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Welcome to Sweden
Post Date: 2015-06-23 14:10:03 by Horse

Obama extending amnesty to illegals in prisons, jails Recognizes complaints of sanctuary cities
Post Date: 2015-06-23 13:52:36 by Horse
The Obama administration has ordered agents to begin ignoring many of the illegal immigrants they encounter in local prisons and jails, as the president begins to implement a lesser-known part of his deportation amnesty program — a move that’s not sitting well with either side in the immigration debate. The move is a nod to sanctuary cities, who had begun to refuse to cooperate with federal authorities on immigration enforcement. After having court challenges, Mr. Obama bowed to those cities, counties and states and announced the changes as part of his November 2014 amnesty policy. Agents will still troll local prisons and jails looking for immigrants, but they will no longer ...

Judge Believes Raping a 3 Year Old ‘IS NOT’ Intent to Harm Child – Seriously?
Post Date: 2015-06-23 13:43:48 by Horse
This California judge just reduced a child rapist’s mandatory 25-year sentence down to only 10 years – said anything more would be ‘cruel and unusual punishment.’ Superior Court Judge M. Marc Kelly told California jury that 20-year-old Kevin Jonas Rojano-Nieto ‘did not intend to harm’ the three-year-old girl he raped at his family home in June. The judge said he was sure that “although Rojano-Nieto sodomized the girl and covered her mouth so she couldn’t scream out, there was no violence or callous disregard for the victim’s well-being.” Poster Comment:Read rest of story at source.

Mexico Deports More ILLEGALS Back To Central America Than The United States Does! #NoAmnesty
Post Date: 2015-06-22 05:18:56 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
1.5k Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS - (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); While Obama is IMPORTING people from Mexico and Central America into the US, Mexico is DEPORTING them! Yes, it’s true! Mexico deports more immigrants back to their home countries in Central America than the United States does! Honestly, I can’t say I fault Mexico for doing this- I just wish we would do the same. But we all know that is NEVER going to happen anytime soon, unfortunately. The Kenyan is hell bent on destroying America and like I’ve said a million times- he’s doing ONE HELL OF A JOB! Check out this report from BREITBART NEWS:Between ...

Sweden is run by certifiably insane, dangerous maniacs
Post Date: 2015-06-19 15:25:19 by NeoconsNailed
VIDEO: "SWEDEN IS WHAT TUMBLR WOULD LOOK LIKE IF IT WERE A COUNTRY" Sweden has become proverbial for its ethnomasochism, Orwellian thought-crime laws, and all-round leftist, liberal cuckoldry. En Arg Blatte Talar (an Angry Blatte Speaks) is a Youtube vlogger of Balkan extraction, who came to Sweden, as so many people do, as a political refugee. Here he gives a hard-hitting run- through of the usual insanities that we now associate with the "Swebola Nation." Connected Articles: No (European Country) for White Men, Swedish Sheep, Winning and Losing in Scandinavian Politics, Swedish Girls, and Swebola. You've got to see this video. It's priceless! NN

Post Date: 2015-06-19 10:06:42 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
MEDIA MELTDOWN COMMENCES AFTER DONALD TRUMP GOES FULL HONEY BADGER ON IMMIGRATIONby KATIE MCHUGH17 Jun 201515MSNBC breathlessly reports that Donald Trump’s sensible remarks about Mexico and the peasant class it dumps on American taxpayers is “already infamous,” meaning, Americans must accept the destruction of their country without protest.“In your speech today, you said that some rapists are coming across the border from Mexico,” reporter Kasie Hunt said to amused-looking Trump who interjected, “Absolutely.”“What did you mean by that?” she demanded. (Translation: Can you believe what this jerk is saying? I can’t even.)“They’re ...

Mark Zuckerberg’s Cynical Ploy to Get Cheap Foreign Labor
Post Date: 2015-06-18 21:35:10 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
There are two kinds of commemorative days/weeks/months. There’s the nonprofit, “awareness” type, such as Black History Month or World Down Syndrome Day, intended to show solidarity for some cause. Then there’s the for-profit, commercial variety, like International Pickle Week or California Dried Plum Digestive Health Month, which are simply business marketing campaigns. And then there’s the profit-seeking effort masquerading as cause-promotion. That’s what June’s Immigrant Heritage Month is. Just as International Pickle Week was dreamed up by the Pickle Packers International trade association to sell more fermented cucumbers, Immigrant Heritage Month is ...

Illegal Alien Rapists, Child Molesters Freed in U.S. Instead of Deported
Post Date: 2015-06-17 12:59:00 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Illegal Alien Rapists, Child Molesters Freed in U.S. Instead of DeportedJUNE 16, 2015 Thousands of illegal immigrants convicted of serious crimes—including rape, child molestation and kidnapping—have been released in the United States by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the agency doesn’t bother keeping track of the alien convicts. The DHS agency responsible for removing dangerous illegal aliens, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), simply releases sex offenders when they complete their criminal sentence and fails to monitor or force them to register with local authorities in the communities where they resettle. The incredulous story of this outrageous ...

