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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Video: Under Obama illegal aliens are “no longer scared”
Post Date: 2011-04-26 12:50:45 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Illegal aliens are defiant under Obama Last month in Philadelphia, a group of young illegal aliens held a rally not only to demonstrate the fact that they are unapologetic about their illegal status but to show their lack of respect for and fear of federal immigration officials as well. One protester shouted in Spanish: “And we are here today to tell ICE and everyone else that we are no longer scared to go out. We are no longer scared to tell people we are undocumented.” Watch the video below to see how defiant illegal aliens have become under the Obama administration:

Four women, teenage girl found stripped with throats slashed in Acapulco beauty parlor
Post Date: 2011-04-25 18:28:50 by Horse
Mexico was stunned by a shocking new massacre Monday after four women and a teenage girl who worked in an Acapulco beauty parlor were found stripped and slaughtered. The 14-year-old and two of the women were found on the second floor of the shop Sunday with their hands bound - and their throats cuts. Two other victims were found elsewhere in the resort city - one dumped on a street behind a church and the other in an abandoned car. None of the slain women were identified; police said the teen had worked at the salon for just five days. A favorite stop for American tourists, Acapulco has been convulsed in recent months by violent turf wars between rival drug gangs that have left ...

The Ozarks
Post Date: 2011-04-25 15:08:33 by Turtle
Little crime, even less minorities, no fires...you get the picture.

Mark Shields: 'The Most Urgent Priority America Has Is To Find Jobs For Young Egyptians'
Post Date: 2011-04-24 19:03:58 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Mark Shields: 'The Most Urgent Priority America Has Is To Find Jobs For Young Egyptians' By Noel Sheppard | April 23, 2011 | 10:10 Out of the mouths of babes... On Friday's "Inside Washington," during a discussion about American foreign policy in the Middle East and Africa, PBS's Mark Shields actually said, "The most urgent priority that we have is to find jobs somehow, not simply for Americans, which is an urgent priority, but for young Egyptians" (video follows with transcript and commentary): CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: The administration's policy on Syria is incomprehensible. Sometimes you have to choose between a strategic ally, like say Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, and ...

Mexican Gangs Move to Honduras
Post Date: 2011-04-23 12:49:08 by Horse

Los Zetas Outmaneuver Mexican Military; Burn Border Town to the Ground
Post Date: 2011-04-23 01:32:47 by Horse
Yesterday, the criminal organization known as Los Zetas, managed to outmaneuver the Mexican military and penetrated Gulf Drug Cartel territory. In what appeared to be a carefully planned operation, Los Zetas lured the military outside the border town of Miguel Aleman, Mexico to fight them in rural areas and back roads while the military was pre-occupied trying to catch the criminals outside the border town, several Zeta convoys moved in from the west. An anonymous phone call was received by the military, mentioning that a battle between the Gulf Drug Cartel and Los Zetas was about to take place in Miguel Aleman. When the military turned its convoys around to head back to town, they were ...

The average criminal alien in California has been arrested seven times
Post Date: 2011-04-22 10:40:38 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
The average criminal alien in California has been arrested seven times Illegal aliens have California's prisons bursting at the seams. On Thursday, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report which shows that California’s illegal alien prison population has risen 17 percent since 2003, with the actual number of incarcerated aliens at 102,795 in 2009. With a largely unprotected border, the number is likely even higher today. The GAO also reports that each of California’s illegal alien inmates have an average of seven different arrests. According to GAO auditors, California spends $34,000 annually to incarcerate each illegal alien. In 2010, California ...

California's criminal alien population rises
Post Date: 2011-04-21 18:24:26 by Horse
The number of criminal aliens incarcerated in California rose to 102,795 in 2009, a 17 percent increase since 2003, federal auditors reported Thursday. This isn't cheap. Nationwide, the Government Accountability Office reports, it costs well over $1.1 billion a year for states to imprison criminal aliens -- those who committed a crime after entering the United States illegally. California, moreover, is more expensive than other states. GAO auditors estimated California spends $34,000 to incarcerate a criminal alien for one year; in Texas, it's only $12,000. The audit, requested by Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-San Jose, will provide ammunition for states' perennial effort to secure more ...

