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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Congressional Hispanic Caucus hints Obama promised healthcare for illegal aliens
Post Date: 2010-07-21 06:50:01 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Congressional Hispanic Caucus hints Obama promised healthcare for illegal aliens Rep. Raul Grijalva, member Hispanic Congressional Caucus July 21, 3:38 AM · Dave Gibson - Immigration Reform Examiner The leaders of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus are now pushing for a provision in any so-called ‘comprehensive immigration reform’ measure which would extend healthcare benefits to the millions of illegal aliens now in the country. During the contentious healthcare debate earlier this year, the Caucus threatened to withhold their support for the legislation due to language in the bill which barred illegal aliens from participating in the program. They only voted for it ...

This Land Is Whose Land?
Post Date: 2010-07-21 06:45:57 by Ada
One of the current questions that helps to distinguish libertarians from conservatives is that involving so-called "illegal immigration." Because conservatives acknowledge the legitimacy of the state, they tend to regard it as an entity entitled to exercise the same rights of exclusion as do property owners generally. The state’s claim to sovereign authority over its territorial boundaries largely goes unquestioned by most conservatives. If persons from another nation wish to enter the territory claimed by the state, it is appropriate for the entrant to have to get that state’s permission. Whether one rejects the legitimacy of the state entirely, or regards it as only ...

Catholic Scholar : Sheriff Joe Should Be Denied Communion for Supporting 1070
Post Date: 2010-07-20 08:36:42 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Catholic Scholar : Sheriff Joe Should Be Denied Communion for Supporting 1070 The Vatican twist to the immigration issue, they want the borders open. Catholic Scholar wants to deny sacrament ritual to 1070 supporters. PHOENIX - The battle over illegal immigration gets personal for Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Some religious leaders are saying he should not be allowed to receive communion at church anymore because of his stance. A well-known Catholic scholar has written an article suggesting bishops deny Holy Communion to the sheriff and other supporters of SB 1070. In the Catholic church, receiving communion is one of the Holy Sacraments. In an article in the Washington Post ...

Drug cartel gunmen slaughter 17, bringing bloody weekend’s murder total to 50
Post Date: 2010-07-19 12:33:40 by Horse
Gunmen armed with machine guns shot dead at least 17 party-goers Sunday, in a pre-dawn attack outside the northern Mexican city of Torreon, officials said. Authorities said the heavily armed attackers also wounded 10 others as they sprayed bullets through a recreation center in Coahuila state, near Mexico's northern border with the United States. A source with the state police department said witnesses reported hearing members of the group yell "kill them all" before they opened fire. The attack took place at around 1:30 am (0630 GMT) at the recreation center, a popular weekend retreat situated in a usually calm suburb among gardens and lakes. Authorities said they found ...

Examiner Bio Miss California, daughter of real ‘immigrant,’ expresses view against amnesty
Post Date: 2010-07-19 08:47:20 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Miss California, daughter of real ‘immigrant,’ expresses view against amnesty Arianna Afsar, standing up for the rule of law American IdolDuring a webcam interview with NBCLA, Arianna Afsar, the UCLA sophomore, and recently crowned Miss California came out strongly against amnesty for illegal aliens, saying: “I think that people who want to be a United States citizen need to come over here legally in order to get the privileges that every American receives.” Afsar’s father is an immigrant, from Bangladesh. He also helped three family members come here. All arrived through legal means. Afsar told the reporter: "It ended up taking him 10 years, but he did it ...

The Last Days of D.C.
Post Date: 2010-07-19 06:00:12 by Ada
It is plain that no U.S. administration of any party is going to build a wall along our nation’s southern border. “Can’t be done,” our leaders tell us, shaking their heads in mock despair, while feeling under the desk for the envelopes full of benjamins being passed from cheap-labor lobbyists and race-grievance shills. “Too much border . . . mountainous terrain . . . impossible to patrol . . .” They are of course lying, but I can’t bring myself to care much any more. So far as buildings walls is concerned, a wall along the southern border would in any case be my second priority. If I had my druthers, and there was a 40-foot concrete wall to be built, ...

