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Welcome to London
Post Date: 2013-07-21 10:59:45 by Horse
Poster Comment:Voluntary program to send immigrants home.

News McCain: I Don't Know How Many Passports We Let You Forge
Post Date: 2013-07-19 12:03:50 by Horse
Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.), a member of the “Gang of Eight” that helped write and pass the immigration reform bill in that chamber, said he did not know how many passports a person could forge under the proposed law before being charged with a crime. On Capitol Hill on Wednesday, CNSNews.com asked McCain, “Senator McCain, can I ask you a question about the Senate immigration bill? Under the bill, how many passports can someone forge before it becomes a crime?” McCain said, “You’re going to have to ask our folks that, I don't think that we stand for any forgeries CNSNews.com followed-up, “Can you tell me why that would be part of the bill in the ...

Boehner endorses push for citizenship for children of illegal immigrants
Post Date: 2013-07-17 21:53:59 by X-15
Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) on Wednesday offered an endorsement for a proposal to grant citizenship to children who were brought to the U.S. illegally by their parents. “This is about basic fairness,” Boehner said one week after convening a two-hour meeting to discuss immigration with his conference. “These children were brought here of no accord of their own, and frankly they’re in a very difficult position,” he said. “And I think many of our members believe that this issue needs to be addressed.” Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) and Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) are crafting a bill to deal with children brought to the U.S. ...

Rubio Was Paid $3 Million To Betray His Supporters
Post Date: 2013-07-17 20:56:44 by Big Meanie
Objectively, the past few months have been extremely costly for Marco Rubio’s reputation. He now has a record of directly and repeatedly lying to major Talk Show hosts about the contents of the Amnesty/Immigration Acceleration Bill, along the way turning in such shockingly weak performances from a narrowly technical point of view that professional observers began to question his intellectual capability and sagacity. Also of telling Spanish speakers a different story from the dumb Anglos. And of course there is the matter of his total betrayal of his supporters. Perhaps this does not matter Rubio. His behavior has earned him $3 million. In the second quarter of 2013, Rubio brought ...

The Labour Party’s immigration treason: Selling out the White working class (Britain)
Post Date: 2013-07-15 03:24:29 by Big Meanie
Mandelson’s Mandate The British Labour party is part of a criminal elite that hates and wants to destroy ordinary British Whites. But that elite can’t do the job on its own. That’s why New Labour brought in foreign troops to wage war on its own supporters. During their thirteen years of power, Labour criminals and traitors like Peter “Prince of Darkness” Mandelson lied about what the party was doing. Nowadays, the Prince is owning up to his Machiavellian schemes. Or maybe he’s just gloating about them: Immigrants? We sent out search parties to get them to come… and made it hard for Britons to get work, says Mandelson • Former minister admits ...

DHS’ Napolitano Leaves Legacy of Corruption, Lies, Lawsuits, and Waste
Post Date: 2013-07-14 11:40:58 by Ada
Many were surprised at Janet Napolitano’s announcement that she will leave her position as Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) at the end of August to become president of the University of California. Chosen from more than 300 candidates vying for the position, Napolitano managed to keep her interest in that position, and her successful bid for it, from the public until Friday. She issued the usual departure appreciation statement: I thank President Obama for the chance to serve our nation during this important chapter in our history. And I know the Department of Homeland Security will continue to perform its important duties with the honor and focus that the ...

The 68 Senators Who Voted To Destroy America
Post Date: 2013-07-01 00:08:54 by Horse
Make no mistake about it. The vote to give Amnesty to 30 million illegal aliens already here plus the millions that will come here in the future will destroy America. We have a deficit of 4 trillion dollars on infrastructure repairs that needs to be addressed before we increase our population with low paid unskilled workers. We also have a 22% unemployment rate. And we have a trillion dollar structural deficit that cannot be reduced by adding 30 to 50 million people to those eligible for benefits. There is a provision which gives employers a subsidy for health care for illegal aliens. This will give businesses an incentive to hire illegals and firing citizens. Obamacare has already shifted ...

