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Queens Educator Critically Ill With Swine Flu; 3 Schools Closed
Post Date: 2009-05-14 22:52:38 by Jethro Tull
Queens Educator Critically Ill With Swine Flu; 3 Schools Closed By Anemona Hartocollis AND Javier C. Hernandez Updated, 9:29 p.m. | In the first serious case of swine flu in New York City, an assistant principal of a Queens middle school has been hospitalized and is on a ventilator, officials announced Thursday. The city closed that school, and two others with large clusters of flu-like symptoms. All three schools are to remain closed for about a week. (See the article prepared for Friday’s print edition.) The assistant principal works at Intermediate School 238, in the Hollis section of Queens, and was said to have become critically ill. Neighbors and school officials identified the ...

Migrant Warns Africans Off 'Misery' of Europe
Post Date: 2009-05-13 15:10:22 by Turtle
AN African in Paris is appealing to his countrymen to stay at home rather than risk their lives attempting to break into “fortress Europe”, where, he says, they will be miserable. Omar Ba, from Senegal, in west Africa, says Europe is not the promised land imagined by Africans; instead it is almost impossible to find a job or somewhere to live and people are unfriendly to foreigners. “I came in search of happiness,” said Ba, 28, in a cafe in Paris last week. “I found solitude and depression.” He is luckier than most because his book I Came, I Saw, I Believe No More has turned the child of impoverished smoked-fish sellers into a minor celebrity and has put a ...

Italy does not want to become 'multi-ethnic' says Silvio Berlusconi
Post Date: 2009-05-12 19:51:33 by X-15
Italy does not want to become a "multi-ethnic" country and will continue its newly adopted policy of sending boatloads of immigrants and asylum seekers back to North Africa, the prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, said. Previous Left-wing governments had "opened the doors to clandestine migrants coming from other countries, with an idea of a multi-ethnic Italy," Mr Berlusconi said. But that kind of society was "not our idea", he added, as he sought to reassure Italians who were alarmed at the number of immigrants pouring into the country, particularly from eastern Europe and Africa. The prime minister's vision of Italy was condemned by the centre-Left ...

The Hate Crimes Prevention Bill: Why Do Jewish Organizations Support It?
Post Date: 2009-05-12 10:38:40 by Prefrontal Vortex
The Hate Crimes Prevention Bill: Why Do Jewish Organizations Support It? By Kevin MacDonald The “Hate Crimes Prevention Bill” will be in the Senate Judiciary Committee this week. It recently passed the House, causing the Anti-Defamation League to rejoice. The ADL called the law "an essential and necessary step forward in the national effort to counter hate crimes" and urged passage by the Senate. It also congratulated itself on taking a leadership role in promoting this legislation for the last 10 years. Other Jewish organizations have also been at the forefront of promoting “hate crime” legislation in the US and throughout the West. Needless to say, there ...

The Morality of Survival
Post Date: 2009-05-10 11:43:19 by Deasy
[The West] has not yet understood that whites, in a world become too small for its inhabitants, are now a minority and that the proliferation of other races dooms our race, my race, irretrievably to extinction in the century to come, if we hold fast to our present moral principles. [emphasis added] --Jean Raspail, The Camp Of The SaintsThe loss of racial identity in the Western world is symptomatic of a deeper crisis within the European peoples, whose culture and technology have provided the world with much of what we know today as modern civilization. At its core, the crisis is the inevitable consequence of a profound, and perhaps fatal, misunderstanding of the nature of morality. We have ...

Lebanon police chief: language barrier could cause danger (Missouri)
Post Date: 2009-05-08 21:58:56 by X-15
The city police department is having a problem communicating with its growing Hispanic population. Officers say the language barrier could lead to a dangerous situation with suspects and victims. In those situations, officers sometimes have to wait for an interpreter to meet them. Not only is it costly but it’s also time consuming. Officer Ralph Robinson’s limited Spanish sometimes creates confusion and frustration when he’s on patrol. “You run into obstacles—them not understanding you, trying to communicate with them, with just basic, average things: license, insurance, things like that,” said Robinson. Lebanon’s police chief says the city’s ...

