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Latest Articles: Immigration

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A horrifying story about U.S. Immigration
Post Date: 2008-05-15 12:36:32 by TwentyTwelve
A horrifying story about U.S. Immigration Posted by: Erik Torkells, Editor in Chief, Wednesday, May 14, 2008, 8:04 AM If you've ever stood in line at U.S. Immigration and wondered if the agents feel a bit too comfortable in their power--I know I have--then you should absolutely read this story in today's New York Times. (Actually, it's even more imperative that you read it if you don't think immigration agents are abusing their power.) To sum it up, an Italian man flew to Dulles airport outside D.C. to visit his American girlfriend. He ended up being detained in jail for 10 days for no apparent reason. (Agents claimed he asked for asylum; as the man's girlfriend says, ...

Illegal Immigrant Workers in Paris Want Resident Status in France
Post Date: 2008-05-14 22:41:21 by X-15
Illegal immigrants working in the Paris area have launched an unprecedented wave of sit-ins and strikes to demand their situation be normalized. The movement is spreading - and is supported by the country's largest trade union. From Paris, Lisa Bryant reports it also challenges France's tough stance on immigration - which the government aims to highlight when it takes over the European Union presidency in July. Chez Papa is a typical French restaurant in downtown Paris, serving up traditional specialties like foie gras and steak frites. But the clientele has been staying away from the establishment since mid-April when three dozen illegal immigrant workers, including some of the ...

Locke High School in South Los Angeles locked down after huge brawl
Post Date: 2008-05-11 22:21:39 by Jethro Tull
Locke High School in South Los Angeles locked down after huge brawl Luis Sinco / Los Angeles Times A school official talks to concerned parents gathered today at Locke High School in South Los Angeles, site of an afternoon melee among students. Four people are arrested after a lunchtime melee involving as many as 600 students. By Howard Blume and Mitchell Landsberg, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers May 10, 2008 A fight between rival groups of black and Latino students at Locke High School quickly escalated into a campus-wide melee Friday, with as many as 600 students brawling until police restored calm with billy clubs. The troubled campus in South Los Angeles was locked down after ...

National Petition And Media Campaign To Pardon Agents
Post Date: 2008-05-10 02:39:56 by FOH
Petition President Bush Today! National Petition And Media Campaign To Pardon AgentsRamos And Compean! Total signers: 386,009 Your Sponsor: Grassfire.org The Issue: Two former U.S. Border Patrol agents -- Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean -- are serving 11- and 12-year prison terms for attempting to apprehend an illegal alien drug smuggler. The smuggler, who was transporting 743 pounds of marijuana (about $1 million worth), was given full immunity to testify against our agents and is suing our government for $5 million. Now, reports indicate that the Mexican government was instrumental in this case even being launched. Plus, our own government has been lying about key details in ...

Gunmen Kill Chief of Mexico’s Police
Post Date: 2008-05-09 21:34:50 by Horse
MEXICO CITY — Gunmen assassinated the acting chief of Mexico’s federal police early on Thursday morning in the most brazen attack so far in the year-and-a-half-old struggle between the government and organized crime gangs. The Mexican police have been under constant attack since President Felipe Calderón took office in December 2007 and started an offensive against drug cartels that had corrupted the municipal police forces and local officials in several towns along the border with the United States and on both coasts. Since then, Mr. Calderón has sent thousands of federal agents and troops into those areas to establish law and order, provoking retaliation from ...

Medics Brace As Raids Pick Up in Afghan Southeast
Post Date: 2008-05-09 15:21:16 by ghostdogtxn

10-year-old gives birth in Idaho; Suspected illegal immigrant charged with rape
Post Date: 2008-05-09 10:14:49 by Jethro Tull
10-year-old gives birth in Idaho; Suspected illegal immigrant charged with rape A 37-year-old man is charged with raping a 10-year-old girl who gave birth last month in Idaho. "St. Anthony Police said they were notified of the young girl's pregnancy by medical personnel after she went in for treatment at a doctor's office," KIFI-TV reports on its website. One day later, the ABC affiliate says the young mother delivered a 6-pound girl at Madison Memorial Hospital in Rexburg, Idaho. KIDK-TV says Guadalupe Gutierrez-Juarez, a suspected illegal immigrant, is being held at the Fremont County Jail. He's due in court next week to face rape charges. Poster Comment:To ...

