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Mail your used underwear to illegals, Boehner, and Obama
Post Date: 2014-06-25 17:20:23 by Southern Style
ALIPAC: Mail your used underwear to illegals, Boehner, and Obama June 25, 2014 Contact: Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) Press@alipac.us | (866) 703-0864 Washington, DC -- ALIPAC.us is calling for tens of thousands of Americans to mail their gently used underwear to Barack Obama and John Boehner to answer Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) need for free underwear for the new surge of illegal immigrants crossing America's borders, enticed by promises of immigration reform amnesty. While many Americans will be tempted to send the underwear donations unwashed, ALIPAC is reminding citizens that DC is already full of dirty laundry. "Obama and Boehner have proven ...

Swine flu surfaces at Texas-Mexico border among illegal child crossers
Post Date: 2014-06-25 13:42:07 by Horse
The first case of swine flu has been found among the scores of illegal children who have been crossing into America at the Texas-Mexico border, leading federal authorities to ship 2,000 batches of vaccine to Lackland Air Force Base for administration. The child came up from Central America and was diagnosed after he was taken from the border to the base, The Blaze reported. He had to be hospitalized, and now medical officials are trying to vaccinate anyone who may have come into contact with him. It’s the first known diagnosis of H1N1 virus among the illegal children who’ve been swarming into America in recent weeks, said Rep. Louie Gohmert, in The Blaze. “We are told the ...

Post Date: 2014-06-24 17:44:13 by Horse
El Paso, Texas (CBS HOUSTON) – The Department of Homeland Security is looking to fulfill an order for thousands of pairs of men’s underwear – with hundreds of the requested men’s briefs in the 5X and 6X-large sizes. A solicitation posted earlier this month by the Immigration & Customs Enforcement office seeks thousands of “White 100% Cotton Men’s Briefs” ranging from mediums to hundreds of 6X-large pairs of the underwear. ICE facilities have seen a recent influx of detained immigrants awaiting deportation, during which time, the detention facilities require such basic items for the detained aliens, Breitbart reported. The ICE orders for the underwear ...

The Real Reason Why Obama’s Fostering Immigrants
Post Date: 2014-06-24 17:40:03 by BTP Holdings
The Real Reason Why Obama’s Fostering Immigrants Posted by Bill White Survivopedia Illegal ImmigrantsWhen Obama was first running for office as President, he promised a “fundamental change for America.” That was enough to convince enough of our low information voters that they should give him a chance. They were tired and dissatisfied with the way things were, having been carefully spoon fed by liberal politicians and pundits how “unfair” America was to them. Of course, Obama never really defined what he meant by a “fundamental change.” While some seem to think that was a mere oversight, I tend to think it was part of Obama’s master plan. He knew ...

A federal judge has ruled border protection negatively impacts “indigenous communities” and “lower-income minority communities.”
Post Date: 2014-06-24 17:13:07 by Horse
Judge Beryl Howell, appointed to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia by Obama in 2010, agreed with Denise Gilman, a clinical professor at the of Texas-Austin. Gilman, who is researching the “human rights impact” of border enforcement, sued in federal court to force the Department of Homeland Security to reveal through a FOIA request the names of property owners along the border to determine if fence construction will be disadvantageous to “minority property owners,” Judicial Watch reported last week. Fence construction “along specific portions of the U.S.-Mexico border, including areas in Texas” is mandated by the Secure Fence Act, enacted in ...

Perry Warns of 'Trail of Tears' From Illegal Immigrants Dying in Desert
Post Date: 2014-06-24 17:10:37 by BTP Holdings
Perry Warns of 'Trail of Tears' From Illegal Immigrants Dying in Desert Image: Perry Warns of 'Trail of Tears' From Illegal Immigrants Dying in Desert Tuesday, 24 Jun 2014 08:43 AM By Drew MacKenzie Texas Gov. Rick Perry warned Monday that there will be a "trail of tears" this summer as illegal immigrants die while trying to cross the border into the United States. Speaking at a Department of Public Safety facility after touring a federal detention complex housing unaccompanied minors in Weslaco, Texas, he said that the government can prevent the heartache by stopping the flood of undocumented immigrants pouring into south Texas from Mexico, according to The ...

Longtime congressman Rangel finds himself in political peril in New York primary (Black V Hispanic)
Post Date: 2014-06-23 14:35:27 by Horse
NEW YORK — The birthday boy, turning 84, stood near the back of the room beneath white and gold balloons as friends, allies and supporters lined up for photos. Between photos, he stole swigs of the Corona Light gripped tightly in his left hand as the upbeat sounds of a local Latin band echoed off the dark walls. The crowded fundraiser this month was a departure from Rep. Charles B. Rangel’s legendary birthday bashes of the past, which often were headlined by the likes of Aretha Franklin and Dionne Warwick and attended by New York’s black political royalty — former New York City mayor David Dinkins, the Rev. Al Sharpton and singer Harry Belafonte. This year, many of the ...

