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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Open Borders: Case Study
Post Date: 2015-11-06 08:39:25 by Ada
Open borders to Europe. Some comments from a representative story from Germany: Some 500,000 refugees have entered the country since the beginning of September, and there is no end in sight. “Prepare for the eventuality that in the coming weeks, 10,000 to 12,000 refugees will arrive at the border each day,” a member of the Coordinating Committee inside of Germany’s Interior Ministry said last Wednesday, quoting from a communiqué from the Austrian Interior Ministry. Sounds like The Camp of the Saints. Hopefully not with a similar ending. The government, in short, has lost control. That would describe the ultimate open border. Good news for many libertarians, it ...

Illegal immigrants release ‘Bill of Rights’ Demand citizenship, birth certificates, medical care
Post Date: 2015-11-05 20:45:22 by Horse
An immigrant-rights group proposed a “Bill of Rights” for illegal immigrants Thursday, demanding that Americans recognize there are millions already in the country who deserve health care, in-state tuition rates for college and a guarantee of citizenship in the long term. The list of demands runs 10 items long — the same as the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights — and also calls for an end to arrests and deportations for “all law-abiding undocumented Americans.” The document was circulated by United We Stay, which is a group of illegal immigrants, first generation Americans and human rights activists pushing for changes to immigration law. “We know ...

MRCTV Gets Tossed out of a Pro-Illegal Immigration Protest at the Boulder GOP Debate
Post Date: 2015-11-05 13:58:15 by Horse
Poster Comment:They were kicked out for asking one question.

Hamtramck is 1st American city to elect majority Muslim council 4 of 6 Hamtramck City Council members are Muslim
Post Date: 2015-11-04 22:11:50 by Horse
HAMTRAMCK, Mich. - The Polish flocked to Hamtramck in the 1900s and evidence of the city's Polish roots remain. However, over the last few decades a new wave of immigrants, primarily from the Middle East, South Asia and Southeastern Europe, has dramatically changed the face and culture of this community. Now, the Hamtramck City Council is going to reflect that diversity. Quick Clicks "We are very proud and we are very happy for that achievement, what we have done in this city, for our city," said Jamal Alturki, a voter. Voters gave Abu Musa and Anam Miah another term in office. Saad Almasmari was elected for the first time. Now four of the six City Council members will ...

Why Teachers Can't Afford To Be Teachers Anymore
Post Date: 2015-11-04 18:30:12 by Horse
Poster Comment:f you over populate a country through immigration, lower wages and higher rents is what you expects. The countries in Latin America these immigrants come from have teachers who make wages similar to the parents of the students. The Dollar will Die soon. When it does, those high wages for government workers will be reset. In a couple of year we won't be able to pay for those high government wages through deficit financing.

Jeff Sessions: H-1B Visas ‘Tremendous Threat’ to American Professionals
Post Date: 2015-11-04 18:16:38 by Horse
The H-1B program is a “tremendous threat” to American professionals, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) told Steve Bannon, Breitbart News’ executive chairman, on the Breitbart News Daily radio show. “It represents the obliviousness of Congress and some of these economic forces to the reality of what’s happening: Half of STEM [science, technology, engineering and math] graduates are not finding jobs in STEM fields,” Sessions said on Sirius XM Patriot Channel 125. “Wages for STEM and IT [information technology] workers have not gone up since 2000,” he continued. “We have thousands of kids that have borrowed money, and their parents have borrowed money to ...

Muslim "Refugee" Rapes Woman to Death, But Doesn't Stop There
Post Date: 2015-11-04 15:51:30 by Horse
Muslim "Refugee" Rapes Woman to Death, But Doesn't Stop There Nothing good can come of allowing hundreds of thousands of Muslim “refugees” to infiltrate the borders of Western countries. This is evidenced by the daily reports of rape and murder being perpetrated on innocent citizens by these violent Islamist's.Most recently, a Swedish woman was raped to death by a Somalian Muslim refugee. The 34-year-old immigrant attacked the woman next to the parking garage of a Sheraton hotel.The Muslim assaulted the woman so violently that she died while being raped. But that didn’t stop her attacker. Unsatisfied, he continued to rape her lifeless corpse even after ...

Watch: Left Uses Swearing Children In Despicable New Anti-Trump Video (Language Alert, THIS MEANS YOU!)
Post Date: 2015-11-04 14:57:54 by Jethro Tull

Post Date: 2015-11-04 08:53:17 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Steve Murdock, founding director of Rice University's Hobby Center for the Study of Texas and the state's former demographer, has projected that by the year 2040 Hispanics might make up more than 50 percent of the population in Texas as the Anglo population declines to 26 percent. His presentations have also predicted that if the educational attainment of the Hispanic population does not improve, the economy will suffer in the long run. Click for Full Text! Click for Full Text!

