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U.S. Gives $20 Million More To Teach Rapeugees How To Invade Europe
Post Date: 2016-03-29 01:29:13 by Artisan
The U.S. State Department announced today that they will be giving an additional $20 million dollars to various United Nations groups to "strengthen advocacy strategies, and enhance communication efforts to inform communities of origin of existing and legal ways to enter Europe." Here is their press release. The United States Provides an Additional $20 Million in Response to Europe Refugee and Migration Crisis Media Note Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC March 28, 2016 The United States announces $20 million to support efforts by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and the International ...

Trump Spontaneously Invites Immigrant Onstage – What Happens Next Has Crowd Cheering
Post Date: 2016-03-28 22:29:09 by BTP Holdings
Trump Spontaneously Invites Immigrant Onstage – What Happens Next Has Crowd Cheering Screen Shot 2016-03-13 at 7.08.24 PM The big misconception with Donald Trump is that he wants to stop immigration to the US. That’s simply not true. Trump has always been in favor of “legal immigration” and opposed to “illegal immigration.” The legal process involves vetting and ensuring we’re not letting in terrorists or those that won’t contribute to society. So, when Trump spotted a man wearing an immigration T-Shirt in the audience, he quickly invited him up on stage. According to The Blaze: Republican front-runner Donald Trump was speaking Sunday at rally in ...

Report: Immigrant population over 15% in record 16 states, over 25% in 6
Post Date: 2016-03-28 09:26:44 by Ada
Study Shows How the U.S. Always Will Be an Immigrant Nation Inform One third of the nation's 50 states now have immigrant populations over 15 percent, with six over 25 percent, raising new questions about the country's ability to absorb the immigrant flood in schools and the job market, a new report on government immigration data said. The new Center for Immigration Studies analysis of the 61 million immigrants and their children now in America revealed the speed at how the nation's population has changed since 1970. Click for Full Text!

Belgium turns on immigrants after Brussels bloodbath as membership of far-right 'White Power' group DOUBLES in three days
Post Date: 2016-03-26 01:51:36 by Horse
Right-wing extremist groups grow in Belgium after Brussels bombings Belgian White Power group says membership has 'rocketed' this week Support for anti-Islam party Vlaams Belang surge on social networks More on the Brussels bombings at www.dailymail.co.uk/BrusselsAttacks Belgium has turned on immigrants in the wake of the Brussels terror attack as far- right skinhead groups are experiencing a surge in popularity, promising ‘drastic action’ in the aftermath of the atrocities. Voorpost, a Belgian White Power organisation that is being closely monitored by security services, says its membership has rocketed following the carnage. ‘A huge number of people have ...

87% of Illegal Aliens With Children On Some Type of Welfare
Post Date: 2016-03-25 09:44:04 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Central American immigrants await transportation to a U.S. Border Patrol processing center after crossing the Rio Grande from Mexico into the Texas on July 24, 2014 near Mission, Texas. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)by Team DML/ March 10, 2016/ WELFARE/ No Comments/Plus: Amnesty will result in INCREASE of welfare costs, as former illegals will then qualify for even more benefits. The Center For Immigration Studies reported that 87% of households headed by illegal immigrants with children are on welfare, 83% are on some type of food assistance, and 72% have at least one person on Medicaid.   This report was issued in September 2015, based on 2012 statistics. Based on the ...

“Is this Africa?” – Japanese Girl goes on Paris vacation for her VLOG, can’t believe her Eyes
Post Date: 2016-03-24 16:34:03 by Horse
Poster Comment:A Japanese girl goes on vacation to France to document her experiences. Her intention: Showing the atmosphere and exploring some of the romantic Stereotypes of the iconic city. Instead she got what appeared to her like an African ghetto mixed with Arabic and Asian ambience. Coming from a nation with very little immigration, she was very surprised when she barely saw any French people - in Paris! Like in many European nations like England or Sweden, French people are now the minority in their own capital. In some districts of large cities, children of migrants now make up up to 80% of newborns.