Obama ends well-liked program for border security
Post Date: 2009-05-08 03:33:46 by farmfriend
Obama ends well-liked program for border security By SUZANNE GAMBOA Associated Press Writer Published: Thursday, May. 7, 2009 - 2:19 pm Last Modified: Thursday, May. 7, 2009 - 2:25 pm WASHINGTON -- Members of Congress quickly denounced an Obama administration plan to end federal payments to states and communities for jailing illegal immigrants. President Barack Obama asked Congress in his budget Thursday to end the State Alien Criminal Assistance Program. Instead, the $400 million it received for the 2009 fiscal year could be used for border security and immigration enforcement, the administration said. The SCAAP program reimburses states and counties for jailers' salaries for ...

Schumer Promises Sweeping Immigration Law
Post Date: 2009-05-07 21:19:02 by X-15
New York Sen. Chuck Schumer is predicting that sweeping immigration reform will become law before the year is over. Schumer, a Democrat and chairman of the Senate's immigration subcommittee, spoke at the New York Daily News/Citizenship Now! headquarters. He said he expected Senate hearings to lead to a major change in U.S. policy, the Daily News reported. "I believe that this year, we can pass comprehensive, strong, fair immigration reform," Schumer said. Schumer's comments came on the heels of President Barack Obama saying America can't continue with a "broken" immigration system. Obama has stated that he supports comprehensive immigration reform ...

Australians are racist, says street thug Sam 'The Assassin'
Post Date: 2009-05-07 20:45:38 by X-15
THE leader of Sydney's radical Middle Eastern street gang - Asesinoz MC - yesterday accused Australians of racism. The 29-year-old, who calls himself Sam "The Assassin", defended the Parramatta-based gang's violent image in its YouTube videos and MySpace site. They promote anti-Australian sentiment and flag burning. "There are a handful of good Australians but most are racist by assuming Lebanese people are responsible for all crimes," he told The Daily Telegraph, speaking publicly for the first time. "When they see a Middle Eastern walking down the street they assume they are Lebanese. "I am half Lebanese and half Iraqi but I want the public and ...

Muslim Demographics
Post Date: 2009-05-06 20:00:41 by Jethro Tull
Poster Comment:Thoughts please.

1.61 million White English are unemployed, 85% of all new jobs going non-native immigrants !
Post Date: 2009-05-06 09:17:19 by Jethro Tull
Almost nine in 10 new jobs created over the past decade have been taken by foreign-born workers despite a sharp increase in the number of skilled British workers, official figures show. The number of British people in work has slumped to the lowest level since Labour was elected in 1997, undermining claims made by Gordon Brown that employment was at a record high. Since 1997, some 1.4 million fewer Britons work in manufacturing, yet 113,000 more foreign-born workers are in the sector. Of the 1.7 million more people in employment since 1997, 1.5 million were born outside the UK, according to the Office for National Statistics. The figures have been uncovered by a former Labour minister ...

Each illegal immigrant costs us £1m, says study as Government faces calls for amnesty [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-05-05 23:36:30 by X-15
An amnesty allowing illegal immigrants to stay in Britain would cost taxpayers £1million for each newcomer, a shocking new report revealed today. The massive sum reflects the costs of handouts and other state services provided over the lifetime of the average immigrant. The figure would also apply to many of those who have already been granted asylum in Britain, according to campaign group Migrationwatch which commissioned the study. Their revelation came as thousands of churchgoers, trade unionists and charity workers today prepared to rally in London in support of an ‘earned amnesty’ for 450,000 foreigners. The coalition argues that providing permanent residency for ...

A very English extremist
Post Date: 2009-05-05 21:15:37 by Deasy
A very English extremistOne of Britain’s most prolific racist and antisemitic propagandists has passed away. Dowager Lady Jane Birdwood, editor of Choice magazine and close political ally of wartime nazi collaborators, died on 29 June. Often dismissed as an eccentric crank, Birdwood represented the far right of the establishment. Backed by MPs, lords, vicars, retired officers and the wealthy, she was a very English extremist. Nick Lowles looks back on the life of one of Britain’s most important postwar racists. Born Joan Pollock Graham in Winnipeg, Canada, on 18 May 1913, the Dowager Lady Jane Birdwood was the second of three daughters of a Scottish aristocrat, Christopher Norman ...

