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Wiser Than America: Neighboring Dominicans Refuse Haitian Influx
Post Date: 2010-01-19 15:48:21 by Prefrontal Vortex
Wiser Than America: Neighboring Dominicans Refuse Haitian Influx [Patrick Cleburne] @ 12:01 am [Email author] [Email this article] [Print this article] As the Obama Administration seizes the pretext of the Haitian earthquake to relax border enforcement so as to increase and render permanent the Haitian invasion of America, the neighboring Dominican Republic, which shares the island of Hispaniola, is doing exactly the opposite. Tension grows in the border with Dominican Republic as Haitians try to escape by Daniel Shoer Roth The Miami Herald Saturday 1.16.10 splutters: Dominican officials along the border with Haiti confirmed on Friday that they were expecting tens of thousands of ...

State, Palm Beach County agencies gearing up for possible waves of refugees from Haiti
Post Date: 2010-01-14 21:21:52 by Jethro Tull
As aid workers dug through the rubble of Haitian cities devastated by Tuesday's massive earthquake, county, state and federal agencies across South Florida were gearing up Thursday to accommodate anticipated waves of refugees from the battered Caribbean nation. In Palm Beach County, a mass-migration expert with the emergency management division was monitoring relief efforts, and emergency managers were readying for action if immigrants started coming ashore. "Any time you have an event like this," migration is a possibility, said Chuck Tear, Palm Beach County's emergency operations director. "We're continuing to monitor the situation and will provide support as ...

California: South Africa Revisited?
Post Date: 2010-01-14 19:02:48 by Prefrontal Vortex
California: South Africa Revisited? By Boethius What, besides perfect weather, does modern California have in common with Apartheid-era South Africa? More than meets the eye. That California is in deep financial trouble is no secret. Also no secret (at least while Lou Dobbs was on the air) is that a major source of the trouble is the swollen population of low-income Hispanics who pay no income taxes while needing more social services than the working-class Americans they displaced. However, there is more to California’s fiscal nightmare than a mismatch of falling taxes and rising needs. There is also the staggering cost of salaries, benefits, and pensions for California’s ...

Mexican woman tells of ordeal with cross-border child traffickers
Post Date: 2010-01-13 19:03:09 by Horse
A young Mexican woman who escaped from human traffickers has told US special agents how she witnessed babies and children being "sold to order" to US citizens. America's Department of Homeland Security in Washington says the girl, known only as Maria, had "significant ~information" and possessed a "remarkable memory" of her experiences inside the gang. In an interview with Channel 4 News, to be broadcast tonight, the teenager tells of a cross-border trade in babies and young children, where Mexican and US gangs worked together to supply a demand in the United States. As a result of the interview, US officials and Mexican authorities have begun an ...

Migrants leave Italian town amid violence
Post Date: 2010-01-12 18:28:34 by Prefrontal Vortex
Migrants leave Italian town amid violence By Richard Allen Greene, CNN (CNN) -- The message blaring out of the speakers on the van was stark: "Any black person who is hiding in Rosarno should get out. If we catch you, we will kill you." Abdul Rashid Muhammad Mahmoud Iddris got out. He's one of hundreds -- perhaps thousands -- of African migrants taken by bus out of the Italian town over the weekend after violent demonstrations shook southern Italy. The unrest was among the worst of its kind in recent Italian history, said a spokesman for the International Organization for Migration. "We have not witnessed such protests in a long time," said Flavio Di Giacomo. ...

Obama Readying Immigration Overhaul Despite Political Risks
Post Date: 2009-12-31 14:22:50 by X-15
WASHINGTON - The punishing battle over healthcare is still unresolved, but the Obama administration is quietly laying plans to take up another issue that could generate even more controversy and political division--a major overhaul of the nation's immigration system. Already, senior White House aides have privately assured Latino activists that the president will back legislation in 2010 to provide a road to citizenship for the estimated 12 million undocumented workers now living in the United States. In a conference call with proponents, White House deputy chief of staff Jim Messina, political director Patrick Gaspard and others recently delivered the message that the White House is ...

