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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Britons flee London to be replaced by immigrants
Post Date: 2009-01-07 13:10:47 by Jethro Tull
Britons flee London to be replaced by immigrants London lost more than a third of its residents in an exodus to the countryside during the last decade with 1.8 million immigrants pouring into the captial to replace them. By Harry Wallop, Consumer Affairs Editor Last Updated: 8:10PM GMT 04 Jan 2009 Comments 6 | Comment on this article The figures underline the huge flux within the population from not just international migration, but also British people moving around the country. According to the Halifax, the country's largest mortgage lender who closely monitors house ownership, 345,000 more British people left London than moved to the capital between 1998 and 2007. It is the ...

Italian Government Decides To Turn Back The Tide
Post Date: 2009-01-06 13:30:28 by X-15
Italy will send back illegal invaders who arrive on its shores starting from Tuesday, that country’s interior ministry has announced. The decision came after an unexpected wave of invaders around Christmas overwhelmed its holding centres. Thirty eight Egyptians will be flown to Cairo on Tuesday, the first group to be deported under the new plan announced by Italy’s government which has made cracking down on illegal immigration a top priority since coming to power in May. Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, a member of the anti-immigration Northern League, said Italy faced an emergency after some 2,000 invaders arrived on the southern island of Lampedusa since Christmas. “I ...

Study: Illegal immigrants' care costs state $677 million
Post Date: 2009-01-05 09:33:52 by Jethro Tull
Study: Illegal immigrants' care costs state $677 million By JANET ELLIOTT Houston Chronicle Austin Bureau Dec. 12, 2008, 11:23AM AUSTIN — The state of Texas and local hospital districts spent an estimated $677 million to provide health care to illegal immigrants in a year, a new study says. The survey, issued by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, said that most of the money — $597 million — was spent by local hospital districts for the immigrants' care during the state's fiscal year that ended on Aug. 31, 2006. Lawmakers from both parties said they were not surprised by the millions spent and expressed hope that the report, required by the 2007 ...

Don't call whites racists, says British official
Post Date: 2009-01-02 13:51:09 by Jethro Tull
Don't call whites racists, says British official Hazel Blears, the British government's Minister of Funny Walks, excuse me, Communities Secretary, says that white working class people must be allowed to speak their mind on immigration without fear of being branded racist. However, the real meaning of Blears's comments is the exact opposite of what people will think. First, here is most of The Telegraph's article: Politicians must listen and respond to the concerns that some white people have about changes to their communities, she added. Ms Blears said more candid discussion was needed to prevent myths about people from ethnic minorities "jumping the queue" for ...

Illegal fatally beats woman who gives him home - 12-time deportee repays compassionate stranger with murder
Post Date: 2008-12-20 13:52:16 by Jethro Tull
Posted: December 19, 200812:25 am Eastern © 2008 WorldNetDaily Julio Cesar Ramos, 45 An illegal alien – who has been deported more than a dozen times – is being charged with first-degree murder after allegedly beating a woman to death when she took him in, gave him work and treated him like family. Paulette Locklear, 64, and several members of her church built a small house on her property in Fayetteville, N.C., for 45-year-old Julio Cesar Ramos of Honduras, North Carolina's WRAL-TV reported. Locklear's nephew, Jeremy Brewington, said Locklear reached out to Ramos. "The family just helped him any way we could," Brewington said. ...

Border cameras net 2 million hits, 1 drug bust, 6 illegal entries
Post Date: 2008-12-17 08:07:04 by Disgusted
AUSTIN - Nearly 2 million Web hits and a thousand e-mails from watchers of Texas' latest border camera project resulted in one drug bust and reports of about a half-dozen illegal border crossings in the past month, officials said Tuesday. "We still feel very strongly that the program is righteous, that it's doing the right thing and that as it grows it will make our communities even safer," said Donald Reay, executive director of the Texas Border Sheriff's Coalition. The coalition, along with the private online social networking company BlueServo, obtained a $2 million grant from Gov. Rick Perry to operate the border camera program. Perry promised in 2006 to line the ...

