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Latest Articles: Immigration

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German Girl Pleads for Protection (from Refugees)
Post Date: 2016-02-12 15:04:00 by Horse

Fox Orders ‘Chad’ Comedy Pilot Starring Nasim Pedrad As Teen Middle Eastern Boy
Post Date: 2016-02-11 18:51:46 by Horse
Fox has given a late pilot order to Chad: An American Boy, a single-camera Middle Eastern family comedy co-created by and starring Saturday Night Live alumna Nasim Pedrad and directed by Jason Winer. Written by Pedrad & Rob Rosell, Chad centers on a 14-year-old boy (Pedrad) in the throes of adolescence is tasked with being the man of the house, which leaves him with all the responsibilities of being an adult without any of the perks. Pedrad, Rosell and Winer executive produce with 3 Arts’ Michael Rotenberg and Dave Becky. 20th Century Fox TV is the studio. “I’m thrilled to be able to portray a Middle Eastern family not working for or against Jack Bauer on network ...

German Lady & the Invasion
Post Date: 2016-02-11 18:32:12 by Horse

Remains of About 400 Bodies Discovered at Ranch in Mexico.
Post Date: 2016-02-11 18:13:48 by Horse
Thousands of body parts were found at a ranch where authorities believe people kidnapped by a cartel were taken to be burned and buried. Mexican authorities from the southwestern state of Veracruz discovered thousands of human remains they believe belong to up to 400 people who were forcibly disappeared in the past few years, Veracruzan officials confirmed Wednesday. “The forensic scientists have been working for three days at the El Limon ranch in order to pick up the remains and process them as they were being discovered,” a government source told Mexican news outlet Animal Politico. RELATED: 13 More Forcibly Disappeared in Guerrero Two of the bodies found at the ranch have ...

Nigel Farage on Calais Invasion
Post Date: 2016-02-11 11:38:35 by Horse
Poster Comment:Nigel: Under EU rules all France has to do is to give French passports to the mobs at Calais. Then they could legally come to Britain under EU rules and there is nothing we can do to sop them.

Calais Native Reveals Migrants Attack Children, Rape, Steal: ‘It Is Unimaginable What We Suffer
Post Date: 2016-02-10 14:20:29 by Horse
A video has emerged claiming to show a Calais native detailing a life filled with “iron bars and… Molotov cocktails” in the besieged port town, now home to one of Europe’s most notorious migrant camps. Filmed at the ‘Save Our Country’ conference just outside Paris, the video was released by the Secular Riposte campaign group, a movement working to halt the influence of political Islam in officially secular France. Featuring “native Calaisienne” Simone Héricourt, the meeting took place outside of Paris, after the group was banned from demonstrating in the city. Speaking the day after she stood alongside French General Piquemal, who was ...

Bombshell: Obama cutting border surveillance in half
Post Date: 2016-02-08 06:35:52 by BTP Holdings
Bombshell: Obama cutting border surveillance in half Agents threatened with termination for enforcing law Published: 3 days ago Leo Hohmann Leo Hohmann is a news editor for WND. He has been a reporter and editor at several suburban newspapers in the Atlanta and Charlotte, North Carolina, areas and also served as managing editor of Triangle Business Journal in Raleigh, North Carolina. www.wnd.com/wp-content/th...-theme/_/images//feed.png Border Patrol agents detain an illegal border crosser after chasing him down near the U.S.-Mexico border at Mission, Texas. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is planning to cut 50 percent of the budget for aerial surveillance along the ...

Lawless America
Post Date: 2016-02-08 04:21:18 by BTP Holdings
Lawless America Posted on February 8, 2016 by Bob Livingston Illegal alien being detained by Border Patrol America is a nation of thousands if not millions of laws, yet it is a lawless nation. A lawless nation is no nation at all. It is merely a Third-world backwater where those in power who lord over the people and abuse them for their own gain, for the gain of the bureaucrat class, and for the benefit of the banksters and the crony corporations who fund the charade elections every two or four years. So those thousands or millions of laws written “for our benefit” – at least that’s what we’re told each time another edict from the District of Criminals becomes ...

Brexit vote about the safety and security of British women - UKIP Leader Nigel Farage
Post Date: 2016-02-07 14:34:41 by Horse
Poster Comment:After Cologne, the vote in America in November will be about the safety of our women and our schools. Open Borders must be closed.