Corrupting Our Mexican Border Patrol ~ Good fences make good agents
Post Date: 2009-12-21 10:22:21 by mel_living
Corrupting Our Mexican Border PatrolGood fences make good agentsAmerican Patrol Report Comment -- December 21 "For as long as historians can remember, lying has been part of the Mexican culture." Andres Oppenheimer, Bordering on Chaos    In 2006 the New York Times reported that 62 percent of U.S. Border recruits were Hispanic. Since the vast majority of Hispanics in the U.S. are of Mexican heritage, it is safe to say that we have been recruiting mostly Mexicans to guard the Mexican border.     Mexicans have strong family ties that reach across the border. Is it racist to suggest that many of these new agents might be somewhat conflicted in ...

Millionaires' Row 2009: How hundreds of families get luxury homes on benefits far beyond the means of most working people
Post Date: 2009-12-20 11:47:48 by Jethro Tull
Millionaires' Row 2009: How hundreds of families get luxury homes on benefits far beyond the means of most working people By Paul Bracchi Last updated at 8:40 AM on 19th December 2009 Comments (-) Add to My Stories Their magnificent townhouse overlooks a courtyard and is in one of the most expensive areas of London. It has four storeys, six bedrooms (some with balconies), three sitting rooms and four bathrooms - as well as a concierge service.The property is worth a cool £1.8 million and would cost you or me nearly £1,600 a week to rent. Enlarge   Luxury: Francesca Walker and three of her eight children. The family is housed in a £2.6million London villa in ...

Judge: Gangs more deadly than some Gitmo detainees
Post Date: 2009-12-19 19:35:28 by Jethro Tull
WASHINGTON – The chief judge of the federal court in Washington told lawyers Thursday that domestic street gangs are more deadly than some Guantanamo Bay detainees who could face trial in U.S. courts. Judge Royce Lamberth was speaking at an American Bar Association breakfast about Attorney General Eric Holder's recent decision to put the reputed Sept. 11 mastermind and four accused henchmen on trial in New York federal court. Lamberth didn't refer specifically to those five in his comments, but rejected the suggestion made by some critics of Holder's decision that U.S. courts cannot secure defendants like terror suspects held at Guantanamo. "The gangs are more ...

Two vehicles hit by gunfire at Nogales port of entry
Post Date: 2009-12-17 10:44:07 by mel_living
Several shots were fired near the Mariposa Port of Entry in Nogales on Monday, striking two vehicles waiting in line to enter the United States. Between six to eight shots rang out at about 7:45 p.m., striking a bus and car as they awaited entry into the U.S., said Brian Levin, Customs and Border Patrol spokesman. No injuries were reported and the port was closed until 8:25 p.m. The shots came from Mexico and were not fired by someone in line, Levin said. The incident is the first of its kind at the port, which is now on heightened alert. 60;We are being very vigilant of what is around us,61; Levin said.

Sheriff Arpaio sued by members of MCSA and discredited ACORN
Post Date: 2009-12-16 14:50:39 by mel_living
PHOENIX (CN) - Sheriff Joe Arpaio has been sued again, by people who say they were arrested for applauding critics of Arpaio at a county Board of Supervisors meeting, or for "trespassing" in a public building where they had gone to make an appointment with a county supervisor. Two women say sheriff's officers arrested them for "disorderly conduct" after they applauded criticism of Arpaio's immigration policies at a Board of Supervisors meeting. Some of the protesters say they were arrested three days before the meeting, for "trespassing," as they waited to make an appointment with a supervisor in a public waiting area of the board's offices. ...

Post Date: 2009-12-16 10:48:32 by mel_living
D.A. King Warning to Obama: Another amnesty not the answer Yesterday Congressman Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) introduced legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives to reward the hordes of illegal aliens who made it past our Border Patrol Agents with legalization, jobs, public benefits and eventually the right to vote as citizens. With the open borders lobby57;s usual shameless contempt for the intellect of the American people, Gutierrez is calling his bill 60;Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America57;s Security and Prosperity.61; The 2010 battle for repeating the 60;one-time61; amnesty of 1986 has begun. Don57;t expect the legislation to receive nearly as much attention from the ...