(Illegal Alien) Man killed for grabbing last piece of chicken, cops say
Post Date: 2015-11-03 18:54:46 by Horse
HOUSTON — One man is dead and another is accused of fatally stabbing him — all over a piece of chicken. Reinaldo Cardoso Rivera, 38, of Houston was charged late last week with murder in connection with the Friday death of Darwin Perez Gonzalez, 34, of Houston. Five men had been making dinner and drinking in an apartment in western Houston. But police said Rivera became angry when Gonzalez took the last piece of chicken. An argument escalated into a fist fight that was taken out into the parking lot of the complex. Rivera then stabbed Gonzalez and fled the scene with the knife, police said. Rivera later returned to the scene and admitted to police that he had stabbed Gonzalez. ...

Swedish News Site Editor: Flood Country With ISIS So Anti-Immigrant Swedes Are Exiled
Post Date: 2015-11-03 18:03:23 by Horse
Sweden should be “filled” with Islamist terrorists so that anti-mass immigration, rural, working class Swedes are forced into exile, the opinion editor of a left-wing news site has said.

News Blackout on German Refugee Horror Story
Post Date: 2015-11-03 13:09:22 by Horse
A Female Physician in Munich, Germany sends a message to the world : "Yesterday, at the hospital we had a meeting about how the situation here and at the other Munich hospitals is unsustainable. Clinics cannot handle emergencies, so they are starting to send everything to the hospitals. Many Muslims are refusing treatment by female staff and, we, women, are refusing to go among those animals, especially from Africa. Relations between the staff and migrants are going from bad to worse. Since last weekend, migrants going to the hospitals must be accompanied by police with K-9 units. Many migrants have AIDS, syphilis, open TB and many exotic diseases that we, in Europe, do not know ...

62% of Illegal Immigrant Households on Welfare
Post Date: 2015-11-03 13:02:28 by Horse

Obama to defy court ruling on Amnesty.
Post Date: 2015-11-03 00:16:39 by Horse
Poster Comment:Video at source.

Soros Admits Involvement In Migrant Crisis: ‘National Borders Are The Obstacle’
Post Date: 2015-11-02 18:19:34 by Horse
Billionaire investor George Soros has confirmed he wants to bring down Europe’s borders, following the accusation made last week by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Last week, Mr Orban accused Mr Soros – who was born in Hungary – of deliberately encouraging the migrant crisis. “This invasion is driven, on the one hand, by people smugglers, and on the other by those (human rights) activists who support everything that weakens the nation-state,” Mr Orban said. “This Western mindset and this activist network is perhaps best represented by George Soros.” Mr Soros has now issued an email statement to Bloomberg Business, claiming his foundations help ...

Marco Rubio’s New Billionaire Backer Top Funder for Open Borders
Post Date: 2015-11-01 17:58:48 by BTP Holdings
Marco Rubio’s New Billionaire Backer Top Funder for Open Borders Marco Rubio Profile AP with Paul Singer CC-SA by Julia Hahn 31 Oct 2015 Washington D.C.8,283 Hedge-fund billionaire Paul Singer’s decision to throw his financial weight behind the donor-class 2016 favorite, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), has sparked fresh questions about Rubio’s coziness with the financial interests funding his career. Singer was a major financial force behind the Rubio-Obama amnesty and immigration expansion push in 2013. As Politico reported at the time, Singer “quietly go[t] involved in the fight for immigration reform, making a six-figure donation… to the National Immigration ...

Georgia becomes 'border state' for violent illegal immigrants
Post Date: 2015-11-01 00:58:11 by Horse
ATLANTA A groundbreaking Channel 2 Action News investigation has exposed a pattern involving thousands of unauthorized immigrants convicted of violent crimes. Many are removed from the United States multiple times after committing even more crimes. Not even broken English can hide Nepalese native Mayaa Gurung's broken heart over the murder of her daughter, Manju Poonmagar. "Now she's not home. Not here now. Very hard," Gurung told investigative reporter Aaron Diamant. Sergio Vera-Lula recently pleaded guilty and got a life sentence for killing Poonmagar outside her Cobb County apartment in 2013. "I need to meet with that guy," Gurung cried. "Why you ...