6 Tough Questions You Need to be Able to Answer if You Oppose Mass Immigration
Post Date: 2016-03-23 23:10:26 by X-15
In this article we will present perhaps some of the toughest questions anti-Whites can throw at you. Questions that would put many people on a defensive position if they are not prepared for it. This is how you tackle it and turn them into your favor by owning the moral high ground with your comebacks. There is no perfect answer for every situation, and there is of course not a single answer to a question, as there are many ways you can answer a question. But in some cases you need some good comebacks if tough questions or statements are thrown at you on the spot when discussing or debating about the issues of immigration with other people. What is important to have in mind when someone ...

The View Hosts Admit Trump Was Right About Brussels: “I Can’t Believe It, He Seems Reasonable”
Post Date: 2016-03-23 17:04:08 by Horse
Is Donald Trump really the voice of reason the day after the attacks in Brussels? These left-leaning women from The View are besides themselves in having to admit that they agree with The Donald on his foreign policy and ISIS views. He apparently called months ago that something was going on in Belgium, and that new waves of terror attacks were forthcoming. As The Blaze reported: The co-hosts of ABC’s “The View” appeared to soften a little on GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump on Tuesday, admitting that his foreign policy positions don’t seem all that outrageous in the aftermath of the deadly terror attacks in Brussels. Joy Behar, an outspoken critic of ...

Post Date: 2016-03-21 10:09:44 by Horse
VIA| Yesterday Far left open border activists SHUT DOWN THE HIGHWAY leading to the Trump rally in Fountain Hills, Arizona for two hours. The protesters parked their trucks across the highway to block traffic. Only three protesters were arrested. Where were the paddy wagons? The lead protester who chained her neck to a pickup truck was Jacinta Gonzalez from New Orleans. Jacinta Gonzalez is a trained community organizer and Soros Fellow. Jacinta is from Mexico. Poster Comment:If they have so many ties to Soros, can't they sue him and all the protesters? It might not be resolved until after the election, but the judgments against them would be huge.

Diversity: Four Illegals Held in Brutal Gang Rape in Massachusetts
Post Date: 2016-03-21 08:09:23 by Horse
Four Guatemala nationals who are in the U.S. illegally are accused of brutally gang- raping a woman and beating her boyfriend in Massachusetts. Federal Immigration officers are requesting so-called detainers on all four illegals. According to Customs Enforcement spokesman Shawn Neudauer, at least two of the suspects had been deported previously. Police report that brothers Elmer Diaz, 19, Arial Diaz, 24, and Adan Diaz, 32 and accomplice Marlon Josue Jarquin-Felipe, 27, were arrested and charged with the brutal attacks. They faces charges including rape, assault with a dangerous weapon, assault and battery, kidnapping, witness intimidation and other charges. Ariel Diaz has a record of ...

Trump Causing a Flood of Illegal Aliens
Post Date: 2016-03-20 15:35:15 by Ada
The flood of Trump-fearing American liberals sneaking across the border into Canada has intensified in the past week, sparking calls for increased patrols to stop the illegal immigration. The Republican Presidential primary campaign is prompting an exodus among left-leaning citizens who fear they’ll soon be required to hunt, pray, and live according to conservative ideas about the Constitution. Canadian border farmers say it’s not uncommon to see dozens of sociology professors, global warming activists, and “green” energy proponents crossing their fields at night. “I went out to milk the cows the other day, and there was a Hollywood producer huddled in the ...

Donald Trump Disrupters Are PC Enforcers, Not ‘Protesters’
Post Date: 2016-03-20 09:55:23 by Ada
Calling a leftist political agitator conducting an organized disruption of a Donald Trump rally a “protester” is like calling a carjacker a “transportation facilitator.” Rosa Parks was a protester; the Trump rally disrupters are thuggish enforcers. And it’s time Republicans stop blaming the victim when the thugs show up for the cameras. By a planned, coordinated chorus of shouting, chanting and provocative physical obstructions, these thugs are not affirming anyone’s rights. They are enforcing the canons of political correctness as currently taught in our universities– condoned by the mass media and too often excused by short-sighted politicians too ...