Trump, Palin, Huckabee FAIL - 2012 Presidential Hopefuls' Immigration Stances
Post Date: 2011-04-21 08:39:33 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
2012 Presidential Hopefuls' Immigration Stances WE ASSESS TRUMP & CAIN ON IMMIGRATION ISSUES AND FIND THE BUSINESSMEN LACKING Successful businessmen Donald Trump and Herman Cain have attracted a lot of attention in their own ways because of their announced interest in running for President in 2012. We have heard a lot of people claiming that both of these men provide some great hope for those of us looking for an end to illegal immigration and deep reductions in further legal immigration of workers to compete with unemployed Americans. We didn't find that hope. Not yet, anyway. • We can't give Cain higher than a D+. • And Trump is way down in the D-minus ...

Census: Hispanics surpass blacks in most US metros
Post Date: 2011-04-14 22:09:35 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
WASHINGTON (AP) - Hispanics now outnumber African-Americans for the first time in most U.S. metropolitan areas, shifting the political and racial dynamics in cities once dominated by whites and blacks. Census figures released Thursday highlight the growing diversity of the nation's 366 metro areas, which were home to a record 83.7 percent share of the U.S. population. The numbers from the 2010 count are already having a big effect on redistricting in many states, where district boundary lines are being redrawn based on population size and racial makeup. Hispanics became the largest minority group in 191 metropolitan areas last year, their population lifted higher as blacks left many ...

U.S. TAXPAYERS Pay To Upgrade Mexican Trucks
Post Date: 2011-04-12 17:45:31 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
U.S. Pays To Upgrade Mexican Trucks In the latest effort to accommodate its cherished trade partner in the south, the U.S. government is paying to upgrade outdated Mexican trucks that hemorrhage illegal amounts of exhaust on their trips north to deliver merchandise. The Mexican trucks enter the U.S. under a 17-year-old international trade pact known as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and they’ve created an air pollution crisis. The air quality in border towns has been especially impacted by the exorbitant levels of exhaust released by the Mexican trucks, which also fail to meet American safety standards.Since the Mexican truckers have no intention of fixing the ...

Court won't lift stay on SB 1070 (Arizona immigration law)
Post Date: 2011-04-12 12:58:23 by Big Meanie
A federal appeals court on Monday refused to lift a stay blocking major parts of Arizona’s immigration law from taking effect and said the federal government is likely to be able to prove the controversial law is unconstitutional. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals turned down an appeal filed by Gov. Jan Brewer. She had asked the appeals court to lift an injunction imposed by a federal judge in Phoenix the day before the law was to take effect on July 29, 2010. The U.S Justice Department sued to block the law, saying it violates the U.S. Constitution because enforcing immigration law is a federal issue. U.S. District Court Judge Susan Bolton issued an injunction preventing four ...

'No speak English. No service': Restaurant owner forced to take down sign after threats from local Mexican invaders
Post Date: 2011-04-10 14:00:25 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
'No speak English. No service': Restaurant owner forced to take down sign after threats Language barriers can often be a stumbling block for foreigners when they order food.So one restaurant owner in Lexington, North Carolina, decided to take the innovative step of putting up a sign saying: ‘No speak English. No service’ to avoid any problems.But Greg Simons has now taken down the notice at the Reedy Creek Diner, which also says staff ‘only speak and understand American’, after a deluge of complaints. Language problems: Greg Simons, owner of the Reedy Creek Diner in Lexington, North Carolina, put up a sign saying: 'No speak English. No service' ‘We ...

