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Mexican Flag Flies In Front of Sherrif Arpaio's Jail - Dozens Arrested at Illegal-Immigration Law Protests
Post Date: 2010-07-30 12:42:31 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Mexican Flag Flies as Dozens Arrested at Illegal-Immigration Law Protests

Envy, Guilt and Self-Destruction
Post Date: 2010-07-30 11:06:11 by Turtle
Oh, if only the Left was right and people were infinitely malleable blank slates! My heart would soar if it was true. All the differences between men, women, races and ethnic groups – if they were all environmental, just twiddle some societal knobs, and presto-chango! We’d get just about as close to Heaven on Earth as we’re going to get. But the Left isn’t right. Actually, they are as wrong as can be, which makes their Procrustean attempts to level people always lead to cultural and societal suicide. Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union are gone, China has given up its blue Mao uniforms, and Cuba will collapse soon after Castro shuffles off. The United States ain’t in ...

MORE TREASON: Judge delays injunction in Neb. immigration suits on hiring and renting to illegal immigrants
Post Date: 2010-07-30 11:04:52 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Judge delays injunction in Neb. immigration suits Two women in the front react to a show of hands of Fremont citizens who agree with a speaker who was in favor of implementing a city ordinance against illegal immigrants, in Fremont, Neb., Tuesday, July 27, 2010. A voter-approved ban on hiring and renting property to illegal immigrants was suspended Tuesday by the Fremont City Council, less than two days before it was set to take effect in the eastern Nebraska city. Council members voted 8-0 to delay an ordinance that is being challenged by two federal lawsuits, saying the move will save the city money in its legal defense. (AP Photo/Nati Harnik) OMAHA, Neb. — A judge says she's ...

Arizona Sheriff Joe's head: Mexican drug cartel offers $1M price for Arpaio (video)
Post Date: 2010-07-30 09:51:11 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
A chilling audio tape with text, circulating by e-mail, has been reported that puts a million dollar price on Sheriff Joe Arpaio's head. Is it a coincidence that this was reported on the same day that Arizona's immigration law, SB 1070, became effective? Though the SB 1070 law that has gone into effect is a gutted version of the real bill, yesterday was also the day that Governor Brewer filed an expedited appeal, vowing to fight all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary. Yesterday was also the day that busloads of imported protesters from California chained themselves outside Sheriff Arpaio's jail. Still, there are those who think the real solution isn't immigration ...

The Amnesty Memo - congress could be circumvented
Post Date: 2010-07-29 18:22:43 by Jethro Tull
Thursday, July 29, 2010The Amnesty Memo   [Robert VerBruggen]According to an internal U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services memo going the rounds of Capitol Hill and obtained by National Review, the agency is considering ways in which it could enact “meaningful immigration reform absent legislative action” — that is, without the consent of the American people through a vote in Congress. “This memorandum offers administrative relief options to . . . reduce the threat of removal for certain individuals present in the United States without authorization,” it reads. Also: “In the absence of Comprehensive Immigration Reform, USCIS can extend benefits ...

Arizona immigration law 2010: As SB1070 takes effect, Mexicans say 'Adios, Arizona'
Post Date: 2010-07-29 12:15:16 by Prefrontal Vortex
Arizona immigration law 2010: As SB1070 takes effect, Mexicans say 'Adios, Arizona' Arizona immigration law targeting immigrants has already encouraged Mexicans to begin returning home, even as a US judge halted key portions of SB1070 from taking effect. The Mexico government is boosting legal services in Arizona, and shelters in Sonora state are preparing for an influx. Andres Dominguez and sister Andrea Palacios (R), residents of Phoenix help carry out the sold family items out of their apartment. The family sold everything they owned in order to leave Arizona without being detected and fearing the passage of the new SB 1070 law. The family of ten is moving to Chicago were ...

