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Latest Articles: Immigration

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What the FBI Wants to Hide From You In Their 2011 Gang Threat Assessment
Post Date: 2012-12-28 16:32:48 by Horse
What information from its most recent gang threat assessment does the FBI want to keep only for the eyes of law enforcement? Thanks to the publication of the full “law enforcement sensitive” version of the assessment on the website of the California Gang Investigator’s Association, we now know the answer to that question. The full version of the document contains approximately twenty additional pages of information regarding gang threats across the country including details on the incredible proliferation of Mexican drug trafficking organizations into collaborative relationships with U.S. street gangs. Most of the content derived from non-public reporting sources, such as FBI ...

Judge Napolitano on the 'Maternity Motel': 14th Amendment...
Post Date: 2012-12-13 17:04:06 by GreyLmist
Poster Comment:Maternity Motels Are Constitutional, says Andrew Napolitano December 3, 2012 He said, “Our rights are natural and our rights are a gift from God. It doesn’t matter where your mother was when you were born. Stated another way, I think that anybody can go anywhere they want to get born, any where their mother is accepted and the government has no right to interfere with that.” ??? Defend Liberty, Draft Judge Napolitano For President In 2016 12/04/2012 Next week, Revolution PAC will announce the formation of a committee to draft Napolitano [sic] in 2016 for President of the United States. The Committee will launch its Draft-The-Judge Campaign with a ...

Post Date: 2012-12-12 16:29:46 by freepatriot32
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sen. Robert Menendez employed as an unpaid intern in his Senate office an illegal immigrant who was a registered sex offender, now under arrest by immigration authorities, The Associated Press has learned. The Homeland Security Department instructed federal agents not to arrest him until after Election Day, a U.S. official involved in the case told the AP. Luis Abrahan Sanchez Zavaleta, an 18-year-old immigrant from Peru, was arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents in front of his home in New Jersey on Dec. 6, two federal officials said. Sanchez, who entered the country on a now-expired visitor visa from Peru, is facing deportation and remains in custody. ...

Illegal Immigrant Receives Free Kidney Transplant
Post Date: 2012-12-11 08:34:08 by scrapper2
On Thursday, an illegal alien living in Illinois received a free kidney transplant paid for by Loyola University Medical Center. "Why can't we be treated the same?" said Jorge Mariscal, 24, after the operation. “Health care should be a human right, not a privilege. At least give us the chance to fight for our lives with dignity." Mr. Mariscal waited eight years for the kidney transplant. To cover the costs of his anti-rejection pills, Mr. Mariscal has applied for a Simon Bolivar Foundation grant. Our Lady of Guadalupe Mission in Little Village also held concerts and events that raised thousands of dollars. The pastor of the mission, Rev. Jose Landaverde, also led ...

Gun Gifts for Girlie Girls
Post Date: 2012-12-09 09:08:50 by Itistoolate
As long as there have been guns, there have been women shooters.  And they've made do with the guns and gear designed for men.  And why not?  It works.  And I'm the first to acknowledge that some women shooters have no desire, whatsoever, to carry a concealed handgun in a pink holster, or wear jewelry made from bullet casings.  But some do, and the list that follows is for them.All of these ideas com from GunGoddess.com, a retail site that might make the shopping easier.  This list is a bit random, and designed more to show the variety of what is available.  1.  Brightly Colored AR Furniture Tactical black can be so boring.  Why not ...

Why Hispanics Don't Vote for the GOP
Post Date: 2012-12-08 16:26:56 by scrapper2
The call for Republicans to discard their opposition to immigration amnesty will grow deafening in the wake of President Obama’s victory. Hispanics supported Obama by a margin of nearly 75 percent to 25 percent, and may have provided important margins in some swing states. If only Republicans relented on their Neanderthal views regarding the immigration rule of law, the message will run, they would release the inner Republican waiting to emerge in the Hispanic population. If Republicans want to change their stance on immigration, they should do so on the merits, not out of a belief that only immigration policy stands between them and a Republican Hispanic majority. It is not ...

Projecting Immigration’s Impact on the Size and Age Structure of the 21st Century American Population
Post Date: 2012-12-06 16:59:47 by scrapper2
Using data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau, this study first recreates the Bureau's most recent population projections. We then vary the level of net immigration (the difference between those coming and those leaving) to discern its impact on the U.S. population. The findings show that immigration makes for a much larger overall population, while having only a small effect on slowing the aging of American society. Among the findings: If immigration continues as the Census Bureau expects, the nation's population will increase from 309 million in 2010 to 436 million in 2050 — a 127 million (41 percent) increase. The projected increase of 127 million is larger than the ...

