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Post Date: 2016-12-26 00:43:09 by Horse
Western Mexico's plague of violence continued on Christmas Day with the discovery of six decapitated heads in one state and the slaying of seven people in another. The Michoacan state prosecutor's office said the six heads were found in Jiquilpan, a municipality near the state of Jalisco in a region that has been a battleground between competing drug gangs in recent years. In a brief statement, it said the six men had not yet been identified and their bodies had not been found. Meanwhile state security officials in the neighboring state of Guerrero said gunmen entered a house and shot to death seven people in the municipality of Atoyac de Alvarez. Five were members of one family ...

Abolish NSEERS (N. Korean &) Muslim registry, NY attorney general tells Obama
Post Date: 2016-12-23 17:58:45 by hondo68
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman says NSEERS did not reduce terrorist activity and instead undermined trust in law enforcement. (CNN)New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman called on President Barack Obama on Wednesday to dismantle a program once used to register and track mostly Arab and Muslim men. In a letter addressed to the President, Schneiderman wrote that the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System, or NSEERS, created after the September 11, 2001, terror attacks, did not reduce terrorist activity and instead "undermined trust" in law enforcement and instilled fear in some communities. "We can't risk giving President-elect Trump the ...

Mexico URGES Immigrants To Apply For Citizenship Before Trump Enters White House
Post Date: 2016-12-22 09:33:20 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Mexico URGES Immigrants To Apply For Citizenship Before Trump Enters White HouseMany illegal immigrants are concerned about what the future will hold for them once Trump takes office in January. And so Mexico is preparing now. They’re advising Mexican citizens to apply for citizenship now, before Trump’s inauguration, so they’ll have a better chance of getting around what Mexico suspects will be tougher immigration policies from the Trump administration.Mexican state news agency Notimex featured advice from Ambassador Carlos Sada Solana, who urges Mexicans who want to immigrate to the United States to apply for citizenship now, and immigrate legally so they can avoid ...

German Government Admits Just 2.8% of 1.2M Migrants Have Gotten Jobs
Post Date: 2016-12-21 13:36:57 by Horse
While last year Angela Merkel was saying "skilled migrants" will pay for aging Germans' pensions, a new government study has found just 34,000 out of 1.2 million migrants have gotten jobs. From The Daily Mail: Just 34,000 migrants out of the 1.2million who have arrived in Germany in the past two years have managed to find a job, new figures have revealed. The statistics from the German government's Institute for Labour Research (IAB) reveal how only three per cent of those who travelled to the country are now working. And in addition out of those who are employed, nearly a quarter are just on temporary contracts, with the numbers applying to migrants mostly from Syria, ...

CNN RESPONDS TO ISLAMIC TERROR ATTACK IN BERLIN BY BLAMING CONSERVATIVES More concerned about "right-wingers" being proven right than Islamic bloodshed
Post Date: 2016-12-20 10:35:47 by Horse
CNN responded to the Islamic terror attack in Berlin carried out by a Pakistani refugee by worrying about how conservatives who have criticized Angela Merkel’s open border migrant policy might be proven right. An article appeared on the news network’s front page underneath the words “The fallout of fear,” and was subtitled “Attacks fuel far right’s assault on democracy”. Quite how rightly pointing out that importing over 1.5 million Muslim migrants, a significant portion of whom ascribe to a jihadist ideology, is a terrible policy, represents an “assault on democracy” is not explained. According to writer David A. Andelman, the ...

Russian Ambassador Shot Dead: What They're NOT Telling You
Post Date: 2016-12-20 10:29:51 by Horse
Poster Comment:Makes good debating points.

The Sun People Tsunami and the Inevitability of Lifeboat Ethics
Post Date: 2016-12-20 08:55:24 by Ada
Our Ruling Class’s anxieties about the Russians, and their anxieties about us, have a deckchairs-on-the-Titanic quality about them. Peering forward into the middle 21st century as best I am able, there are much bigger issues looming. Nine years ago I wrote a piece titled “The Arctic Alliance.” My argument, in a nutshell, was that the north-Eurasian nations—that is, Europe (along with some of its settler nations like Australia and the U.S.A.), Russia, China, Japan, and the Koreas—shared common strengths and a common weakness. The common strengths are high average IQ and a long record of civilizational attainment, with the aforementioned blots duly noted. The ...

A Joe Sobran Christmas
Post Date: 2016-12-18 08:54:41 by Ada
FRONT ROYAL, VA — When Al Matt asked me some ten years ago to take over Joe Sobran’s column in The Wanderer, I made it clear that, while I’d be honored to have my column appear in the same space, there was no way I could pretend to replace Joe Sobran. No one could replace Joe Sobran. And now you won’t have to: You can have the original in time to celebrate Christmas with the latest collections of his columns and essays (Subtracting Christianity: Essays on American Culture and Society and Hustler: The Clinton Legacy.) Reading Joe Sobran is like reading Shakespeare; savoring each line, followed by a string of accolades like those wine reviews (“hint of the cask, ...