Most Illegal Immigrant Families Collect Welfare
Post Date: 2011-04-08 15:10:14 by X-15
Surprise, surprise; Census Bureau data reveals that most U.S. families headed by illegal immigrants use taxpayer-funded welfare programs on behalf of their American-born anchor babies. Even before the recession, immigrant households with children used welfare programs at consistently higher rates than natives, according to the extensive census data collected and analyzed by a nonpartisan Washington D.C. group dedicated to researching legal and illegal immigration in the U.S. The results, published this month in a lengthy report, are hardly surprising. Basically, the majority of households across the country benefitting from publicly-funded welfare programs are headed by immigrants, both ...

Video: Sheriff Babeu refutes Janet Napolitano’s claims of border safety
Post Date: 2011-04-08 13:49:56 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
On Thursday, Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu testified before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security about the dangers the residents of his county face due to our largely unprotected border with Mexico. Babeu told the committee: “This violence is not just coming here. It is here. People in my county do not feel the border is more secure than ever and we are 70 miles north.” Babeu also addressed Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano’s recent claim that “the border is better now than it ever has been.” He explained: “We need help out in Arizona. In anybody's scorecard, if the majority of people (illegal aliens) are getting through, that is a ...

57% of Immigrant Households with Children Receive Welfare
Post Date: 2011-04-05 18:07:46 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children: A Look at Cash, Medicaid, Housing, and Food Programs • Based on the latest data available, from 2009, 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children. By Steven A. Camarota April 2011 Backgrounders and ReportsDownload a pdf of this Backgrounder Steven A. Camarota is the Director of Research at the Center for Immigration Studies. Thirteen years after welfare reform, the share of immigrant-headed households (legal and illegal) with a child (under age 18) using at least one welfare program ...

GOP drafts legislative assault on illegal immigration
Post Date: 2011-04-02 12:46:17 by X-15
Reporting from Washington— Congressional Republicans are drafting legislation that would require the federal government to develop a plan to add more fencing, sensors, agents and even drones to stop every illegal entry into the United States. The legislative effort offers another example of how a more conservative Congress has steered the immigration debate away from the Obama administration's two-pronged push for reforms and improved border security, and toward strict enforcement of immigration laws. In December, a lame-duck House controlled by Democrats passed the Dream Act, a reform that would have created a path to citizenship for some young illegal immigrants in the U.S., ...

NAPOLITANO STRIKES AGAIN - EXCLUSIVE: Federal Agents Told to Reduce Border Arrests, Arizona Sheriff Says
Post Date: 2011-04-02 08:15:24 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
EXCLUSIVE: Federal Agents Told to Reduce Border Arrests, Arizona Sheriff Says Nov. 1, 2010: Cochise County Sheriff Larry Dever, left, speaks about illegal immigration at an event in Arizona also attended by Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu. An Arizona sheriff says U.S. Border Patrol officials have repeatedly told him they have been ordered to reduce -- at times even stop -- arrests of illegal immigrants caught trying to cross the U.S. border. Cochise County Sheriff Larry Dever told FoxNews.com that a supervisor with the U.S. Border Patrol told him as recently as this month that the federal agency’s office on Arizona's southern border was under orders to keep apprehension numbers ...

It’s Much More Than the Birth Certificate, Mr. Trump!
Post Date: 2011-04-01 10:44:49 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
It’s Much More Than the Birth Certificate, Mr. Trump! WHAT IS THE TRUE MEANING OF “NATURAL BORN CITIZEN?” March 31, 2011 What did the Framers mean by the term "natural born Citizen?" Mr. Donald Trump Trump Organization 725 Fifth Avenue New York, NY  10022 Dear Mr. Trump, Thank you for taking up the Barack Obama issue.  You are the only person who has questioned publicly, “Why is the king wearing no clothes?!”  All the people who one would have presumed and expected to take the lead have apparently refused to do so for reasons of political expediency, fear of being called a racist, just going along with the Party line, or because of their ...