South African Crime Comes To America
Post Date: 2008-05-07 16:59:06 by robnoel
Couple Attacked in Chevy Chase Home Invasion A gunman tied up an older couple and stole items from their Chevy Chase home early this morning, and police said the attack may be related to four similar home invasions that have taken place in the past eight months. The couple told police they were awakened by the gunman about 2:30 a.m. in their home on Brookside Drive, about two blocks off of River Road. The gunman bound them and struck the woman at some point, police said. Investigators believe the gunman entered the house from the rear, Starks said, but he did not provide details about whether a door or window had been left open, or whether the man forced entry into the residence. ...

Idaho student says teacher tossed his Mexican flag in trash; he's considering lawsuit [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-05-07 15:34:05 by Peppa
A high school student says he may file a lawsuit against a physical education teacher who took a Mexican flag he had brought for Cinco de Mayo and put it in the garbage. Clint Straatman denies Froylan Camelo's version of events but said he took the flag Monday because "white kids" might have hurt the 16-year-old. He said he put it in a garbage can because he had no place else to keep it. Camelo said he was changing into gym clothes at Minico High School in Rupert when Straatman told him, "Give me the flag." "I said, 'What's the problem?'" Camelo, speaking in Spanish, told The Times-News of Twin Falls. "He said, 'The problem is that ...

New York Times exposé on immigrant deaths in custody
Post Date: 2008-05-06 11:33:34 by richard9151
6 May, 2008 A front-page article in Monday’s New York Times provides some insight into the barbaric treatment of immigrants held in US custody. After obtaining a government list through a Freedom of Information Act request, the Times investigated the circumstances surrounding a number of immigrant deaths that occurred in detention centers between 2004 and 2007. Sixty-six immigrants died in custody during those three years, according to the scantly detailed list, compiled by the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in January under pressure from Congress to provide an accounting of its treatment of prisoners. At that time, the House passed a bill—which later stalled ...

Neb. AG refuses to sue for immigrants' fair housing rights
Post Date: 2008-05-06 00:20:56 by X-15
LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) -- Anne Hobbs was angry. The head of the Nebraska Equal Opportunity Commission had just learned of a Hispanic couple who said their landlord asked for their driver's licenses - but didn't ask the same of non-Hispanic tenants. Hobbs said it sounded like the couple were "treated differently than everybody else because of national origin," and sent the case to the state's top prosecutor, hoping he would sue on their behalf under fair housing laws. When Attorney General Jon Bruning received the case, he was angry, too - for a different reason than Hobbs. "I'm not going to use taxpayer dollars to file lawsuits for illegal aliens," said ...

Focus on illegal immigration hurt GOP's image (Juan McTraitor - Merry Cinco de Mayo, NAU)
Post Date: 2008-05-05 13:57:52 by FOH
PHOENIX (AP) -- Republican presidential hopeful John McCain says the focus on illegal immigration during the Republican primary season harmed his party's image among Hispanics. Speaking to reporters in Phoenix on Cinco de Mayo, McCain said that Hispanic citizens want America's borders secured and illegal immigrants to be treated humanely. He says low-income Hispanic citizens are vulnerable to losing their jobs to the lower wages accepted by illegal immigrants. On the subject of broader immigration policies, McCain says local governments would not have to take on immigration problems had the federal government overhauled the country's immigration policies. McCain spoke at ...

AZ Sheriff Tells Illegals To Get Out Of Town
Post Date: 2008-05-05 11:54:27 by Red Jones
AZ Sheriff Tells Illegals To Get Out Of Town By KTAR Newsroom 5-4-8 Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio still isn't saying when he will take his crime suppression patrols to Mesa. He says there's a reason for the delay -- he's giving illegal immigrants a chance to get out of town. ``I'm giving them a chance to pack up and leave, so when I do go in there, there may not be a big problem," he said. If an illegal immigrant needs a ride, Arpaio says, ``Call 602-876-1000 and we'll make arrangements. Maybe we'll even pick them up." Mesa Police Chief George Gascon has asked the sheriff for two days notice before he does his patrols in Mesa, and Arpaio said he ...

