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UKIP leader Nigel Farage in radio gaffe
Post Date: 2014-05-17 11:57:09 by Deasy
Nigel Farage was humiliated in a disastrous radio interview today on a black Friday for UKIP. A frantic party spin doctor interrupted the live broadcast in a desperate bid to save the party leader from a mauling over his ugly remarks about migrants. A rattled Mr Farage could not explain why he feels “uncomfortable” hearing foreign languages on trains in Britain given his wife Kirsten is German. “I don’t suppose she speaks it on the train,” he floundered. When LBC radio presenter James O’Brien followed that by asking why he objects to Romanian migrants but not Germans like his own family, Mr Farage snapped: “You know the difference.” UKIP’s ...

NM State Rep: Don’t Vote For White Candidates
Post Date: 2014-05-14 23:38:18 by Horse
Rep. says that “unsuspecting Democratic leaders” are supporting “Anglo Democrats with egos as big as Texas” In seeking support for two Democrats running for state House seats, a New Mexico state representative sent an e-mail to supporters Monday urging them not to vote for the other “Anglo Democrat” candidates in the primaries. The New Mexico State Capitol in Santa Fe. Credit: Jena G. / Wiki The New Mexico State Capitol in Santa Fe. Credit: Jena G. / Wiki In the e-mail, Rep. Miguel Garcia (D-Albuquerque) enthusiastically backed both Frank Otero and Andrew Barreras in their bids for House seats, but under a section of the e-mail entitled “Treachery in ...

Mexican Cartel Allegedly Hired MS-13 To Carry Out Torture Operation In Minnesota
Post Date: 2014-05-09 01:43:37 by Horse
The Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area is a long way away from the home turf of Mexico’s Sinaloa drug cartel, but that didn’t stop three cartel enforcers from making their way up the region in an attempt to hunt down two teenagers they accused of stealing drugs and money from a stash house. The three enforcers were allegedly sent from Los Angeles to St. Paul on orders from the Sinaloa cartel to find the people who stole 30 pounds of methamphetamine and $200,000 from a stash house in St. Paul. The two teens that the cartel hit men snagged were tortured, had their lives and that that of their families threatened and were told to find the missing drugs or come up with $300,000 ...

DHS Head: Changes To Immigration Enforcement Potentially Coming ‘Pretty Soon’
Post Date: 2014-04-28 17:11:19 by scrapper2
The Obama administration will announce “pretty soon” how it plans to remodel enforcement of the nation’s immigration laws and potentially “realign” deportation policies, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson told ABC News in an exclusive interview. This comes a month after President Obama asked Johnson to “conduct a review of practices” to ensure “we are carrying out these policies in the most humane way possible,” as a White House spokesman put it at the time. In an interview with ABC News’ Pierre Thomas for “This Week,” Johnson said the enforcement of immigration laws “needs to comport with American values.” ...

GOP Reps press DHS on the agency’s release of criminal aliens
Post Date: 2014-04-12 14:07:59 by scrapper2
Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee are pushing the Department of Homeland Security for more information about the thousands of criminal aliens that the agency has captured and released back into the United States. The members’ request come on the heels of a report, based on internal data from Immigration and Customs Enforcement, that found ICE charged only 195,000, or 25 percent, out of 722,000 potentially deportable aliens they encountered. Further, the report, from the conservative Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), revealed that ICE released convicted criminal aliens 68,000 times in 2013. cis.org/catch-and-release Texas Republican Lamar Smith had requested some of ...

‘Anchor Baby’ Outrage: Americans Pay BILLIONS for Illegal Alien Births
Post Date: 2014-04-10 20:35:55 by X-15
If Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto’s wife gave birth in a Washington, D.C. hospital, no one would ever argue that the child was an American citizen. Similarly, it is ludicrous to state that a Mexican citizen, such as the woman in the story below, who illegally swims across the Rio Grande in labor and gives birth in a Texas hospital, has sired an American citizen. But that’s what we currently do, because of a shameful perversion of the 14th Amendment. Some inaccuracies in the video. It grossly underestimates the annual costs for U.S. taxpayers, and the impact on hospitals. Medicaid alone paid $2.2 billion last year to partially reimburse hospitals for unpaid illegal ...