Post Date: 2016-12-16 19:19:26 by Horse
Locals discharged so hundreds of "refugees" could get health check ups Hospitals on the Italian island of Sardinia are being ordered to kick out local patients in order to make way for migrants. Il Giornale reports that a scandal is brewing after government officials told hospitals to discharge their existing patients so that hundreds of “refugees” arriving in Porto Torres could be sent for health check ups. The advisory tells staff that they need to send patients home in the morning if possible and in the afternoon by the latest, and that doctors and nurses should prepare themselves for “a load of very heavy work”. According to the report, ...

Head North: Record Number of Americans Illegally Fleeing to Canada
Post Date: 2016-12-15 20:40:56 by Ada
Illegal border crossings from the United States into Quebec have more than quadrupled since 2014, Radio Canada reported on Wednesday. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police detained 823 refugee claimants so far in 2016, compared to 166 in 2014, and 315 in 2015. In November alone, 273 were detained, the highest monthly total on record. The respected female computer scientist and US Rear Admiral, Grace Hopper, once said that it is easier to ask forgiveness than permission, and Canadian immigration law corroborates her statement. Mitchell Goldberg, a Montreal-based immigration lawyer, told CBC that it’s easier to apply for asylum once inside of Canada than it is in one’s home country. ...

DHS Knew OSU Attacker Was Terror Recruitment Target, Let Him Into The U.S. Anyway
Post Date: 2016-12-15 15:52:55 by Horse
Department of Homeland Security officials knew Ohio State University attacker Abdul Razak Ali Artan was a possible recruitment target of Islamic terrorists but granted him asylum anyway, along with his mother and six of his siblings, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley revealed in a letter sent Wednesday to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services While seeking asylum as refugees from Mogadishu, Somalia in 2013, Artan’s mother told immigration authorities that she feared persecution from al-Qaeda affiliate group al-Shabaab, and worried that Abdul and his siblings would be recruited by the terrorist organization if they remained in Somalia. That knowledge ...

792,000 Illegal Aliens Issued Driver's Licenses In California Since Program Launch
Post Date: 2016-12-15 02:05:10 by Artisan
I have been reporting on the DMV stats periodically since California's AB60 was passed. The law allows those who aren't citizens or permanent residents to get a driver license if they provide proof of residence, pass a written-knowledge exam and a behind-the-wheel driving test. Maybe President Trump can use this address database to conduct round-ups of illegals in California? Hey, it'd be a start!) The DMV had made a big deal about sharing the numbers of applicants, and they had done so, at first monthly, then quarterly. Their website still claims that the statsstats are available. but their hub, which they had described as "The DMV has a helpful AB 60 information webpage, ...

Rome on verge of WAR between migrants and poor Italians, Vatican City mayor warns
Post Date: 2016-12-14 23:37:53 by Horse
ROME is on the verge of war as friction grows between poor Italians and and an increasing number of migrants, the Vatican City’s mayor has warned. Virginia Raggi told an immigration summit of European city leaders mayors need to be the first to welcome refugees with “warmth, shelter and accommodation”. She was speaking just days after a Moroccan family was prevented from moving into a council flat given to them by the authorities after neighbours shouted: “We do not want these n*****s.” Italy has seen the largest increase in migrant arrivals to Europe this year after the European Union (EU) made a deal with Turkey which meant migrants headed to Italy instead of ...

ICE spends $100 million ferrying illegal immigrant children around U.S., watchdog says
Post Date: 2016-12-12 13:58:39 by Horse
The federal agency that handles deportations spent more than $100 million of its money over the last few years to ferry illegal immigrant children around the U.S., according to calculations by a watchdog group that says the cash could have been better spent on enforcement. Government figures obtained by the Immigration Reform Law Institute through an open records request show Immigration and Customs Enforcement spent an average of $665 per juvenile in 2014, with most of that going to the cost of airplane flights to shuttle the children among government agencies, to relatives here in the U.S. or back to their home countries — if they’re deported. At that rate, ICE will spend ...

Obama Admin: Requiring Workers Speak English Is Discrimination…
Post Date: 2016-12-09 15:15:19 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Oh boy. Via Judicial Watch:Requiring employees in the United States to speak a foreign language is not discriminatory but forcing them to speak English violates federal law under a sweeping order issued by the Obama administration to crack down on “national origin discrimination” in the workplace. The government’s new enforcement guidelines state that bilingual requirements don’t meet discrimination claims under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act but English-only rules do because they’re restrictive language policies. The administration asserts that the new rules, which cover a broad range of scenarios that could get employers in trouble, were created because the ...

Post Date: 2016-12-05 13:50:50 by Horse
A teenage Afghan asylum seeker has been arrested in Germany for the rape and murder of the 19-year-old daughter of a senior EU official What’s worse: jihad or the sanction and support of its victims? It is depravity, a sickness of the soul or perhaps it speaks more to a moral bankruptcy. Like the daughter of one of the victims of the San Bernardino jihad slaughter, who said, “I just kind of didn’t understand how people could be that ignorant about another religion” said Kate Bowman, recalling the day her father, Harry Bowman, was murdered. Who doesn’t understand, Ms. Bowman? The dead or the jihadis? This is hardly unique. Maria Ladenburger, the rape/murder victim ...

