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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Federal Reserve Funding Secret Space Program?
Post Date: 2009-11-25 11:17:03 by Flintlock
Poster Comment:I've never heard of Alex Collier before. He claims to have lived with Aliens. At about 7:30 into the video he claims the Fed is funding a secret space program. Is he the King of Kooks? You decide PS Audit the Fed NOW!

How the Recession’s Affecting Immigration
Post Date: 2009-11-24 00:24:49 by DeaconBenjamin
With U.S. unemployment at a 26-year high Americans will be feeling the economic downturn for some time. Immigration experts are seeing global signs of the recession in major shifts in U.S. immigration trends, especially at the high and low ends of the skills spectrum. Here are the most significant changes. You know the U.S. is in a recession when… Mexicans are sending money to relatives in the United States. In 2007, Mexicans living in the U.S. sent about $26 billion to relatives living in Mexico. The amount of remittances dropped to $25 billion in 2008, the first decline since the Central Bank of Mexico started keeping track 14 years ago. In the first nine months of 2009, the ...

Where Does Sarah Palin Stand On An Immigration Moratorium?
Post Date: 2009-11-23 14:23:39 by Prefrontal Vortex
November 20, 2009 Where Does Sarah Palin Stand On An Immigration Moratorium? By Peter Brimelow We were in rural Arkansas, staying with my wife’s grandparents, when the news broke that Sarah Palin was the GOP 2008 Vice Presidential pick. Lydia’s grandfather had been showing his gun collection to her stepson, Alexander, and there were, as I recall, sixteen (16) of them laid out at the foot of the stairs, where they stayed for the rest of our visit. Neither grandparent had ever heard of Palin, but her effect on them was electric. They instantly identified with every aspect of her—the blue collar husband, the church membership, the intense family life, the son entering the ...

Iraqi refugees move to Mich. despite poor economy
Post Date: 2009-11-22 16:29:04 by scrapper2
DETROIT — The U.S. government resettled Mazen Alsaqa in Massachusetts in February. Within a month, the Iraqi refugee moved to Michigan. It wasn't that Alsaqa disliked Worcester, Mass. But he never thought twice about staying. Even though the U.S. government tried to keep him away from the Detroit area and its soaring unemployment, that was the only place Alsaqa wanted to live. Tens of thousands have fled Michigan's troubled economy in recent years, yet Iraqi refugees continue to move there despite a U.S. government policy trying to limit refugee resettlement in the Detroit area. Family ties and cultural support from the region's large Middle Eastern community appear no ...

Teen pleads guilty in July murder of border agent (Rosas)
Post Date: 2009-11-20 16:58:26 by hondo68
SAN DIEGO — A 17-year-old Mexican immigrant has pleaded guilty in San Diego to murdering a Border Patrol agent who was shot eight times in July. The U.S. attorney's office said Christian Daniel Castro Alvarez entered the plea Friday in federal court. Prosecutors say the teenager admitted entering the United States illegally from Mexico to rob a Border Patrol agent of government property. Border Patrol Agent Robert Rosas was shot four times in the head the night of July 23 near Campo, east of San Diego. He was also shot once in the neck and three times in the torso. Authorities say the defendant lured Rosas out of his car and struggled with him over a firearm. Castro Alvarez ...

Why Did Lou Dobbs Quit? (hint: immigration doesn't matter so much anymore)
Post Date: 2009-11-19 10:56:20 by ghostdogtxn

Illegal Alien Amnesty Thugs Attack Tea Party Protesters in Ft. Lauderdale
Post Date: 2009-11-17 12:13:29 by christine
The attack against Tea Party activists in the video below is a direct result of the concerted campaign by the corporate media — in particular Chris Matthews — to portray Tea Party activists and supporters as racist. It’s an example of pro-Obama brown-shirt thuggery. In August, SEIU (Service Employees International Union) knuckle-draggers attacked anti-Obamacare demonstrators at a U.S. Rep. Russ Carnahan, D-St. Louis, event in Mehville, Missouri. Kenneth Gladney, who was handing out Gadsen flags outside the stage-managed event, was viciously beaten by a male SEIU member and an unidentified woman. Gladney was hospitalized with multiple injuries. The attack came after House ...

