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Tucked in the hills of the smallest state in Mexico is a city called Tenancingo. (Sex Trafficking illegals)
Post Date: 2014-06-16 23:36:17 by Horse
A town of just ten thousand people, Tenancingo has thrived for the past half-century thanks to a lucrative family business. Grandfathers passed the trade down to fathers, and fathers in turn, to their sons -- that business is sex trafficking. But the prostitutes involved in their scheme aren’t willing participants. Many are from rural and indigenous villages throughout Mexico, and are kidnapped, trapped, and seduced in a trade the sons of Tenancingo have been perfecting for decades. Once in the U.S, the girls are forced to see as many as 60 clients a day. These men, typically called “Johns,” pay about $35 for 15 minutes of sex, according to Sanctuary for Families, a ...

ICE shipping planeloads of illegal immigrants to Massachusetts
Post Date: 2014-06-16 18:00:28 by Itistoolate
A Boston TV station has discovered that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has been flying planeloads of illegal immigrants to Massachusetts over the past couple of weeks. ICE officials confirmed to Fox 25 on Friday that at least six commercial, agency-owned charter flights have transported detainees to the Boston area. The agency told the station that moving detainees from the southern borders to other areas of the country is routine. “There are a number of concerns,” said Jessica Vaughn spokesperson for the Center for Immigration Studies, adding that the crisis at the border is distracting U.S. agencies from their regular mission to deport illegal immigrants convicted of ...

Church Groups Ship Illegals Deeper Into U.S. With DHS detainment facilities and military bases swamped, church groups welcome illegals with open arms
Post Date: 2014-06-16 14:33:40 by Horse
Poster Comment:Someone is paying to bring those illegal aliens here on buses. The Border Patrol is told not to inspect the buses. Teenagers with Mexican and even MS-13 gang tattoos are allowed entry. No medical checks. No checks for arrest records and outstanding warrants. The Catholic church is helping with this invasion.

Post Date: 2014-06-15 18:24:50 by Horse

Obama Opens Boards To Mexican Gang Members
Post Date: 2014-06-15 17:44:18 by Horse
Border Patrol officials are swamped by the number of minors crossing illegally into the United States and frustrated that they can’t turn away known Mexican gang members. Chris Cabrera, vice president of the National Border Patrol Council Local 3307 in the Rio Grande Valley, said that confirmed gang members in Mexico — including those from Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) — are coming into the country to be reunited with their families, National Review reported Friday. “If he’s a confirmed gang member in his own country, why are we letting him in here? … I’ve heard people come in and say, ‘You’re going to let me go, just like you let my mother go, ...

Obama Regime Proactively Facilitating Human-Trafficking’ Over Mexican Border
Post Date: 2014-06-15 13:38:19 by Lorie Meacham
(Dean Chambers) It is now estimated that 99,000 children have been transported through our border with Mexico and into the United States since the beginning of this year. It has been suspected that Barack Obama is deliberately allowing and condoning this, as a way to apply the Cloward-Piven strategy to immigration and overwhelm our Southern border with so many Mexican children and illegal aliens that it will force Congress to capitulate to his demand to pass amnesty. Now this has been proven true. FrontPage Mag has reported today on this issue, “Last week, the lawlessness of Obama’s non-deportation policy came home to roost when Homeland Security (DHS) estimated 60,000 ...

Obama’s Border: Entire Villages Moving from Central America to the US
Post Date: 2014-06-15 00:29:39 by Lorie Meacham
VDARE June 12, 2014 The border situation is chaos on steroids, with thousands of unaccompanied kids and families streaming in from Central America, where they heard on television that kids are guaranteed amnesty tickets. In the video clip below, documentary filmmaker Dennis Michael Lynch warns that the invasion is only beginning: “It’s about to get worse. . . Entire villages are emptying out and coming from Central America through Mexico to the United States. They’ll be hitting in the next couple weeks. What you are seeing right now is the tip of the iceberg.” There’s no reason why millions won’t come, since Washington has announced America’s borders ...