Quick Analysis of the Arizona Immigration Law Ruling and What Is "Enjoined"
Post Date: 2010-07-29 11:24:42 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Quick Analysis of the Arizona Immigration Law Ruling Arizona immigration law decision: I. What is enjoined 1. Requiring verification of immigration status: Requiring that an officer make a reasonable attempt to determine the immigration status of a person stopped, detained or arrested if there is a reasonable suspicion that the person is unlawfully present in the United States, and requiring verification of the immigration status of any person arrested prior to releasing that person. Reasoning: Pre-empted by federal law because it creates an additional burden on the federal government by increasing the number of immigration-verification requests to the federal government. 2. ...

"Illegal Alien Crossing" Signs Pop Up in Naples
Post Date: 2010-07-29 08:52:48 by Jethro Tull
43;Not to make outrageous, blanket statements like "White people in Naples are generally closed minded idiots unaware of cultures and the world at large outside of their sunny little resort town bubble," but let's just say after having grown up there I'm not surprised at this latest news. An oddly official looking sign erected at a traffic light that connects a largely Hispanic trailer home community to a shopping center read "Illegal Immigrant Crossing." The Collier County Sheriff's office quickly took it down and are looking for the culprit, even as commenters on the local newspaper are laughing at the sign and chiding police for "wasting" time.The cross walk and red light were recently ...

Eric Holder's Office - Justice says judge ruled correctly in Arizona case
Post Date: 2010-07-28 17:22:41 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Justice says judge ruled correctly in Arizona case WASHINGTON – The Justice Department said Wednesday that a judge ruled correctly in blocking the most controversial parts of Arizona's immigration law. "States can and do play a role in cooperating with the federal government in its enforcement of the immigration laws, but they must do so within our constitutional framework," department spokeswoman Hannah August said in a statement. She added that "while we understand the frustration of Arizonans with the broken immigration system, a patchwork of state and local policies would seriously disrupt federal immigration enforcement and would ultimately be ...

AZ LAW BLOCKED [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-07-28 13:27:42 by Jethro Tull
Jul 28, 2010 10:17 am US/Pacific Judge Blocks Parts Of Arizona Immigration Law AMANDA MYERS, Associated Press Writers PHOENIX (AP) 53; A judge has blocked the most controversial sections of Arizona's new immigration law from taking effect Thursday, handing a major legal victory to opponents of the crackdown. The law will still take effect Thursday, but without many of the provisions that angered opponents — including sections that required officers to check a person's immigration status while enforcing other laws. The judge also put on hold a part of the law that required immigrants to carry their papers at all times, and made it illegal for undocumented workers ...

Mexican national charged with raping teenaged girl in North Carolina
Post Date: 2010-07-28 12:43:50 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Mexican national charged with raping teenaged girl in North Carolina Manuel Arroyo ncwanted.com On Saturday, police in Apex, North Carolina arrested Manuel Lopez Arroyo, 25, and charged him with four counts of the first-degree statutory rape of a 14-year-old girl. According to the police report, Arroyo committed the first rape on June 5, with two more occurring between July 3-4, and another on July 18. Arroyo is currently being held in the Wake County Jail. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is also investigating the case.

How Does Mexico Treat It's Illegal Aliens? It Kills Them!
Post Date: 2010-07-28 09:41:51 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Mexico Kills its Illegal Aliens

Mr. Obama Said The Border Is Safe! PHOTOS THE MEDIA WON'T SHOW YOU [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-07-27 17:17:12 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Mr. Obama Said The Border Is Safe! Saturday, July 24, 2010 - GRAPHIC - WARNING - PHOTOS THE MEDIA WON'T SHOW YOU We must warn you... the images below are extreamly graphic!     Posted By : MMP Admin

Illegal Immigration Fingerprint Program, Secure Communities, Has Advocates Up In Arms
Post Date: 2010-07-27 08:53:42 by Ada
After being arrested, a suspect gets his immigration status checked by a fingerprint scanner at a 287(g) processing station at the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office Fourth Avenue Jail Monday, July 26, 2010, in Phoenix. A camera used to take his photograph is seen at left. The federal government is rapidly expanding a program to identify illegal immigrants using fingerprints from arrests, drawing opposition from local authorities and advocates who argue the initiative amounts to an excessive dragn Get Politics Alerts Email Comments 2,641 DENVER — The federal government is rapidly expanding a program to identify illegal immigrants using fingerprints from arrests, drawing opposition ...