Lily-of-the-valley Lady Jane Birdwood
Post Date: 2009-05-05 20:40:38 by Deasy
Fighter for English-Only Richard Barrett       It is with great sadness that the death of Lady Jane Birdwood is marked. As Chris Jackson of the British National Party put it, "She put to shame some of our youngest members." Lady Jane, as she was affectionately known, succumbed to cancer in July, 2000 at 87. Her funeral service was held at the church in Chiswick, London. "Her passing is deeply felt," said Jackson, who hailed Lady Jane as a heroine, who had fought off -- singlehandedly -- no less than three attempts by Negroes to mug her on the streets of London. I visited her at her humble London apartment and, as an American, was prepared to ...

BNP wins seat in London Assembly
Post Date: 2009-05-03 18:45:54 by Deasy
BNP wins seat in London Assembly The anti-immigration British National Party has won a seat on the London Assembly after getting 5.3% of votes. Richard Barnbrook, who is BNP leader on Barking and Dagenham Council and who came fifth in the mayoral contest, will take up one of the 25 assembly seats. He said he would stand up for Londoners regardless of "colour or identity" as long they fitted in "to the environment they come into". But critics said it was a victory for "hatred, violence and stupidity". London voters elected 14 of the London Assembly members directly, with the remaining 11 divided between the parties in proportion to London-wide votes. ...

Tory MPs mull anti-BNP tactics
Post Date: 2009-05-03 17:26:15 by Deasy
Up until now the Tory strategy - strongly advocated by Eric Pickles and accepted by David Cameron - has been to work around the BNP.  It's where I've been, too.  The idea is to deny the BNP the 'oxygen of publicity' and work harder than them when it comes to pavement politics.Some Tory MPs are beginning to worry that that strategy may no longer be tenable.  One MP told ConservativeHome: 'The BNP activists are not like they were. They don't wear bomber jackets. They don't have number one shaved heads. They don't have tattooes.  They look smart.  They smile.  They are talking about housing and jobs, not race.  They aren't ...

"Jews Are Disproportionately Involved in Every Kind of Insanity"
Post Date: 2009-05-03 06:45:57 by Turtle
On Thursday I quoted Stephen Steinlight, the redoubtable but lonely patriot who is trying to persuade his fellow Jews that mass immigration—specifically Muslim immigration—is bad for them, Steinlight said: “What’s happened here is that the entire conservative side of the cultural divide has been demonized as potential extremist terrorists…I’m thinking that one day a group of FBI agents will come to CIS [Center for Immigration Studies, where Steinlight is a senior policy analyst] and want to go through our files.” These comments were part of two very long and rather discursive interviews on LukeFord.Net. This website is run by an Australian immigrant of ...

Report: Illegal immigrants having more kids in US
Post Date: 2009-05-02 19:32:38 by Jethro Tull
Report: Illegal immigrants having more kids in US By HOPE YEN Associated Press Writer Posted: 04/14/2009 07:00:37 AM PDT WASHINGTON—Growing numbers of children of illegal immigrants are being born in this country, and they are nearly twice as likely to live in poverty than those with American-born parents, a report says. The study released Tuesday by the Pew Hispanic Center highlights a growing dilemma in the immigration debate: Illegal immigrants' children born in the United States are American citizens, yet they struggle in poverty and uncertainty along with parents who fear deportation, toil largely in low-wage jobs and face layoffs in an ailing economy. The analysis by ...