An Orchestrated Immigration Wave At The Texas Border? Not So Paranoid To Think So (US Embassies Did Not Say No)
Post Date: 2014-06-14 13:17:34 by Horse
Immigration: As an unprecedented wave of undocumented children from Central America spills over our Texas border, a veteran lawmen's organization has declared it an "orchestrated" event. If so, who benefits? To date, there hasn't been a word from the White House or its agencies urging families in Honduras, Guatemala or El Salvador not to send their children alone through Mexico's merciless badlands infested with cartel criminals to reach the U.S. There's some Twitter activity and little else. But the newspapers and television stations throughout Central America are falsely reporting that amnesty will be theirs if they can just make it through the Mexican obstacle ...

Cantor Buried
Post Date: 2014-06-14 10:41:26 by Gentile Defense League
Last night, I talked to Dana Perino on Fox News about the supposedly inevitable next President. Barely had I left the studio when news broke of the defeat in a primary of the supposedly inevitable next Speaker of the House. The magnitude of what happened to the House Majority Leader at the hands of some wossname who wasn't supposed to break 40 per cent is nicely summed up in this headline: Eric Cantor Blew $168K at Steak Houses; Brat Spent $122K Overall "Brat" is the name of the obscure economics professor who whupped him, not the Cantor campaign's characterization thereof. Nevertheless, they made the mistake of condescending to the prof. Like so many other ingrate rubes ...

Teenage Latin Border Horde (known gang affiliations) Urged by local media, minors from Mexico and Central America are clogging Border Patrol stations
Post Date: 2014-06-14 04:05:28 by Horse
Border Patrol officials struggling to keep up with the increasing number of minors illegally crossing the Mexican border are not turning away persons with known gang affiliations. Chris Cabrera, vice president of the National Border Patrol Council Local 3307 in the Rio Grande Valley, explained that a Border Patrol agent he represents helped reunite a teenage gang member with his family in the United States. Cabrera notes the young member of Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), a transnational criminal gang, had no criminal record in the U.S., but asks, “If he’s a confirmed gang member in his own country, why are we letting him in here?” “I’ve heard people come in and say, ...

Border Patrol changing diapers, heating baby formula for surge of children
Post Date: 2014-06-13 14:49:31 by scrapper2
Gil Kerlikowske, commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, said Friday that many of the illegal immigrant children his agents are encountering trying to slip across the U.S.-Mexico border have never even seen a doctor before. He described scenes of Border Patrol agents changing diapers and heating baby formula in order to care for some of the youngest children, and said agents are being asked to do things way beyond their skill set — particularly for so many of the agents who are young, single men. “I’ve been down there, a lot, and spent a lot of time and I’ve seen these agents doing incredible things,” he said. The commissioner was pushing back against ...

Overloading America—Obama’s Demographic Cloward-Piven Strategy
Post Date: 2014-06-13 09:43:15 by Gentile Defense League
They’re Coming Because Obama Invited Them One of the reasons for Dave Brat’s epochal upset of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was Cantor’s blatant attempt to smuggle past Republicans some version of a DREAM Act Amnesty—unfortunately for him, right at the time when a new Children’s Crusade has begun. This time the Holy Land that is being targeted is the American Southwest. Tens of thousands of unaccompanied children are pouring across the undefended American border, resulting what has been called a “humanitarian crisis that is a direct consequence of Obama’s lawlessness” by no less than Senator Ted Cruz—or, by ordinary Americans “an ...

If Jeb And Hillary Both Run In 2016, It Will Be God’s Gift To Pitchfork Populists
Post Date: 2014-06-13 00:31:03 by Gentile Defense League
“I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.” If Thomas Jefferson’s benign reflection on Shays’ Rebellion, that uprising of farmers in 1786 and 1787, is not the first thought that comes to mind today for his fellow Virginian Eric Cantor, surely it is understandable. For the rebellious subjects of the 7th Congressional District just voted to end Cantor’s career as House majority leader. Many lessons are being read into and taken away from Cantor’s defeat. But that election has also revealed a populist path, both to the Republican nomination in 2016 and perhaps to the ...

