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Savage: Media 'hiding' illegal-alien disease threat
Post Date: 2014-07-04 09:27:49 by Horse
The establishment media’s refusal to acknowledge that once-contained or eradicated diseases are re-entering the U.S. through the latest flood of illegal aliens isn’t a surprise to Michael Savage, who earned a doctorate in epidemiology at the University of California at Berkeley before becoming a top nationally syndicated talk-radio host. “What the liberal media is hiding from you can be dangerous for your safety, your security and your health,” he told his listeners. After earning his doctorate in 1978 and writing six books, Savage pitched to publishers a book titled “Immigrants and Epidemics,” which he wrote with the dean of a “prestigious public health ...

Border Patrol Rep: Quarantine Area ‘nothing more than piece of yellow caution tape’ Mishandling of diseased illegals poses major risks to public health
Post Date: 2014-07-03 18:28:52 by Horse

Killer of Immigration Reform Identified As David Brat
Post Date: 2014-07-03 16:36:50 by Horse
The Wall Street Journal editorial page predictably bemoans the collapse of immigration reform and, equally predictably, insinuates that Democrats conspired to help kill it in order to benefit politically. (Favoring cooperation with President Obama on anything requires conservatives to argue that the president secretly hopes the measure will fail.) But the real news comes in the seventh paragraph, when the Journal reports that House Republicans were actually poised to pass a bill before Eric Cantor's loss freaked them out: ... a majority of GOP Members wanted an immigration reform to pass as long as they didn't have to vote for it. Before Majority Leader Eric Cantor's primary ...

WATCH ‘La Raza’ President Call Anti-Illegal Immigrant Protestors ‘Appalling’ and ‘Outrageous’
Post Date: 2014-07-03 12:02:27 by X-15
“La Raza” President and CEO Janet Murguia appeared on MSNBC’s Alex Wagner show to smear American citizens in Murrieta who forced buses full of illegal aliens to drive away when immigration officials tried to dump them in their community. Wagner lead the outrage by asking, “when you see the footage of these furious crowds yelling go home, go home… I think it brings – I will say personally found it to be a shameful moment to be an American to see people treated like that… people seeking a new day in America. What is also confounding to me, these people apparently are able to dictate deportation policy insofar as 150 anti-immigrant protesters turned the ...

Murrieta Official Warns Immigration Protests Likely ‘Every Time’ Buses Arrive
Post Date: 2014-07-02 19:57:45 by Horse
MURRIETA (CBSLA.com/AP) — A dramatic scene in Murrieta that saw American flag-waving protesters prevent Homeland Security buses carrying undocumented migrant children and families from reaching a suburban processing center is likely to be repeated in the coming days, a city official said Wednesday. Mayor Pro-Tem Harry Ramos told KNX 1070′s Dick Helton that the standoff Tuesday – which included several protesters holding U.S. flags and signs reading “stop illegal immigration,” and “illegals out!” – may occur every 72 hours as a new busload of immigrants are processed through Border Patrol. Mayor Pro-Tem Harry Ramos knx logo black Murrieta Official ...

Federal Gov’t Sues Wisconsin Company, Says English-Language Requirement is 'Discrimination'
Post Date: 2014-07-02 19:54:08 by Horse
CNSNews.com) -- The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), a federal agency tasked with enforcing workplace discrimination laws, is suing a private American business for firing a group of Hispanic and Asian employees over their inability to speak English at work, claiming that the English-language requirement in a U.S. business constitutes “discrimination.” Judicial Watch reported Tuesday that the government is accusing Wisconsin Plastics, Inc. of violating Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination based on “national origin.” The government argues this includes the “linguistic characteristics of a national origin ...

Obama to Seek $2 Billion to Deal with Illegal Surge on Border
Post Date: 2014-07-02 17:50:16 by BTP Holdings
Obama to Seek $2 Billion to Deal with Illegal Surge on Border Sunday, 29 Jun 2014 09:10 AM President Barack Obama will seek more than $2 billion to respond to the flood of immigrants illegally entering the U.S. through the Rio Grande Valley area of Texas and ask for new powers to deal with returning immigrant children apprehended while traveling without their parents, a White House official said Saturday. With Obama looking to Congress for help with what he has called an "urgent humanitarian situation," House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi visited a Border Patrol facility in Brownsville that held unaccompanied children. More than 52,000 unaccompanied children, most from Central ...

Tuberculosis outbreak at Sacramento high school
Post Date: 2014-07-02 16:30:54 by Horse
A California high school is at the center of a tuberculosis outbreak linked to an infectious student who tested positive for active TB in February, county health officials said Wednesday. Four more students at Grant Union High School in Sacramento have contracted active TB. Three related tuberculosis cases are considered an outbreak, Sacramento County Department of Health and Human Services spokeswoman Laura McCasland said. Four relatives and friends of the student who initially tested positive have also contracted active TB — bringing the total to nine known cases. Symptoms of active TB can include a persistent cough and fever. Active TB is contagious if it’s in the ...