Aztlan Surrender Act of 2009
Post Date: 2009-12-16 10:07:29 by mel_living
Aztlan Surrender Act of 2009Eighty-seven Sign On to Amnesty BillAmerican Patrol Report -- December 16 Rep. Luis Gutierrez introduces his bill to end U.S. sovereignty.    A bill [view here - pdf] that prohibits the United States of America from using its military to protect its borders, ties the hands of U.S. Border Patrol by imposing severe border environmental rules, and forces Customs and Border Protection to treat invaders as honored guests, is supported by at least 87 members of the U.S. House of Representatives.     The bill also grants amnesty to anyone who got across the border before December 15, 2009, the date it was introduced, and prohibits ...

Immigration overhaul bill unveiled in House
Post Date: 2009-12-16 07:09:16 by DeaconBenjamin
The legislation, which includes a path to legalization, is met with criticism from conservatives and liberals. Reporting from Los Angeles and Chicago - Raising the curtain on a new round of debate over immigration reform, a group of Democratic congressional lawmakers introduced a comprehensive bill Tuesday that, among other provisions, would offer a path to legalization for the country's estimated 12 million illegal immigrants. The bill, championed by Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez (D-Ill.), was decidedly more pro-immigrant than the bipartisan legislation House lawmakers debated two years ago. And the latest version drew immediate fire from the left as well as the right. Groups opposed to ...

Democrats move to overhaul immigration
Post Date: 2009-12-15 23:15:08 by F.A. Hayek Fan
House Democrats Tuesday unveiled major legislation to overhaul the nation’s immigration laws, pegging its passage to the fulfillment of a campaign promise by President Barack Obama. Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.), who has shepherded the bill, enjoyed chants of “yes we can” from a horde of onlookers in a packed room in the Rayburn House Office Building. But the future of the bill is more uncertain. The Congressional Hispanic Caucus, including Chairwoman Nydia Velazquez (D-N.Y.) and its most senior member, Rep. Solomon Ortiz (D-Texas), lauded the bill, saying it’s long overdue and would help integrate undocumented immigrants into U.S. society. But with the nation’s ...

‘This isn’t the Britain we fought for,’ say the ‘unknown warriors’ of WWII
Post Date: 2009-12-15 12:10:40 by Jethro Tull
Sarah Robinson was just a teenager when World War II broke out. She endured the Blitz, watching for fires during Luftwaffe air raids armed with a bucket of sand. Often she would walk ten miles home from work in the blackout, with bombs falling around her. As soon as she turned 18, she joined the Royal Navy to do her bit for the war effort. Some WWII soldiers, and families of those lost in the war, have complained society today shows no sign of the effort they made to help Hers was a small part in a huge, history-making enterprise, and her contribution epitomises her generation's sense of service and sacrifice. Nearly 400,000 Britons died. Millions more were scarred by the experience, ...

Obama Moves on Amnesty
Post Date: 2009-12-15 10:22:52 by mel_living
Today Rep. Luis Gutierrez will introduce legislation granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. This legislation would not have seen the light of day without the go ahead from Barack Obama, just as we predicted he would. Leading the charge to justify amnesty is Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano. She told the Arizona Republic: "The congressional marks for number of agents and miles of fence are all being met. All the numbers (of immigrants entering the country) are down. The argument that there is this uncontrolled flow of people into the country just doesn't match with the facts." Napolitano is not telling the truth and the American people need to know it ...

Border Insecurity Continues
Post Date: 2009-12-15 09:54:22 by mel_living
Border Insecurity ContinuesThe March of ConquestAmerican Border Patrol -- December 14 All but one of these photographs is of people found on a border trail in November. Can you tell which is one is not? Mexico Recovers Its Own        Failure of the Department of Homeland Security, headed by Janet Napolitano, to secure our border with Mexico is being documented on a daily basis by Operation Border Count, a project of American Border Patrol. The photos shown here were taken on a trail leading into the U.S. from Mexico, sometime in the past month. Specific dates and locations are withheld to protect cameras and the people who place them except to say the ...