California Allows Non-Citizens to Vote, Which is Illegal, So Every California Vote should be Disqualified
Post Date: 2016-03-19 18:43:45 by Horse
The official number of illegal aliens in the state of California is nearly 3 million. We can estimate the number to be more than double this amount in reality. Over half of all drivers license issued in California were given to individuals who are here illegally and the state automatically registers those with a driver’s license to vote. In 2015, California Governor Jerry Brown (D-CA) signed a bill giving full voting rights to illegal aliens. This gives them the right to vote in all elections from a local level to national elections, including that of choosing who will become President. The biggest problem with this is it is against Federal law for non-citizens to vote in any ...

Angel Sanchez has a Message for Mexico's Former President Vicente Fox: "This Mexican- American is Voting for Trump"
Post Date: 2016-03-19 14:06:02 by Horse
Trump's Got My Vote ‎@veganvecoh Angel Sanchez has a Message for Mexico's Former President Vicente Fox: "This Mexican- American is Voting for Trump" 8:13 PM - 18 Mar 2016

More from Clinton Twilight Zone: The borders are secure
Post Date: 2016-03-18 19:13:21 by BTP Holdings
More from Clinton Twilight Zone: The borders are secure Posted on March 18, 2016 by Personal Liberty News Desk Hillary Clinton Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton said people who don’t believe that the U.S.’s southern border with Mexico is secure “are not paying attention.” “I think we’ve done a really good job securing the border,” said the former secretary of state told Phoenix’s KTAR. During the interview, Clinton asserted that “immigration from Mexico has dropped considerably” over the past few years and that it’s “just not happening anymore.” “I think that those who say we haven’t are not ...

Immigrants don't really benefit our country (Canada) anymore -- and it's getting worse
Post Date: 2016-03-16 13:32:16 by Horse
Poster Comment:I met a Filipino woman who was accepted as an immigrant to Canada. She did not work. She had several children by different white men. She was told by Canadian officials that they wanted her to make Canada more diverse.

The Drive Home
Post Date: 2016-03-15 19:33:57 by Ada
Athens—I am walking around downtown Athens watching thousands of migrants fielding pitches from smugglers for alternative routes to Germany and Austria. I ask a friendly policeman fifty years younger than me why he doesn’t arrest the smugglers and throw the key away. “Others will take their place quicker than we put the handcuffs on them,” he tells me. “And they pretend to be migrants the moment we approach.” Smuggling people is big business, and most of the bad guys are Afghans, as far as I can tell while mixing among them. It is grim stuff, especially where children are concerned. Victoria Square is a tree-lined park where long ago my grandfather owned a ...

Grieving Mom Responds To Kasich’s Amnesty-In-100-Days Pledge: Visit Grave Of My Murdered Child
Post Date: 2016-03-15 12:49:21 by Horse
“It’s all so senseless,” Maureen Maloney said of the death of countless Americans at the hands of illegal aliens. Maloney’s 23 year-old son Matthew was hit by a repeat-offending illegal alien drunk driver. Although Matthew survived the initial crash, he died as he was subsequently dragged a quarter of a mile—caught in the wheel well of the illegal alien’s pick up truck— as the alien sought to flee the crime scene. “Witnesses who saw [Matthew] pinned screaming under the truck ran out and pounded on the vehicle, crying out to the driver who kept going…'[Matthew] was alive for a good portion of it,’” wrote one report from the time. ...

ICE: 124 illegal immigrants released from jail later charged in 138 murder cases
Post Date: 2016-03-14 10:26:43 by Horse
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has revealed that 124 illegal immigrant criminals released from jail by the Obama administration since 2010 have been subsequently charged with murder. A Center for Immigration Studies report on the data from ICE to the Senate Judiciary Committee added that the committee is not releasing the names of the murder suspects. "The criminal aliens released by ICE in these years — who had already been convicted of thousands of crimes — are responsible for a significant crime spree in American communities, including 124 new homicides. Inexplicably, ICE is choosing to release some criminal aliens multiple times," said the report written ...

