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Post Date: 2017-02-09 04:17:05 by Horse
An asylum seeker has been detained after he allegedly launched a string of sex attacks on 18 women during a single two-hour train journey. (WATCH) How To Survive The Final Bubble The 23-year-old migrant is suspected of groping the women on a suburban S-Bahn German train line between Munich and Herrsching on January 29. The Eritrean-born attacker is said to have gone from one carriage to the next touching female passengers. The sickening spree was exposed after two victims reported their ordeal to the police. One 18-year-old victim told police he stroked her face and tried to force his hand between her thighs before she fled. Another woman, aged 20, also told how he touched her legs ...

Senate Letter Reveals Staggering Number Of Murders By Illegal Aliens With Previous Criminal Convictions
Post Date: 2017-02-09 02:49:00 by Horse
A letter written by the Senate Judiciary Committee in June 2015 to DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson, Secretary of State John Kerry and Attorney General Loretta Lynch reveals news facts about the number and nature of crimes committed by illegal immigrants who had already been convicted of other crimes but were released back into the public either because their home country would not accept their deportation and/or because they exceeded a Supreme Court mandate prohibiting detention of deportable foreign nationals beyond six months. According to the letter, published by the Miami Herald, statistics provided by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials confirm that 121 homicides were ...

(African) Migrant breaks girl’s nose for refusing sex advances - then knocks out her rescuer
Post Date: 2017-02-08 13:22:51 by Horse
A TEENAGE girl had her nose broken and was knocked her unconscious - because she refused her attacker’s advances. Police arrested a migrant man on suspicion of attacking two people The Congolese migrant approached the girl, aged 17, at Dortmund's main train station but she rejected him, witnesses said. According to police the migrant then hit her in the face, breaking her nose, before a German man ran to help her. The Good Samaritan from Kalkar was then hit the migrant, and was also knocked out by the blow. Witnesses told officers they saw the girl trying to keep the man away from her. The attack took place at Dortmund's main station The horrific assault happened at ...

Trump-Hating George Lopez Calls Woman a 'Bitch' for Objecting to Racist Joke
Post Date: 2017-02-08 13:06:03 by Horse
Comedian George Lopez, who during the campaign attacked Trump for his "comments about women" and said "there's enough racists for him to win," went off on a female audience member for objecting to one of his racist jokes at his show Saturday in Phoenix. From The Huffington Post: “There are only two rules in the Latino family. Don’t marry somebody black, and don’t park in front of our house,” Lopez said during his set, which prompted a woman in the audience to put up her middle finger. In a clip of the incident obtained by TMZ, Lopez is seen responding to the woman’s gesture by calling her a “bitch” and telling her, “Sit your ...

Sheriff: MS-13 Gang Brings Machetes, Rape, Scalping to Texas
Post Date: 2017-02-08 12:59:11 by Horse
Members of the hyper-violent MS-13 transnational criminal gang are bringing severe tactics like machete-hacking murders, rape, and scalping to Texas according to the Texas Sheriff’s Association. Jackson County Sheriff Andy Louderback, who also serves on the Texas Sheriff’s Association, told Breitbart Texas on Monday that the MS-13 gang members are bringing a level of violence not seen before by gangs in the U.S. “They have distinguished themselves as to the level of violence by committing heinous acts including hacking people to death with a machete, scalping, and raping young girls,” the sheriff said. “They are a Tier 1 threat in Texas.” Louderback recently ...

A Profound Question Behind the Immigration Debate
Post Date: 2017-02-08 07:06:26 by Ada
What k ind of country do we want our country to be? Behind the sturm und drang that greeted President Trump’s recent executive action on refugees lies the broader issue of U.S. immigration policies over the past half-century. And behind those immigration policies lies a profound question facing Americans: what kind of country do they want their country to be? For most of our history, we have been largely a country of Europeans, a country of the West, with Western sensibilities and a shared devotion to the Western heritage. Now we are in the process of becoming something else—a mixed country without a coherent, guiding heritage of any civilization and certainly not of the West. ...

Congress Moves to Cut Immigration to U.S. By Half
Post Date: 2017-02-07 15:40:28 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Leading senators on Tuesday unveiled landmark immigration reform legislation that would limit the number of refugees permitted into the United States each year and eventually cut total immigration to America by 50 percent, according to a preview of the legislation viewed by the Washington Free Beacon. Sens. David Perdue (R., Ga.) and Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) revealed the Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment Act, or RAISE Act, which aims to boost wages for Americans by slicing immigration levels and recalibrating the system to accommodate those seeking employment in the American workforce. The legislation seeks to build upon President Donald Trump’s immigration vision and ...

