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Latest Articles: Immigration

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North American Union: Wanted Dead or Alive
Post Date: 2008-08-03 17:55:49 by Rotara
by Dana Gabriel Friday Aug 1st, 2008 10:16 AM In this commentary there is a certain amount of skepticism mixed with cautious optimism. Have a handful of brave, dedicated, concerned citizens and action groups slayed the North American Union monster? It is true that we have been afforded a sort of reprieve, and have been given a little breathing room. We might have the globalists on the ropes, but they aren’t about to throw in the towel just yet. They are in their corner regrouping, retooling, plotting a different strategy, looking for a weakness. They are predators, conniving, ruthless, arrogantly confident and at the same time highly motivated. Much of their agenda has already been ...

Immigrants Deported, by U.S. Hospitals
Post Date: 2008-08-02 21:09:41 by DeaconBenjamin
JOLOMCÚ, Guatemala — High in the hills of Guatemala, shut inside the one-room house where he spends day and night on a twin bed beneath a seriously outdated calendar, Luis Alberto Jiménez has no idea of the legal battle that swirls around him in the lowlands of Florida. Shooing away flies and beaming at the tiny, toothless elderly mother who is his sole caregiver, Mr. Jiménez, a knit cap pulled tightly on his head, remains cheerily oblivious that he has come to represent the collision of two deeply flawed American systems, immigration and health care. Eight years ago, Mr. Jiménez, 35, an illegal immigrant working as a gardener in Stuart, Fla., suffered ...

Is it any wonder people are fleeing London?
Post Date: 2008-08-02 00:36:01 by Horse
In a north London suburb last week, a schoolgirl was beaten, gang-raped and then had drain-cleaning fluid poured on her body apparently to destroy DNA evidence. In the eternal cesspit of senseless urban crime, I feel that a dreadful nadir of sorts has been reached, a benchmark of slaked lust and casual, sadistic cruelty. Police sources say the 16-year-old will never fully recover from the injuries caused by the caustic soda and, at the time of writing, she remains under heavy sedation in a burns unit, fighting for her life. One could weep an ocean for this young woman, her life ruined by these savages, who hunted in a pack like animals and dragged her to an empty house, caring nothing for ...

Canadian Mom Gives Birth To 18th Child
Post Date: 2008-08-01 18:33:05 by Jethro Tull
Canadian Mom Gives Birth To 18th Child 44-Year-Old Romanian Immigrant The Most Prolific Mom In British Columbia In 20 (AP) A Romanian immigrant has given birth to her 18th child in British Columbia, making her the province's most prolific mother in 20 years. Proud dad Alexandru Ionce said Saturday that his 44-year-old wife, Livia, gave birth on Tuesday. Their daughter Abigail weighed in at seven pounds, 12 ounces. "We never planned how many children to have. We just let God guide our lives, you know, because we strongly believe life comes from God and that's the reason we did not stop the life," said Alexandru Ionce. The couple immigrated to Canada from Romania in ...

Ramos and Compean Lose 5th Circuit Court Appeal [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-07-31 23:34:00 by farmfriend
Ramos and Compean Lose 5th Circuit Court Appeal Written by Ann Shibler Thursday, 31 July 2008 10:45 In a fresh outrage, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has rendered a 46-page decision upholding the convictions of Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. All convictions were affirmed except those for tampering with official proceedings, which has been remanded for resentencing. In his opinion Judge E. Grady Jolly (a Reagan appointee) wrote: “We leave the major conviction with the major sentence … untouched.” He continued, “The underlying crime of violence with which the defendants were charged is assault within the special territorial jurisdiction of the ...

Chinese mothers seek their own "gold medal" baby with American citizenship
Post Date: 2008-07-31 21:46:16 by X-15
In May 2008, President George W. Bush signed into law The Consolidated Natural Resources Act of 2008. Chinese mothers are using the law as a means to bring home their own ‘gold medal,’ a baby with American citizenship. The Act enabled the United States to take over the labor and immigration system of Saipan, the largest island and capital of the U.S. Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). As a result, employers in Saipan are now allowed to apply for U.S. work visas for immigrant workers under the new act. Also, importantly, babies born in Saipan are now automatically U.S. citizens. Many Chinese moved quickly to take advantage of the act. Immigration services in big ...