BREAKING: Newspapers in Central America Advertising Obama's Open Borders For Illegals to US
Post Date: 2014-06-12 14:33:04 by Lorie Meacham
Every day, thousands of illegals are flooding our borders at a cost of $252 per illegal to US taxpayers. Just wait until we're paying for their housing, food and health care! Mexico Train Newspapers in El Salvador and Honduras are promoting policies by the Obama administration that defer deportation to minors brought to the United States as children by their parents — known as "Dreamers" — and those that are housing illegal children at military bases in the South and West. "Almost all agree that a child who crossed the border illegally with their parents, or in search of a father or a better life, was not making an adult choice to break our laws, and should be ...

Border Sheriff Likens Influx Of Illegal Immigrants To Hurricane Katrina
Post Date: 2014-06-11 17:44:41 by scrapper2
SOUTH TEXAS (KRLD) – Officials say that nearly a thousand illegal immigrants a day are crossing into Texas from Mexico, an anomaly that is now being compared to Hurricane Katrina. “How do you prepare for that?” says Don Ray, the Executive Director of the Texas Border Sheriffs Coalition. “You can’t have an influx of people like that without having an impact; I think we saw that after Katrina. It’s relocation services that are really taking place. In the case of Katrina, most of them were United States citizens or people that were here lawfully, and now you have people that aren’t here lawfully.” Ray says that with that sort of influx of people ...

The Guy Who Beat Eric Cantor Last Night Is An Economics Professor With Some Very Interesting Research
Post Date: 2014-06-11 13:52:11 by Ada
The political world was rocked last night when House Majority Leader Eric Cantor unexpectedly went down in flames in his primary against Tea Party-backed candidate David Brat. Despite outraising his opponent by about 25-to-1, Eric Cantor's position on immigration and other perceived conservative sellouts cost him his seat. So who's David Brat? Well, it turns out he's an economics professor at Randolph Macon College, and on his personal website he even has a picture of John Maynard Keynes: davidbratkeynes David Brat The guy on the other side is Hayek, so he has both sides of the spectrum represented. One look at Brat's research shows he has some interesting areas of ...

The Endless Invasion of America
Post Date: 2014-06-10 09:43:15 by Gentile Defense League
For 10 days, Americans have argued over the wisdom of trading five Taliban senior commanders for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. President Obama handed the Taliban a victory, critics contend, and imperiled U.S. troops in Afghanistan when the five return to the battlefield. Moreover, he has inspired the Haqqani network and other Islamists to capture more Americans to trade. But which represents the greater long-term threat to the safety and security of our people and nation: sending those five Taliban leaders to Doha, and perhaps back to Afghanistan, or releasing into the U.S. population last year 36,000 criminal illegal aliens with 88,000 convictions among them? According to a May report of the ...

Flood of Illegal Immigrant Children into Texas Costing U.S. Taxpayers Billions
Post Date: 2014-06-05 21:33:53 by scrapper2
The surge of illegal immigrant minors rushing over the Rio Grande threatens to overwhelm the Texas Border Patrol, and new figures show the unexpected development will cost U.S. taxpayers more than $2 billion this year, 1200 WOAI news reports. More than 1,000 unaccompanied immigrant children are arriving in the U.S. each week, according to figures released by the Department of Homeland Security, and some 60,000 are expected to arrive in the U.S. this year. That is up ten times just since 2011. U.S. Rep Henry Cuellar (D-Laredo), who represents a large portion of the border where the waves of unaccompanied children are arriving, says the situation is out of control. "The Border Patrol ...

Obama creates task force on children who enter U.S. illegally
Post Date: 2014-06-03 14:07:22 by scrapper2
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama established an interagency group on Monday to handle the growing influx of children coming to the United States illegally without parents or relatives accompanying them. In a memo that describes an "urgent humanitarian situation," Obama has put the Federal Emergency Management Agency in charge of coordinating humanitarian relief to the children, including housing, care, medical treatment and transportation. The Obama administration estimates that about 60,000 "unaccompanied minors" - children under 18 - will enter the United States illegally this year. It projects that number to grow to nearly 130,000 next year. As ...

