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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Texas Lawmakers File Immigration Enforcement Bills
Post Date: 2010-11-17 08:36:25 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Although Gov. Perry opposed the Department of Justice lawsuit against Arizona, he has also said that the Arizona law "would not be the right direction for Texas." Texas Lawmakers File Immigration Enforcement Bills Last week, Texas lawmakers filed immigration enforcement bills in both the state House and Senate.In the state House, Representative Debbie Riddle introduced H.B. 17, which creates a new misdemeanor offense: criminal trespass by an illegal alien. (TX H.B. 17 § 1) A person commits this offense if he or she is a non-U.S. citizen and “enters or remains on or in any public or private property” in Texas in violation of federal immigration law prohibiting ...

Incoming New Mexico governor vows to revoke licenses issued to illegal aliens
Post Date: 2010-11-16 09:10:21 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Incoming New Mexico governor vows to revoke licenses issued to illegal aliens New Mexico Gov.-elect Susana Martinez Photo: CNN When New Mexico Governor-elect Susana Martinez takes office in a few weeks, one of her first priorities is to revoke the thousands of drivers’ licenses which have been issued by her state to illegal aliens in recent years. In the wake of Arizona’s passage of SB1070, illegal aliens have been flocking to the states of New Mexico as the state does not currently require proof of citizenship to obtain a license. Under open-borders advocate, Gov. Bill Richardson, New Mexico went even further and passed a law banning DMV clerks from asking an applicant if ...

In-state tuition for illegal immigrants is preserved with California Supreme Court ruling
Post Date: 2010-11-15 16:43:13 by Jethro Tull
In-state tuition for illegal immigrants is preserved with California Supreme Court ruling [Updated] November 15, 2010 | 10:16 am The California Supreme Court decided unanimously Monday that illegal immigrants may continue to be eligible for in-state tuition rates at the state's colleges and universities rather than pay the higher rates charged to those who live out of state. In a ruling written by Justice Ming W. Chin, one of the panel's more conservative members, the state high court said a California law that guarantees the lower tuition for students who attend California high schools for at least three years and graduate does not conflict with a federal prohibition ...

Latinos now make up a majority of California's public school students
Post Date: 2010-11-14 09:36:46 by Jethro Tull
Latinos now make up a majority of California's public school students, cracking the 50 percent barrier for the first time in the state's history, according to data released Friday by the state Department of Education. Almost 50.4 percent of the state's students in the 2009-10 school year identified themselves as Hispanic or Latino, up 1.36 percent from the previous year. In comparison, 27 percent of California's 6.2 million students identified themselves as white, 9 percent as Asian and 7 percent as black. Students calling themselves Filipino, Pacific Islander, Native American or other total almost 7 percent. While the result was no surprise to educators, experts say the ...

Matricula Consular cards & Huckabee Crime
Post Date: 2010-11-13 14:16:46 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Matricula Consular cards & Huckabee Crime Read this very important article re Matricula Consular cards….what they are and their criminal purpose and keep in mind that former Republican Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee & present presidential candidate secretly (the Ark. Legislature was unaware) illegally & unconstitutionally traveled to Mexico while governor to arrange with Vicente Fox (Mexican President) to open a Mexican Consulate in Little Rock, Arkansas. He was accompanied by one of his staff, Robert Trevino, former president of LULAC.His mission was accomplished in April, 2007 when the illegal Consulate opened with the help of some unnamed corporate interests and ...

Study: 100,000 Hispanics left Arizona after SB1070
Post Date: 2010-11-12 17:34:33 by Disgusted
MEXICO CITY – A new study suggests there may be 100,000 fewer Hispanics in Arizona than there were before the debate over the state's tough new immigration law earlier this year. BBVA Bancomer Research, which did the study, worked with figures from the U.S. Current Population Survey. The study says the decline could be due to the law known as SB1070, which partly entered into effect in July, or to Arizona's difficult economic situation. The study released Wednesday also cites Mexican government figures as saying that 23,380 Mexicans returned from Arizona to Mexico between June and September. U.S. census figures from 2008 say about 30 percent of people living in Arizona are ...