Post Date: 2017-02-06 19:04:18 by Horse
Press in Sanctuary City runs cover for criminal who raped Austin woman in front of her child A man arrested for sexually assaulting a Texas mother in front of her child was not identified as a criminal illegal immigrant by local media, despite the man being previously deported following a homicide conviction. On January 16, Mexican national Juan Lopez, 46, raped an Austin woman in a vehicle at knifepoint while her toddler sat in the backseat. ABC affiliate KVUE has the story, however, an article by the media outlet does not identify Lopez as an illegal alien, an illegal immigrant, an undocumented migrant, or by any other such term that would have better informed their readers: The ...

California State Senate Leader: ‘Half My Family’ Here Illegally
Post Date: 2017-02-06 03:16:37 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Published on Feb 5, 2017Lawmakers debate making California a “Sanctuary State” - Kevin de Leon (D-Los Angeles) https://youtu.be/IaLqH4gPhu4California State Senate President Pro Tem Kevin De Léon (D-Los Angeles) said last Tuesday that “half his family” was in the country illegally, using false documents, and eligible for deportation under President Trump’s new executive order against “sanctuary” jurisdictions.De Léon, who introduced the bill, made his remarks at a hearing in Sacramento on SB54, the bill to make California a “Sanctuary State.”… I can tell you half of my family would be eligible for deportation under [President ...

"They're With You" (Cartoon - Immigration)
Post Date: 2017-02-06 01:16:35 by Horse

Judge Jeanine, How to Fix Sanctuary Cities, Arrest Politicians
Post Date: 2017-02-05 16:23:33 by Horse

BTP Holdings
Post Date: 2017-02-04 21:51:09 by Horse
Despite the loss of state law enforcement grants, Travis County Sheriff Sally Hernandez followed through and released 39 criminal aliens during the first two days of her sanctuary policy. Records obtained by Breitbart Texas from the Travis County Sheriff’s Office revealed that “Sanctuary Sally” released 37 criminal aliens from custody on February 1. Two more criminal aliens were released on the following day. The sheriff’s office stated that Sheriff Hernandez declined 191 immigration detainers that were received by her office before February 1. Eight more immigration detainers received after February 1 were also declined. The sheriff also declined four requests from ...

Juan McCain: Mexico Paying for Border Wall ‘Not a Viable Option’
Post Date: 2017-02-04 12:48:58 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Breitbart: Friday on CNN’s “At This Hour” Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) said Mexico paying back the United States for a border wall is “not a viable option.”Partial transcript as follows:    MCCAIN: If you only build a wall, only a wall, without using technology individuals and drones, observation, et cetera, you’re not going to secure the border.    REPORTER: Obviously he’s talking about having Mexico pay for it. Do you think that’s a viable option?    MCCAIN: No.    REPORTER: Why do you say that?    MCCAIN: Because it’s not a viable option.    REPORTER: Taxpayers could be left with the ...

Undocumented student sues Wells Fargo for denying her student loan
Post Date: 2017-02-04 05:57:31 by Horse
Aside from this student’s immigration status, I’d be more concerned she won’t find a real job to pay back her loan, given the focus of her studies From Fox Business: A federal lawsuit on Monday accused banking giant Wells Fargo of illegally denying student loans to young immigrants who are protected from deportation and allowed to work and study in the U.S. under a program created by former President Barack Obama. Wells Fargo said it was disappointed the plaintiffs sued instead of working with the bank on a solution. The young immigrants in the country illegally have Social Security numbers and documents that meet bank requirements for identification, but Wells Fargo ...

(NEW) Federal Judge Blocks Trump Immigration Order Nationwide
Post Date: 2017-02-03 22:07:00 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
In an unusual move, a federal judge in Washington State granted a nationwide emergency order on Friday night blocking President Donald Trump’s executive order restricting immigration travel, declaring the order unconstitutional. The Trump Justice Department can now appeal the order on an expedited basis.Washington Attorney General Robert Ferguson filed suit against the president and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington on behalf of his state and the State of Minnesota, alleging that the order violates the U.S. Constitution and multiple federal statutes. The plaintiffs asked for a temporary restraining order to halt the ...

Boston Judge Unblocks Trump Travel Ban, Asks "Where Does It Say Muslim Countries?"
Post Date: 2017-02-03 18:22:22 by Horse
Update: It appears President Trump is pleased with the judge's decision... Follow Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrumpWe must keep "evil" out of our country! * * * As we detailed earlier, in a blow to every mainstream media news outlet (and likely hurting a lot of feelings), President Donald Trump’s ban on immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries will take effect in Boston on Sunday after a federal judge refused to extend a temporary ruling blocking its enforcement. As Bloomberg reports, the decision by U.S. District Judge Nathaniel Gorton on Friday dealt a setback to rights advocates who argued that blocking people from seven nations in the Middle East ...