AZ Governor Jan Brewer To Illegals With US Citizen Children: Take Them Back Home With You
Post Date: 2010-07-17 12:55:32 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
AZ Governor Jan Brewer To Illegals With US Citizen Children: Take Them Back Home With You

McCain: “America is still the land of opportunity, we’re not going to erect barriers and fences.”
Post Date: 2010-07-17 10:05:57 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
McCain: “America is still the land of opportunity, we’re not going to erect barriers and fences.” HELLO ARIZONA!!!! You've made us proud with your stand against the tyrannical Obama Administration and open borders and your willingness to enforce our immigration laws!But you're making the same mistake you've made for 24 years...you are believing lies.....The never ending stream of lies from John McCain and his supporters. Indeed, Sen. McCain has been on the stump in Arizona of late, telling everyone how he supports SB 1070, how he wants to 'secure the border' and is against 'amnesty'.HE IS LYING, again!!! Stop letting this man use you!How SOON we ...

Racism: Exposing the Illegal Mexican Agenda. [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-07-17 09:25:11 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Racism: Exposing the Illegal Mexican Agenda. NOTE* @ around 2:18 of the video, it is supposed to read "against you." However, for some reason, the video clips that word out each time. Nevertheless, if you experience hatred or racism of ANY kind REPORT it. Report it as a hate group, hate crime, whatever the case may be. They may go under the guise of an activist group, but they are as racist as any other hate group in the world. So yeah make a HUGE deal out of it like they do. Every. Single. Time.Defenders of illegal immigration will tell you that anyone who opposes them is a racist. But they always neglect to mention that no one is ever against LEGAL immigration.These people ...

Post Date: 2010-07-17 08:40:51 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
PENIS PUMPS FOR ILLEGALS? A Minnesota town is outraged over reports that an illegal immigrant was implanted with a penis pump – paid for by taxpayers. Shakopee Police Chief Jeff Tate said the expense to taxpayers was more than $50,000. “It’s shocking,” he told FOX News Radio. “It’s certainly disturbing as well. You know it’s not going to set well with the public at large.” Scott County Attorney Pat Ciliberto wants to know how an illegal immigrant was able to obtain tens of thousands of dollars in medical assistance. “There’s no logical argument for why that should have been approved,” Ciliberto told the Shakopee News. “I ...

Catholic Bishop lobbies Congress for amnesty bill, ignores facts and Church’s tax exempt status
Post Date: 2010-07-17 08:33:49 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Catholic Bishop lobbies Congress for amnesty bill, ignores facts and Church’s tax exempt status CATHOLIC Bishop Gerald Kicanas testifying before House Committee On Wednesday, Bishop Gerald Kicanas speaking on behalf of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishop, addressed the House Judiciary subcommittee, and made the following statement: “Immigration is ultimately a humanitarian issue since it impacts the basic rights and dignity of millions of persons and their families. As such, it has moral implications, especially how it impacts the basic survival and decency of life experienced by human beings like us. ... Our current immigration system fails to meet the moral test of ...

Two illegal aliens arrested in Mississippi, found with drugs, multiple Social Securty numbers
Post Date: 2010-07-17 08:25:55 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Two illegal aliens arrested in Mississippi, found with drugs, multiple Social Securty numbers On Tuesday, police in Pascagoula, Mississippi, pulled over a 1998 Nissan with a broken headlight, only to find two illegal aliens, cocaine, and several fake identification cards. According to police, the driver, Margarito Perez, 40, had no license or identification of any kind on him, but he did have three packets of powder cocaine in his wallet. Perez was charged with possession of a controlled substance. The passenger, Alejandro Perez, 57, had several fraudulent identification cards on him. Pascagoula Police Lt. Davy Davis told the Sun Herald: “It was his photo on the cards, but they all ...