Hegemony Everywhere but at Home
Post Date: 2008-07-31 12:42:55 by Rupert_Pupkin
Hegemony Everywhere But At Home By Paul Craig Roberts What explains the fantastic amount of resources that Americans have thrown into combating a nonexistent Muslim threat to the United States, while acquiescing to decades-long encroachment by illegal aliens? According to economic and budgetary experts, the US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq will cost Americans in excess of $3 trillion. And that might only be the beginning. Currently, the US military is violating Pakistan’s sovereignty by conducting military strikes within Pakistan’s borders, and the political regime in Washington, pushed by its Israeli overlord, has been preparing the American people for an attack on Iran. ...

Tide of illegal immigrants now being reversed
Post Date: 2008-07-31 10:18:03 by Rotara
Thu Jul 31, 4:00 AM ET Washington - Some 1.3 million illegal immigrants have left the United States since Congress failed to pass comprehensive immigration reform in the summer of 2007. If the trend continues, according to a new study, the nation's illegal population will drop by half in the next five years. Moreover, reports the Center for Immigration Studies, young Hispanic immigrants began heading south before the nation's economy did – a clue that what's driving the new outmigration is a stepped-up border and workplace enforcement, not a souring US job market. The source of the report – a think tank with a record of opposing illegal and even some legal ...

US Humiliates Illegal Immigrants
Post Date: 2008-07-31 02:43:17 by Rotara
Guatemala, Jul 28 (Prensa Latina) The Guatemalan Catholic Church said illegal immigrants are humiliated in the United States, from where nearly 15,000 Guatemalans have been expelled so far this year. Archbishop Rodolfo Quezada Toruño condemned the practice of installing chips on the immigrants to keep them under control, as they do with criminals on parole. "Installing a device on people to locate them is humiliating. It is a sign of slavery," the cardinal said during a mass in the metropolitan cathedral. Quezada urged the Guatemalan government to improve legal advisory to immigrants in order to reduce deportations, and to guarantee more job opportunities, so that people ...

New immigration strategy — Deport yourself:Agency allows immigrants here illegally to avoid raids, prison by turning selves in
Post Date: 2008-07-30 21:18:56 by scrapper2
Rather than risk getting caught, turn yourselves in. That's the latest government strategy in its ongoing effort to dramatically reduce the nation's ballooning population of illegal immigrants. Scheduled to be unveiled next week, it was announced Sunday by Julie Myers, director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, in an interview with a Spanish-language television network. Myers told the network that "Operation Scheduled Departure" will allow illegal immigrants without criminal records a chance to literally "self-deport" by turning themselves in to her agents. She said the idea derived from a common complaint voiced by immigrant detainees: If given the ...

After raid, Iowa town deals with Somali immigrants
Post Date: 2008-07-29 18:50:57 by Jethro Tull
POSTVILLE, Iowa - Scores of Somali immigrants are taking jobs at the nation’s largest kosher meatpacking plant, replacing Hispanic workers arrested in a huge immigration raid and forcing a remote Iowa town to make another cultural shift. Before the May 12 raid at Agriprocessors, hundreds of Mexican and Guatemalan immigrants maintained a vibrant community in Postville, a largely white community of 2,200 people in northeast Iowa. Now the stoops and haunts once occupied by Hispanics are being filled by about 150 Somali men. Aydurus Farah, a 21-year-old who immigrated from Somalia in 2004, set out for work in meatpacking plants to make money for his family back home in Somalia. -Snip

Operation Alliance - NAFTA, drugs and gang violence
Post Date: 2008-07-29 15:37:29 by Jethro Tull
Poster Comment:In May 1997, a federal, state and local task force called Operation Alliance issued a confidential 57-page report, obtained by the Houston Chronicle, saying that Mexican gangs were already exploiting NAFTA to smuggle drugs. The above FOIA was my attempt to access that report. Our nation, with the blessing of our government, is being flooded with illegals, drugs and gangs. NAFTA was never about free trade. It's about the destruction of America.