Enoch Powell - Rivers of Blood Speech
Post Date: 2016-02-06 18:02:44 by Horse

Marco Rubio from corrupted, traitorous Gang of Eight, is untrustworthy, self-serving tool
Post Date: 2016-02-06 15:07:14 by Horse
Poster Comment:Rubio's Gang of 8 bill would allow previously deported aliens to come back, get a job and go through the deportation process all over no matter what the deportation bills cost the taxpayers. His bill would allow Gang Members to become citizens if they promise to quit the gang. He would waive criminal offenses up to and including murder for illegal aliens under 18. He would let in criminals who were members of persecuted groups. He would let identity thieves and fraudsters to come here. Illegal who kill Americans while drunk driving are OK for citizenship.

Swedish Police Struggle With Invasion (Sweden has 52 No Go Zones.)
Post Date: 2016-02-06 11:51:58 by Horse

Refugees harass girls while clubbing in Russia, wake up in hospital (two thumbs up!)
Post Date: 2016-02-06 03:32:57 by X-15
A group of 51 refugees were brutally assaulted outside a nightclub in Murmansk, Russia, after they groped and molested women at a night club Saturday. The refugees had previously been ordered to leave Norway for “bad behavior” and tried their luck in Russia. What they didn’t realize when they went out clubbing in Murmansk is that Russians have less tolerance when it comes to sexual assault on local women than other European countries. The refugees allegedly groped and harassed women in a similar manner as the assaults in Cologne on New Year’s Eve. A group of male Russian took them aside to “educate” them that “Cologne is 2,500 kilometers south of ...

All Job Gains Since December 2007 Have Gone To Foreign-Born Workers
Post Date: 2016-02-05 14:16:51 by Horse
With the Fed on the verge of a full relent and admission of policy error, the Fed's "data (in)dependent" monetary policy once again takes on secondary relevance as we progress into 2016. However, even with the overall job picture far less important, one aspect of the US jobs market is certain to take on an unprecedented importance. We first laid out what that is last September when we said that "the one chart that matters more than ever, has little to nothing to do with the Fed's monetary policy, but everything to do with the November 2016 presidential elections in which the topic of immigration, both legal and illegal, is shaping up to be the most rancorous, ...

Migrant party in Murmansk? 18 in hospital 33 in Jail !!! (Harassed women. Confused Muslims thought they were in EU not Russia)
Post Date: 2016-02-03 13:57:03 by Horse
Migrants from the Middle East in one of the nightclubs in the Murmansk region began to harass girls. They too late realize that they are not in the EU. Murmansk law enforcement office do not want comment on this matter to much so all questions are answered by phrase that there was a " mass brawl and harm including health of large groups of migrants". However, the local users of social networking are happy to share the details of the event. Earlier, media reported that Norway for "bad behavior" deported back to Russia group of 50 migrants who allegedly came to Norway from Russian territory. After returning to Russia, the refugees decided to have fun at a local ...

LEFT-WING JOURNALIST KNIFE ATTACKED BY CALAIS MIGRANTS, BLAMES BRITAIN FOR NOT LETTING THEM IN Refugees turning to violence because of "xenophobia," claims report
Post Date: 2016-02-03 13:41:03 by Horse
Robert Edwards, a reporter for RT and an Amnesty UK support officer, visited the notorious migrant camp on the French border to “tell their story,” only to be assaulted by the migrants. “I was approached by a group of teenagers. One of them has a blade and starts cutting at my jacket,” Edwards told RT. However, rather than blame the perpetrators, Edwards slammed the “”knee-jerk” rhetoric of people on social media who said the attack illustrated how some of the migrants were “lawless scum”. Instead of acknowledging that there is obviously a problem with migrants being prone to violence and rape, as evidenced by the innumerable instances of ...

So it begins here: U.S. city 'overrun' with criminal refugees
Post Date: 2016-02-03 09:40:42 by Horse
More than 120 people braved the snow and ice Monday to rally in front of the Missoula County Courthouse, protesting an effort by the Obama administration and its army of community organizers to plant foreign “refugees” into small cities in western Montana. One of the speakers was a woman who moved recently to Montana from Amarillo, Texas, which has been inundated with thousands of refugees over the past 15 years. “Amarillo is overrun with refugees,” said Karen Sherman, who stood and spoke to the crowd amid blowing wind and falling snowflakes. Sherman just moved to Missoula, a college town that serves as home to the University of Montana. It’s a far cry from ...

Post Date: 2016-02-02 18:59:43 by Horse
You are probably going to think this is a joke. I did. “No way would anything this stupid be passed off in seriousness,” I thought. Then, ever so sadly, I found out that it was. I say “unintentional” because they weren’t kidding here. Finnish Broadcasting Company, Finland’s public broadcasting channel, released this video on how to protect one’s self from rapists. Go ahead. Try not to laugh. See if you can help it. I sure couldn’t.