Arizona Immigrant Deaths In Desert Soaring
Post Date: 2010-07-17 08:17:06 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Arizona Immigrant Deaths In Desert Soaring PHOENIX — The number of deaths among illegal immigrants crossing the Arizona desert from Mexico is soaring so high this month that the medical examiner's office that handles the bodies is using a refrigerated truck to store some of them, the chief examiner said Friday. The bodies of 40 illegal immigrants have been brought to the office of Pima County Medical Examiner Dr. Bruce Parks since July 1. At that rate, Parks said the deaths could top the single-month record of 68 in July 2005 since his office began tracking them in 2000. "Right now, at the halfway point of the month, to have so many is just a very bad sign," he said. ...

Welcome To Welcome to Las Vegas - The Distinction Of Having The Highest Level Of Unemployment Weighing In At 14 %
Post Date: 2010-07-17 07:49:39 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Las Vegas , Nevada

Mexico Drug Gang Hits Cops with Car Bomb
Post Date: 2010-07-16 17:51:03 by Horse
(AP) Members of a northern Mexico drug gang rammed a car that may have been packed with explosives or inflammable material into two police patrol trucks in the border city of Ciudad Juarez, killing two officers and a medical technician and wounding nine people. Federal police said Thursday's attack — which may be one of the first uses of an explosive-packed car in Mexico — was in retaliation for the arrest of a top leader of the La Linea drug gang, Jesus Acosta Guerrero, earlier in the day. Seven officers and two civilians were wounded, said a state police source who was not authorized to be quoted by name. He said the compact passenger car had apparently been carrying some ...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: DOJ sets a double standard with Arizona
Post Date: 2010-07-15 13:39:21 by Big Meanie
The Justice Department's latest threat against Arizona is a classic example of reductio ad absurdum. It's constitutional for the federal government to ignore our immigration laws, while it's unconstitutional for the state of Arizona to enforce those same federal laws. It's also constitutional for sanctuary cities such as San Francisco to shield illegal immigrants from federal prosecution. Arizona SB 1070 is a mortal threat to the Obama administration's agenda to flood this nation with millions of illegal immigrants with no little or no consideration for the welfare of unskilled American workers and innocent American taxpayers already here. If the president is successful ...

Give your pastor this anti-amnesty testimony
Post Date: 2010-07-15 00:08:20 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Give your pastor this anti-amnesty testimony GIVE THIS TO YOUR PASTOR This email is directed to those of you who attend Christian churches. Once again today, a group of national Christian leaders testified before Congress that the Christian thing to do about immigration during this time of high unemployment is a) to give permanent work permits to illegal aliens b) and to import more foreign workers. Below is the testimony of the sole Christian layman who was a witness among the clergy. I think you will agree that his theological understanding is far more perceptive than that of the Catholic, Baptist and Evangelical clergy who insisted on rewarding millions of illegal aliens. Dr. James ...

ICE director: states shouldn't follow Arizona lead
Post Date: 2010-07-14 23:22:14 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
ICE director: states shouldn't follow Arizona lead RICHMOND, Va. --The director of the nation's immigration enforcement agency says states should not follow Arizona's lead and enact strict new immigration laws because ridding the country of illegal immigrants is the federal government's job. Director John Morton says he doesn't think 50 different immigration enforcement laws is the answer to the nation's immigration troubles. Arizona's law takes effect July 29th and directs police enforcing other laws to ask about a suspect's immigration status if there is reason to believe that the person is in the U.S. illegally. Opponents have said the law will lead to ...

Brief for 9 states backs Arizona immigration law
Post Date: 2010-07-14 22:48:26 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Brief for 9 states backs Arizona immigration law DETROIT — States have the authority to enforce immigration laws and protect their borders, Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox said Wednesday in a legal brief on behalf of nine states supporting Arizona's immigration law. Cox, one of five Republicans running for Michigan governor, said Michigan is the lead state backing Arizona in federal court and is joined by Alabama, Florida, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas and Virginia, as well as the Northern Mariana Islands. The Arizona law, set to take effect July 29, directs officers to question people about their immigration status during the enforcement of ...