Rome's new mayor promises purge of migrants
Post Date: 2008-05-05 10:43:55 by Tauzero
Rome's new mayor promises purge of migrants By Malcolm Moore in Rome Last Updated: 10:51PM BST 30/04/2008 The new mayor of Rome has promised to purge the Italian capital of 20,000 illegal immigrants and to raze 85 gipsy camps. Gianni Alemanno, 50, a firebrand neo-fascist and the first Right-wing mayor of the city since the Second World War, vowed to make Rome "secure" as he was sworn into office after his election at the weekend. The election of Mr Alemanno confirmed a strong shift to the Right by Italians, who have been sickened by a spate of violent crimes committed by immigrants. Earlier this month, the centre-Right leader Silvio Berlusconi was re-elected as prime ...

Romanizing America Through Illegal Immigration
Post Date: 2008-05-03 15:53:01 by richard9151
I have posted all of the details about the change in Immigration Law within the United States starting in 1965, and, who was/is behind it; the Jewish Money Power. This admission, as to who is behind the change in Immigration Law, comes directly from the Jews. Now, for a different view, so that those of you who really do not 'believe' that the Roman church and the Jews work closely together, I suggest that you read this post; Romanizing America Through Illegal Immigration Pastor Ralph Ovadal is pastor of Pilgrims Covenant Church, Wisconsin, USA Pastor Ralph Ovadal [Originally posted on April 6th, 2006 A.D.] In recent weeks, the advocates of the "rights" of illegal ...

Border Patrol lets some illegals go — over and over again
Post Date: 2008-05-02 15:33:13 by FOH
EL PASO, Texas - Josefa Gonzalez Loya has sneaked across the Mexican border at least 128 times in the past eight years. And each time, the Border Patrol has been nice enough to give her a lift home. Gonzalez and a group of other women and children — all Indians from the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca — have no interest in staying in the United States. All they want to do is panhandle outside El Paso businesses, using the children as lures. At the end of a productive day, they wait for the Border Patrol to come pick them up and drive them back to the border. Little dramas like this play out day after day, accounting for thousands of arrests but hardly any prosecutions in the ...

Commentary: Marches won't bring immigration reform
Post Date: 2008-05-01 14:59:42 by mirage
SAN DIEGO, California -- They're baaaack. Today, in a scene reminiscent of what happened on May 1, 2006, thousands of immigration activists in dozens of U.S. cities have once again taken to the streets to make their voices heard, to make demands on behalf of illegal immigrants, and to make a stand against what many see as a surge of anti-Mexican hostility in this country. And yet, those who abhor such demonstrations and who insist that illegal immigrants are in no position to demand anything, except maybe a window seat on the deportation bus, will claim that it is precisely these kinds of public displays that have created much of this hostility that the activists are complaining ...

17 suspected illegal immigrants found on boat off San Diego (1 if by land, 2 if by sea)
Post Date: 2008-04-28 14:23:12 by FOH
SAN DIEGO -- U.S. authorities say a boat carrying 17 people suspected of crossing illegally from Mexico has been found about 10 miles off the coast of San Diego. Customs and Border Patrol spokesman Vince Bond says none of the people aboard, all Mexican citizens, were injured. Authorities are trying to identify any smugglers in the group. The boat was discovered at about 1 a.m. Monday. More information was not immediately available. Immigration authorities have found more than two dozen boats since last summer that were apparently used for human smuggling. Fifteen people were rescued in March from a boat floating off San Diego's coast after being stranded for more than a day without ...

Recruiting the undocumented for the military is proposed
Post Date: 2008-04-27 10:32:34 by Peppa
[...] as the nation fights wars on two fronts, some wonder whether the military should recruit more heavily among immigrants here — even undocumented ones — as well as foreigners in their own countries. Yes, say some intellectuals at Washington, D.C., think tanks. "Those of us who support recruiting foreigners believe they are often very skilled, motivated, and in the great American tradition of immigration," Michael O'Hanlon, a Brookings Institution senior fellow on foreign policy said in an e-mail. The "Dream Act" bill that failed in Congress last year would have done more than legalize undocumented high school students who aspire to college. It also ...

