Trump says immigrants brought to the U.S. illegally as children, known as “dreamers,” should not be worried about deportation.They should “rest easy,” the president told The Associated Press in interview comments published Friday.The Trump administration has moved to crack down on illegal immigration by stepping up enforcement and promising to hire thousands of new border agents. But the president has signaled a softer approach, both previously and in his new comments to the AP, when it comes to the some 750,000 immigrants granted DACA protection.In the new interview, Trump said his administration's policy is not going "after the dreamers," ...

The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on Californians
Post Date: 2017-04-21 18:01:51 by Horse
Cost of Illegal Immigration Infographics [State by State] http://www.fairus.org/toolkit/state_infographics

Post Date: 2017-04-21 17:07:48 by Horse
Despite his 14-year-old victim repeatedly saying “no,” a Muslim migrant won’t face rape charges because the court claimed he had “difficulties in interpreting” the word “no.” The Hovrätten (royal court) of Western Sweden said the Iraqi, who had former convictions, had “suspected ADHD,” which, according to the court, gave him “difficulties in interpreting and interacting with other people as well as recognizing the standards he is expected to live up to.” This despite video evidence of the girl resisting and repeatedly saying “no” during the sexual assault – and despite evidence indicating the girl was blackmailed ...

Trump Demands For Border Wall Funding May Force Government Shutdown Next Week
Post Date: 2017-04-20 14:19:35 by Horse
After a week of flip-flops on everything from the value of NATO to labeling China a currency manipulator, moves which quickly earned him the moniker of 'flipper-in-chief' from a disgruntled base, Trump, under internal pressure to show legislative achievements ahead of the 100-day mark, is gearing up for a government shutdown fight to secure money for a border wall, more immigration enforcement officers and a bigger military. Once Congress returns to work from their Easter break they'll have just 5 days to unveil, debate and pass a spending bill, or trigger a government shutdown on April 28 which would come right before the 100th day of Donald Trump's presidency. That said, ...

Voter Fraud Investigation Underway in Nevada – It wasn’t the Russians, it was the illegals!
Post Date: 2017-04-20 11:42:16 by Horse

President Trump Directs AG Sessions To Target MS13 Criminal Gangs
Post Date: 2017-04-19 04:47:53 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
President Trump Directs AG Sessions To Target MS13 Criminal Gangs…Posted on April 18, 2017 by sundance This is really quite incredible and I’m not sure if I can do justice to the significance of it.  Earlier today President Trump directly called out President Obama for the explosion of MS13 gang violence. President Trump is 100% correct in doing this. It was President Obama’s Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) Program that created the policy vehicle for Central American gang members to deliver their MS13 foot soldiers into the U.S. Take a close look at the following three graphics.  The first is a graphic of the ICE offices with multiple arrests of MS13 ...

Post Date: 2017-04-14 15:23:13 by Horse

San Antonio: Illegal immigrant, 36, 'lured his 15-year-old stepdaughter's mom away from her home then shot the girl two weeks before she was due to give birth to her SECOND child with him'
Post Date: 2017-04-13 07:14:51 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Illegal immigrant, 36, 'lured his 15-year-old stepdaughter's mom away from her home then shot the girl two weeks before she was due to give birth to her SECOND child with him'Armando Garcia-Ramires, 35, was arrested last month in San Antonio, TexasHis wife said he got her daughter pregnant twice in the year they were separatedJennifer Delgado, 15, was shot on March 6. She was nine months pregnant New details suggest he told his wife to meet him at a bank before the shootingShe waited there, then called him - he told her to meet him near her homeHe shot himself when she arrived but survived the small-caliber woundCops found Delgado dead in her mom's home; her 1-year-old ...

‘Ban Cars to Stop Terror’ Says Sweden’s Best-Selling Newspaper After Stockholm Attack
Post Date: 2017-04-12 16:33:19 by Horse
Cars and other vehicles “have turned into deadly weapons”, and should be banished from cities to stop attacks like the one in Stockholm from happening in future, according to Aftonbladet editorialist Eva Franchell. Crackdowns on immigration or extremist ideology are not the way forward when it comes to terror prevention, according to the veteran journalist, writing after Friday’s terror attack in Stockholm left four people dead. Instead, it is cars — which she calls “effective murder machines” — that Franchell says “must simply be removed from city centres and places where people gather, if people are to be protected in future”. Vehicles are ...