Mystery group lists 1,300 in Utah it claims are undocumented immigrants
Post Date: 2010-07-14 08:27:22 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Mystery group lists 1,300 in Utah it claims are undocumented immigrants An anonymous envelope mailed to Utah law enforcement and news outlets Monday contained a list of more than 1,300 people accused of being undocumented immigrants. The list includes their birth dates, telephone numbers and addresses. In a few cases, the list also included Social Security numbers and employers. Almost every surname is Latino. Also inside was an unsigned letter, dated April 4, from a group calling itself “Concerned Citizens of the United States” and addressed to “Customs and Immigration.” The group said they “strongly believe” people on the list are undocumented immigrants ...

Post Date: 2010-07-13 18:46:16 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT:Tony Bell, Communications Deputy Office: (213) 974-5555 Cell: (213) 215-5176tbell@bos.lacounty.govAPRIL WELFARE COSTS FOR CHILDREN OF ILLEGAL ALIENS EXCEEDS $52 MILLION May 28, 2010—Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich released figures from the Department of Public Social Services showing that in April 2010, $52 million in welfare benefits ($22 million CalWORKs + $30 million in Food Stamps) were issued to parents who reside in the United States illegally and collect benefits for their native-born children in Los Angeles County.  This amounts to approximately 23% of all CalWORKs and Food Stamp issuances in the County. In 200 ...

Undocumented immigrants lose government food aid
Post Date: 2010-07-13 06:27:07 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Undocumented immigrants lose government food aid By Julia LYon The Salt Lake Tribune July 12, 2010 09:03AM Hungry in Salt Lake County More than 2,000 families no longer qualify for food stamps under Utah's new rules affecting undocumented immigrants. Previously, those families had benefited from a system that counted only a portion of their income. Hundreds are affected in Salt Lake County alone. At the beginning of July, more than 2,000 families with undocumented immigrants stopped receiving food stamp benefits due to a change in Utah’s rules. Now a growing number of them are showing up at emergency food pantries confused and needing help. “But, of course, I have to ...

Governors Voice Grave Concerns on Immigration (Drudge: Az Lawsuit Toxic)
Post Date: 2010-07-11 22:06:24 by Horse
BOSTON — In a private meeting with White House officials this weekend, Democratic governors voiced deep anxiety about the Obama administration’s suit against Arizona’s new immigration law, worrying that it could cost a vulnerable Democratic Party in the fall elections. While the weak economy dominated the official agenda at the summer meeting here of the National Governors Association, concern over immigration policy pervaded the closed-door session between Democratic governors and White House officials and simmered throughout the three-day event. At the Democrats’ meeting on Saturday, some governors bemoaned the timing of the Justice Department lawsuit, according to ...

Illegal Alien Child Molester Receives $4Million In Lawsuit - Largest settlement ever awarded by Orange County for an in-custody incident
Post Date: 2010-07-11 08:25:22 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Illegal Alien Child Molester Receives $4Million In Lawsuit The Obama Administration's failure to lock-down the southern border is now costing Americans more than just their lives, it's costing them money-a lot of money. The Examiner has more on the shocking story: On April 17, 2009, the Orange County Board of Supervisors agreed to pay $3.75 million, plus an additional $900,000 in medical expenses to an illegal alien who was severely beaten by other inmates in the Orange County Central Jail. The Mexican national filed a lawsuit shortly after the incident. Fernando Ramirez, 24, was in jail after being charged with molesting a 6-year-old girl at a local park. He eventually pled ...

Sarah Palin: Americans Must “Learn From (Reagan’s) Mistakes” On Illegal Immigration
Post Date: 2010-07-11 00:56:55 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Sarah Palin: Americans Must “Learn From (Reagan’s) Mistakes” On Illegal Immigration videoSarah Palin made an appearance on The O’Reilly Factor last night to test her mettle on one of the biggest issues in the political sphere today: illegal immigrants. Bill O’Reilly grilled her on specifics to finding a solution to the problem and, in her responses, Palin made it very clear that immigration may be the one substantive issue around which she has a tight grip. Palin was adamant that illegal immigrants should not be “rewarded the bad behavior” and continued along in this vein until O’Reilly stopped her, in a very similar manner to how he stopped ...

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