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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Muslims attack Catholics leaving Church (throwing rocks)
Post Date: 2016-05-08 15:04:09 by Horse
Poster Comment:If they tried that in certain parts of America, they would be in trouble.

Kerry slams Trump's wall, tells grads to prepare for 'borderless world'
Post Date: 2016-05-08 11:02:56 by Horse
Secretary of State John Kerry took a shot at Donald Trump during his Friday commencement speech at Northeastern University, by saying no wall is big enough to keep dangerous terrorists out of the United States. "Many of you were in elementary school when you learned the toughest lesson of all on 9/11," he said. "There are no walls big enough to stop people from anywhere, tens of thousands of miles away, who are determined to take their own lives while they target others." "So I think that everything that we've lived and learn tells us that we will never come out on top if we accept advice from sound-bite salesmen and carnival barkers who pretend the most ...

Texas man’s life ruined by illegal alien and sex offender who stole his identity
Post Date: 2016-05-08 00:48:26 by Horse
Via Fox News: A decades-long ordeal ruined a Texas man, but his life might start to get better now that the convicted sex offender in Kansas who stole his identity has pleaded guilty to misusing a Social Security number. After years of fighting, Marcus Calvillo almost gave up on trying to clear his name. Then he read an Associated Press story about a case in 2013 in which a Houston teacher’s entire identity was stolen. Calvillo contacted the federal prosecutor in Wichita who was involved in that case, Assistant U.S. Attorney Brent Anderson, hoping the official might help him as well. “I don’t know of a case where the theft of an identity had a more devastating impact than ...

Austria-Italy border controls "political catastrophe"
Post Date: 2016-05-07 22:30:32 by Horse
Poster Comment:This is sickening. The EU is going ballistic because the Austrians want the Muslims to stop at the border. The Irishman they interviewed in New York is a disgrace to Ireland. I am a 6th generation member of the Church of Ireland. Total disgrace to his race.

Mary Ann Mendoza On Why She Endorsed Donald Trump
Post Date: 2016-05-07 20:09:58 by Horse
Poster Comment:She is in the Remembrance Project. They are family members of people murdered by illegal aliens.

UK / French joint operation training.. Possible unrest shortly in France?
Post Date: 2016-05-05 14:11:36 by Horse
After that london drill with the train and this… makes you think. Poster Comment:Video at source.

SAY WHAT? German government uses taxpayer money to fund “Flirt Workshops” for Muslim migrant rapists
Post Date: 2016-05-05 14:00:26 by Horse
Recently, “workshops” are offering Muslim asylum seekers state-sponsored courses on how to flirt with German women…so the women won’t realize they are about to be raped by a Muslim who thinks ‘uncovered’ women are fresh meat. CPLyBm5WgAAt51G Elicit.wix (h/t Nick V) On April 27, 2016 (BR)-Bayerischer Rundfunk (Bavaria Broadcasting) broadcasted the sequel of such a course in their article: „Workshop für Flüchtlinge – So ticken westliche Frauen“. (Workshop for Refugees – How Western women think and act). In the workshop offered at Jugendzentrum Eichstätt (Youth Center Eichstätt), young German women act as “prey” ...

Post Date: 2016-05-04 18:21:27 by Horse
All these nations that have joined the EU over the years had no idea what they were in for. Sure, the elitist globalist politicians who agreed to it knew what was up, but the people probably did not. I’d wager that the majority of them had no idea that they were signing away their sovereignty, and the future of their cultures. But the EU has made it abundantly clear that these nations have absolutely no sovereignty, or any control over their borders. In fact, they’re about to punish nations that try to protect their borders from migrants. On Wednesday, the European Commission will unveil a plan to fine countries to the tune of nearly $300,000 for every refugee they turn away. ...

Activists: Park Rangers need new uniforms to make illegal aliens more comfortable
Post Date: 2016-05-02 20:00:13 by BTP Holdings
Activists: Park Rangers need new uniforms to make illegal aliens more comfortable Posted on May 2, 2016 by Sam Rolley A coalition of civil rights activists and lawmakers are urging the federal government to consider changing the uniforms worn by National Park Service officers to make illegal aliens more comfortable on public lands. Currently, the activists say, NPS officers look too much like immigration enforcement officers. The call comes as the Park Service celebrates its 100th anniversary amid declining park attendance numbers. The activists say the decline is occurring because NPS officials are doing too little to draw in minorities as they’re becoming a larger share of the ...