Reversal of fortune: Mexican families sending money north
Post Date: 2009-11-17 10:34:46 by christine
MIAHUATLÁN, Mexico — During the best of the times, Miguel Salcedo’s son, an illegal immigrant in San Diego, would be sending home hundreds of dollars a month to support his struggling family in Mexico. But at times like these, with the American economy out of whack and his son out of work, Mr. Salcedo finds himself doing what he never imagined he would have to do: wiring pesos north. Unemployment has hit migrant communities in the United States so hard that a startling new phenomenon has been detected: instead of receiving remittances from relatives in the richest country on earth, some down-and-out Mexican families are scraping together what they can to support their ...

Obama Will Push 'To Give Legal Status To An Estimated 12 Million Illegal Immigrants' Early Next Year : Under the administration’s plan, illegal immigrants would have to register, pay fines and all taxes they owe, pass a criminal background check and learn English.
Post Date: 2009-11-14 14:25:56 by Mind_Virus
White House Plan on Immigration Includes Legal Status Saturday, November 14, 2009 By JULIA PRESTON, The New York Times The Obama administration will insist on measures to give legal status to an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants as it pushes early next year for legislation to overhaul the immigration system, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said on Friday. In her first major speech on the overhaul, Ms. Napolitano dispelled any suggestion that the administration -- with health care, energy and other major issues crowding its agenda -- would postpone the most contentious piece of immigration legislation until after midterm elections next November. Laying out the ...

Napolitano sees hope for illegals amnesty law
Post Date: 2009-11-14 13:14:37 by DeaconBenjamin
The government has beefed up border security and workplace immigration enforcement, and now should begin the work of overhauling immigration laws, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Friday. "The hope is that when we get into the first part of 2010, that we will see legislation begin to move," Napolitano said. The legislation should not only give law enforcement officials more tools to fight illegal immigration but create a "tough pathway" for undocumented workers to gain legal status, she said. Napolitano said the government's progress in shoring up the border with Mexico and enforcing laws at the workplace meant that more Americans and more ...

Napolitano pronounces US border more secure now
Post Date: 2009-11-13 16:53:30 by freepatriot32
WASHINGTON – The Obama administration has met many of the border security benchmarks Congress set in 2007 as a prerequisite to immigration reform and now it's time to change the law, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Friday. Napolitano, designated by President Barack Obama to lead the administration's efforts to overhaul immigration laws, said many members of Congress had said they could support an update of immigration laws, but only after border security improved, Napolitano said. "Fast-forward to today, and many of the benchmarks these members of Congress set in 2007 have been met," she said in a speech to the Center for American Progress, a ...

Perry: Obama 'hell-bent' on socialism (shameless re-election rhetoric)
Post Date: 2009-11-12 13:49:31 by X-15
Texas GOP Gov. Rick Perry accused President Barack Obama on Wednesday of “punishing” Texas and being “hell-bent” on turning the United States into a socialist country. Speaking at a luncheon for a Midland County Republican Women’s group, Perry said that “this is an administration hell-bent toward taking American towards a socialist country. And we all don’t need to be afraid to say that because that’s what it is.” Perry praised the tea party movement to the Republican activists in attendance, crediting the grassroots groups with discouraging some Democrats in Washington from pushing for a public option in the health care bill. “If you ...

Update: Lou Dobbs to Quit CNN
Post Date: 2009-11-11 19:39:23 by X-15
Lou Dobbs, the longtime CNN anchor whose anti-immigration views have made him a TV lightning rod, said Wednesday that he is leaving the cable news channel effective immediately. “Some leaders in the media, politics and business have been urging me to go beyond my role here at CNN and engage in constructive problem-solving,” Mr. Dobbs said just after 7 p.m., suggesting that he would remain involved in the civic discourse, but perhaps not on television. “I’m considering a number of options and directions,” Mr. Dobbs added. Wednesday’s program will be his last on CNN, one of his employees said earlier in the evening. Mr. Dobbs’ contract was not set to ...