As Feds Plan to Cut Border Monitoring, Texas Officials Ask Why (Silly Wabbit. America is for non-whites)
Post Date: 2016-02-02 16:04:32 by Horse
Gov. Greg Abbott and U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar, a Laredo Democrat, pressed the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on Monday to explain why the agency plans to reduce its aerial surveillance on the Texas-Mexico border. In a letter to DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson, the lawmakers said the cut to a requested 3,850 hours of aerial detection and monitoring in 2016 amounts to 50 percent less coverage than recent years. “Given the recent surge of migrants from Central America and Cuba along the southern border, we believe DHS should request more surveillance and security resources, not fewer,” Abbott and Cuellar wrote in a letter. The pair also reminded Johnson that in September, ...

In Latest Shock Video, Migrants Maul Elderly Germans In Munich Metro
Post Date: 2016-02-02 14:38:14 by Horse
“Migrants gone wild” is the new video craze sweeping the internet as cell phone footage of refugee-related shenanigans has replaced clips of Russia vaporizing “the terrorists” on geopolitics junkies’ must watch lists. So far this year we’ve seen “shocking footage” of a shrieking migrant teen involved in a bitter dispute with an asylum center worker, a clip which depicts dozens of “football hooligans” rampaging through Stockholm’s central train station on the way to accosting non-Swedes, and a number of videos showing police clashing with demonstrators who have taken to the streets across the bloc to protest the influx of refugees. On ...

EXCLUSIVE - The lawless asylum centre where migrants rule: Inside squalid Swedish shelter that police will not enter, where 10-year-old boy was raped and that has just TWO staff on duty for 600 refugees
Post Date: 2016-02-01 11:43:51 by Horse
MailOnline reveals rooms 'so overcrowded that youths were free to rape' Migrants claim six people are crammed in on mattresses and bunk beds Ten-year-old was sexually abused at Signalisten Asylum Centre in Sweden Police were then chased from the corridors after being surrounded by mob Officers now refuse to enter and just two staff guard 600 migrants at night Activists ten children have been raped because of overcrowding Sweden struggling to cope with 160,000 new arrivals By ULF ANDERSSON IN VÄSTERÅS, SWEDEN, FOR MAILONLINE The tiny room is crammed full of all the family's worldly possessions. Dirty dishes, baby bottles and an old kettle fight for space with a ...

Post Date: 2016-01-31 13:48:15 by Horse
Ahmad appears to have hair on his chin, and his powerful physique can be seen under his shirt. The second is of Saad Alsaud, reported to have been the fastest 14-year- old in Sweden, dwarfing schoolboys and girls as they join him for a run. THE EXTRAORDINARY PICTURES OF THE TWO AFGHANS, AHMAD AND SAAD, WERE PUBLISHED IN THE SWEDISH PRESS, WITH GOVERNMENT APPROVAL, TO SHOW HOW ENTHUSIASTICALLY THIS POLITICALLY CORRECT NATION WELCOMES IN ORPHANED YOUNG MIGRANTS. Obama mocking suggested that Conservatives were “afraid of Muslim widows and children” in one of his many video addresses defending massive numbers of Muslim migrants coming into the United States. But our story ...

What life is like for women in London since the refugee crisis.
Post Date: 2016-01-29 14:18:13 by Horse
Poster Comment:Life for white people in Europe. We could be like that soon if whites don't start resisting.

EXCLUSIVE -The city destroyed by migration: Inside the Swedish town where armed gangs patrol the streets, crime has exploded and a beautiful social worker's murder has shocked Europe
Post Date: 2016-01-29 12:36:05 by Horse
Social worker Alexandra Mezher, 22, was murdered in Mölndal on Monday Gothenburg suburb last year took in more unaccompanied refugee children than anywhere else in the country – 4,041 added to a population of 63,000 Received £22.6million to provide housing for unaccompanied minors – the most state funding per capita than any town or city in Sweden Crime figures reveal there were 222 criminal complaints linked to migrant centres – between 20 October 2015 and 8 January this year MailOnline went inside lawless town where eyes of Europe have been watching since the senseless stabbing Standing on a street corner in the pitch black night, a youth brandishes a broken ...

Post Date: 2016-01-29 09:48:17 by Horse
On Wednesday at the State Court in Vienna’s Neustadt an 18-year-old Afghan was sentenced to 20 months in prison without parole for rape. He also has to pay 5000 euros compensation to the 72-year-old woman, who has been very marked by the attack. The incident on 1 September last year created a sensation: the penioner was walking her old dog in the Schwechat meadow near Traiskirchen in Lower Austria, when she encountered two young asylum seekers swimming in the river. According to an acquaintance of the victim in the witness stand, the boys were “also very nice” at first, they even helped the woman over an embankment. “But then one them fell upon her from behind.” ...

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