Passage of the Amnesty Bill Will Spell the End of Our Republic
Post Date: 2013-06-30 22:43:51 by Southern Style
Passage of the Amnesty Bill Will Spell the End of Our Republic By (guest writer) James Simpson: On Monday, June 24, 2013, the U.S. Senate passed a cloture motion (which ends debate) on the Schumer-Corker-Hoeven Amendment to the Gang of Eight’s horrifying illegal alien amnesty bill – mislabeled “immigration reform.” The true purpose of this amnesty proposal is to capture future votes for the Democratic Party. Those who do not acknowledge that blatantly obvious fact either suffer from some debilitating mental illness or are working for the other side. On rare occasions, even the Left admit the objective. Eliseo Medina, the honorary Chair of the Democratic Socialists of ...

American Patrol website closed
Post Date: 2013-06-30 16:21:09 by Big Meanie
"Site Down Permanently" No explanation given.

Immigrants could be economic game changers in St. Louis
Post Date: 2013-06-29 16:50:39 by Dakmar
ST. LOUIS (KSDK) - Immigrants are game changers to a thriving, surviving St. Louis. That's what city and county leaders believe and they're putting their money and energy behind it to prove it. They said immigrants pay taxes. Those dollars fix roads, keep schools open and homes in neighborhood occupied. Mayor Slay sent Senator McCaskill and other federal lawmakers a letter two days ago telling her and other senators and their counterparts in the House to pass immigration reform so immigrants can stream through St. Louis' open doors. The Senate passed immigration reform on Thursday afternoon. The House will now have to decide whether it will or not. "It's ...

S.744 Passes Senate—Pyrrhic Victory For Treason Lobby
Post Date: 2013-06-28 13:15:03 by Big Meanie
The Treason Lobby won a Pyrrhic victory on Thursday, passing the nation-breaking Amnesty/ Immigration Surge bill through the Senate. This widely-anticipated action led to predictable Main Stream Media ululations, maudlin sentimentality, and veiled racial threats against the historic American nation on the part of the governing class and its clients. But patriots should not be cowed: there is real cause for optimism. The fact that Amnesty has passed the Senate means little in itself—it did that years ago. As Jim Antle notes on Twitter, “There has been 60 to 70 Senate votes for some form of comprehensive immigration reform since 2005.” So the whole point of the current full ...

Arizona Voters Look To Recall Sens. McCain & Flake Following Amnesty Vote
Post Date: 2013-06-27 17:49:23 by Southern Style
Arizona Voters Look To Recall Sens. McCain & Flake Following Amnesty Vote googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-1371227759909-0"); }); A new website is calling for a grassroots effort to recall Arizona Senators Jeff Flake and John McCain. The recall petitions are based firmly on the grounds of the Senators’ support of the  Immigration Reform Amnesty Bill. The two “Gang of Eight” Senators have chosen to turn their backs on those who voted them into office and it is high time that Arizona gets their payback on the two RINO Senators. The website, senatorflake.com, is very simple. They are not begging for donations and do not ...

Peter Brimelow WND's Column On Student Loan Crisis: Gang Of 8 Plans Further Immiseration Of New College Graduates
Post Date: 2013-06-26 16:31:01 by Ada
Great news! Another bursting debt bubble is about to take down the U.S. economy. And the Schumer-Rubio Amnesty/Immigration Surge bill, now being debated in the Senate, is perfectly designed to make the situation worse! This time, the culprit is not reckless mortgage lending, which led to massive defaults and a real-estate crash that nearly wrecked the world economy in 2008. Instead, now the culprit is student loans—amazingly, they’re now getting to be about as large in total as the subprime mortgage market at its peak in 2007 ($1.3 trillion); they already exceed total credit card debt ($798 billion). And student default rates are creeping up into the same range as the default ...