(Republican) Governor of Wyoming plans to flood state with high risk Congolese refugees at taxpayer expense
Post Date: 2014-04-07 13:01:30 by X-15
The Federal government gives US tax dollars to non-profit organizations to import super high risk “refugees” from countries like Somalia. Most “refugees” come from nations that rank among the lowest in IQ, and among the highest in violent crime. Hundreds of thousands of these refugees have now been imported to cities all over America. Most of them live on welfare. Crime rate explode wherever they are settled. Often, these refugees are given a free pass to commit minor crimes with impunity. The Federal government has made it extremely difficult and costly to prosecute them if they pretend they can’t speak English. Refugees quickly learn to pretend like they speak no ...

California Immigrant Deportations Plummet After TRUST Act
Post Date: 2014-04-07 00:15:27 by scrapper2
SAN DIEGO (CBS/AP) — Far fewer immigrants arrested by California law enforcement are being turned over to federal authorities for deportation since a new state law went into effect in January. The law was pushed by immigrant advocates and directs law enforcement agencies to more quickly release those without serious criminal records rather than hold them so federal officials can take them into custody for deportation proceedings. Already, according to a review by The Associated Press, the new law appears to be having a big impact in slowing deportations at a time when President Barack Obama is looking to ease immigration enforcement policies nationwide and appease immigrant advocates ...

Sharia Sweden: Swedish Newspaper Hacks Disqus, Goes to Commenters’ Homes with Cameramen
Post Date: 2014-04-05 07:13:52 by Ada
SWEDEN JIHAD 63 Comments Sweden was once wealthy, beautiful, and modern. But all that has changed. It has become as totalitarian as Saudi Arabia or Iran. Their immigration policies have overwhelmed the culture and the treasury of the Swedes. One U.N. report says that Sweden will soon be a third-world nation.The worse it gets, the more restrictions there are on freedom and speech. Strict enforcement of the blasphemy laws under the sharia — “do not criticize or insult Islam.”This video is chilling. One of Sweden’s biggest newspapers, Expressen, used criminal hackers to break into Disqus and get the email addresses and identities of commenters online, and to reveal the ...

NEW YORK TIMES On Amnesty: Cheap Labor Profiteering Millionaires Need Your Help!
Post Date: 2014-04-03 02:03:46 by Gentile Defense League
Last Sunday, The New York Times published a front-page article about the heartfelt need of California farmers for more illegal aliens. [California Farmers Short of Labor, and Patience, By Jennifer Medina, March 29, 2014] The first tip-off that heinous public policy ideas were coming was that the Times introduced farmer Chuck Herrin, owner of a farm-labor contracting company, as a "lifelong Republican." That's Times-speak for "liberal." Herrin admitted that he employs a lot of illegal aliens and bitterly complained that they lived in fear of "Border Patrol and deportations." (But, apparently, he doesn't live in fear of admitting he's violating our ...

Diversity Is Strength! It’s Also…Hispanic Immigrants Taking Over FBI’s Ten Most Wanted
Post Date: 2014-04-01 12:42:06 by Gentile Defense League
You have to wonder why MS-13 gangbanger Juan Elias Garcia, who landed on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted List last week, surrendered just one day later in Nicaragua? [Long Island murder suspect on FBI list arrested in Nicaragua, ABC, March 28, 2014] Then again, maybe not. Garcia may well expect President Barack Obama to free him from jail, then give him Amnesty, even if the Salvadoran murder suspect is a child killer. In 2010, authorities allege, Garcia murdered Vanessa Argueta, 19, and her 2- year-old son, Diego Torres. As the FBI explained it: According to prior court filings and testimony introduced during two recent MS- 13 racketeering trials, Garcia was involved in a romantic ...

Why the Hispanic Media Are Biased and What to Do About It
Post Date: 2014-03-31 23:09:58 by Horse
In one of the most interesting exchanges leading up to the 2012 presidential election, an anchor made a name for himself by challenging President Barack Obama to defend his record on immigration. At the height of the tense exchange, the anchor pressed the president to explain why he hadn’t fulfilled his promise to enact comprehensive immigration reform: “You promised that….And a promise is a promise….And with all due respect, you did not keep that promise.” That was Jorge Ramos, the anchor for Univision’s nightly news broadcast. And although he may not be as well-known as other television personalities, Matt Drudge of the influential Drudge Report recently ...