DURHAM, NC (WTVD) -- Durham's city council is getting an earful over a controversial plan to allow Mexican immigrants to use a special Mexican ID card for Mexican citizens living outside Mexico.
Post Date: 2010-11-11 08:59:41 by Jethro Tull
DURHAM, NC (WTVD) -- Durham's city council is getting an earful over a controversial plan to allow Mexican immigrants to use a special Mexican ID card for Mexican citizens living outside Mexico. If approved, Durham would be the first city in the country to accept the Matricula Consular. It's an identification card issued by the Government of Mexico through its consulate offices to Mexican citizens residing outside of Mexico regardless of their emigration status. According to an opinion from the Durham City Attorney, "the official purpose of the card is to demonstrate that the holder is a Mexican citizen living outside of Mexico. It includes an official Government of Mexico ...

Illegal Aliens Arrested At Mass. Flight School
Post Date: 2010-11-09 13:26:00 by Horse
Poster Comment:Embedding disabled. Illegal aliens are allowed by DHS to rent planes and to board passenger airlines yet we have to go through naked body scanners and to be groped by perverts from TSA.

'Arizona Style' Immigration Law Proposed in Texas
Post Date: 2010-11-09 10:52:06 by christine
Less than an hour after the period began for filing bills for consideration in the 2011 Legislative session, State Rep. Debbie Riddle (R-Tomball), a leader of the newly muscular conservatives in the Legislature, filed an 'Arizona style' measure that would crack down on illegal immigration, 1200 WOAI news reports. Riddle says her measure is a response to what she says is the escalating violence caused by Mexican and Latin American gangs in Texas. "It is absolutely out of control with the gang related crime, which is going through the roof, so, yes, we are addressing this, and quite frankly, I am not worried about political correctness," Riddle told 1200 WOAI news.

Illegal Alien Poses in Washington State Voting Booth For a Photo Op
Post Date: 2010-11-05 08:57:43 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Democrat Murray keeps Senate seat from Washington state Alaska Senate Headlines Click To Link On November 5, 2010, In News, By admin.Alaska Senate Welcome! Nonprofit Newsgroup all the most current news bits on alaska senate that are out online. The stories here reveal the hottest “alaska senate” bits. surf back soon for all of the latest alaska senate bits Have Fun!. Democrat Murray keeps Senate seat from Washington state Democratic Senator Patty Murray narrowly held her seat from Washington state, cushioning her party’s majority in elections where Republicans made huge gains, results showed. Read more on AFP via Yahoo! News Illegal Aliens Canvass for Votes in Wash. State ...

Jan Brewer rides Arizona's immigration law to victory
Post Date: 2010-11-03 13:57:18 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Jan Brewer rides Arizona's immigration law to victory Gov. Jan Brewer scored an easy win over her opponents on Tuesday, fueled by her staunch support of Arizona's controversial immigration law and a national mood that favored Republicans. Early returns showed Brewer defeating Democrat Terry Goddard by a significant margin. Libertarian Barry Hess and Green Party candidate Larry Gist trailed far behind. "Tonight, the people have redeemed and renewed America," Brewer said at Republican Party headquarters Tuesday night. Brewer's victory Tuesday capped off a remarkable political comeback for a candidate dismissed as "toast" by members of her own party as ...

Republicans to push amnesty (Jeb Bush, Ed Gillespie, Robert George, George P. Bush)
Post Date: 2010-11-03 09:04:53 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Republicans to push amnesty (Jeb Bush, Ed Gillespie, Robert George, George P. Bush) Peter Wallsten of the Wall Street Journal offers the misleading "GOP's Demographic Wager: Wooing Latino Candidates" (link). Much could be said about the false assumptions that Wallsten and those quoted make, but I'll save that for another time and just summarize who's involved: Some high-profile Republicans are adopting a softer vocabulary on immigration and trying to recruit more Hispanic candidates, a response to the party's soul-searching about tactics that many strategists believe have alienated the country's fastest-growing voter bloc... In Texas, George P Bush, the half ...

ICE chiefs slammed with "no confidence" vote from agents
Post Date: 2010-11-02 15:33:13 by GreyLmist
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents overwhelmingly say that their department's leadership has become politicized to the point of affecting the effectiveness of ICE. ICE agents through their union claim their leaders have little regard for the safety of American people. Their union has released a letter announcing its recent unanimous “vote of no confidence” in ICE agency heads, accusing them of “misleading the American public” regarding illegal immigration in order to further a pro-amnesty agenda. The National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council and its affiliated local councils cast a unanimous 259-0 vote of no confidence in ICE Director John ...