Man charged with statutory rape in ‘marriage’ to 14-year-old girl
Post Date: 2009-11-10 00:51:05 by mirage
Vincent Mosby signed a marriage contract and paid a dowry in a religious ceremony in August, police said. Mosby, 23, of Kansas City didn’t legally wed his 14-year-old bride, however, because Missouri law won’t allow it without a judge’s order. Police said she was pressured into the union because her mother and stepfather thought she was going to be sexually active with a boy her age. Although the bride’s stepfather arranged the “marriage,” according to court records, other relatives frowned upon the union and told police in late August. The relatives also took the girl to protect her from further sexual abuse, according to court records. A relative told ...

On The Edge Max Keiser and ellen Brown
Post Date: 2009-11-07 17:28:10 by Horse
Poster Comment:Video One: They discuss Geithner's proposed 618 page Bailout bill in which he says there should be no congressional oversight. Geithner rejected the notion of a trillion dollar limit on his Bailouts. Video Two and Three: Max interviews Ellen Brown who favors the take over of the FED and the issuance of a debt free money as did Presidents Kennedy and Lincoln. In video two Max says inside sources tell him that China will add 300 tons of gold to their reserves over the next 6 months.

LA Doctor Allegedly Faked Exams For Immigrants
Post Date: 2009-11-06 13:10:03 by Horse
Levon Tebelekian is accused of falsifying the results of medical exams and lab tests A Los Angeles doctor has allegedly found a creative way to speed up his workflow. Levon Tebelekian, 72, is accused of giving medical clearance to immigrants applying for U.S. visas by allegedly falsifying the results of medical exams and lab tests, the Los Angeles Times reported. In one case, he allegedly told an undercover ICE agent that he was not going to "disturb his blood" and that he "did not look like he had AIDS," according to an affidavit. Authorities are unsure how many other patients were victims of the alleged scam and may have received one of these apparent visual AIDS ...

Noam Chomsky: Manufacturing Dissent (Chomsky As Gatekeeper)
Post Date: 2009-11-05 14:32:34 by Horse
Poster Comment:Chomsky's comments on the 9/11 Truth movement are full of surprising statements and bizarre non sequiturs. Find out more about the ways in which Chomsky is attempting to limit dissent by dismissing... Perhaps Noam Chomsky is smart enough to undertand that any honest investigation lead to Israel.

Mexican-Born Activist Wants to Represent Immigrants in Congress
Post Date: 2009-11-04 12:05:57 by Jethro Tull
Mexican-Born Activist Wants to Represent Immigrants in Congress CHICAGO – Mexican-born immigrant rights activist Jorge Mujica plans to challenge incumbent Rep. Dan Lipinski in next year’s Democratic primary for Illinois’ 3rd congressional district. Mujica, 54, is currently an advisor to the Institute for Mexicans Abroad and is an immigrant candidate who wants to take the struggle for immigration reform “to the next level.” A resident of Chicago for 22 years, Mujica gained notoriety as coordinator of the March 10 Movement and organizer of the historic immigrant marches of 2006 in this city. “At that time, we were fighting against the appalling proposal (of ...

Obama lifts ban on US entry for those with HIV
Post Date: 2009-11-02 12:16:19 by scrapper2
President Barack Obama said Friday the U.S. will overturn a 22-year-old travel and immigration ban against people with HIV early next year. The order will be finalized on Monday, Obama said, completing a process begun during the Bush administration. The U.S. has been among a dozen countries that bar entry to travelers with visas or anyone seeking a green card based on their HIV status. "If we want to be the global leader in combatting HIV/AIDS, we need to act like it," Obama said at the White House before signing a bill to extend the Ryan White HIV/AIDS program. Begun in 1990, the program provides medical care, medication and support services to about half a million people, ...