Immigrants Against Empire
Post Date: 2012-11-20 06:32:42 by Ada
How the dovish views of America's new ethnic communities could help the right make peace with multiculturalism. Nearly 40 years ago, Daniel Moynihan and Nathan Glazer wrote that “the immigration process is the single most important determinant of American foreign policy.” Immigration determined the ethnicity of the electorate to which our foreign policy responds. “It responds to other things as well, but first of all to the primary fact of ethnicity.” The two scholars did not elaborate, but probably had in mind the ferocious political conflicts over American intervention in World Wars I and II, in which an Anglo-American establishment eventually prevailed over ...

The Pussification of White America—how complete the process?
Post Date: 2012-11-15 04:50:33 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
The Pussification of White America—how complete the process? The absolute irrelevancy of the Republican Party—Observe! "Nationally elected Republican legislators, both Houses, and Fox News bloviators, on cue began calling for comprehensive immigration reform, a mask for amnesty for the 25-35 million illegal aliens (not the 11 million that the government lies about) nesting in our formerly preeminent republic. The results of the flowering Republican defection will prove to be very interesting. Will Republicans receive a net gain or net loss from the defection, e.g. will their trade-out for 3rd World amnesty replace their net loss of patriotic American citizens? ...

Momentum builds for U.S. immigration reform plan
Post Date: 2012-11-12 00:38:07 by X-15
(Reuters) - Two U.S. senators launched a fresh move to put together a bipartisan immigration reform plan on Sunday, restarting talks on a proposal that includes a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants already in the country. Since President Barack Obama was re-elected last week with overwhelming support from Hispanic voters, many Republicans have expressed a new willingness to work with Democrats to pass immigration reform after years of legislative inaction. Appearing on NBC's "Meet the Press," Democratic Senator Charles Schumer said he and Republican Senator Lindsey Graham have agreed to resume talks on immigration reform that broke off two years ago. "And I ...

Jewish rabbis rejoice over Islamization of Europe
Post Date: 2012-11-11 22:58:40 by Americans 1st
'Islamization of Europe a good thing' Rabbi Baruch Efrati believes Jews should 'rejoice at the fact that Europe is paying for what it did to us for hundreds of years by losing its identity.' He praises Islam for promoting modesty, respect for God As concerns grow over the increasing number of Muslims in Europe, it appears not everyone is bothered by the issue, including an Israeli rabbi who even welcomes the phenomenon. Rabbi Baruch Efrati, a yeshiva head and community rabbi in the West Bank settlement of Efrat, believes that the Islamization of Europe is actually a good thing. Terror Threat Europe's Muslim nightmare / Guy Bechor Op-ed: Europeans horrified to ...

Israel says halted African migration across Egypt border
Post Date: 2012-11-05 20:07:20 by X-15
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel has stopped the unapproved influx of African migrants across its once porous border with Egypt after months of intensive counter-measures, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday. More than 60,000 Africans, most of them men, have walked into the Jewish state in recent years seeking work or refuge. They have stirred fear for public order and demographics, coming under occasional racially-motivated street violence. The government has responded by erecting a heavily patrolled fence on the frontier with the Egyptian Sinai desert, pursuing legal penalties against Israelis who hire migrants without work permits and launching so far small-scale deportation ...

Taliban account of Syrian army hooligans
Post Date: 2012-11-05 03:48:45 by Tatarewicz
Tragedy In The Sugar Factory This story was told by a Sunni girl named Aishah in a Hospital in Istanbul, Turkey. Complemented with the information from one of the living witnesses. ... Date: 15 - 28th June 2011. Location: Jisr Al-Shughour Sugar Factory, North Syria, Sunni town, 20km from Turkey, Syrian border. On 14th June, the forces of Bashar rounded Jisr Al-Shughour with the formation of the 3,000 soldiers and 300 tanks, to raid the town the next day, i.e. on 15th June. The latest leaked news from the town was, nearly 30 people were killed and buried in the Sugar Factory, and then the top was layered with cements. The following days up to 28th June, the news about the incident in Jisr ...

What The Media Isn't Telling You About The Drug War
Post Date: 2012-10-31 12:52:26 by Horse
Poster Comment:Best info on Mexican drug wars and the US role in it.

DPS helicopter opens fire during chase; 2 (illegal invaders) dead
Post Date: 2012-10-26 18:23:03 by X-15
NEAR LA JOYA — A Texas Department of Public Safety sharpshooter opened fire on an evading vehicle loaded with suspected illegal immigrants, leaving at least two people dead, sources familiar with the investigation said. DPS spokeswoman Katherine Cesinger confirmed a DPS officer opened fire during the pursuit north of La Joya, but had no information as to whether the officer shot anyone inside the evading vehicle. “We do not want to speculate on any other issues at this time and have no further information,” Cesinger said in the email. However, law enforcement sources said troopers found three people shot inside once the smuggler’s vehicle stopped along Farm-to-Market ...