Americans along the border say Obama is threatening their lives
Post Date: 2016-03-14 06:21:41 by BTP Holdings
Americans along the border say Obama is threatening their lives Posted on March 14, 2016 by Sam Rolley 136206253 To protect American lives from malicious invaders from foreign nations is one of the most basic reasons a federal government was established in the United States. Unfortunately for a growing number of Americans living along the nation’s southern border, Obama administration immigration policies have stripped away any remnant of faith in that protection. A report published in the Albuquerque Journal last week told of how Obama’s immigration policies, including actively calling on Border Patrol agents to turn a blind eye to illegal crossings, are causing many ...

Obama Admin Is Telling Border Agents Something UNBELIEVABLE!
Post Date: 2016-03-13 20:57:43 by BTP Holdings
Obama Admin Is Telling Border Agents Something UNBELIEVABLE! If you listen to “open borders” advocates, they make it sound like Obama is deporting every illegal alien he can – but according to a new report, the administration is doing it’s best to do the opposite. From the Washington Times: Customs and Border Protection Commission R. Gil Kerlikowske told Border Patrol agents who object to President Obama’s amnesty policies that it’s time to “look for another job,” saying Tuesday that agents have to follow the orders of their superiors. Mr. Kerlikowske was objecting to testimony last month from the Border Patrol labor union chief, who said under ...

Family of woman killed (By Illegal Alien) in crash still seeking answers after pre-trial release
Post Date: 2016-03-13 01:17:47 by Horse
For relatives and friends, closure is still elusive more than a month after the death of Sarah Root. Root died of injuries she sustained in a South Omaha crash on Jan. 31. The man authorities accuse of being responsible for the crash, however, remains at large. Eswin Mejia was charged with felony motor vehicle homicide and operating a vehicle while intoxicated on Feb. 3 and released after posting 10 percent of a $50,000 bond on Feb. 5. He has not been seen by law enforcement since his release. Specifically, Mejia has not shown up for twice-daily Breathalyzer testing, a condition of his bond reduction, nor did he appear for his Feb. 26 preliminary hearing. A judge has since revoked his ...

George Soros Forms/Funds Illegal Alien Super PAC to Swing the Election
Post Date: 2016-03-12 15:53:23 by Horse
Exploiting foreigners on our land, many of whom are here illegally, is a talent reserved for the Democrat party. Famed Democrat George Soros now has a PAC aimed at Latino immigrants and illegal aliens. It will be used to sway the election this November. The end goal is a socialist United States. Soros would have us become a third world country. He has already damaged the EU and he wants the same for us. The billionaire financier is a hard left manipulator and a big Hillary Clinton donor who is attempting to destroy traditional America. He will be spending $15 million on his latest endeavor. Soros is forming and funding a new “super PAC” called Immigrant Voters Win PAC. Their ...

Trump Victory Is Factor in Mexico's Risk Models, Central Banker Says
Post Date: 2016-03-11 18:53:48 by Horse
Mexico central bank Governor Agustin Carstens said the possibility of a Donald Trump presidency is implicitly reflected in the risk models used by policy makers, after stressing the importance to Mexico’s economy of the North American Free Trade Agreement. "Explicitly, no," Carstens told El Financiero-Bloomberg TV’s Carlos Mota when asked if the risk of a Trump presidency is reflected in the central bank’s models, "but implicitly all of us have it in our heads." Trump has pledged to renegotiate or terminate Nafta, saying it has been a disaster for the U.S. that has encouraged companies to move production south of the border. Asked about the U.S. ...

UNBELIEVABLE! Swedish Prime Minister says “Muslim migrants are not to blame for Muslim migrant sexual assaults on women and children and Muslim migrant terror attacks”
Post Date: 2016-03-11 18:40:58 by Horse
Reports of a rise in sexual assault incidents across major European cities from Cologne to the Swedish capital Stockholm have been blamed by a number of politicians and campaign groups on the influx of Muslim migrants to the continent. But Stefan Löfven, the prime minister of Sweden said that the migrants should not be blamed for attacks in Sweden. “Sexual harassment is not automatically binding to Muslim migration and immigration. We have had sexual harassment in Sweden for many, many years, unfortunately,” Löfven told CNBC at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Wednesday. “What it now takes is to be very clear that this is not appropriate, it is ...

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