PROOF! Illegal Alien Invasion Was Planned In January 2014!
Post Date: 2014-06-21 19:38:08 by Horse

Super Surge: 1 Million Illegals A Month To Crash Economy
Post Date: 2014-06-21 19:36:14 by Horse

Sheriff Paul Babeu: Obama 'Doesn't Get It' on Illegal Immigrant Crisis
Post Date: 2014-06-21 15:20:04 by BTP Holdings
Sheriff Paul Babeu: Obama 'Doesn't Get It' on Illegal Immigrant Crisis Saturday, 21 Jun 2014 08:50 AM By Todd Beamon Despite several actions the White House is taking to address the spiraling illegal immigration crisis at the U.S. border, President Barack Obama still "doesn't get it," Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu tells Newsmax. "This president not only doesn't get it, he has completely failed in his core responsibilities to enforce the law and secure our border," Babeu, the chief law-enforcement officer in Pinal County in the southern part of the state, said in an interview Friday. "There is no longer any law when it comes to immigration. ...

If the feds aren't behind this immigration tsunami...
Post Date: 2014-06-20 19:36:25 by Southern Style
If the feds aren't behind this immigration tsunami... then why did they advertise this job opportunity six months ago??? Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children

North Carolina: Illegal aliens commit more than seven child sex assaults per day
Post Date: 2014-06-20 14:26:48 by Horse
During the month of May 2014, there were more than 230 charges of sex crimes against children filed against illegal aliens in the state of North Carolina. These dastardly acts which rob children of their innocence, and forever change their lives are being committed in both rural and urban areas, across the Tarheel state. Unfortunately, this is nothing new. In fact, hundreds of such crimes are committed every single month in North Carolina by those who have no right to be in this country. Since January 1, there have been nearly 1,300 sex crimes against children attributable to illegal aliens in that state. Once again, this reporter owes a debt of gratitude to the citizen/law enforcement ...

A Guide To Street Gangs, Amnesty And Bankers
Post Date: 2014-06-20 03:14:06 by Horse
American Street Gangs are Big Business. They grew out of the Opium Trade which replaced the African Slave Trade as a source of income for the London Banks. In the old days Bankers like the Rothschilds would send $20 worth of rum and trinkets to the coast of Africa to buy a man who could be sold back in America for $2,000. That was a big markup. When the slave trade ended, the Bankers already had laid the groundwork for the Opium Trade. Because they owned the British government they were able to convince them to fight two Opium Wars (1839–1842 and 1856 - 1860.) The lesson the Chinese Emperors never learned was that if they had legalized Opium there would have been no invading armies. ...

CE Agent Blows the Whistle: Illegals Receiving Costly, Taxpayer-Funded Medical Treatments "The medical benefits these people are being given is pretty far out, considering we have people here at home that need help.”
Post Date: 2014-06-19 17:33:55 by Horse

Deadly diseases crossing border with illegals Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet warns of dangers from 'textbook Cloward-Piven strategy'
Post Date: 2014-06-19 15:06:26 by Horse
flood of illegals has massively surged at our southwestern borders. The economic impact of medical care, education and incarceration for illegals forced on taxpayers is bankrupting Arizona. Why are such swarms entering the U.S. illegally NOW, particularly children? Newspapers in Mexico and Central and South America are actually describing U.S. “open borders,” encouraging people to come with promises of food stamps or “amnesty.” It is textbook Cloward-Piven strategy to overwhelm and collapse the economic and social systems, in order to replace them with a “new socialist order” under federal control. Carried by this tsunami of illegals are the invisible ...

Texans Petition Perry for Special Session on Border Crisis
Post Date: 2014-06-17 20:06:21 by Southern Style
Texans Petition Perry for Special Session on Border Crisis HOUSTON, Texas—Activist Texans are petitioning Texas Governor Rick Perry to call a special session of the Legislature to deal with the growing crisis on the Texas border with Mexico. The petition asks Gov. Perry to bring the Texas Legislature back into a forth special session to “develop and fund a border and port security plan utilizing state and local law enforcement.” Over the Father’s Day weekend, many Texans gathered in a Facebook discussion thread to discuss the Texas Border Crisis and look for a solution. A conclusion of the discussion was that if the federal government was not going to secure the border ...

Ex-border agents: Immigrant flood 'orchestrated'
Post Date: 2014-06-17 19:38:08 by Horse
An organization of former Border Patrol agents Wednesday charged that the federal government, under the administration of President Obama, is deliberately arranging for a flood of immigrant children to arrive in America for political purposes. “This is not a humanitarian crisis. It is a predictable, orchestrated and contrived assault on the compassionate side of Americans by her political leaders that knowingly puts minor illegal alien children at risk for purely political purposes,” said the statement released by the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers. “Certainly, we are not gullible enough to believe that thousands of unaccompanied minor Central ...