Mexico: 4 US citizens killed in separate attacks
Post Date: 2010-11-02 14:49:12 by Jethro Tull
Mexico: 4 US citizens killed in separate attacks (AP) – 17 hours ago CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico (AP) — Mexico authorities say they are probing the deaths of four U.S. citizens who were shot to death in separate attacks in the border city of Ciudad Juarez over the weekend.It was not clear Tuesday how many of the killings were related or what motivated the killers.Chihuahua state prosecutors' spokesman Arturo Sandoval said Edgar Lopez, 35, of El Paso, Texas, was killed Sunday along with two Mexican men when gunmen opened fire on a group standing outside a house.On Saturday, a 26-year-old U.S. woman and an American boy were slain shortly after crossing an international bridge from El ...

Fox News: Illegal Aliens Voting Against Americans Today
Post Date: 2010-11-02 07:16:12 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Fox News: Illegal Aliens Voting Against Americans Today Americans for Legal Immigration PAC's (ALIPAC) President William Gheen appeared on Fox and Friends this morning as Fox's first guest of the day kicking off their coverage for the historic 2010 Midterm elections! William Gheen warns the nation that most of our boards of elections are not screening out illegal aliens and that he believes President Obama and the Democratic political machinery intend to help illegal aliens vote on Tuesday Nov. 2 to try and limit their losses at the polls! William's solution to combat this threat to the integrity of our elections is for every American voter who opposes any aspect of ...

BANKRUPTING THE U.S. - $35 million in emergency healthcare spent on illegal aliens in Massachusetts alone
Post Date: 2010-10-30 06:00:22 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
$35 million in emergency healthcare spent on illegal aliens in Massachusetts aloneOctober 28th, 2010 11:33 pm ET alt=""> Bankrupting the American people...one ER visit at a time Photo: USAToday Under legal order from the Massachusetts Secretary of State, Gov. Deval Patrick’s office just released figures announcing that $35.7 million in free emergency health care has been spent so far this year on 52,000 illegal aliens. Massachusetts taxpayers paid $13.7 million of the cost, while federal Medicaid picked up $22 million. Additionally, the data shows that an astounding 69 percent of the state’s MassHealth Limited subscribers are actually illegal aliens who ...

Arizona beheading raises fears of MEXICAN drug violence
Post Date: 2010-10-29 10:05:26 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
CHANDLER, Ariz. (AP) - The gruesome case of a man who was stabbed and beheaded in a suburban Phoenix apartment has police investigating whether the killing is potentially the most extreme example of Mexican drug cartel violence spilling over the border. Martin Alejandro Cota-Monroy's body was found Oct. 10 in a Chandler apartment - his severed head a couple feet away. One man suspected in the killing has been arrested, and a manhunt is under way for three others. Detectives are focused on whether the men belong to a Mexican drug cartel, and they suspect that Cota-Monroy's killing was punishment for stealing drugs. The brutal nature of the killing could be designed to send a ...

News, That you won't see on ABC, CBS, NBC, etc or in the "National Head Lines"
Post Date: 2010-10-28 20:04:33 by Itistoolate
News, That you won't see on ABC, CBS, NBC, etc or in the "National Head Lines" BUTTE, MONTANA Shotgun preteen vs. Illegal alien Home Invaders... Two illegal aliens, Ralphel Resindez, 23, and Enrico Garza, 26, probably believed they would easily overpower home-alone 11 year old Patricia Harrington after her father had left their two-story home. It seems the two crooks never learned two things: they were in Montana and Patricia had been a clay shooting champion since she was nine. Patricia was in her upstairs room when the two men broke through the front door of the house. She quickly ran to her father's room and grabbed his 12 gauge Mossberg 500 shotgun. ...

Meg-A-Death? Whitman’s Cowardly Approach To Immigration Spells Doom For GOP
Post Date: 2010-10-28 03:00:11 by Big Meanie
The fall election campaign in now in the home stretch. The GOP is seemingly riding the crest of a national wave that will deliver it to sweeping gains across the country—and perhaps control of one or even both chambers of Congress. But in California, the last whimpering gasps of Meg Whitman’s soulless gubernatorial run are now fading quietly into the night. By almost every measure, it is a stunning defeat. In a political season that has seen the electorate slip Establishment Democrats the dreaded black spot from Boston to Las Vegas, Whitman’s bid for the Sacramento statehouse appeared to be a race that could safely be called early. After all, Whitman is a billionaire ...