Hispanic population exceeds 50 million, firmly nation's No. 2 group
Post Date: 2011-03-26 15:59:11 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Hispanic population exceeds 50 million, firmly nation's No. 2 groupThe Hispanic population grew 43% since 2000, officials said. In stark contrast, all other populations together grew by only about 5%, officials said. STORY HIGHLIGHTS * The Hispanic population is now 50.5 million, or 16% of the country * The white population is 197 million, dropping to 64% * The black population is 40 million, or nearly 13% * The Asian population grew 43% to 14.7 million, or about 5% (CNN) -- The growing Hispanic population in the United States has reached a new milestone, topping 50 million, or 16.3% of the nation, officially solidifying its position as the country's second-largest group, U.S. ...

WWII vet discovers he’s not a U.S. citizen
Post Date: 2011-03-24 15:24:07 by X-15
Ninety-five-year-old Leeland Davidson discovered recently that he's not a U.S. citizen, despite living nearly 100 years in the country and serving in the U.S. Navy during WWII. Davidson, from Centralia, Washington, told KOMO News that he discovered he wasn't a U.S. citizen when he was turned down for an enhanced driver's license he needed for a trip to Canada to visit relatives. "We always figured because he was born to U.S. parents he's automatically a U.S. citizen," said Davidson's daughter, Rose Schoolcroft. Davidson was born in British Columbia in 1916. He checked up on his citizenship before joining the Navy and was told by an inspector at the U.S. ...

Read: Letter from Teacher Tony Hill
Post Date: 2011-03-24 12:19:31 by Horse
Dear Senator Russell Pearce, I am compelled to write to you about a recent event that occurred to me. I currently work as a substitute teacher in the west valley areas of Phoenix, Glendale, and Peoria. I was called upon to teach history and language arts for 8th grade at a Glendale public school. The number of students I had in each class ranged from 28 to 38 children, which were almost all Hispanic and a couple of Black children. The day started out as usual turning on the television listening and watching the announcements and saying the Pledge of Allegiance. During the Pledge of Allegiance I notice the vast majority of students refusing to stand and say the pledge. I asked the students ...

Illegal immigrants disguised as U.S. Marines fail to get through border checkpoint
Post Date: 2011-03-24 07:31:19 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Illegal immigrants disguised as U.S. Marines fail to get through border checkpointThirteen illegal immigrants disguised themselves as U.S. Marines –- donning battle dress uniforms and caps -- in a failed attempt to get through a U.S. Border Patrol checkpoint last week east of San Diego, authorities said. The driver of the white van carrying the immigrants and another man, both U.S. citizens, were arrested March 14 at the I-8 checkpoint near Campo and charged with alien smuggling, according to U.S. Border Patrol officials. Three of the illegal immigrants were detained as witnesses, while the rest were returned to Mexico, officials said. The van drew suspicion in part because it had ...

Hispanics Now Majority In Texas Public Schools
Post Date: 2011-03-23 10:12:51 by Jethro Tull
Hispanics Now Majority In Texas Public Schools March 23, 2011 8:02 AM Print Share 20 Hispanic students raise their hands to answer a question during a class taught at Birdwell Elementary School on September 11, 2003 in Tyler, Texas. (credit: Mario Villafuerte/Getty Images) AUSTIN (AP) 51; Hispanic students for the first time make up the majority of students enrolled in Texas public schools. The Texas Education Agency reports Hispanic students this school year account for 50.2 percent of the state57;s 4.9 million children enrolled in public schools, including pre-kindergarten and early childhood education. Currently, there are an estimated 2.48 million Hispanics students in Texas ...

Detroit's Population Crashes
Post Date: 2011-03-22 22:55:56 by Flintlock
Detroit's Population Crashes Census Finds 25% Plunge as Blacks Flee to Suburbs; Shocked Mayor Seeks Recount DETROIT—The population of Detroit has fallen back 100 years. The flight of middle-class African-Americans to the suburbs fueled an exodus that cut Detroit's population 25% in the past decade to 713,777, according to Census Bureau data released Tuesday. That's the city's lowest population level since the 1910 census, when automobile mass production was making Detroit Detroit. The decline, the fastest in city history, shocked local officials, who had expected a number closer to 800,000. Mayor Dave Bing said the city would seek a recount. "If we could go ...

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