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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Red Ice Radio - Dr. David Duke - Who and What Is Behind the Manufactured Crisis and Immigration Invasion in Europe and North America
Post Date: 2015-10-27 12:00:47 by Horse

Post Date: 2015-10-27 01:52:45 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
After heaping on Paul Ryan praises, that awful, evil 4-letter word W-O-R-K comes up. Paul Ryan is their man. An MSNBC host and professional Social Justice Warrior tells a panelist to be "super careful" about using the term "hard worker" because of slaves and poor moms.

Meet The "Million Dollar Shack": Documentary Lays Bare California's Housing Bubble
Post Date: 2015-10-26 23:55:03 by Horse
“It’s almost impossible to find a home from San Jose to San Francisco for less than a million dollars.” That’s a quote from a short documentary entitled “Million Dollar Shack: Trapped in Silicon Valley's Housing Bubble” which comprises 23 minutes of sheer, unadulterated comedy even as it very effectively critiques the extent to which America has learned absolutely nothing from the meltdown in 2008. This clip has it all: absurd prices for rundown properties, soaring costs for rentals, even a tent in someone’s backyard that goes for $46 a night (you get an extension cord, one shower a day, and wi-fi) and all courtesy of i) greed, ii) an utter ...

Drone view: Refugees & migrants on march through Slovenian fields after camp burns down
Post Date: 2015-10-23 15:42:10 by Horse
Poster Comment:Drone footage revealed the damage sustained after a large fire broke out at the refugee camp in a small Slovenian village of Brezice near the border with Croatia, Wednesday.

Ben Carson On Illegal Aliens: "Uh, They Could Stay."
Post Date: 2015-10-23 14:08:52 by Artisan
This is only the second time I've ever heard this guy speak. (The first was when he was defending vaccines during the previous presidential debate.) Ben Carson sounds like a literal half-wit. When asked if he would "deport illegals," Ben Carson replied: "Uh, if they have uh, if they qualify as illegals. There's - I would give people the ability to register in a certain period of time, uh. And if they have pristine records and they're willing to work as guest workers under the circumstances that we provide. Uh, they could stay. Uh, but they don't become citizens and they don't vote. He also said he would not only not end, but would 'intensify' the ...

Obama proposes schools celebrate 'undocumented immigrant awareness day'
Post Date: 2015-10-22 21:23:04 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Warning: This isn't an article from The Onion.  Obama's Department of Education is proposing that schools spend a week celebrating illegal aliens, including an "undocumented immigrant awareness day."  Can "Celebrate Destruction of America Day" be far behind? The document, which was released on Tuesday, also urges schools to provide welcoming environments for illegal alien students by hosting events such as "Undocumented Week." The guide also provides tips for schools and educators on how to support illegal alien youth who are in high school and college. It also provides information for non-citizens on how to access federal financial ...

Post Date: 2015-10-22 14:44:06 by NeoconsNailed
What I wrote my rep: 'I heard you at a recent Tea Party meeting in Greenville. PLEASE VOTE AGAINST PAUL RYAN FOR SPEAKER. He is a total SELLOUT on immigration and a horrible neocon generally. And PLEASE LET ME HEAR YOUR POSITION on this. Not a form letter or message!' Get your Zip+4 handy and find your Rep here as needed: http://www.house.gov/representatives/find/ PLEASE do it -- pronto! Current headline per Drudge: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/10/paul-ryan-freedom-caucus-speaker- republicans-215044 NN

HERE COMES MORE MUSLIMS - Durbin: 'I Call on the Administration to Accept 100,000 Syrian Refugees'
Post Date: 2015-10-20 14:46:36 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
By Susan Jones | October 20, 2015 | 10:56 AM EDT United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterresspeaks with refugees who have just arrived on the eastern Aegean island of Lesbos, Greece, Sunday Oct. 11, 2015. (AP Photo/Antonis Pasvantis)(CNSNews.com) - Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), just back from the Greek Isle of Lesbos where thousands of Syrian refugees arrive by raft from Turkey every day, urged the Obama administation to accept far more than the 10,000 Syrian refugees it plans to take in this fiscal year."The United States leads the world in financial assistance for the Syrian refugee effort. But we have a moral obligation to do that and more," Dubin said in a ...

German MPs 'drawing up plans' to close borders in challenge to Merkel's refugee policy Group of 188 MPs including many from chancellor's own party have reportedly prepared laws to fence off sections of Germany's border
Post Date: 2015-10-19 22:14:05 by Horse
German MPs have reportedly drawn up plans to close the country’s borders in a direct challenge to Angela Merkel’s refugee policy. The move is the latest threat to the Schengen Agreement on border-free travel in continental Europe. A group of 188 MPs including many from Mrs Merkel’s own Christian Democrat party have prepared laws to fence off sections of the border. They say they will put them forward if Mrs Merkel does not come up with a solution to the refugee crisis within weeks. “We must stop the flow of refugees. Considering a border fence should not be a taboo,” Christian von Stetten, the leader of the rebels and a member of Mrs Merkel's party, told ...