No sign of the 'sea-broken people'?
Post Date: 2009-12-15 02:01:37 by Prefrontal Vortex
No sign of the 'sea-broken people'? London is an ethnically diverse city, and climate change is global – but protests don't reflect this At the climate change protest in London last Saturday, billed as the Big (or Blue) Wave, one feature was striking. The protestors had done their best to look blue as instructed – blue face-paint, blue wigs, blue bobble-hats – but underneath the blueness nearly everyone was white. In a crowd of 50,000 (the organisers' estimate) I saw no more than a couple of dozen black people, and of that number hardly anyone at all who looked to have south Asian ancestry. We were white and we were middle class, and we might have been ...

Nebraska Appeals Court: Illegal immigrant is entitled to worker benefits
Post Date: 2009-12-09 19:30:09 by DeaconBenjamin
LINCOLN -- An illegal immigrant injured on the job is entitled to state worker compensation benefits, according to a Nebraska Court of Appeals decision released Tuesday. Odilon Visoso was injured May 9, 2006, at Cargill in Schuyler when a 100-pound slab of meat fell from a hook and hit the back of his head, neck and shoulder. Visoso, who used the name Adam Rodriguez, continued to work at Cargill on light duty until surgery in early October 2008. The company fired him late that same month because he was an illegal worker. The appellate court upheld a Worker Compensation Court decision that the worker compensation law covers all employees injured on the job -- even those in the country ...

Post Date: 2009-12-06 15:52:02 by Horse
KIDNAP victims seized at night in Mexico City and forced to work as slaves were freed by armed police last night. A total of 107 were released after having to work 16 hours a day making shopping bags. After being bundled into vans they were beaten daily and not allowed to talk for weeks at a time, tormented by guards dubbed “the godfathers”. One of the victims, Efrain Torres, 36, a cargo loader, said he had been dragged off the streets and bundled into a van several months ago by guards from an establishment that purported to be a rehabilitation centre for alcoholics. “They didn’t pay us a single peso,” he said last night. Mexico City’s attorney general ...

Joe Arpaio, Illegal Immigration Hard-liner, Heckled by Students
Post Date: 2009-12-02 12:47:15 by X-15
Student protesters at Arizona State University silenced an Arizona sheriff known for his controversial tactics on illegal immigration today, bringing a premature end to a First Amendment forum by singing "Bohemian Rhapsody." During the forum, which was hosted by the university's journalism school, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio was asked whether his office engages in racial profiling, according to the Associated Press. Arpaio said his agency is an "equal opportunity law enforcement agency" that will arrest anyone who violates the law. Later, when trying to answer a question about his policies on illegal immigration, a group of hecklers stood up and began ...

Some toy drives check immigration status
Post Date: 2009-12-02 00:39:21 by X-15
They don't claim to know who's been naughty or nice, but some Houston charities are asking whether children are in the country legally before giving them toys. In a year when more families than ever have asked for help, several programs providing Christmas gifts for needy children require at least one member of the household to be a U.S. citizen. Others ask for proof of income or rely on churches and schools to suggest recipients. The Salvation Army and a charity affiliated with the Houston Fire Department are among those that consider immigration status, asking for birth certificates or Social Security cards for the children. The point isn't to punish the children but to ...

Dobbs Reaches Out to Latinos, With Politics in Mind
Post Date: 2009-11-25 14:10:37 by X-15
Former CNN anchor Lou Dobbs, pondering a future in politics, is trying to wipe away his image as an enemy of Latino immigrants by positioning himself as a champion of that fast-growing ethnic bloc. Mr. Dobbs, who left the network last week, has said in recent days that he is considering a third-party run for a New Jersey Senate seat in 2012, or possibly for president. Polls show voters unhappy with both parties, and strategists believe Mr. Dobbs could tap populist anger over economy issues just as Ross Perot did in the 1990s. First, though, Mr. Dobbs is working to repair what a spokesman conceded is a glaring flaw: His reputation for antipathy toward Latino immigrants. In a little-noticed ...

Federal Reserve Funding Secret Space Program?
Post Date: 2009-11-25 11:17:03 by Flintlock
Poster Comment:I've never heard of Alex Collier before. He claims to have lived with Aliens. At about 7:30 into the video he claims the Fed is funding a secret space program. Is he the King of Kooks? You decide PS Audit the Fed NOW!

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