Severin suspended for comments about Mexican immigrants
Post Date: 2009-05-02 07:37:59 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Severin suspended for comments about Mexican immigrants Comments about Mexicans and swine flu by WTKK radio host Jay Severin have prompted a flood of complaints to station management." width=539> Comments about Mexicans and swine flu by WTKK radio host Jay Severin have prompted a flood of complaints to station management (Suzanne Kreiter/Globe Staff/File 2001) Jay Severin, the fiery right wing talk show host on Boston's WTKK-FM radio station, was suspended yesterday after calling Mexican immigrants "criminaliens," "primitives," "leeches," and exporters of "women with mustaches and VD," among other incendiary comments. Heidi Raphael, a spokeswoman for the station, said ...

Gov't going after companies hiring illegal workers
Post Date: 2009-04-30 21:15:40 by Deasy
Gov't going after companies hiring illegal workersBy EILEEN SULLIVAN – 5 hours ago WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration is pursuing employers who knowingly hire and exploit illegal workers, a policy not significantly different from the Bush administration's approach.The guidelines, sent to Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents on Thursday, call for imposing fines and pressing criminal charges against employers who break the law.The priority is to go after employers, but the policy says agents will continue to arrest illegal workers as long as local U.S. attorneys commit to prosecuting cases against their employers.The Obama administration stresses that ...

Incursions of border by cops, troops rising
Post Date: 2009-04-30 20:21:55 by X-15
Unauthorized border crossings by Mexican authorities such as soldiers and police spiked more than threefold in 2008, according to an annual report the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency sought to keep secret. Now that the report is public, the result of a lawsuit by a public-interest group, the agency is attempting to downplay its significance. “BorderStat Violence, FY 2008 Year in Review” says that 147 foreign government incursions occurred in 2008, a 359 percent increase from the previous year. Only 216 incursions were tallied in the previous nine years. “There are a lot of places out there where the border isn’t clearly marked,” said Lloyd ...

DHS Queen and CFR Minion Janet Napolitano
Post Date: 2009-04-27 18:14:50 by Itistoolate
Mexico Cheerleading Constitution-ignoring Former Arizona Governor and CFR Stooge Janet Napolitano Now she's head of the DHS! The governor who vetoed legislation intended to prevent voting by foreign invaders........AP Internal Use Only Click for Full Text!

Mexican Swine Flu
Post Date: 2009-04-26 12:07:52 by Horse
Mexican Swine Flu continues to spread, it is now on both coasts of America and in Kansas in the middle of the country. It is feared to have spread to New Zealand. In New York City, 8 out of 10 students tested, at the school where 75 students became ill, have non-human flu - it is strongly suspected to be Mexican Swine Flu. Now 81 reported as dead in Mexico (given the nature of the Mexican medical/public health system and the corruption in the country, who knows the true figure). Based on deaths reported, the kill ratio is between 8% and 10%. Mexican Swine Flu is attacking healthy young adults and teens the hardest, just like the worst killing flu in history did, Spanish Flu in 1918!. The ...

New, deadly swine flu hits Mexico, U.S.
Post Date: 2009-04-24 14:06:01 by Horse
* Mexican government announces fatal swine flu outbreak * WHO says Mexico cases same as an outbreak in California * New mixture of viruses never seen before (Recasts, adds WHO linking Mexican, U.S. cases) MEXICO CITY, April 24 (Reuters) - A deadly strain of swine flu never seen before has killed as many as 61 people in Mexico and has spread into the United States, where several people were reported ill. Mexico's government said on Friday that at least 16 people have died of the disease in central Mexico and that it may also have been responsible for 45 other deaths. The World Health Organization said the virus that killed at least 12 of the victims in Mexico had the same genetic ...

Mexico City suspends school over flu epidemic
Post Date: 2009-04-24 13:52:48 by Horse
Mexico City has suspended classes at schools and universities to contain what could be a new flu strain. Health Secretary Jose Cordova says private and public schools in this metropolis of 20 million have been ordered to remain closed Friday. The measure could be extended in coming days. Cordova says the flu is a "new, different strain that can attack anyone." He says authorities are investigating whether it is related to a unique new form of swine flu reported in Texas and California. All seven people in the U.S. recovered. The government says at least 20 people have died nationwide from the flu in the last three weeks, 13 of them in Mexico City. The total number of cases is ...

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