US GOV FLOODING AMERICA WITH MUSLIMS - Fed up? Refugee pushback growing in multiple states
Post Date: 2015-10-28 18:28:14 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
It’s time for all Americans to stand up and push back. Instead of pushing back against cops, push back against a rogue government and the corporations and organizations that are systematically destroying America through immigration and importation of people who have nothing positive to offer America. While all Americans will be negatively affected by the tens of millions of illegals, refugees and visa scofflaws allowed into the U.S., it will disproportionately affect the lower and middle classes whom these dependents will push further to the fringes. via Refugee pushback growing in multiple states It was standing-room only at a council meeting in semi-rural Pickens County, South ...

Meanwhile, in an average German city
Post Date: 2015-10-28 15:28:20 by Horse

Germans Panic As Muslims March Through City ‘THIS IS OUR FUTURE’ (VIDEO)
Post Date: 2015-10-28 14:50:44 by Jethro Tull
** 162,700 new migrants entered the Bavarian region of Germany so far this month. 170,000 new migrants entered Bavaria last month. This is the future progressive immigration policies are bringing to Europe today and the United States tomorrow. In the video below, you can hear German women talking about Islamists marching through their town. Their voices and words display panic and fear: Transcript via Breitbart: “I thought I was the only one who’s in a bad mood because of this.” “None of us want this. We’re all scared.” “What is this? How will this be in 100 years?” “This is not my life. It just shows you how many of them are here ...

TURD-WORLD CHAIN MIGRATION - Report: 75% of population growth since 2000 from immigration, 100 million more by 2065
Post Date: 2015-10-28 10:27:38 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
The United States will attract another 100 million more immigrants over the next 50 years, driven by a huge spurt of legally-admitted "spouses" who can then sponsor foreign family members to become Americans, according to a comprehensive new immigration report. In the period 2010-2019, the U.S. is now projected to process the largest number of legal immigrants in U.S. history, over 10 million, said the report published by Negative Population Growth Inc. And three quarters of the U.S. population growth this century has come from immigration, said the report. "Immigration, counting both new admissions and births to immigrant women, was responsible for three-fourths of the ...

CAN TEXAS PULL IT OFF? Sanctuary City Policies Will ‘No Longer be Tolerated in Texas,’ says Governor Abbott
Post Date: 2015-10-27 20:12:36 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Texas Governor Greg Abbott admonished Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez over her recent decision to consider honoring immigration detainers on a “case-by-case” basis. The governor said sanctuary city policies like this will “no longer be tolerated in Texas.” Click for Full Text!

Italian mayor offers 'gun bonus' to citizens A mayor in northern Italy has announced plans to set up a fund to help his town's citizens buy guns.(Muslim Refugees)
Post Date: 2015-10-27 18:25:14 by Horse
Gianluca Buonanno, the Northern League mayor of Borgosesia in Piedmont, has promised to pay citizens who wish to buy a firearm €250 towards their purchase – a sum which is around 30 percent of the price of a small pistol in Italy, La Repubblica reported. Buonanno announced his decision on Facebook, writing that the measure was aimed at allowing citizens “to defend themselves from delinquents, who the government is privileging with its jail-emptying laws instead of protecting honest Italians.” Buonanno, who serves as an MEP, has also sent a request to the European Commission, asking it to establish a similar fund. In a Tweet on Tuesday, the mayor made light of the gun ...

TB rates in parts of London 'worse than Iraq, Eritrea and Rwanda'
Post Date: 2015-10-27 16:54:33 by Horse
Mayor Boris Johnson urged to ‘get a grip’ on fight against TB as rates in parts of city exceed 150 cases per 100,000 residents Boris Johnson is being urged to “get a grip” on London’s tuberculosis problem after a report revealed that parts of the capital have higher rates of the disease than Rwanda, Eritrea and Iraq. There were more than 2,500 new cases of TB in London last year – about 40% of the UK’s total – according to a report issued by the London assembly and presented to Johnson, the mayor. The study found a third of London boroughs exceed the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) “high incidence” threshold with more than 40 ...

Depth of Amnesty Immigration Trickery by GOPe – Updates…
Post Date: 2015-10-27 13:33:35 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Incredible expose’ article within Breitbart showcasing the depth of the trickery being played by the GOPe in their efforts to install Amnesty advocate Paul Ryan. The article highlights a PBS documentary containing this video of House Freedom Caucus founder Representative Mick Mulvaney, and further goes on to show Machiavellian scheme constructed for several years: UPDATE:  Having watched the full PBS outline (Available Here) any conservative pundit, media outlet, blogger or activist who doesn’t immediately begin pulling back the curtain on this construct doesn’t deserve to be considered as legitimate. The PBS story absolutely appears to be the initial thread to discover ...

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