Sen. McCain Champions Illegal Aliens & Business
Post Date: 2008-04-26 13:36:58 by robin
Sen. McCain Champions Illegal Aliens & Business Lobbyists Over American Working Families • Nearly every time there is a choice, Sen. McCain favors business lobbyists’ desires for foreign workers vs. protecting American workers’ wages and jobs. View his voting record at: grades.betterimmigration....=5&Status=Career&VIPID=33 • John McCain’s hopes of giving permanent residency to millions of illegal aliens will saddle American taxpayers with huge costs. A 2007 Heritage Foundation study found that a household headed by the typical high-school-drop-out illegal alien costs taxpayers a net of about $20,000 for every year allowed to stay in this country. • ...

Hillary's illegals - "No woman is illegal"
Post Date: 2008-04-26 13:33:27 by robin
"No woman is illegal," Hillary Clinton declared Thursday to campaign-rally attendees after a man said his wife is an illegal alien. The applause followed. Thus does Mrs. Clinton put her own twist on a very common immigration dodge: pretending that when critics of the Bush-Kennedy open-borders philosophy use the term "illegal alien," they refer not merely to matters of immigration status, but to some innate human characteristic. To hear this classically impassioned campaign nonsequitur issue from the same candidate who cared so deeply that she flip-flopped on drivers licenses for illegals two months ago was rich. But so is its etymology, which is interesting in its own ...

Los Angeles 'is a Third World city'
Post Date: 2008-04-24 11:07:25 by Jethro Tull
Los Angeles 'is a Third World city' Last Updated: 7:18am BST 24/04/2008Los Angeles is becoming a "Third World city" with immigrants making up half its workforce, says a new study.Development threat to iconic Hollywood signA third of immigrants have not graduated from high school and 60 per cent do not speak English fluently, the Migration Policy Institute found.It said this left immigrants ill-equipped to fill California's fastest-growing occupations, such as computer software engineering and nursing. The organisation added that as the so-called baby boomers reach retirement age, a similar pattern will spread across the US.Ernesto Cortes Jr, of the ...

Congressional Hispanics knock Democratic leaders
Post Date: 2008-04-23 19:42:11 by Peppa
The Congressional Hispanic Caucus denounced House Democratic leaders Wednesday as "spineless" and little better than Republicans for failing to take on comprehensive immigration reform. Leaders of the all-Democratic caucus, which numbers two dozen, criticized their party leadership at a news conference for instead scheduling hearings on enforcement legislation and specific visa issues. They also complained that they are being blamed for opposing bills strongly supported by other Democrats that would add more visas for certain classes of immigrants, such as high-tech or seasonal workers. Instead the Hispanic Caucus insists on a comprehensive approach that would provide a path for ...

A Rising Storm ( Edgar J. Steele )
Post Date: 2008-04-23 18:53:03 by angle
Whatsa matter, Bunky? Having trouble making ends meet? Sick of the cost of everything going up while your income actually goes down? Laid off? House equity shot? Borrowed up to the gills with all your credit cards maxed out? Now you can't afford food, you say? Well, here's a big part of the reason why. $36,000 flows to each illegal alien family in America, each and every year (see the first article reproduced below). If that doesn't sound like much, consider that, with perhaps 80 million tax-paying households in America (yours being one of them, of course), each and every one of our households pays $4,325 each and every year toward that $36,000 that each illegal alien family ...

Feds Scrap $20 Million 'Virtual Fence' In Ariz.
Post Date: 2008-04-23 09:24:48 by Ferret Mike
TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) 53; The government is scrapping a $20 million prototype of its highly touted "virtual fence" on the Arizona-Mexico border because the system is failing to adequately alert border patrol agents to illegal crossings, officials said. The move comes just two months after Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff announced his approval of the fence built by The Boeing Co. The fence consists of nine electronic surveillance towers along a 28-mile section of border southwest of Tucson. Boeing is to replace the so-called Project 28 prototype with a series of towers equipped with communications systems, new cameras and new radar capability, officials said. Less than ...

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