Can Sean Hannity Learn That Amnesty Is Wrong? Maybe.
Post Date: 2013-06-26 14:39:01 by Big Meanie
Is Fox News host Sean Hannity gradually stepping back from his idiotic support for amnesty [2]? Perhaps instructive discussions with more intelligent persons like Ann Coulter [3] and Pat Buchanan [4] have had some positive effect. Recent segments dealing with illegal alien amnesty to repopulate America with Spanish-speaking Democrats have shown Hannity becoming somewhat less concerned with the well-being of foreign intruders. Has he figured out that rewarding illegality is always bad public policy [5]? Maybe Sean has noticed the bill itself is a pack of lies [6], designed to mislead the gullible. Even Bill Kristol, a seriously open-borders Republican now recommends Senators vote ...

India warns over UK plan to make visitors pay £3,000 bond
Post Date: 2013-06-26 05:02:33 by scrapper2
Indian business leaders have criticised plans to make visitors pay a £3,000 "security bond" to enter the UK. The idea, to be piloted from November, is aimed at deterring people from "high risk" countries staying in the UK once their short-term visas expire. Under the plan, they would forfeit the money unless they left when required. The Confederation of Indian Industry said it was "highly discriminatory" but Home Secretary Theresa May defended the "selective" approach to migration. Indian business leaders have criticised plans to make visitors pay a £3,000 "security bond" to enter the UK. The idea, to be piloted from ...

Does the American Taxpayer Even Stand a Chance? Elizabeth Cowan
Post Date: 2013-06-23 19:35:32 by Southern Style
Does the American Taxpayer Even Stand a Chance? Elizabeth Cowan google_ad_client = "pub-4560167926987914"; google_ad_width = 300; google_ad_height = 250; google_ad_format = "300x250_as"; google_ad_type = "text_image"; //2006-11-22: AT - Articles - 300 by 250 google_ad_channel = "0110545599"; google_color_border = "336699"; google_color_bg = "FFFFFF"; google_color_link = "999966"; google_color_text = "000000"; google_color_url = "003399"; //--> In May of 2012, a concerned taxpayer approached Indianapolis NBC affiliate Investigative television reporter Bob Segall concerning a ...

IRS Sent $46,378,040 in Refunds to 23,994 ‘Unauthorized’ Aliens at 1 Atlanta Address
Post Date: 2013-06-23 12:27:58 by Southern Style
IRS Sent $46,378,040 in Refunds to 23,994 ‘Unauthorized’ Aliens at 1 Atlanta Address June 21, 2013 - 4:18 PM By Terence P. Jeffrey (CNSNews.com) - The Internal Revenue Service sent 23,994 tax refunds worth a combined $46,378,040 to “unauthorized” alien workers who all used the same address in Atlanta, Ga., in 2011, according to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA). That was not the only Atlanta address theoretically used by thousands of “unauthorized” alien workers receiving millions in federal tax refunds in 2011. In fact, according to a TIGTA audit report published last year, four of the top ten addresses to which the IRS sent ...

MUST READ! Exposing Matt Lewis’ Pro-Mass Immigration “Motives and Canards”
Post Date: 2013-06-22 23:04:05 by Southern Style
Exposing Matt Lewis’ Pro-Mass Immigration “Motives and Canards” By James Kirkpatrick on June 21, 2013 at 11:40pm  Whatever the outcome of the “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” a.k.a. Amnesty/ Immigration Surge battle in Congress, Conservatism Inc. has already lost. The only way the Beltway Right could get the immigration issue “behind” it is if there were no debate within the conservative movement in the country. But the conservative grassroots have decisively turned against Rubio, McCain, Graham, and their collaborators. And so Conservatism Inc. has turned against the grassroots. The Daily Caller’s Matt Lewis [Email him] epitomized ...

Ted Cruz Launches National Petition Against Gang of Eight's Bill
Post Date: 2013-06-20 20:10:30 by Southern Style
Ted Cruz Launches National Petition Against Gang of Eight's Bill by Tony Lee 20 Jun 2013, 2:04 PM PDT 573 post a comment Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) launched a national petition on Thursday to stop the Senate Gang of Eight's amnesty bill and send Washington a "strong signal" of the grassroots opposition to the bill.  "This is urgent," Cruz wrote in an e-mail to supporters. "We must stop this Gang of 8 immigration bill, which would give amnesty to an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants with no guarantee of a secure border."  "The Senate debate is in the final stages and we need to send Washington a strong signal of the ...