Officials know nothing of rumored Zeta standoff on Mines Road
Post Date: 2010-07-26 15:50:55 by Artisan
Officials know nothing of rumored Zeta standoff on Mines Road By Nick Georgiou Laredo Morning Times Published: Saturday, July 24, 2010 5:38 PM CDT Local law enforcement was bombarded with calls from across the country Saturday asking about a report that the Zetas had taken over two ranches off Mines Road. But officials with the Laredo Police Department, Webb County Sheriff’s Department and Border Patrol said they knew nothing about such an incident, while Erik Vasys, an FBI spokesman in San Antonio, said the agency does not comment on rumors. The report, which spread like wildfire among blogs Saturday afternoon, appears to have initially been posted on a blog called Diggers Realm. ...

Mexican prosecutors say prison guards lent killers guns, let them out to carry out massacre
Post Date: 2010-07-26 14:27:19 by Horse
MEXICO CITY (AP) — Guards and officials at a prison in northern Mexico allegedly let inmates out, lent them guns and sent them off in official vehicles to carry out drug-related killings, including the massacre of 17 people last week, prosecutors said Sunday. After carrying out the killings the inmates would return to their cells, the Attorney General's Office said in a revelation that was shocking even for a country wearied by years of drug violence and corruption. "According to witnesses, the inmates were allowed to leave with authorization of the prison director ... to carry out instructions for revenge attacks using official vehicles and using guards' weapons for ...

Updated warnings from the U.S. Consulate in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico: possible violence & food shortages
Post Date: 2010-07-26 14:19:07 by Artisan
With numerous reports of violence and alleged takeovers of two ranches in Laredo, Texas swirrling around the internet, I thought I'd post the actual 'Warden Messages' from the U.S. Consulate General in Nuevo Laredo Mexico. The website's main page is located here. At the top right of the page under 'Travel Information' there are links to 'Warden Messages- Nuevo Laredo' and a more general 'Travel Warning- Mexico' dated July 16th. The 'Warden Messages' page begins as follows: "Warden Messages -Occasionally it becomes necessary to notify American Citizens of occurances that may affect the safety or welfare of those living in the Nuevo Laredo ...

Mexico braces for effects of Arizona immigration law
Post Date: 2010-07-26 09:13:03 by Jethro Tull
MEXICO CITY — The other side of the border is also preparing for the implementation of Arizona's new immigration law, which could lead to a surge of deportees back to Mexico. Migrant shelters along the border in Mexico say they're bracing for new arrivals after the law goes into effect Thursday. NEWS HUNT: Help rate the best (and worst) immigration stories FULL COVERAGE: Read more about Arizona's law Mexico's government has added more workers to its consulate in Phoenix to assist detained Mexicans. Migrants who have been deported say they're watching to see how the law is enforced before deciding whether to try again to cross the border illegally into Arizona. ...

Gov. Brewer vs Robert Sarver
Post Date: 2010-07-25 13:24:39 by Horse
The owner of the Phoenix Suns basketball team, Robert Sarver, opposes AZ's new immigration laws. Arizona's Governor, Jan Brewer, released the following statement in response to Sarver's criticism of the new law: "What if the owners of the Suns discovered that hordes of people were sneaking into games without paying? What if they had a good idea who the gate-crashers are, but the ushers and security personnel were not allowed to ask these folks to produce their ticket stubs, thus non-paying attendees couldn't be ejected. Furthermore, what if Suns' ownership was expected to provide those who sneaked in with complimentary eats and drink? And what if, on those days ...