Samual Francis on Immigration and the Ruling Class
Post Date: 2008-12-14 17:55:49 by Turtle
My topic is the theory of elites in American society as developed by Sam Francis, and about the role that mass immigration plays in that theory. As far as I know, Francis did not fully and explicitly explain in a single essay or article why he believed mass immigration became one of the major underpinnings of the contemporary American ruling class—as he understood it—but I do know he believed that immigra- tion was in fact an integral component of the means by which con- temporary elites maintain and expand their social, political, and cul- tural power in the United States today. Francis made this explicit in an introduction to America Extin- guished: Mass Immigration and the ...

Bush considering easing rules on foreign farm workers
Post Date: 2008-12-12 18:38:46 by X-15
Farmers would have an easier and cheaper time securing foreign guest workers under pending Bush administration rules. The controversial changes to the so-called H-2A guest-worker program could cut wages and speed worker recruitment. They also would relax requirements for providing foreign workers with housing and transportation. “The Department of Labor is going to weaken oversight and enforcement,” Bruce Goldstein, the executive director of the Farmworker Justice Fund, charged Wednesday. A Labor Department spokesman said Wednesday night that the final rules would be made public Thursday and published in the Federal Register on Dec. 18, which means they’d take effect two ...

‘Si Se Pueda’
Post Date: 2008-12-12 18:35:56 by X-15
Protestors, some of them children, marched on the state Capitol last Thursday, holding signs reading “Working should not be a crime,” “Raids tear families apart,” and “Si se pueda” (“Yes we can”). About 50 immigrants and immigrant-rights advocates protested recent raids on undocumented workers at a factory in Laurel and the passage of Senate Bill 2988, a new law making it illegal for undocumented workers to be employed in the state. Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance Executive Director Bill Chandler called the law, known as the Mississippi Employment Protection Act, the “ethnic cleansing act.” {snip} Sen. Giles Ward, R-Louisville, ...

Study: Illegal immigrants' care costs state $677 million
Post Date: 2008-12-12 18:30:19 by X-15
AUSTIN — The state of Texas and local hospital districts spent an estimated $677 million to provide health care to illegal immigrants in a year, a new study says. The survey, issued by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, said that most of the money — $597 million — was spent by local hospital districts for the immigrants' care during the state's fiscal year that ended on Aug. 31, 2006. Lawmakers from both parties said they were not surprised by the millions spent and expressed hope that the report, required by the 2007 Legislature, will help prompt Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform legislation. State Rep. Garnet Coleman, D-Houston, said ...

56,000 signatures"go missing" from LA "Sanctuary City" petition
Post Date: 2008-12-12 17:29:37 by freepatriot32
How does 76,000 become >20,000? Well that's what petitioners in Los Angeles want to know. Earlier this week 76 thousand signatures were turned in, more than enough to place an initiative on the ballot for the next election, that would require the LAPD to identify and deport gang members who are illegal aliens (in other words require the LAPD to obey enforce the law). Maybe it was some sort of strange black magic or something because when when the LA Officials counted the names there were less than 20 thousand. Mmm does the name Rose Mary Woods ring a bell? Read the report below: City Won’t Put Illegal Immigrant Law On Ballot Fri, 12/12/2008 - 12:50 — Judicial Watch Blog ...

Census portrays more of a melting pot in Southern California
Post Date: 2008-12-09 21:07:45 by Jethro Tull
Recently released survey results suggest that suburban communities have continued to integrate, with significant increases in the Asian and Latino populations. By Rich Connell, Doug Smith and Teresa Watanabe December 9, 2008 The integration of Southern California's suburban communities continued apace into the second half of the decade, driven by steadily growing numbers of Latinos and Asians moving into middle-class neighborhoods, according to detailed census data released Monday. Overall, the white population in the five-county region appears to have leveled off after a notable decline in the 1990s. Other groups continued to expand across the region, with the Asian population ...

Longing for the good 'ol days when America was mostly white
Post Date: 2008-12-08 19:14:30 by Jethro Tull
Poster Comment: Another column that today wouldn't see the light of day, true as it might be. Is it any wonder the newspaper business is out of business?