Latino-vs.-black violence drives hate crimes in L.A. County to 5-year high
Post Date: 2008-07-25 23:03:59 by Jethro Tull
Latino-vs.-black violence drives hate crimes in L.A. County to 5-year high The County Human Relations Commission reports a 28% increase last year, with assaults and vandalism the leading categories. By Teresa Watanabe, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer July 25, 2008 Hate crimes in Los Angeles County rose to their highest level in five years last year, led by attacks between Latinos and blacks, officials said Thursday. The annual report by the Los Angeles County Human Relations Commission showed hate crimes rose by 28%, to 763, with vandalism and assault leading the way. In what commission Executive Director Robin Toma called an alarming trend, hate crimes based on race, religion and ...

25 Reasons to Deport Illegal Aliens...
Post Date: 2008-07-25 13:13:13 by Horse
1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year. tinyurl.com/zob77 2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens. www.cis.org/articles/2004/fiscalexec.html 3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens. www.cis.org/articles/2004/fiscalexec.html 4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally. transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.html 5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies. ...

Killings turn focus on San Francisco sanctuary law
Post Date: 2008-07-25 03:25:20 by scrapper2
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The scene repeats itself daily on city streets: a driver gets stuck bumper to bumper, blocking an intersection and preventing another car from turning left. But authorities say that was enough to cause Edwin Ramos to unload an AK-47 assault weapon on a man and his two sons, killing them. The deaths immediately drew public outrage, which intensified when authorities revealed that Ramos, 21, is an illegal immigrant who managed to avoid deportation despite previous brushes with the law. The case has put San Francisco's liberal politics to the test, setting off a debate over its sanctuary law that shields undocumented immigrants from deportation. On Wednesday, Ramos ...

Judicial Watch Sues US Gov't. On Behalf of Imprisoned Border Agents
Post Date: 2008-07-25 01:05:23 by X-15
Ignacio "Nacho" Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean, the two Border Patrol agents shamelessly prosecuted by the U.S. government for shooting and wounding a Mexican drug smuggler, Oswald Aldrete-Davila, on February 17, 2005, have not been forgotten by many Americans -- such as attorney's from Judicial Watch -- who are actively pursuing their release from captivity. The two Border Patrol agents were sentenced to 11 and 12 years respectively. Meanwhile, Aldrete-Davila, who attempted to smuggle 750 pounds of marijuana into the U.S., was given medical treatment and immunity for his testimony against the railroaded border agents. "Instead of giving these two dedicated law ...

Man arrested for stealing 42 cents (Illegal Alien)
Post Date: 2008-07-23 11:56:37 by Pern
NAPLES (AP) — Forty-two cents won’t get you very far these days, but for a Southwest Florida man, it was enough to send him to jail. Naples police say 43-year-old Laslo Mujzer swiped 42 cents from the Coastland Center Mall in Naples on Monday. Officers arrested Mujzer after a mall customer saw him fishing around in the fountain. Click for Full Text!

American Citizens Poner Their Fate
Post Date: 2008-07-23 04:43:36 by Zoroaster
American Citizens Ponder Their Fate By Frosty Wooldridge 7-9-8 In a New York Times June 29th op-ed, "Anxious in America," Thomas Friedman mulled over America's dilemmas in Iraq, where the war has taken a positive turn for the USA American national economy and debt and who might become the next president. Either choice scares the daylights out of Americans on both sides. Neither candidate understands average citizens' dilemmas in their jobs, communities or schools. Neither addresses what happens in the trenches of America. Neither gives a hoot about the recent rapid increase in the U S population, or the unlawful presence of more than 30 million fully employed foreign ...

Los Angeles County Racial/Ethnic Diversity (1940-2000)
Post Date: 2008-07-22 21:19:06 by Jethro Tull
Poster Comment:Had enough yet?