10 questions for Obama regarding his release of illegal alien criminals
Post Date: 2014-06-02 17:07:33 by BTP Holdings
10 questions for Obama regarding his release of illegal alien criminals The Center for Immigration Studies, a think tank which advocates for smarter immigration reform measures that include tough border enforcement and deportation, among others, completed a report recently that found the Obama administration released more than 36,000 criminal aliens into American neighborhoods in 2013. “This group included aliens convicted of hundreds of violent and serious crimes, including homicide, sexual assault, kidnapping, and aggravated assault,” CIS said in a summary of its findings. “The list of crimes also includes more than 16,000 drunk or drugged driving convictions. The vast ...

Migrants dropped off at bus stations in Arizona
Post Date: 2014-05-31 12:46:07 by scrapper2
PHOENIX (AP) — By the time the women arrived disheveled and hungry at the Greyhound station in Phoenix, they had already spent weeks traveling thousands of miles with young children in tow. Ranging from months old to adolescents, some of the children were sick and lethargic. Others played gleefully at arcade games in the crowded waiting room of the bus station. The families were apprehended in Texas, flown to Arizona and dropped off by the busload at the station in Phoenix by federal immigration authorities overwhelmed by a surge of families caught crossing the Mexican border into the Rio Grande Valley in Texas. It was signal of a shift in immigration that has seen the Rio Grande ...

Report: ICE Releasing Thousands With Serious Criminal Records
Post Date: 2014-05-30 15:04:20 by Lorie Meacham
A new Center for Immigration Studies report reveals that ICE in 2013 released from detention over 36,000 illegal aliens with criminal records who were awaiting the final disposition of their deportation cases. These releases are in addition to the 68,000 criminal-alien cases that ICE declined to prosecute for immigration violations that year. The CIS study found that thousands had convictions for violent or serious crime, including 193 homicide convictions, 426 sexual assault convictions, 303 kidnapping convictions, and 1,075 aggravated assault convictions as well as more than 16,000 drunk or drugged driving convictions. The study also found that 870,000 illegal aliens had their cases ...

Central American migrants in Texas flown to Arizona and released
Post Date: 2014-05-30 14:37:09 by scrapper2
(Reuters) - Authorities flew 400 people suspected of entering the United States illegally to Arizona over the weekend and released them at bus stops because detention facilities were full after a surge in migrants, U.S. officials said on Thursday. Over the past month, detention facilities in Texas overflowed with migrants for the first time as a large influx of Central Americans crossed the border into the Rio Grande Valley, said Andy Adame, a U.S. Border Patrol spokesman in Tucson, Arizona. “We have enough manpower, it’s due to detention space,” Adame said in explaining why the immigrants, mostly families with young children, were sent to Arizona. Many Republicans in ...

Waves of immigrant minors present crisis for Obama, Congress
Post Date: 2014-05-29 10:56:22 by Ada
(Reuters) - Tens of thousands of children unaccompanied by parents or relatives are flooding across the southern U.S. border illegally, forcing the Obama administration and Congress to grapple with both a humanitarian crisis and a budget dilemma. An estimated 60,000 such children will pour into the United States this year, according to the administration, up from about 6,000 in 2011. Now, Washington is trying to figure out how to pay for their food, housing and transportation once they are taken into custody. The flow is expected to grow. The number of unaccompanied, undocumented immigrants who are under 18 will likely double in 2015 to nearly 130,000 and cost U.S. taxpayers $2 billion, ...

Smartest State in the USA
Post Date: 2014-05-28 07:33:58 by Ada
WUA – “WHY NOT”........It’s the law that’s why! Missouri has no illegals, go figure...shouldn't the other states do the same? Missouri 's approach to the problem of illegal immigration appears to be more advanced, sophisticated, strict and effective than anything to date in Arizona . Does the White House appreciate what Missouri has done? So, why doesn't Missouri receive attention? Answer: There are no illegals in Missouri to demonstrate. The "Show Me" state has again shown us how it should be done. There needs to be more publicity and exposure regarding what Missouri has done. Please pass this around. In 2007, Missouri placed on the ...

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