Austria is Drowning in Massive Amounts of Feces and Garbage Left by Migrants [Video]
Post Date: 2015-10-19 03:23:47 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Just disgusting. In Austria, where hundreds of thousands of migrants are trekking their way into Germany, they are leaving a massive amount of garbage and feces in their wake. The port-a-potties are filthy and unusable. These people are going to the bathroom everywhere and the filth they leave behind is epic. If a female volunteer tries to assist, she is called a Christian whore. How are the locals supposed to clean this up? There will be disease from it as well. As Fjordman says, this is willful destruction and the greatest organized betrayal in Western history. Almost none of these people are from Syria. This is the Islamic Hijrah migration in full swing and in all it's vileness. ...

Texas can refuse to issue birth certificates to illegals’ parents: court - Mexican IDs ruled insecure documents
Post Date: 2015-10-17 23:56:39 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Texas officials may continue to refuse to issue birth certificates to illegal immigrant parents who aren’t able to show valid identification, a federal court ruled Friday, dealing a major blow to Mexican advocates who’d said the policy was in effect stripping them of citizenship.Judge Robert L. Pitman said the Matricula Consular cards issued by Mexican consulates to their citizens in the U.S. — chiefly to those in the country illegally — aren’t secure, so Texas is able to refuse to accept them as primary identification when a parent requests a birth certificate.The court said that could change if the challengers are able to offer more evidence, but for now the judge ...

Newest invader crime craze: raping cars
Post Date: 2015-10-16 19:59:08 by NeoconsNailed
DISGUSTING NEGRO INVADER RAPES AUTOMOBILE AFTER FAILING TO FIND GOAT A disgusting Negro invader decided to rape an automobile after failing to find a goat. It is great to see the cultural enrichment and vibrancy that these savages bring our societies. I do not know what we would do if we did not have Negroes having sex with automobiles in our countries. youtube: "Migrant rapes a car!" Click for Full Text!

German Police chief: Hell has broken loose at asylum centres, violence, rape and religious wars
Post Date: 2015-10-16 16:08:08 by Horse

WH immigration stance - pro-Muslim, anti-Christian?
Post Date: 2015-10-16 10:24:53 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
An immigration enforcement activist is critical of the Obama administration for moving forward with plans to accept thousands of "refugees" from predominantly Muslim countries while denying persecuted Christians the same status."The Muslim illegal alien invasion of Europe is absolutely like some type of science fiction film of a grim future that people saw coming," laments William Gheen, president of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC. "Large mobs of people [are] just completely overwhelming places in Germany and Italy and Switzerland and Sweden and England – and it's crazy. So that's America's future."Indeed, Germany is experiencing the ...

Unbelievable! The Latest Liberal University Outrage Will Make You Want To Throw Up
Post Date: 2015-10-15 21:18:25 by BTP Holdings
Unbelievable! The Latest Liberal University Outrage Will Make You Want To Throw Up I’m having flashbacks to George Orwell’s 1984. And, if you know the book, you’ll understand why I say that this is a double-plus idiotic situation. Liberal university professors at Washington State University are threatening students grades if students use terms that these professors consider racist or sexist. You know, terms like “illegal alien,” “male,” and “female.” Or if they don’t give special consideration (they use the term “defer”) to non-white students. Now, when we’re dealing with racism and sexism, let’s deal with things ...

Sanctuary Cities Ignore ICE Orders to Free 9,295 Criminal Aliens
Post Date: 2015-10-15 11:06:15 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
As the U.S. Senate considers a bill to slash funding for local governments that protect violent illegal immigrants, a new study reveals that hundreds of sanctuary cities nationwide released thousands of criminal aliens from jail rather than turn them over to federal authorities for deportation. This proves that legislation to crack down on jurisdictions that obstruct enforcement of federal immigration law is long overdue. In fact, the measure was inspired by the summer murder of a San Francisco woman by an illegal immigrant with seven felony convictions and five deportation orders. Because San Francisco is an illegal alien sanctuary, local law enforcement officials don’t notify the ...