Illegal Immigration: Elite Illiberality. The elite charm of comprehensive immigration reform.
Post Date: 2013-06-20 01:47:31 by Big Meanie
The divide over immigration reform is not primarily a Left/Right or Democratic/Republican divide; instead, it cuts, and sharply so, across class lines.Elites blur the distinction between legal and illegal immigration to ensure that the opponents of the latter appear to be against the former. They talk grandly of making legal immigration meritocratic, but fall silent when asked to what degree. They talk darkly of racist subtexts in the arguments of their opponents, but skip over the overt ethnic chauvinism of proponents of amnesty; they decry conservative paranoia over a new demography, but never liberal euphoria over just such a planned reset. They talk deprecatingly of rubes who do not ...

The US Supreme Court Voted 7 To 2 For A Racial Civil War
Post Date: 2013-06-19 12:50:54 by Horse
Chief Justice John Roberts has been accused of breaking the tie and voting with the liberals to approve Obamacare due to NSA wiretaps. He has now voted to destroy America by allowing illegal aliens to vote 2, 3 or even 5 or 6 times in American elections. Sibel Edmonds said that when she was at the FBI agents would do background checks on judicial nominees so the ones who were guilty of felonies could be approved to sit on the bench. Honest men and women were denied the appointment. When Justice Sonia Sotomayor was nominated for the Supreme Court, 187 news outlets were contacted with detailed information about her participation in a ring of federal judges who personally profited from rigging ...

More Lies From Marco Rubio
Post Date: 2013-06-15 02:25:17 by Big Meanie
Marco RINO has another Big Lie in defense of his amnesty legislation. Now the party line is that we need amnesty because the $2,000.00 that the illegal aliens will pay to legalize will be paying for a border fence. The Examiner June 14, 2013 by Byron York Marco Rubio: We Need To Legalize Immigrants So They Can Pay For Border Security Why is it necessary to legalize the roughly 11 million currently-illegal immigrants in the U.S. before newly enhanced border security and internal enforcement measures are in place? Sen. Marco Rubio, the leading Republican on the Senate’s Gang of Eight, says part of the reason is that the federal government can’t afford to secure the border on ...

Alleged Mexican cartel member reportedly confesses to 30 killings across United States
Post Date: 2013-06-15 00:36:21 by scrapper2
An alleged member of multiple Mexican drug cartels reportedly confessed to more than 30 killings across the United States. Jose Manuel Martinez allegedly admitted to the killings while being questioned by police about his connection to another murder in Alabama, police announced Thursday. Authorities say they have connected him to 10 murders in California and two in Florida, MyFoxAl.com reported. Police were able to track down 51-year-old Martinez after he was picked up in Arizona as he attempted to cross into the U.S., the station reported. He was extradited to Alabama where he made the alleged confessions. Martinez allegedly said he killed while collecting drug-related debts in ...

About that Glenn Beck 'tube
Post Date: 2013-06-13 10:17:37 by Jethro Tull
Revolt Among Republicans on Immigration Bill: 70 House Members Risk Careers in Planned Showdown With LeadershipJun. 13, 2013 9:29am Madeleine Morgenstern (function(){ try{ TBZ.shareTools.init('.social-tools, .tools'); TBZ.shareTools.setupHandlers();} catch(e){ jQuery.tbzWarning('shareTools >> '+e); } } )(jQuery); Seventy House Republicans are planning a politically risky showdown with Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) to try to force additional debate on an immigration bill they say will mean amnesty for illegal immigrants and have dire consequences for the country. The 70 members are petitioning for a special Republican conference meeting on the bill, a “highly ...

UFO Alien Disclosure by Canadian Minister of Defense
Post Date: 2013-06-08 15:45:42 by X-15

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