Where Disposable Income Goes To Die: Since 1990 Real Rents Are Up 15% While Median Incomes Are Unchanged
Post Date: 2014-07-02 11:37:13 by Horse
This means that all else equal, the average American has 15% less disposable income after factoring rent compared to 24 years earlier. And since the demand for rental properties will only go up as even parent basements are getting full, it means the already record high rent prices will duly follow, taking even bigger chunks out of US disposable income, and thus, that part of the US economy, some 70% of it, which depends on consumer spending. The beneficiary? The personal bank accounts of owners of rental properties... such as BlackStone - America's largest landlord. Sure enough, as WSJ confirms, "apartment landlords continued to push through hefty rent hikes in the second ...

Cochran And Obama: Managing Democracy in Post-American America
Post Date: 2014-06-30 23:49:18 by Gentile Defense League
The empire struck back after David Brat’s immigration-inspired victory over House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. Threatened incumbent GOP Senator Thad Cochran, like Barack Obama, has successfully practiced “regime politics”— deliberately changing the electorate in order to protect the entrenched political class. In Cochran’s case, it meant calling his own base “racist” and shoveling money to far-Left groups to disenfranchise them. Simultaneously, Barack Obama and his Democrats were welcoming the complete elimination of American sovereignty, even to the extent of allowing Mexican military attacks. Democracy in America is reaching the terminal stage—the ...

Transcript of Enoch Powell's Rivers of Blood Speech
Post Date: 2014-06-30 10:59:56 by Deasy
Background The Rivers of Blood speech was a controversial speech about immigration. It was made on April 20, 1968 by the British politician Enoch Powell. The speech took place at the annual meeting of the West Midlands Conservative Political Centre in Birmingham, in the Midland Hotel. In a small room after a lunch, Powell warned his audience of what he believed would be the consequences of continued immigration to Britain from the Commonwealth. He began with philosophical pronouncements:"It is the supreme function of statesmanship to provide against preventable evils." He concluded with these words, referring to the Race Relations Bill then coming before Parliament:Here is the ...

In Fairfax County kindergarten classes, school systemÂ’s future comes into focus
Post Date: 2014-06-29 19:08:27 by Horse
The kindergartners of the Class of 2026, who finished their first year in Fairfax County schools Wednesday, constitute the largest and one of the most ethnically, culturally and socioeconomically diverse groups of students the county has seen, a fact that school system administrators say could pose significant challenges in the decade to come.  Long an enclave of predominantly white, middle-class families with a top-class school system, Fairfax has experienced a dramatic demographic shift in recent years that is nowhere more obvious than in the county’s kindergarten classrooms. The white student population is receding and is being replaced with fast-growing numbers of poor ...

US Southwestern Borders Are Flung Wide Open: Cui Bono?
Post Date: 2014-06-29 17:45:44 by Lorie Meacham
Illegal Aliens Flooding Through the Southwestern Border Of USA: Obama Does Nothing “Word has spread around the world that the Obama administration “refuses” to enforce the country’s immigration laws”, House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte said Wednesday.[1] If ever there was a lawless policy deliberately implemented by the Obama Administration it is the “Open Borders” currently being executed across the Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California borders. Never in Americian history has a US president flouted federal law with such impunity. Even the Republican-dominated House seems powerless to compel Obama to simply enforce immigration laws that have ...

DHS is literally dumping Guatemalian Refugies on the streets of Phoenix, Arizona.
Post Date: 2014-06-29 17:42:13 by Lorie Meacham

Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter: ‘There’s No Way You Can Secure The Border’
Post Date: 2014-06-29 01:30:23 by Lorie Meacham
Nancy Pelosi’s daughter believes the border cannot be secured. In an interview with MSNBC’s Richard Lui, filmmaker Alexandra Pelosi talked about the American dream, and how it is very much still alive. She spoke about her recent visit to see families on the Mexican side of the border, claiming that “they have nothing” and because of that, will do whatever it takes to get to the United States. Many people choose to go through the horrendous travel “because they have nothing to lose. They’re gonna come to America or they’re gonna die trying,” says the daughter of the minority leader. She asserted that, “Every member of Congress needs to go down ...

Declare War on Washington
Post Date: 2014-06-28 11:46:19 by BTP Holdings
Immigration crisis leaving border states with few choices Government agency steals private property No resources for America's veterans Time for southwest border states to defy Washington? states currently being overrun by illegal immigrants to defy the federal government and act on their own to regain control of an out-of-control situation. I don’t say that lightly, because for those states to take their own action would create a full-blown constitutional crisis. But it would be one that the Obama administration has initiated. CLICK HERE TO FINISH READING Washington Redskins ruling: Government theft of private property You really have to hand it to the bureaucrats over at ...