Flood of Illegal Immigrants Now Includes Gang Members (Illegal Alien Got Lost at Border Went Looking for Border Patrol For Help)
Post Date: 2014-06-17 19:12:36 by Horse
Poster Comment:This website is running slow because it was linked to by Drudge. They can document that they are allowing MS-13 gang members into the country to reunite them with families who had immigrated here but left their juvenile delinquents at home.

Surge in Child Migrants Reaches New York, Overwhelming Advocates
Post Date: 2014-06-17 18:56:01 by Horse
For more than a month, 16-year-old Cristian threaded his way from his home in rural Guatemala to the United States, hoping to reunite with his father, whom he had not seen in nearly four years. Guided by smugglers, he rode in cars, buses and trains, walked countless miles, dodged the authorities in three countries, hid out in dreary safe houses and went days at a time without food. But Cristian’s trip came to an abrupt halt in March, when he was corralled on a patch of Texas ranchland by American law enforcements agents. Now the daunting trials of his migration have been replaced by a new set of difficulties. Though he was released to his father, a kitchen worker in a restaurant in ...

Fighting back: Residents force feds to scrap plan to house illegals at Va. college
Post Date: 2014-06-17 15:26:07 by Horse
Prince William County in Virginia renews push for deportation data on illegal immigrants The Obama administration Monday abruptly halted plans to shelter some of the children surging across the border at a defunct college in rural Virginia, as the White House has continued to see its efforts to house the children throughout the country be thwarted by opposition from local officials. As many as 500 children were to start arriving this week at St. Paul’s College, a recently closed historically black college in Lawrenceville, Virginia. But the Health and Human Services Department’s plans were stymied, at least temporarily, after town and county officials objected to the short ...

Establishment Church Groups Aiding Illegal Immigrant Invasion of U.S. Amnesty plot to collapse border being backed by religious organizations
Post Date: 2014-06-17 14:02:57 by Horse
The revelation that South Texas Church groups are transporting countless illegals into the United States before letting them go “wherever they want to go,” illustrates how establishment religious organizations are working to exacerbate the immigrant invasion of America. As Infowars exclusively reported yesterday, non-profit groups and churches are chauffeuring illegal immigrants from a bus station in McAllen, Texas before giving them temporary shelter and later releasing them onto the streets. Infowars reporters witnessed children and their mothers, primarily consisting of illegals from Guatemala, being picked up throughout the day by vans marked TFC (the Family Church), before ...

New York Dem: Illegals Should Have The Right To Vote
Post Date: 2014-06-17 11:53:27 by Lorie Meacham
New York state Sen. Guestavo Rivera wants to pass legislation to give illegal immigrants the right to vote in local and state elections, Reuters reports. In terms of the broad benefits available to non-citizens, this bill is the first of its kind in America. The main objective of the New York Is Home Act, according to Rivera, is to integrate illegal immigrants, who are estranged from participation in civic, economic and political life. The legislation not only gives illegal immigrants the right to vote, but establishes a kind of second-tiered citizenship on a state level, in which illegal immigrants can apply for tuition assistance, health insurance and driver’s and professional ...

‘They Keep Coming’: The ‘Rehearsed’ Answers Illegal Immigrants Are Using at the Border to Gain Entry Into the U.S.
Post Date: 2014-06-17 06:36:15 by Ada
McALLEN, Texas — A Honduran woman clutched her small baby boy from the back of a Border Patrol transport truck. She was sitting with 12 other people, mostly children, who had just made their way from Reynosa, Mexico, across the Rio Grande by the Anzalduas port of entry in Texas. The mother, who had crossed first with one baby, had left her infant and older son along the banks of the river in Mexico. Her two children followed in a second raft and joined their mother after the Border Patrol took her into custody. “We’re fleeing gang violence,” the mother told the Border Patrol agent, who detailed the conversation to TheBlaze on the condition that he not be named. The ...

WH to honor young illegal immigrants
Post Date: 2014-06-16 23:50:27 by Horse
The White House will honor 10 young adults on Tuesday who came to the United States illegally and qualified for the president’s program to defer deportation actions. Each person has qualified for the government’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program, which delays removal proceedings against them as long as they meet certain guidelines. They will be honored as “Champions of Change,” the White House said in a statement Monday because they “serve as success stories and role models in their academic and professional spheres.” They emigrated from Mexico, Colombia, Morocco, India, Taiwan and the Philippines and many of them work in professions related to ...

In Texas' Rio Grande Valley, a seemingly endless surge of immigrants (120 people an hour cross over)
Post Date: 2014-06-16 23:44:56 by Horse
The call went out on Border Patrol radios just before sundown one day this week: 31 immigrants spotted illegally crossing the Rio Grande on a raft. No sooner had the migrants been found hiding in the mesquite brush than another report came in: A woman and boy were walking up the riverbank. The Rio Grande Valley has become ground zero for an unprecedented surge in families and unaccompanied children flooding across the Southwest border, creating what the Obama administration is calling a humanitarian crisis as border officials struggle to accommodate new detainees. Largely from Central America, they are now arriving at a rate of more than 35,000 a month. Anzalduas Park, a 96-acre expanse ...

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