Obama's gift to Texas - Global Refugees
Post Date: 2015-06-16 23:25:03 by Jethro Tull

Nobody Tells Obama “No” – Opening Amnesty Center As Something Else, To Have It Ready
Post Date: 2015-06-16 13:44:31 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Hussein Obama is a firm believer in the separation of powers. He rules under the philosophy that all power should be separated and held exclusively by the executive branch, at least for as long as he’s the dictator. As evidence of his beliefs, the executive branch is violating the intent of the amnesty injunction issued by Judge Andrew Hanen as it relates to a service center originally obtained for use as an amnesty processing facility in Crystal City, Virginia. Rather than halt the staffing and other procurement efforts as a result of the injunction, the administration is continuing to open what they are describing as a new, fifth service center, to be named to Potomac Service ...

Is Third World America Inevitable?
Post Date: 2015-06-15 22:07:24 by Jethro Tull
Is Third World America Inevitable? Thousands of U.S. troops safeguard the border of South Korea. U.S. warships patrol the South China Sea to stand witness to the territorial claims of Asian allies against China. U.S. troops move in and out of the Baltic States to signal our willingness to defend the frontiers of these tiny NATO allies. Yet nothing that happens on these borders imperils America so much as what is happening on our own bleeding border with Mexico. Over three decades, that border has been a causeway into the USA for millions of illegal immigrants who are changing the face of America — to the delight of those who think the country we grew up in was ugly. All sides of ...

Shock Video: Rioting Migrants Attempt to Hijack Trucks Heading for UK
Post Date: 2015-06-15 13:43:51 by Horse
Shocking footage filmed in the French port town of Calais shows desperate migrants attempting to break into delivery trucks heading to the United Kingdom in another illustration of how the country’s generous welfare system acts as a beacon for illegal aliens.

27 "Youths" Arrested After Shootout in Rosengård, Sweden
Post Date: 2015-06-12 18:38:04 by Horse
After a shootout on Monday in Rosengård, Swedens most famous "no-go zone", 27 "youths" were arrested. Automatic weapons were apparently used and according to Expressen last-nights incident was connected to Sunday's knife-fight and shooting. At 23:16 on Monday night police were called to the scene. A number of people had been firing shots at an apartment building on Ramels väg. Shortly afterwards they had taken return-fire from the apartment and the inner courtyard. The police arrived quickly and could arrest 27 people for attempted murder. The arrests occurred in an apartment, and vehicles leaving the crime scene. At least two apartments have been hit ...

In Oakland, Struggling For Years To Learn English
Post Date: 2015-06-10 03:06:04 by Horse
The US high school graduation rate is at an all-time high. But why? NPR Ed partnered with 14 member stations around the country to bring you the stories behind that number. Check out the whole story here. And find out what's happening in your state. When she was a toddler, Deyri Rabadan moved from Cuernavaca, Mexico, to Oakland, Calif., with her parents. She's been a California public school student since kindergarten. Now she's 17 years old and a senior at Coliseum College Prep Academy in Oakland. She's come a long way, but Rabadan, a native Spanish-speaker, says there's still one thing that embarrasses her: "I feel like if I speak up in class or I try to ...

NEW AMERICA: Hazleton, PA goes from 5% to 37% Hispanic in 10 years...
Post Date: 2015-06-09 09:12:12 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Excerpt: According to the U.S. Census, Hispanics made up 5 percent of Hazleton’s population in 2000. By 2010, that number increased to 37 percent. H2 Note: This increase represents what is about to occur on a national scale - in less than TEN YEARS the illegal alien population went from 5 to 37 percent!This is a 'study' on the many wonderful advances illegal aliens are having in the USA. Rest of article is at the SOURCE They go on to extoll the many wonderful accomplishments and 'progress' being made by incorporating 'multiculturalism' into the US education system (for better jobs, of course). Poster Comment:========================================== Illegal ...

Post Date: 2015-06-08 02:02:57 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Prepare Your Homes And Neighborhoods For The Violence That Is Going To Sweep America By Michael Snyder, on May 26th, 2015 The thin veneer of civilization that we all take for granted on a daily basis is beginning to disappear, and a new era of chaos and anarchy is coming to our cities.  I don’t know if you have noticed, but violence is increasing on the streets of America.  Over Memorial Day weekend, 29 people were shot in Baltimore and 55 people were shot in Chicago.  But of course the trend that I am talking about is much broader than that.  According to the FBI, the number of police officers “feloniously killed” in the line of duty rose by an ...

Sheriff Joe: Democrats using illegals for votes Alleges 99% of drug traffickers are aliens
Post Date: 2015-06-07 18:52:46 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio said Sunday Democrats are mostly interested in immigration reform because the newly legalized residents will eventually obtain voting rights and will vote for Democrats. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-story160LeftSide'); }); “That’s common sense,” said Arpaio. “I don’t think that’s something that nobody knows. You make them here legally so they can vote.” Arpaio was speaking on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” broadcast on New York’s AM 970 The Answer and Philadelphia’s NewsTalk 990 AM. “There’s a push afoot nationally to sign up more Hispanics to be ...