533,000 Jobs Lost in NOV -- But the Feds Imported Another 140,000 Foreign Workers the Same Month!
Post Date: 2008-12-07 23:30:23 by X-15
With the federal government reporting another giant loss of jobs for November, isn't it time to stop the massive importation of foreign workers? Non-farm employers in the U.S. eliminated 533,000 jobs in November. At the same time, in a typical month the feds give out approximately 140,000 new work permits and green cards to foreign workers. How can this make any sense for the American people's own government to be recruiting more competitors for a dwindling number of jobs? Month after month as hundreds of thousands of Americans lose their jobs, the feds keep pumping another 140,000 new foreign workers into the laborforce. The new foreign workers compete with the laid-off and ...

Former drug officer launches 'KopBusters' TV show
Post Date: 2008-12-06 20:53:47 by Ada
Click for Full Text! Barry Cooper, a former Texas police officer with eight years of specialty in drug interdiction, first made waves when he released the film "Never Get Busted Again," a how-to guide for evading police drug seizures. Austin, Texas-based Cooper's latest project is not nearly so benign, and will likely generate for the former drug warrior an army of enemies in law enforcement. 'KopBusters' is a reality TV program that aims to sink crooked officers. "KopBusters rented a house in Odessa, Texas and began growing two small Christmas trees under a grow light similar to those used for growing marijuana," claims a release from ...

Illegall Hordes Making America Unrecogizable
Post Date: 2008-12-05 05:48:21 by Zoroaster
Anicent Remedies For Modern Times Illegal Hordes Making America Unrecognizable By Frosty Wooldridge 12-4-8 Have American citizens lost their battle to remain a free and sovereign country? Have they lost their will to defend the United States of America? What does the future hold if Barack Obama, aided by Senator John McCain, succeeds in a massive amnesty given to 20 million illegal aliens? An astute reader named Dawn said, "I have been reading your articles for a long time and I agree with every word you have written. I admire your tenacity--fighting a losing battle. However, I wanted to point out another angle on immigration. "Illegal immigrants are clearly changing the ...

Post Date: 2008-12-05 05:31:21 by Zoroaster
UNBELIEVABLE! LA RAZA VP, CECILIA MUNOZ, TO BE OBAMA'S DIR OF INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS Posted By: Susoni Date: Thursday, 4 December 2008, 7:18 p.m. Hows that for 'change' you can count on. You can count on Amnesty being pushed through, even though 75% of Americans protest it. We're already broke, how are we going to absorb, and pay for, all the other illegals stealing from Americans? Oh, I forgot, Obama Hood is going to steal from the rich to give to the un-working poor. Yes, this ought to make the depression easier to handle. No more of those vigilante policemen either. The ones who listen to the legal Americans and keep illegals from their city limits. Viva la ...

Mexico sends Cubans home under new accord
Post Date: 2008-12-04 16:10:11 by X-15
Mexico is sending illegal Cuban migrants home for the first time under a new accord aimed at cutting off an increasingly violent human-trafficking route to the United States, an official said Thursday. Before Mexico signed the agreement with Cuba in October, authorities rarely sent migrants back to the communist island. The Cubans were being deported from the resort city of Cancun, said Luis Alberto Molina, an immigration official in Quintana Roo state, where Cancun is located. Molina said he could not give further details. An Associated Press photographer in Cancun saw about 60 immigrants being loaded on two buses early Thursday, and some shouted out that they were being sent to Cuba. ...

Texas officials ask Obama to stop border fence
Post Date: 2008-12-03 20:04:23 by Rotara
EL PASO, Texas — Elected officials in El Paso are asking President-elect Barack Obama to scuttle federal plans to build hundreds of miles of fencing along the U.S. border with Mexico. In a three-page letter to Obama dated Wednesday, officials from El Paso argue that the fence, a project approved by Congress in 2006, was ill-conceived and is an irresponsible expense while the country is in the midst of a recession. State Sen. Eliot Shapleigh, who has long opposed the project, said he believed existing fencing, including several miles of decades old barriers in El Paso, Nogales, Ariz., and San Diego, should also be removed. "We want a message of friendship and a message of ...