Obama budgets $17,613 for every new illegal minor… More than Social Security retirees get!
Post Date: 2016-05-02 12:18:03 by Horse
President Obama has budgeted $17,613 for each of the estimated 75,000 Central American teens expected to illegally cross into the United States this year, $2,841 more than the average annual Social Security retirement benefit, according to a new report. The total bill to taxpayers: $1.3 billion in benefits to “unaccompanied children,” more than double what the federal government spent in 2010, according to an analysis of the administration’s programs for illegal minors from the Center for Immigration Studies. The average Social Security retirement benefit is $14,772.

“Nightmare” Mistake: Visa Free Travel For 80 Million Turks Coming Up (White Europe to die?)
Post Date: 2016-05-02 11:54:55 by Horse
Of all the inane, self-serving, deals German Chancellor Angela Merkel made with Turkey, visa-free travel for 80 million Islamic Turks tops the list. “This is all a nightmare,” said one diplomat charged with making the deal work. Nightmares aside, Brussels Prepares Legal Groundwork on Visa-Free Travel for Turks. Brussels will this week propose visa-free travel to Europe for 80m Turks but says Ankara still needs to meet several politically explosive reform conditions within weeks, including overhauling its terrorism laws and party funding rules. The enhanced travel rights were Turkey’s main windfall from a landmark EU deal in March, in which Ankara helped dramatically cut ...

Pro-Trump Hispanics Detail Racist Hate From Protestors
Post Date: 2016-04-30 08:54:26 by christine

Make America Mexico Again
Post Date: 2016-04-30 01:31:11 by Horse

Headlines from the Mexican anti-Trump rallies in Orange county.
Post Date: 2016-04-29 12:35:18 by Horse
TRUMP SUPPORTER BEATEN BLOODY BY THUGS Violent protesters steal property from trump supporter then punch him VIDEO: MEXICAN FLAG-WAVING ANTI-TRUMPERS BEAT TRUMP SUPPORTERS, ATTACK VEHICLES WATCH THIS INSANE RECKLESS PROTESTOR NEARLY KILL PEOPLE Reckless protester tries to run over Trump supporters! POWERFUL MOMENT AT TRUMP RALLY – FAMILIES WHO HAVE LOST LOVED ONES TO ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT CRIMINALS SPEAK OUT This is a parent taking tragedy and turning it into action. Poster Comment:The above is a round up of headlines written up at the Infowars website front page. They all report in the resistance of the Mexicans to Trump. Mexicans do not believe in democracy.

ICE Released 86,288 Criminal Aliens from 2013-2015
Post Date: 2016-04-28 20:16:22 by BTP Holdings
ICE Released 86,288 Criminal Aliens from 2013-2015 By Melanie Hunter | April 28, 2016 | 10:50 AM EDT Illegal immigrants (AP Photo) (CNSNews.com) – Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director Sarah Saldana provided written testimony to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on Thursday that showed over 86,000 criminal aliens had been released back into the United States from fiscal year 2013 to 2015. According to Saldana’s written testimony, there were a total of 86,288 criminal aliens released from 2013 to 2015 when you add up the number of criminal releases in the past three years – 36,007 in FY 2013, 30,558 in FY 2014, and 19,723 in FY 2015. ...

Americans Converge on Mexican Consulate in Calif. Demanding Free Stuff; Guards Run Inside, Block the Door & Call Police
Post Date: 2016-04-27 15:18:09 by Horse

Panic, gunshots & police sirens: MexicoÂ’s Acapulco rocked by multiple shootings
Post Date: 2016-04-25 17:28:08 by Horse
People in panic in the streets or hiding in local shops and sounds of never-ending gunshots – that was the scene in the Mexican resort of Acapulco amid multiple shootings overnight. According to Aztecanoticias newspaper, there was a confrontation between federal police and suspected criminals. A police officer has been allegedly injured in the shooting. Videos posted on Twitter recorded the sounds of never-ending gunshots. Other photos and videos captured frightened people hiding in local shops or malls and police vehicles patrolling the streets. Galerías Acapulco, also known as La Grand Plaza shopping mall in the city center, has been closed due to the shootings, Mexican ...

This State Just DECLARED WAR On Obama & His Muslim Refugees! – BREAKING NEWS
Post Date: 2016-04-25 11:35:58 by Horse
The Tennessee General Assembly just voted to sue Obama’s Federal government over the refugees, based on the 10th Amendment. It passed in the state house by 69 to 25, and the state senate by 29 to 4. It’s clear that elected leaders in TN are looking out for the safety of their citizens, and are ready to stand up to Obama in a huge way: Today we struck a blow for Liberty by finally adopting SJR467,” State Senator Mark Norris (R-Collierville), the co-sponsor of the resolution who shepherded it through the State Senate, tells Breitbart News. “The General Assembly clearly understands the importance of public safety and state sovereignty as demonstrated by the overwhelming ...