Stephen Colbert And The Rise (And Coming Fall) Of The White Minstrel Show
Post Date: 2014-03-31 13:21:36 by Gentile Defense League
Stephen Colbert, host of Comedy Central’s The Colbert Report, is a Culture War collaborator. Though he is a white male, he has built a lucrative career mocking his own. But even a cable Quisling is vulnerable to a multicultural witch-hunt, and now Colbert is being threatened by the same forces he exploited for so long. [The Campaign to “Cancel” Colbert, by Jay Caspian Kang, March 30, 2014] Colbert was just a minor comedic celebrity until he became a key cast member on Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show, which achieved must-see-TV status among liberal whites and SWPLs during the presidency of George W. Bush. Stewart’s comedic technique alternately consisted of playing ...

Hundreds of children abandoned en route to US: Mexico
Post Date: 2014-03-30 02:29:24 by Horse
Mexico City (AFP) - Authorities in Mexico have found more than 370 children dumped by people smugglers while trying to make their way into the United States. The National Institute of Migration (INM) said the huge number of children, from different nations in Central America, were discovered in just a single one-week period in March. The figure included some 163 children who were abandoned because they were not traveling with an adult family member or an acquaintance, the INM said in a statement. In many cases, the children had been left in dangerous or difficult transit points by guides who had been paid between $3,000 and $5,000, it said. The children were found between March 17 and ...

Navigators Enrolling People at Mexican Consulates...
Post Date: 2014-03-27 15:36:46 by Horse
The Obama administration has been helping to facilitate a series of events nationwide at Mexican Consulate offices to enroll people in Obamacare – and a key activist says the efforts are “our responsibility” regardless of citizenship.

Post Date: 2014-03-24 00:39:19 by Gentile Defense League
In a constituent meeting gone awry that was captured on shaky, amateur video, embattled Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC) berated a group of local activists who oppose amnesty legislation, suggesting they were racist and saying they didn't have “any damn facts.” “You're telling me what people have told you? You don't have any damn facts!” Ellmers exploded at one of the activists when he said that employers – who often claim a labor shortage to argue for amnesty – frequently don't post job openings in that region. “Facts – numbers. Facts – documents,” Ellmers lectured, her voice dripping with disdain. She went on to attribute the ...

data shows millions of americans falling out of the workforce
Post Date: 2014-03-17 14:11:28 by Horse
The number of native-born, working-age Americans who aren’t working has shot up by almost 9 million since 2007, and by almost 15 million since 2000, according to a new report by the Center for Immigration Studies, a group that favors reduced immigration. By late 2012, roughly 50 million native-born working-age Americans weren’t working, up from roughly 36 million in 2000, according to the March 13 report, titled “Still No Evidence of a Labor Shortage.” The army of idle Americans is important for the immigration debate, because advocates for greater immigration say foreign workers are needed to fill slots that can’t be taken by Americans. The 50 million idle ...

Becoming the Party of Work How the GOP can help struggling Americans, and itself
Post Date: 2014-03-15 09:42:24 by Southern Style
March 13, 2014Becoming the Party of WorkHow the GOP can help struggling Americans, and itself By Senator Jeff Sessions According to a new Washington Post/ABC News poll, seven in ten voters believe that the Republican party is “out of touch with the concerns of most people in the United States today.” What follows is a plan for how the GOP can win back their trust — and a build a conservative majority in the process. But first, a little history. When Americans went to the polls in 2012, the following was true: Work-force participation had sunk to its lowest level in 35 years, wages had fallen below 1999 levels, and 47 million Americans were on food stamps. Yet Mitt Romney, ...

Man (Illegal Alien) planning to sue his rescuers possibly in the country illegally
Post Date: 2014-03-14 14:05:36 by Horse
The man who is planning to sue the rescuers who saved his life from a submerged car for $500,000 is likely in the country illegally, according to a comment given by the man’s lawyer to Fox News’ Gretchen Carlson. Colorado rescuers saved Roy Ortiz from a submerged car in September, but now, Ortiz and his lawyer Ed Ferszt have filed an intent to sue the very first responders who saved Ortiz’s life. Why? Because they believe the rescue took two hours because the divers did not know Ortiz was alive in the flipped car. “Of course he was thankful because those divers did have a major role to play in saving his life that day,” Ferszt told Denver’s ABC affiliate ...