U.S. PASTOR COUNCIL STRIVES TO LEAD THE FLOCK ASTRAY - U.S. Pastor Council Openly Promotes Nation Wrecking Amnesty!
Post Date: 2010-07-24 10:17:18 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
U.S. PASTOR COUNCIL STRIVES TO LEAD THE FLOCK ASTRAY   By Allan WallJuly 24, 2010 NewsWithViews.comOn July 4th, WorldNetDaily published an article entitled “Pastors Seek to ‘Secure our National Borders'.” That sounds good. Like most Americans, I want the border secured. The group of pastors referred to in the article’s title refer to the U.S. Pastor Council, which has drafted a declaration on the border and immigration. The declaration (you can read it yourself here) begins with a preamble which isn’t very specific and ends with a conclusion that makes a sort of threat against people who disagree with the U.S. Pastor Council (read it to see what I mean). ...

Judge hard on both sides as SB 1070 hearings end
Post Date: 2010-07-24 09:32:09 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Judge hard on both sides as SB 1070 hearings end A protester is arrested by Phoenix Police Officers during a demonstration in the intersection of Washington Street and 4th Ave in downtown Phoenix PHOENIX - A federal judge peppered attorneys fighting over the legality of Arizona's new immigration law with questions Thursday about their assumptions of what the law means. As expected, she made no rulings in the case. At the first of two hearings, Omar Jadwat, representing the American Civil Liberties Union, said Congress never made it a crime for those in this country illegally to seek casual employment. He told U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton that shows federal lawmakers wanted to ...

Forgotten Officer Imprisoned For Ten Years As A 'Racist' For Arresting Illegal Aliens
Post Date: 2010-07-23 08:20:07 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Officer Stephanie Mohr…a forgotten victim of illegal immigration Officer Stephanie Mohr and Valk On the night of September 21, 1995, Prince George’s County Police Officer Stephanie Mohr was on patrol in Takoma Park, Maryland, when her and her partner Sgt. Anthony Delozier, got a call to provide backup to another officer who was responding to a burglary at a business. When they arrived on the scene, two suspects, Ricardo Mendez and Herrera Cruz were exiting the roof of the business. Mendez and Cruz, both illegal aliens, were yelling back and forth to one another in Spanish. The first responding officer told the two to face the wall. Mendez reportedly made a motion as if he was ...

Stopped in Arizona
Post Date: 2010-07-21 13:26:27 by christine
You will probably wonder now every time you see a load of hay going down the highway.... What if the hiding place had illegals, terrorists, or maybe even a dirty bomb? What if Arizona wasn't as concerned as it is???

82-year-old Robert Wallace faces 20 felony charges for defending his property, two illegal aliens thieves uncharged
Post Date: 2010-07-21 07:42:01 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
82-year-old Robert Wallace faces 20 felony charges for defending his property, two illegal aliens thieves uncharged Stolen Trailers  By Daniel Greenfield  Saturday, July 10, 2010 Say you’re 82 years old. Say that you see two people a third of your age with criminal records stealing your trailer. Say that you run out to stop them and they almost run you over. You fire two shots. The thieves are let go, and you find yourself facing life in prison. It’s not a hypothetical scenario. Admitted thieves are going free, while an elderly Wheat Ridge man is facing the possibility of spending the rest of his life behind bars, all, he says, for trying to defend his property ...

Surprising Liberal Outcry - CNN's Cafferty Slams Obama and Dems For Their Response To Arizona SB1070
Post Date: 2010-07-21 07:15:00 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
CNN's Cafferty Slams Obama and Dems For Their Response To Arizona Immigration Law by CNN's Jack Cafferty Cafferty slams Obama and the Democratic Congress for attacking Arizona for passing tough anti-ILLEGAL immigration laws. Even the liberals get it. Refreshing.

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