Liberal refuses to answer Tucker Carlson's question on Syrian immigration
Post Date: 2016-12-04 20:59:30 by Horse
Poster Comment:Count the liberal lies in this short video.

CNN Host Alisyn Comerota Can’t Fathom Illegal Alien Voters…
Post Date: 2016-12-03 22:11:32 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
CNN Host Alisyn Comerota Can’t Fathom Illegal Alien Voters…Posted on December 3, 2016 by sundance Mr. Pinko at PolitOpinion smartly captures the essence of how CNN smugly tries to promote the concept of “fake news” through a pontificating process of willful blindness. Remember, as David Mamet accurately stated: in order for liberals to retain their own ideological world-view, they must claim not to know/see things that are brutally obvious to everyone else.  Intentional and willful blindness. In a recently aired segment of CNN, reporter Alisyn Comerota condescendingly questions a panel of Trump supporters.  One of the inquires stimulates the panel to ...

The Obama Administration is About To Admit Thousands of Refugees Australia Rejected
Post Date: 2016-12-02 12:21:10 by Horse
According to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, the Obama administration is getting ready to unilaterally admit thousands of refugees previously rejected entry by Australian authorities. The refugees in question are from terror hot spots like Iran, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia and Sudan. "This situation is concerning for many reasons...your departments negotiated an international agreement regarding refugees without consulting or notifying Congress. Such information was not disclosed to Congress during the annual refugee consultation that occurred on September 13, 2016, even though your staff confirmed that the agreement had, at the time, been negotiated ...

Ohio State Knife Attacker Abdul Artan Was Taking a Class About Microaggressions
Post Date: 2016-12-01 13:34:59 by Horse
Reason reports that Ohio State Knife attacker Abdul Arta was enrolled in a class called "Crossing Identity Boundaries." According to the magazine, he had a group project on "microaggressions" due later this week. The assignment, worth 15 percent of his grade, required students to find a dozen examples of microaggressions on social media and explain which identity groups were the victims, according to the syllabus. The purpose of the class is to promote "intercultural leadership" and transform students into "actively engaged, socially just global citizen/leaders." One of Artan's classmates who was part of his microaggressions group tweeted a ...

Red Alert: Obama raiding Medicare accounts to feed illegals – $167 million month
Post Date: 2016-11-30 16:44:53 by Horse
The Department of Health and Human Services is raiding several of its accounts, including money for Medicare, the Ryan White AIDS/HIV program and those for cancer and flu research to cover a shortfall in housing illegal youths pouring over the border at a rate of 255 a day. HHS is trying to come up with $167 million to fund the Office of Refugee Resettlement that is accepting the youths, according to the Center for Immigration Studies. Policy Director Jessica Vaughan said that insiders have told her that the funding crisis has forced the department to squeeze programs for money. The money, she said, pays for “shelters, health care, schooling, recreation, and other services for the new ...

Post Date: 2016-11-29 11:59:59 by Horse

Mogadishu on Campus
Post Date: 2016-11-29 11:40:43 by X-15
I am certain there were such oxymorons as “Somali-Americans” in 1993. But none of which I had ever heard. As far as most people I knew were concerned that cultural eon ago, a little bit of Africans went a long way. The tacit agreement being that our own black native stock was quite sufficient to provide the country’s welfare workers and prison guards with ample employment security without need of additional stimulus. And so whatever it is Africans did was best done there. Unfortunately, that’s the sort of quixotic reasoning that doesn’t long survive the pen of neocon presidencies. And Bush 1 had a lot of ink to spill. Of course there was the Immigration Act of 1990 ...

Upheld: ID Theft Laws Used by Sheriff Arpaio to Prosecute Illegal Aliens
Post Date: 2016-11-28 16:40:14 by Ada
A federal district court judge in Arizona has upheld two identity theft laws used to prosecute illegal aliens in employment raids by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. The case involves the constitutionality of two Arizona laws that provide for criminal penalties when an act of identity theft is done with the intent to obtain or continue employment (statute amended in 2007 and 2008 to apply specifically to the use of false identities to obtain employment), and another statute that makes it a crime to commit forgery (passed in 1977). Most of the tips that generated investigations by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) were from citizens in the community about a place of ...

BREAKING: MSNBC: Police believe suspect was a student at OSU, a Somali refugee
Post Date: 2016-11-28 14:14:07 by Horse
Follow Breaking 911Verified account ‏@Breaking911 BREAKING: MSNBC: Police believe suspect was a student at OSU, a Somali refugee & lawful permanent resident of the US - @JesseRodriguez 🐸IAmSilky ‏@IAmVerySilky 48m48 minutes ago @Breaking911 @JesseRodriguez "lawful" - yeah, under Obama anybody who wanders over here is lawful. Unless if they're white, of course. @elime94 41m41 minutes ago @Breaking911 @JesseRodriguez

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