Ultimate photo: young Ahmed grabs a selfie with an enchanted Merkel
Post Date: 2015-10-14 15:17:54 by NeoconsNailed

Shiksa Goddess: 3rd World- 'Stronger' Kelly Clarkson Parody
Post Date: 2015-10-13 21:15:03 by Horse

EXCLUSIVE– NumbersUSA President: Paul Ryan ‘Terrifying,’ ‘Open Borders Seeps Out of Every Pore Of His Being’
Post Date: 2015-10-13 05:09:16 by BTP Holdings
EXCLUSIVE– NumbersUSA President: Paul Ryan ‘Terrifying,’ ‘Open Borders Seeps Out of Every Pore Of His Being’ by Julia Hahn 11 Oct 2015 Washington D.C. As donor class Republicans and beltway pundits intensify their “Draft Ryan” campaign, anti-amnesty advocates are pleading with House Republicans to quash the candidacy of the man they call the most open-borders member of Congress. While these advocates have largely refrained in the past from getting involved in the House leadership scuffle, they now have an urgent warning for House members. They contend that Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) is an immigration extremist – and point to historical records placing ...

Ted Kennedy’s America: 50 Years After the Law That Changed Everything
Post Date: 2015-10-12 20:50:56 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Fifty years ago today, Ted Kennedy began changing the face of the United States by ushering the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act through Congress. That legislation resulted in the fundamental transformation of the demographic, economic, social, and political landscape of nation, exactly the opposite of what its supporters promised. The Kennedy immigration law abolished the national origins quota system, which had favored immigrants from nations with a similar heritage to our own, and opened up American immigration visas to the entire world. While about nine in ten of the immigrants who came to the United States during the 19th and 20th century hailed from Europe, the ...

California motor-voter law will flood rolls with non-citizens, critics predict
Post Date: 2015-10-12 01:27:54 by Horse
A bill signed Saturday by California Gov. Jerry Brown aimed at improving voter turnout has critics predicting that it will ramp up voter fraud by making it easier for noncitizens to cast ballots. The New Motor Voter Act automatically registers to vote all eligible voters when they obtain or renew their driver’s licenses at the Department of Motor Vehicles instead of requiring them to fill out a form. Those eligible may opt out of voter registration. Ads by Adblade Older men are following one simple trick to boost their free testosterone levels. Photos From The Past You Won't Believe Existed Get up to $600 and trade commission-free for 60 days. The goal is to ease barriers to ...

Cubans retire to Florida – with help from U.S. taxpayers
Post Date: 2015-10-12 01:25:08 by Horse
More Cubans are coming to Florida in their golden years to retire, able to tap U.S. government assistance even though they never lived or worked here. The number of Cubans arriving over the age of 60 grew fivefold since 2010, according to state refugee data. At least 185 made the crossing in their 80s or 90s. Unlike most other immigrants, Cubans qualify immediately for food stamps and Medicaid. If they are over 65 with little or no income, they also can collect a monthly check of up to $733 in Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Golden years: Cubans retire to Florida Cubans’ special status has enabled an increasing number of elderly to retire to the U.S. with taxpayer support. The ...

Obama giving Trump advice on how to turn remainder of USA into Mexico
Post Date: 2015-10-12 00:26:21 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
President Barack Obama denounced the immigration policies of leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump Thursday, without naming him directly, in a speech to Latino political leaders. "The greatness of America comes not from building walls," Obama told the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute anniversary awards gala. "The anti-immigrant sentiment that has infected our politics is not new, but it is wrong," he said, before adding that "economists agree that immigration does not hurt our economy; it grows our economy." Trump, a billionaire real estate developer who has never held elected office, has promised, if he wins the White House, to ...

Shock Video: Dozens of Dehydrated Illegals Pour Out of Semi Truck in Texas
Post Date: 2015-10-10 00:00:18 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Published on Oct 8, 2015 Frio County, TX - exas police officers found 39 undocumented immigrants in the back of an 18-wheeler truck, and the dramatic rescue was caught on the body cameras worn by officers. A federal grand jury indicted Drew Christopher Potter, 33, on Wednesday for his alleged involvement, charging him with one count of conspiracy to commit alien smuggling for financial gain and three substantive counts of transportation of undocumented aliens. If convicted on each count, he will face up to 10 years in federal prison and a maximum $250,000 fine. Frio County sheriff deputies and U.S. Border Patrol agents responded to a 911 call on Sept. 18 reporting multiple people ...

Top Law Enforcement Official: Terrorists Have Infiltrated U.S. Through Mexico
Post Date: 2015-10-07 13:58:01 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
A few days ago a top law enforcement official finally confirmed that Islamic terrorists have infiltrated the United States through Mexico, a story that Judicial Watch broke last year as part of an ongoing series involving the dangerously porous southern border. Last October JW reported that four members of the militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS), who entered the U.S. through the Mexican border, were arrested in McAllen and Pharr Texas. Then, over the summer, JW reported that Mexican drug cartels are smuggling foreigners from countries with terrorist links into a small Texas rural town near El Paso and they’re using remote farm roads—rather than ...

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