L.A. and Orange counties are an epicenter of overcrowded housing
Post Date: 2014-03-10 19:25:31 by Dakmar
Sixteen-year-old Monica buried her face in a pillow, trying to rest for school the next day, as the clock ticked past 11 p.m. Sleep was a battle in the tiny apartment. Hunched at the other end of the family's only mattress, two of her brothers played a video game while a third lounged next to her, watching virtual soccer players skitter on screen. Her 2-year-old niece toddled barefoot near the door, toying with a pile of pennies. In all, seven people live in this wedge of space in Historic South-Central, including Monica's mother and the mother of the little girl — the longtime girlfriend of one of her brothers. They squeeze into an apartment roughly the size of a two-car ...

California Housing Bubble: Now Even Teachers Can No Longer Afford To Buy A Home
Post Date: 2014-02-28 17:11:36 by Horse
Teachers are the symbol of the American middle class: they’re educated, they’re crucial to society, they help mold the future of America. In California, the average salary of the 300,000 or so elementary, middle, and high school teachers was 123.7% of the national average for the 2011-12 school year, according to the National Education Association, in fifth place among all 50 states and Washington DC. They currently earn on average $69,300. Not exactly a pittance. But it’s a ludicrous pittance if they’re trying to buy a home in California where the Fed has succeeded in blowing another fabulous housing bubble. This time, it wasn’t the middle class who live and work ...

Obama eases penalties for businesses hiring illegal immigrants
Post Date: 2014-02-27 03:05:36 by scrapper2
he Obama administration regularly cuts a break for businesses that hire illegal immigrants, reducing their fines by an average of 40 percent from what they should be, according to an audit released Tuesday that suggests the government could be doing more to go after unscrupulous employers. According to the audit, conducted by the Homeland Security Department’s inspector general, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement cut one business’s fine from $4.9 million to slightly more than $1 million — a 78 percent drop. Investigators said the reduction is legal, but it may be undercutting the administration’s goal of getting tough on businesses that hire illegal immigrants. ...

America and the Great Racial Divide
Post Date: 2014-02-18 18:32:26 by Horse
The following essay was written by filmmaker Merlin Miller, the American Third Position Party’s 2012 presidential nominee. America’s demographics are being radically altered – setting the stage for serious civil strife with potential for state succession and national dissolution into small, ethnically distinct nation-states. This is not happening by accident, but by design. It is only one part of a comprehensive plan to destroy traditional nations and create an unnatural, enslaved world, where citizens answer to an all powerful New World Order. The American “empire” is being sacrificed for this end. However, the American republic is not quite dead and those of us ...

Norway to follow in Switzerland’s footsteps with immigration vote?
Post Date: 2014-02-12 12:05:16 by Gentile Defense League
Inspired by Switzerland’s immigration vote, which has infuriated the European Union, one of Norway’s ruling parties is calling for the country to hold its own referendum on limiting immigration from the EU. On Sunday, Switzerland voted 50.3 percent in favor of re-introducing strict quotas for immigrants from the EU, thus scrapping the policy of free movement within the 28-nation bloc. The surprise choice sent shockwaves across Europe, with Brussels threatening to reconsider its relations with Switzerland and anti-immigration activists applauding the result. “I won't take a stance on such a quota system that the Swiss people have voted for. But the idea of a referendum ...

Hate in the Heartland: Anti-illegal-immigrant law upheld by voters in Fremont, Nebr. (alternate title)
Post Date: 2014-02-12 01:35:30 by X-15
"The rednecks of Fremont--Klansmen every one of them--just spat in the eyes of the City Council, the Chamber of Commerce, and tbe forces of Love, Tolerance and Progress." FREMONT, Neb. --- They won, but they say the fight isn't over. For the second time in four years Tuesday, Fremont voters went to the ballot box to stop illegal immigrants from renting housing in their community. Voters resoundingly rejected an attempt to strip provisions of a controversial ordinance that thrust Fremont to the forefront of the national immigration policy debate. Final, unofficial results showed the attempt failed 60 percent to 40 percent. "This is not final, in any regard,'' ...

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