'Only immigrants can save Japan' (Former Tokyo Immigration Bureau chief)
Post Date: 2012-10-23 19:23:31 by X-15
Japan as we know it is doomed. Only a revolution can save it. What kind of revolution? Japan must become "a nation of immigrants." That's a hard sell in this notoriously closed country. Salesman-in-chief — surprisingly enough — is a retired Justice Ministry bureaucrat named Hidenori Sakanaka, former head of the ministry's Tokyo Immigration Bureau and current executive director of the Japan Immigration Policy Institute, a private think tank he founded in 2007. It's an unlikely resume for a sower of revolution. Sakanaka clearly sees himself as such. His frequent use of the word "revolution" suggests a clear sense of swimming against the current. ...

Sheriff: Teen raped, shot, left in river
Post Date: 2012-10-20 01:50:04 by Horse
LILLINGTON, N.C. (WTVD) -- Two men face charges in the alleged rape and shooting of a 17-year-old girl. Harnett County Sheriff Larry Rollins said the teen was found in the Cape Fear River near the North Carolina Highway 217 bridge just before 4 a.m. Sunday. "They had abducted her from her house where she was babysitting her 3-year-old sister. From there we understand now she was taken to the river where she was sexually assaulted. After the sexual assault had taken place, she was shot three times," Rollins said. Officials said the victim suffered gunshot wounds to the face, abdomen, and hand. She was taken to Betsy Johnson Memorial Hospital in Dunn and then airlifted to UNC ...

they.come.to.america. Full Movie
Post Date: 2012-10-19 22:17:21 by Horse

It's Official: Hispanic Immigrants Need Welfare
Post Date: 2012-09-25 17:39:05 by X-15
Shaun Donovan, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, admitted the obvious that Hispanic immigrants don't contribute to the economy and are dependent on welfare. The Examiner September 12, 2012 by Joel Gehrke HUD Secretary: Without Tax Hikes, Latinos Will Go To The 'Back Of The Line' http://washingtonexaminer.com/hu...om_click=rss#.UFT_aLKPX0d Congress must raise taxes on the wealthy "because there just isn't enough to go around," Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan told the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute today. "Latino growth has meant that often they're at the back of the line for housing assistance or other ...

Jeb Bush to Republicans: ‘Stop Acting Stupid’ on Immigration (Pushing Amnesty Yet Again)
Post Date: 2012-08-30 23:48:08 by hondo68
Tonight, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is addressing the Republican National Convention. Why is he being given that honor, you say? That is a good question, since he is at great odds with the party’s nominee, the party’s platform, and the American people on the issue of immigration, and continues to insult us on a weekly basis to pimp his pro-amnesty views that we have consistently rejected. At a forum on immigration, Bush said Republicans aren’t going to close the gap with Hispanic voters until they “stop acting stupid” by being too “tough” on “immigrants” (the usual code for illegal aliens). Bush said many Hispanic voters share the GOP’s ...

Mexican Drivers May Avoid Tolls on El Paso Toll Road
Post Date: 2012-08-29 01:07:56 by X-15
As El Paso prepares for its first toll lanes, officials in the border city are struggling with a question that, for geographical reasons, has been less of a concern in Dallas, Austin or Houston, where toll roads are prevalent and proliferating: Will Mexican drivers get a free ride? El Paso will have an electronic tolling system, the same kind that has replaced tollbooths in other parts of the state. Vehicles sporting toll tags are charged as they speed past electronic readers. Those without a tag are sent a bill in the mail. “What do you think is going to happen when we send those bills to Juárez?” El Paso Mayor John Cook asked at a transportation conference in Irving ...

Immigration Song
Post Date: 2012-08-22 21:30:31 by Horse

'Joe the Plumber': U.S. should build a fence on the Mexican border and 'start shooting'
Post Date: 2012-08-15 01:12:17 by hondo68
Samuel "Joe the Plumber" Wurzelbacher. Ohio Republican congressional candidate Samuel "Joe the Plumber" Wurzelbacher plunged into controversy this weekend in Arizona by delivering speeches where he said the United States needs to build a fence along the Mexican border and "start shooting." At a Prescott, Arizona fundraiser for Arizona State Sen. Lori Klein, Wurzelbacher applauded Klein's stance against illegal immigration as he denounced political correctness. "We're afraid to say anything because we are afraid someone will report it on the 5 o'clock news," said Wurzelbacher, of Holland. "For years, I've said put a damned fence ...

How you can become an illegal alien for fun and profit
Post Date: 2012-08-12 02:14:04 by Horse
This is an actual letter from an Iowa resident sent to his senator, Tom Harkin (Democrat) Dear Senator Harkin, As a native Iowan and excellent customer of the Internal Revenue Service, I am writing to ask for your assistance. I have contacted the Department of Homeland Security in an effort to determine the process for becoming an illegal alien and they referred me to you. My primary reason for wishing to change my status from U.S. Citizen to illegal alien stems from the bill which was recently passed by the Senate and for which you voted. If my understanding of this bill is accurate, as an illegal alien who has been in the United States for five years, all I need to do to become a ...

DHS to Border Patrol, ICE: Release violent aliens as 'Dreamers'
Post Date: 2012-07-29 23:22:25 by CadetD
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