DHS Protects Privacy of Illegals
Post Date: 2009-11-02 11:50:43 by scrapper2
The Department of Homeland Security is muzzling local law enforcement agencies regarding their efforts to enforce federal immigration laws in order to protect the "privacy" of illegal aliens. Any information about local police enforcement actions must now be cleared through the DHS's Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) division before it can be released to the media or the public. Kelly Nantel, press secretary for ICE, told CNSNews that although illegal aliens are not protected under the Privacy Act of 1974, the DHS's policy is to extend the privacy protection to individuals who are in the U.S. illegally. "The Privacy Act and the private policy provide ...

Girl Kicked Attacker, Triggering Gang Rape
Post Date: 2009-11-02 09:42:21 by Jethro Tull
An attacker "went off" on a teen when she resisted sex outside her California high school, according to witnesses, triggering a savage gang rape that left her nearly dead and riveted a shocked America. The girl, described by teachers as a devout Christian too eager to please boys, rebuffed a pushy male outside her homecoming dance, according to the first detailed account of the brutal attack in the San Francisco Chronicle. "They had her down on the bench and the bitch tried to kick" one of the men in the testicles, said a student. "He went off on her, started hitting her, and then it was on. They pulled a train on her," he added, while spectators watched and ...

DHS Extends Privacy Protection to Illegal Aliens
Post Date: 2009-11-01 14:59:27 by farmfriend
DHS Extends Privacy Protection to Illegal Aliens Written by Joe Wolverton, II Friday, 30 October 2009 22:00 The Department of Homeland Security is gagging local law enforcement agencies around the country to protect the privacy of illegal aliens. This sort of heavy-handed micromanagement should come as no surprise to those familiar with the decades-long, multi-administrational, bi-partisan project of absolutely eliminating the principle of federalism in general and the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution in particular. This latest federal strike at this most fundamental principle of American government comes as part of a revision of an agreement between the Department of Homeland ...

Mexican cartels already in Oklahoma
Post Date: 2009-10-28 23:30:42 by X-15
They are the "No. 1 threat" to Oklahoma, a narcotics official says.Editor’s Note: This article sheds light on the violent and shadowy underworld of the Mexican drug cartels in Oklahoma. In order to tell the most accurate story, The Oklahoman has relied on a variety of state and federal court records as well as the eyewitness accounts of two undercover agents with the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control. The identities of the two agents have been withheld for their safety. Crossing a Mexican drug cartel usually comes with a price — death. On the U.S.- Mexico border, that price is being paid daily with an endless stream of execution-style slayings in ...

Hispanic Immigrants’ Children Fall Behind Peers Early, Study Finds
Post Date: 2009-10-28 13:40:58 by Jethro Tull
Hispanic Immigrants’ Children Fall Behind Peers Early, Study Finds By JAMES C. McKINLEY Jr. Published: October 21, 2009 HOUSTON — The children of Hispanic immigrants tend to be born healthy and start life on an intellectual par with other American children, but by the age of 2 they begin to lag in linguistic and cognitive skills, a new study by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, shows. The study highlights a paradox that has bedeviled educators and Hispanic families for some time. By and large, mothers from Latin American countries take care of their health during their pregnancies and give birth to robust children, but those children fall behind their ...

Virginia's crackdown on illegals pays big dividends
Post Date: 2009-10-28 08:39:23 by DeaconBenjamin
In 2003, several counties in Northern Virginia banded together to form a joint task force to crack down on illegals and gangs. Then in March of last year, Prince William County made national headlines by upping the ante even further. They passed an ordinance that required County police to verify the immigration status of any criminal or traffic suspects when there was probable cause to think they were in the country illegally. The suspects were held and transferred to ICE, irrespective of the disposition of the underlying charge. Almost immediately, the Washington Post started whining about the unfairness of Prince William County's program. First of all these racist county ...

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