Entire police force in Los Ramones, Mexico quits after gunmen attack headquarters
Post Date: 2010-10-27 12:04:31 by Horse
The entire police force in a small Mexican town abruptly resigned Tuesday after its new headquarters was viciously attacked by suspected drug cartel gunmen. All 14 police officers in Los Ramones, a rural town in northern Mexico, fled the force in terror after gunmen fired more than 1,000 bullets and flung six grenades at their headquarters on Monday night. No one was injured in the attack. Mayor Santos Salinas Garza told local media that the officers resigned because of the incident. The gunmen’s 20-minute shooting spree destroyed six police vehicles and left the white and orange police station pocked with bullet holes, the Financial Times reported. The station had been inaugurated ...

Gay Man Being Deported Because Marriage Not Recognized
Post Date: 2010-10-26 07:41:12 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Gay Man Being Deported Because Marriage Not Recognized MYFOXNY.COM - Henry Velandia and Josh Vandiver married in Montville, Connecticut on August 29, 2010. Henry Velandia is in deportation proceedings because the Defense of Marriage Act prevents Josh Vandiver from sponsoring him for residency. Josh Vandiver was born in Colorado. He graduated from Harvard in 2004 and studied at Oxford before beginning his Ph.D. program at Princeton in political theory. Henry Velandia was born in Venezuela. He came to America in 2002. He is a salsa dancer and teacher, performed on Univision's Mira Quien Baila, and is the founder of HotSalsaHot dance school. Vandiver goes before his immigration judge ...

Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs - Updated 2010
Post Date: 2010-10-25 11:53:56 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs - Updated 2010 Global humanitarian reasons for current U.S. immigration are tested in this updated version of Roy Beck's colorful presentation of data from the World Bank and U.S. Census Bureau. The 1996 version has been one of the most viewed policy presentations on the internet.Presented by author/journalist Roy BeckLearn More http://www.NumbersUSA.org

Post Date: 2010-10-25 11:46:57 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
THREE MILLION IMMIGRANTS ANNUALLY: LET’S TAKE 18 MILLION Each year, America accepts 1.3 million legal immigrants. On top of that, immigrants birth 900,000 babies within the United States annually. When you add the minimum of 800,000 illegal alien migrants that walk over our borders or visa overstays, the United States absorbs 3.1 million immigrants, give or take a few thousand—annually. Another 400,000 illegal migrant women cross over to give ‘anchor baby’ births, which I won’t account for here. (Source: www.cis.org with Dr. Steven Camarata) But, fellow Americans, that’s not enough! Last week, President Barack Obama announced that he will invite an additional 80 ...

FBI Offering Reward in Border Patrol Agent Attack
Post Date: 2010-10-23 07:28:09 by HOUNDDAWG
Last Update: 1:12 am | MCALLEN - The FBI is now putting up a reward in connection with the attack of a Border Patrol Agent seven months ago. Last March the agent was on patrol south of McAllen when suspected smugglers threw pieces of concrete at him. The agent was struck in the face causing serious injuries. The agent has since returned to duty after undergoing facial re-constructive surgery. Federal agents are offering a $25,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the suspect. They are asking anyone with information to come forward. Please call Border Patrol at 1-800-863-9382 or the FBI at 984-6300. Poster Comment: I'm truly sorry that the Border Patrol Agent who ...

20-year-old woman student is police chief of violent Mexican town
Post Date: 2010-10-21 00:52:08 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
20-year-old woman student is police chief of violent Mexican town Mexico City: A 20-year-old criminology student, the only candidate for the position, was designated as police chief in the violence-plagued town of Guadalupe Distrito Bravo, Mexican media reported Tuesday. Marisol Valles Garcia took charge on Monday of security in the town, population 10,000, on the US border. The community is around 80 km east of Ciudad Juarez, itself regarded as the most violent city in Mexico. The former mayor of Guadalupe Distrito Bravos, Jesus Manuel Lara Rodriguez, was killed on June 19 at his home in Ciudad Juarez, after receiving death threats. Valles Garcia said she will not have to fight the ...

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