Study: All Employment Growth Since 2000 Went to Immigrants
Post Date: 2014-06-27 15:21:28 by Horse
According to a major new report from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), net employment growth in the United States since 2000 has gone entirely to immigrants, legal and illegal. Using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, CIS scholars Steven A. Camarota and Karen Zeigler found that there were 127,000 fewer working-age natives holding a job in the first quarter of 2014 than in 2000, while the number of immigrants with a job was 5.7 million above the 2000 level. The rapidity with which immigrants recovered from the Great Recession, as well as the fact that they held a disproportionate share of jobs relative to their share of population growth before the recession, help to explain ...

Illegal Invasion Destroying Small Town America
Post Date: 2014-06-27 14:08:59 by Horse

Mexican Military Helicopter Flies Into U.S., Shoots at Border Patrol Agents, Flies Back
Post Date: 2014-06-27 13:44:01 by Lorie Meacham
According to a local news report from KVOA News 4 out of Tucson, Arizona, at least one Mexican military helicopter crossed into the United States early Thursday morning, shot at Border Patrol agents using lethal force and then flew back to Mexico. Once the helicopter was back on the ground in Mexico, an apology was issued. "The incident occurred after midnight and before 6 a.m. Helicopter flew into the U.S. and fired on two U.S. Border Patrol agents. The incident occurred west of the San Miguel Gate on the Tohono O'odham Indian Nation," Border Patrol Tucson Sector Union President Art del Cueto told KVOA News 4 in a statement. "The agents were unharmed. The helicopter ...

Heckler At Obama Speech to Congress: 'You Lie!'
Post Date: 2014-06-27 07:51:42 by Deasy
Poster Comment:Who's paying for all the care for the "surge" we've had lately?

Snakes and Thorny Brush, and Children at the Border Alone
Post Date: 2014-06-26 22:08:06 by Lorie Meacham
HIDALGO, Tex. — Border agents drove their patrol vehicles one recent day at dusk through this spit of land on the bank of the Rio Grande. Here, in a place known as the Devil’s Corner, smugglers on the Mexican side have chosen to bring thousands of women and children to American soil. After only a few minutes scouting the dirt roads, the agents came upon a cluster of illegal migrants, huddled in tall grass under palm trees, seeking respite from the baking heat. They made no effort to flee as the Border Patrol drove up. Questioned by the agents, a boy from Honduras said his name was Alejandro and that he was 8 years old. “Who are you with?” asked Raul L. Ortiz, deputy ...

Nancy Pelosi to travel to border, meet detained minors
Post Date: 2014-06-26 21:19:11 by Horse
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi will travel to the southern border of the U.S. on Saturday to be briefed by Customs and Border Protection on the flood of unaccompanied minors entering the country. The California Democrat will also meet with a group of children held at the South Texas Detention Facility. “The humanitarian crisis unfolding across our nation’s southern border demands Congress come together and find thoughtful, compassionate and bipartisan solutions,” Pelosi said. “We must ensure our laws are fully enforced, so that due process is provided to unaccompanied children and the safety and well-being of unaccompanied children is protected. We must also work ...

Ben Carson: Obama Using Illegal Immigration as Political Weapon
Post Date: 2014-06-26 17:55:05 by BTP Holdings
Ben Carson: Obama Using Illegal Immigration as Political Weapon Wednesday, 25 Jun 2014 06:53 PM By Sean Piccoli A recent flood of undocumented migrants that has overwhelmed federal and state officials is no accident, but the result of a deliberate White House strategy to curry favor with immigrants and their advocates, author and conservative commentator Dr. Ben Carson told Newsmax TV on Wednesday. Carson, in part three of a week-long interview with "MidPoint" host Ed Berliner, said the country needs an immigration solution that the Obama administration has no political interest in providing: a formal, enforceable guest worker program for all migrants that will require many ...

Report: ICE Knew in Advance of Child Immigrant Surge
Post Date: 2014-06-26 17:26:20 by BTP Holdings
Report: ICE Knew in Advance of Child Immigrant Surge Thursday, 26 Jun 2014 01:56 PM By Drew MacKenzie Immigration authorities were aware months ago there was going to be a massive surge of immigrant minors this year despite the "surprise" influx causing a humanitarian crisis, National Review reports. Tens of thousands of unaccompanied alien children from Central America have poured across the border into Arizona and Texas in recent months, overwhelming Border Control agents and resulting in a critical situation at makeshift immigrant detention centers. The Department of Homeland Security said last week that it has been processing 52,000 minors who have arrived at the U.S. ...

UC Professor: Immigration Influx is About ‘Re-Education’ of Society Hamamoto warns amnesty will lead to creation of subservient underclass
Post Date: 2014-06-26 04:23:54 by Horse
University of California Professor Darrell Y. Hamamoto warns that the influx of illegal immigrants into the United States is part of a plan to create a new underclass of people who can be re-educated in order to create a subservient underclass. Hamamoto, a Professor of Asian American Studies at the University of California, Davis, exclusively contacted Infowars to express his shock at what he sees as a clear “plan to destroy national sovereignty” through mass uncontrolled illegal immigration. Hamamoto warns that the influx of illegal immigrants into the U.S. and by extension into the college education system is part of a deliberate plot, “to exclude the American middle ...

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