Government Shutdown If Funding For Sanctuary Cities Isn’t Cut From Spending Bill
Post Date: 2017-04-12 15:50:11 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
White House Threatens Government Shutdown If Funding For Sanctuary Cities Isn’t Cut From Spending Bill Via Politico:    President Donald Trump’s budget director is urging congressional Republicans to take a hard line against sanctuary cities in a must-pass spending bill, complicating efforts to avoid a government shutdown at the end of the month, according to officials in both parties.    Mick Mulvaney, Trump’s director of the Office of Management and Budget, is pressing lawmakers to include language to restrict federal funding grants for cities that do not enforce federal immigration policies. The goal is to bring the House Freedom Caucus on board with a ...

Sessions Announces Illegal Aliens Who Illegally Re-Enter The U.S. Will Be Charged With a Felony
Post Date: 2017-04-11 20:56:08 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Speaking from the U.S.-Mexico border in Nogales, Arizona Tuesday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced major changes to Justice Department protocol when it comes to charging and prosecuting illegal aliens. "For those that continue to seek improper and illegal entry into this country, be forewarned:  This is a new era.  This is the Trump era.  The lawlessness, the abdication of the duty to enforce our immigration laws and the catch and release practices of old are over," Sessions said.Here are the details (bolding is mine): Starting today, federal prosecutors are now required to consider for prosecution all of the following offenses:The transportation ...

If California becomes a sanctuary state, this county will resist
Post Date: 2017-04-10 09:40:47 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Photo: Michael Macor, The Chronicle El Dorado County Sheriff John D’Agostini says he will follow federal law even if the sanctuary state bill passes. PLACERVILLE, El Dorado County — Leaning back in his chair, his gold sheriff’s badge glinting in a shaft of light, John D’Agostini thought for a second about what he would do if Sacramento legislators imposed San Francisco-style sanctuary laws to protect people living across the state illegally. His dilemma is part of the complex immigration debate in California, where a bill passed last week by the state Senate would restrict cooperation with U.S. immigration agents everywhere, including not only liberal strongholds but ...

Surprise: Sanctuary Cities Have Much Higher Crime Rate Than Non-Sanctuary Cities
Post Date: 2017-04-10 09:18:18 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Data in! Sanctuary cities have higher crime rates Surprise! Sanctuary cities do, indeed, experience higher crime rates than do non-sanctuary cities, an in-depth WND analysis of the most recent study of the question reveals. An August 2016 study of the relationship between “sanctuary city” policies and crime rates shows that cities refusing to cooperate with federal immigration authorities consistently have significantly higher violent crimes rates than do non-sanctuary cities with similar populations and demographics, WND has found. The study, published last fall by researchers from the University of California-Riverside and Highline College in Des Moines, Washington, is ...

Revealed: girl aged six among victims of 'honour crime' in London
Post Date: 2017-04-10 02:05:53 by Horse
Children younger than 10 are among hundreds of suspected forced marriage and “honour” crime victims in London. The tally, in police statistics obtained by the Standard, paints a detailed picture of the scale of so-called “honour” crimes in the capital, the range of violence inflicted and the backgrounds of victims and their abusers. It can be revealed that reports of “honour” violence soared more than 40 per cent over the past five years, with 1,081 made to Scotland Yard. Those relating to forced marriages doubled in the same period, with 367 in total. Women and girls overwhelmingly form the majority of reported victims, with more than half coming from Asian ...

MEGA BUST: Pro-Illegal Alien ‘Mega March 2017’ in Dallas a Mega Dud; Less Than One Percent of 2006 March
Post Date: 2017-04-09 20:33:40 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
MEGA BUST: Pro-Illegal Alien ‘Mega March 2017’ in Dallas a Mega Dud; Less Than One Percent of 2006 March Kristinn Taylor Apr 9th, 2017 4:30 pm Leave a Comment A pro-illegal alien march and rally held in Dallas on Sunday called Mega March 2017 drew several thousand attendees, way short of the 100,000 planned for by organizers. The turnout pales in comparison to the 2006 Mega March in Dallas that drew an estimated 500,000 and stretched many packed city blocks. In contrast the 2017 Mega March only thinly fills half the lanes of about six blocks as seen from aerial video by KXAS-TV. UPDATE: Dallas Police released their march attendance estimate: about 3,200–less than one percent ...

California Professor: ‘Trump Must Hang,’ Republicans Should Be Executed For Each Immigrant Deported
Post Date: 2017-04-08 09:23:02 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
A history professor at California State University, Fresno, appears to have advocated for the death of President Donald Trump on Twitter. Tweets from an account purportedly operated by Professor Lars Maischak call for Trump to “hang” in order to “save American democracy,” and say the only “cure” for racist people is a bullet to their head. The account is not verified, although the bio and interactions between the user and other Twitter users indicate it belongs to the professor. “To save American democracy, Trump must hang,” Professor Lars Maischak appears to have tweeted in February. “The sooner and the higher, the ...

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