Obama on His Amnesty: ‘The Law Is on Our Side’
Post Date: 2015-06-07 15:15:39 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Obama on His Amnesty: ‘The Law Is on Our Side’ By CNSNews.com Staff | June 7, 2015 | 9:47 AM EDT (Screen capture)(CNSNews.com) - Speaking in his weekly address yesterday, President Barack Obama defended his unilateral actions that would allow illegal aliens to stay in the United States, work, and receive federal benefits. The “law is on our side,” Obama said.Administration action on that amnesty is currently forbidden by an injunction issued by a federal court and upheld by a federal appeals court.“Last fall, I took action to provide more resources for border security; focus enforcement on the real threats to our security; modernize the legal immigration ...

Border Chopper Brought Down, Fired Upon From Mexican Side Of Border – Militarizing The Invasion
Post Date: 2015-06-06 15:30:27 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Border Chopper Brought Down, Fired Upon From Mexican Side Of Border – Militarizing The Invasion Posted on June 6, 2015 by Rick Wells It’s doubtful that the Mexicans or the White House will even acknowledge the event, the latest act of war against the United States by our hostile enemy to the south. They’re already conducting a full scale invasion of our nation with the blessing of he complicit White House occupant. He’s probably fine with a little warning shot to the Border Patrol not to get in the way of a peaceful smuggling operation. Excerpted from Brietbart.com Breitbart Texas has learned that a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) helicopter was shot down ...

3,700 illegal immigrant ‘Threat Level 1’ criminals released into U.S. by DHS
Post Date: 2015-06-05 00:36:06 by X-15
Most of the illegal immigrant criminals Homeland Security officials released from custody last year were discretionary, meaning the department could have kept them in detention but chose instead to let them onto the streets as their deportation cases moved through the system, according to new numbers from Congress. Some of those released were the worst of the worst — more than 3,700 “Threat Level 1” criminals, who are deemed the top priority for deportation, were still released out into the community even as they waited for their immigration cases to be heard. Homeland Security officials have implied their hands are tied by court rulings in many cases, but the numbers, ...

Open Our Border, Then Collect Everyone's Phone Records?
Post Date: 2015-06-04 01:04:02 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Open Our Border, Then Collect Everyone's Phone Records? By Terence P. Jeffrey | June 3, 2015 | 4:53 AM EDT "That designation makes aliens who were not otherwise qualified for most federal public benefits eligible for 'social security retirement benefits, social security disability benefits, [and] health insurance under Part A of the Medicare program." A pair of decisions handed down by federal appeals courts in the last month highlight two telling pillars of recent U.S. national security strategy. They are: open our border and collect everyone's phone records. In Texas v. U.S.A., the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit refused to allow President Obama to move ...

It’ll Never Work – More Eeyore Jeh Johnson Failures Come To Light In DHS “Honor Amnesty System”
Post Date: 2015-06-03 17:38:30 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
It’ll Never Work – More Eeyore Jeh Johnson Failures Come To Light In DHS “Honor Amnesty System” In its recently released Semiannual Report to the Congress, the DHS Inspector General reported that ICE “no longer supervises some [ISAP] participants.’ ISAP is an acronym for the Intensive Supervision Appearance Program, a program which they revealed to be much less intense than the name would indicate. According to the report, DHS admits that they no longer track some foreigners that they have chosen to release back into the communities of America. The reasons are the same we’ve heard from Secretary Jeh Johnson, the human Eeyore, more times than we can ...

Feds crackdown on rich Chinese anchor baby dens in California for immigration fraud
Post Date: 2015-06-02 23:55:00 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Published on Mar 4, 2015 Federal agents raided 37 locations, including three businesses, in Southern California on Tuesday morning, for running “birth tourism” companies. Now there’s nothing wrong with wanting to emigrate to the US, or with babies born in the US getting American citizenship. But lets be clear, these women aren’t Fievel Mousekewitz, just trying to find freedom and achieve the American dream. They’re already rich, mostly the wives of corrupt officials planning an escape route out of China 21 years down the road. Unfortunately, their money is too dirty to just buy citizenship through America’s EB5 investment program, and they don’t ...

America Needs Immediate Immigration Moratorium – System Totally Corrupted – Ann Coulter
Post Date: 2015-06-02 21:32:16 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
America Needs Immediate Immigration Moratorium – System Totally Corrupted – Ann Coulter "Never has a country been transformed like this. Never before in World History." We have two parties that don’t want to solve the problem being created by abuse of our immigration system, according to Ann Coulter. It could effectively be argued that we have one party with two branches, intent on destroying our nation through a human tsunami. We all are keenly aware of the negative impacts of the rampant illegal invasion underway but few outside of the system know what Coulter has learned as she researched and wrote her latest book, Adios, America.   She notes that only ...

Where each state's largest immigrant population was born
Post Date: 2015-05-30 17:23:16 by Jethro Tull
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