Hillary Clinton Brags About Voting For A Border Fence To Keep Out Illegal Immigrants
Post Date: 2017-02-03 16:52:39 by Horse
Poster Comment:Back in 2015, while on the campaign trail, Hillary bragged about voting in FAVOR of building a fence to keep out illegal immigrants. Nobody rioted! Read more: www.whatreallyhappened.com http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/#ixzz4Xf45h8rO

Explosive Italian TV; The Financial Truth of African Migrant Scam!
Post Date: 2017-02-02 12:25:38 by Horse
This video goes into detail in a short amount of time and describes how only 4 to 5% of African migrants seek asylum. The other 95% are simply there to steal, rape, murder, and be paid for doing it. It is a video that every country with an immigration problem should watch!

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens
Post Date: 2017-02-01 19:52:30 by GreyLmist
From the Description section of the 30 second video: Published on Dec 8, 2015 Title 8 of the United States Code states that it is legal and reasonable for a President to ban any class of immigrants. www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1182 From the video Comment section: "Carter did it 1979." "We also did it in WWII against all Axis powers at the time." Obama and admins, similarly, in 2011: ABC News: Exclusive: US May Have Let 'Dozens' of Terrorists Into Country As Refugees By JAMES GORDON MEEK CINDY GALLI BRIAN ROSS Nov. 20, 2013 QUANTICO, Virginia the State Department stopped processing Iraq refugees for six months in 2011, federal ...

Post Date: 2017-02-01 16:24:43 by Horse

Migrants at WAR: Tensions in Paris as children attacked with knives for being 'too rich'
Post Date: 2017-02-01 13:02:19 by Horse
GANGS of North African youths have terrified Chinese migrants amid complaints they have become 'too rich'. The streets of Paris have erupted into inter-migrant strife as North African youths have targeted 'rich' Chinese migrants amid growing tensions. Police in France recorded more than 200 attacks on Chinese immigrants last year, mostly from hostile migrant gangs. This comes amid a growing perception that recent migrants from North Africa have become "too demanding" and consider themselves "victims" who deserve pity. Contrary to this, the long-standing Chinese community in Paris has gained a reputation for being "hard-working and managing ...

Pelosi to Mother Whose Son was Set on Fire: Illegals in Sanctuary Cities are 'Law-Abiding Citizens'
Post Date: 2017-02-01 12:34:59 by Horse

Mexico: Blame Canada
Post Date: 2017-01-31 21:14:25 by X-15
The government announced it would spend $50 million to hire lawyers in the United States to defend Mexican citizens there illegally and faced with deportation. This is all about money and a lot more than $50 million. The Mexican central bank tracks how much money Mexicans abroad send home and in 2016 it was $25 billion, almost all of it from Mexicans in the United States and much of it from Mexicans in the United States illegally. That remittance cash accounts for more foreign exchange than Mexican oil exports. The remittance income is rising. It was nearly $22 billion in 2013 and is expected to rise to $28 billion in 2017, unless the United States enforces its immigration laws like Mexico ...

Racism is when the black unemployment rate is DOUBLE the national average but you give jobs to foreigners.
Post Date: 2017-01-31 18:10:19 by Horse
Follow Hotep Jesus @VibeHi Racism is when the black unemployment rate is DOUBLE the national average but you give jobs to foreigners. #boycottstarbucks https://twitter.com/destinyyharden/status/826074909101195265 … Follow The Trump Train @The_Trump_Train Black American unemployment rate is double the national average but Starbucks is looking to hire refugees. #BoycottStarBucks Black Unemployment Rate: 9.2%, More Than Double White Unemployment of 4.4% http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/michael-w-chapman/black-unemployment-rate- 92-more-double-white-unemployment-44 ELI5: How can Starbucks give preference to hiring Syrian Muslims when the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 ...

FRUIT-PICKING ROBOT LATEST BLOW TO ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION Robot can actually pick fruit based on ripeness
Post Date: 2017-01-31 17:37:48 by Horse
A robot that can pick fruit off an assembly line could signal the end of low- skill jobs routinely staffed by illegal aliens. The prototype robot, developed by online grocer Ocado, uses a robotic hand in combination with computer scanning and can successfully pick fruits and vegetables according to ripeness, something that even human shoppers fail to do at times. “People have tried suction cups, robot hands with three fingers… What we are trying to do is to actually mimic the human hand,” said Ocado spokesman Alexandru Voica. “The gripper is based on air pressure, which controls the movement of the robotic fingers.” “What we are trying to do is combine ...

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