The Survival of Europe (and America). Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
Post Date: 2016-04-24 10:19:33 by Southern Style

'Let down by the Pope on Lesbos': Christian brother and (cute) sister told they would be rescued by Holy Father then left behind over EU deal to send migrants to Turkey
Post Date: 2016-04-23 12:06:57 by Horse
Roula and Malek Abo fled Syria fearing ISIS would kill them for their faith The siblings made treacherous journey to Lesbos, where they are stuck Thought their luck had changed after offered passage to Rome with Pope But because they arrived on April 1 - 10 days after EU deal to send failed asylum applications arriving in Greece from Turkey back, they are stuck Spokesman for charity Sant'Egidio called the siblings' case 'regrettable' He added the ultimate decision over who was picked was up to the Vatican, which declined to comment Neither the Vatican or the charity would confirm the selection process For the latest on the refugee crisis visit ...

CDC secret warning on surge of illegal kids: 'Plan on many having TB'
Post Date: 2016-04-22 16:23:27 by Horse
During the recent surge of tens of thousands of young illegal immigrants crossing the Mexico-U.S. border, the Centers for Disease Control warned staff that many will be infected with tuberculosis — but the public wasn't given a head's up. In fact, the young adults, few of whom had received the types of vaccines U.S. children received, arrived with TB, swine flu and even Dengue, according to reports that eventually filtered out of border agents and hospitals on or near the U.S. border. The internal warning was: "We might as well plan on many of the kids having TB." It was included in June 2014 email guidance from environmental health scientist Alaric C. Denton as the ...

Trey Gowdy Just DROPPED A Truth Bomb On Obama! (Releasing 100,000 criminal aliens a year)
Post Date: 2016-04-20 11:58:13 by Horse
Obama’s Justice Department, according to Gowdy, has refused to enforce current immigration laws and defend the rights of American citizens. That’s because the Obama White House is stopping the efforts of the U.S. Border Patrol and immigration enforcement agencies, while simultaneously granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens by unconstitutional executive orders. As Gowdy explained at a recent hearing: “Today there are over 350,000 known criminal aliens in the United States who are not detained by ICE, 350,000,” Gowdy, the chairman of the Immigration and Border Security Subcommittee, said opening a hearing examining the victims of illegal immigrant crime. ...

Mother of Son (Tortured and ) Murdered by an Illegal Breaks Down in Tears Before Congress, Begging for Immigration Enforcement
Post Date: 2016-04-19 19:04:16 by Horse
The mother of a teenage son who was tortured and murdered by an illegal immigrant broke down in tears Tuesday before a House panel, begging for the government to enforce immigration law. Laura Wilkerson, the mother of Josh Wilkerson, described in vivid detail the manner in which Hermilo Vildo Moralez, an illegal immigrant, beat, tortured, and eventually killed her son Josh then went to a movie. In emotional testimony before the House Immigration and Border Subcommittee, Wilkerson expressed frustration that the problem of illegal immigration has not been fixed since the last time she testified before Congress in July 2015. “Nothing has been done about it. We can have hearing after ...

ILLEGAL’S BAIL SET LOWER THAN FUNERAL COST OF HIS VICTIM The illegal is unlikely to show up for trial, however
Post Date: 2016-04-19 13:55:20 by Horse
The funeral for a 21-year-old woman killed by a drunk illegal cost more than the illegal’s bail, the victim’s mother revealed. Michelle Root, mother of Sarah Root, revealed the events surrounding her daughter’s death on her graduation day by an illegal alien police say was drag racing while intoxicated in Omaha, Neb., earlier this year. But a local judge set his bail at “less than the amount it cost to bury my baby,” she told Congress on Tuesday. “We are not against immigration,” Root said. “Sarah’s grandmother was an immigration from Vienna, Austria.” “She did it right, she did it the right way. That’s all we’re ...

Obama's open-door immigration policy blamed for surge in rural gang crime
Post Date: 2016-04-19 13:35:28 by Horse
A rural Maryland sheriff on Tuesday blamed President Obama's open-door immigration policy for a surge in gangland crime that included a retaliation murder and assault on an officer doing paperwork in his cruiser. "Case by case amnesty, backdoor amnesty, DACA programs, and the Dream Act were pushed through by executive order," said Frederick County Sheriff Charles Jenkins. "Policy shifts by President Obama weakened and ruined Secure Communities, and did not allow action by ICE when Sheriffs and police departments ignored detainers, allowing criminal to be released back on the streets. In effect, criminal aliens that should have been deported have been allowed to remain ...

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