Key writings on immigration and multiculturalism
Post Date: 2008-07-22 14:00:02 by Jethro Tull
Key writings on immigration and multiculturalism Below is a selection of my writings and speeches on immigration that have been presented in mainstream venues or in publications other than VFR. The entry will be permanently linked on the main page under "From VFR's Archives." The Curriculum of Inclusion [My first article on multiculturalism, National Review, Dec. 1989] The Path to National Suicide: An essay on immigration and multiculturalism [Pdf version of my 1990 booklet. Here is HTML version of PNS, with each chapter in a separate web page.] On the Meaning of Racism [chapter from PNS posted at VFR] The real "PC" [Speech at FAIR conference, 1991: "A ...

U.S. Government No Longer Values Citizenship
Post Date: 2008-07-22 12:47:12 by christine
Citizenship constitutes the foundation of the United States of America. Thomas Jefferson wrote, “We the people, in order to form a more perfect union.…” Today, after 20 years with the last three presidents, Americans watch their most precious value erode into meaninglessness. Does U.S. citizenship mean anything to this president, our Congress, our governors and our mayors of major cities. After 9/11 decimated our national security blanket, our borders needed closing. Our immigration laws and visas needed immediate tightening as most of the bombers hailed from Saudi Arabia. All of them lied on their applications without fear of inspection. Yet, current policy allows endless ...

8 ways Illegal Aliens are making you sick
Post Date: 2008-07-21 15:35:20 by Jethro Tull
8 ways Illegal Aliens are making you sickPosted by Rick HonchoJuly 15, 2008 showOdiogoReadNowButton ("81782", "8 ways Illegal Aliens are making you sick", "934", 290, 55); showInitialOdiogoReadNowFrame ("81782", "934", 290, 0); I’ll be the first one to step up and get a tear in my eye about huddled masses yearning to breathe free and live “the American Dream” in this “Land of Opportunity.” But the cold fact is that today, too many people go around the system and sneak into America from countries with markedly lower and even non-existent health standards. But these people are bringing more than just cheap ...

Made in USA label is killing us
Post Date: 2008-07-21 08:33:51 by Jethro Tull
Made in USA: The label that is killing us June 17th, 2008 Derek Bargeld, Editorials, Immigration, Race The label 56;Made in USA57; may have meant something to Americans 60 years ago.  America was a much different place then.  We knew that when something was made in the US, that is was made by white Americans in an American factory, and by a company that had some interest in the community and well-being of our country.  Fast forward to today.  We still see many Americans and even some racial-thinking Americans stuck in the false belief that buying American-made goods will benefit us.  One of the best examples of a modern company producing goods using the ...

Man charged with killing a dad, two sons last month was one of the youths who benefited from city's long-standing practice of shielding illegal immigrant juveniles who committed felonies from deportation.
Post Date: 2008-07-20 21:03:50 by angle
The man charged with killing a father and two sons on a San Francisco street last month was one of the youths who benefited from the city's long-standing practice of shielding illegal immigrant juveniles who committed felonies from possible deportation, The Chronicle has learned. Edwin Ramos, now 21, is being held on three counts of murder in the June 22 deaths of Tony Bologna, 48, and his sons Michael, 20, and Matthew, 16. They were shot near their home in the Excelsior district when Tony Bologna, driving home from a family picnic, briefly blocked the gunman's car from completing a left turn down a narrow street, police say. Ramos, a native of El Salvador whom prosecutors say ...

Post Date: 2008-07-20 14:17:02 by HOUNDDAWG
Picture a knife that will inject 24g of compressed gas into a predator, expand its innards to the size of a basketball and freeze the organs around the piercing and kill the critter instantly. For divers this could be extremely useful when sharks start to get that look in their eyes and begin to edge each other into a frenzy. Once the first critter is inflated it will go bobbing instantly to the surface before it starts leaking blood, which (if all goes as advertised) will draw the remaining thugs...I mean, fish away from the diver. The important thing is that regardless of the size of the critter that much gas would defeat its *swim bladder equilibrium or whatever it uses to achieve ...

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