Border Collapse 2009
Post Date: 2008-11-28 01:27:31 by Horse
President-elect Obama has said he will suspend all border enforcemnt in the first 100 days of his administration until the Congress and the Senate pass Amnesty for Illegal Aliens. If he goes through with removing all border controls, millions of people will cross the border from Mexico. And nearly a million or more illegal aliens from other countries will cross the Canadian and Mexican borders. They will all demand American citizenship.Some will have relatives already living in America illegally. Others might have worked here for a couple of years some time ago. Calculate what an American citizenship is worth in dollars and cents to impoverished Third World nations that suffer from ...

Migrant workers grab more jobs in UK than Britons
Post Date: 2008-11-25 01:37:06 by Horse
LONDON: Migrants workers in UK have grabbed more jobs in the last two years than the British-born employees, official figures indicated on Monday. Jobs filled by foreigners have increased by about half a million over the period while the number of British-born employees has slumped by 149,000. Young migrant workers and those over 50 years of age also earn more, on average, than their British counterparts. Latest figures show net immigration had hit its second highest level on record after increasing five-fold under Labour. And a report by one of the Prince of Wales's official charities said rural communities were struggling to cope with the number of overseas workers descending on ...

Berman Will File 9 Bills About Illegal Immigration (Texas)
Post Date: 2008-11-18 16:14:16 by X-15
State Rep. Leo Berman, R-Tyler, will file nine bills in Austin aiming to reduce the burden of illegal immigration on taxpayers by reducing benefits and protections for illegal immigrants in the state. Berman said legislators first addressed illegal immigration during the last legislative session, but around 24 bills were killed in committee before they could be voted on by the House. He hopes legislators will consider immigration legislation during the coming session. The first bill Berman plans to file will challenge automatic citizenship under the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The bill says the state of Texas will not issue a birth certificate to children of illegal ...

A system's fatal flaws - Thousands of inmates admit they're in the U.S. illegally, but even those convicted of violent crimes are often released right back onto Houston's streets
Post Date: 2008-11-17 13:51:31 by Jethro Tull
A system's fatal flaws Thousands of inmates admit they're in the U.S. illegally, but even those convicted of violent crimes are often released right back onto Houston's streetsBy SUSAN CARROLL Copyright 2008 Houston ChronicleNov. 16, 2008, 7:33AM Mayra Beltran Chronicle Inmates are interviewed by jailers in the booking office at the Harris County Jail, where officers maintain a database of inmates who tell jailers during booking that they are in the U.S. illegally. Federal immigration officials allowed scores of violent criminals 52; some ordered deported decades ago 52; to walk away from Harris County Jail despite the inmates' admission ...

A system's fatal flaws
Post Date: 2008-11-16 20:42:50 by Horse
Thousands of inmates admit they're in the U.S. illegally, but even those convicted of violent crimes are often released right back onto Houston's streets Federal immigration officials allowed scores of violent criminals — some ordered deported decades ago — to walk away from Harris County Jail despite the inmates' admission to local authorities that they were in the country illegally, a Houston Chronicle investigation found. A review of thousands of criminal and immigration records shows that Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials didn't file the paperwork to detain roughly 75 percent of the more than 3,500 inmates who told jailers during the booking ...

A shrinking population: If Latinos are leaving, where are they going?
Post Date: 2008-11-16 09:02:35 by Disgusted
A shrinking population: If Latinos are leaving, where are they going? Oct. 5, 2008 By Ashley Fielding and Edie Rogers There is ample evidence that Latinos are leaving Hall County. The reason why Latinos are leaving depends on whom you ask. Day laborers who wait for work in parking lots on Atlanta Highway say Latinos are leaving in search of jobs. A few, who spoke to The Times while they waited for someone to offer them a job opportunity Wednesday, talked of acquaintances who have gone to North and South Carolina in search of construction jobs. The jobs here have dried up, and opportunities come less frequently. "I find work two days a week," said Luis Katina, a day ...

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