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Where Clinton, Obama, and McCain Stand on Immigration
Post Date: 2008-03-24 12:08:09 by robin
Where Clinton, Obama, and McCain Stand on Immigration Posted March 17, 2008 ClintonObamaMcCain Border Fence "Let’s deploy more technology and personnel, instead of the physical barrier." Clinton voted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which authorized a fence on the Mexican border, but has softened her support by criticizing the fence’s execution. "The key is to consult with local communities [when] creating any kind of barrier." Obama voted for the fence but has since joined Clinton in de-emphasizing his support, which is unpopular in border towns and among Hispanic voters. "Borders are borders, and there should be agreements between the landowners ...

Government-made crises
Post Date: 2008-03-18 06:35:25 by Ada
A fascinating aspect of government intervention is how it induces people (1) to get embroiled in the crisis environment that the intervention produces, and (2) to feel a vested interest in coming up with a solution to the crisis. Consider price controls, an intervention that governments traditionally turn to in response to their own debasement of the currency. As prices rise in response to monetary debasement, people begin screaming at businesses for raising their prices, not realizing that rising prices are in reality just a reflection of the falling value of the dollar due to government’s inflation of the money supply. Responding to the screams, government officials make it illegal ...

Obama blasts Dobbs on demanding secure borders [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-03-15 19:39:56 by Jethro Tull

The Mexicans -- A Documentary Film By John Pilger - 1980
Post Date: 2008-03-12 12:20:27 by richard9151
Documentary on a country dominated by a near neighbour the USA, but rich in oil resources, Mexico. However, in a country dominated with the thought that the revolution is only half over is Mexico a potential Iran on American doorsteps? VIDEO HERE; www.informationclearinghouse.info/article19509.htm This is pretty long, in 6 parts, but if you want to understand what is going on with México, this is a pretty good documentary. This is not a problem that is going to go away. Although this is dated in 1980, the same things hold true today, only more so because of NAFTA, which has forced tens of thousands of the poorest of the poor in México off of their ancestral lands. Click for ...

Got Illegals? Get Used To It!
Post Date: 2008-03-12 09:45:33 by christine
If your slow simmer turns to a rolling boil every time you hear of another illegal who’s raped an 8 year old, run over a cop or driven his car into a nursing home while under the influence, chances are you won’t cool down after the November presidential election. The so-called ‘front-runners’ from the “Big Box” parties are just hankering for more amnesty which means more illegals and more of the invasion that is destroying our country. Take McCain (please). He’s trying to do damage control on his pro-amnesty track record by reworking the rhetoric while playing both sides against the middle. Conservatives who’ve been paying attention will remember ...

Why Illegal Immigration is a Threat to the United States And How Local Communities are Fighting Back
Post Date: 2008-03-12 09:19:49 by angle
How Local Communities are Fighting Back In June, 2007 a solid eighty percent of the American people let Congress know they wanted the government to put the brakes on illegal immigration; they turned thumbs down on the President’s guest worker amnesty plan; and they wanted tax-paid services to illegals stopped. Most Americans understand that new laws are not needed to stop illegal immigration. What is necessary is repeal of some laws granting taxpayer-financed services to illegals along with enforcement of existing laws. These two acts would be enough to stop the migration. In simple fact, they are called “illegal” because they are breaking the law. In truth, the battle ...

GOP moves to force immigration vote
Post Date: 2008-03-10 19:39:01 by richard9151
5 minutes ago WASHINGTON - House Republicans are trying to force action on a Democratic-written immigration enforcement measure, the latest GOP attempt to elevate the volatile issue into an election-year wedge. Republican leaders hope that by pushing the bill — endorsed by 48 centrist Democrats and 94 Republicans — they can drive Democrats into a politically painful choice: Backing a tough immigration measure that could alienate their base, including Hispanic voters, or being painted as soft on border security in conservative-leaning districts. The plan is fraught with political risks for both parties. A full-blown immigration debate could call attention to Republicans' ...

Officials Split on Viability of Border-Fence Project
Post Date: 2008-03-10 00:25:33 by richard9151
Published: February 29, 2008 A top Homeland Security Department official said Thursday that a pilot project to create a virtual fence along parts of the Mexican border had been a success, but he said the technology was never intended to be used — and would not be used — across the entire length of the border. “It is working, and it met the requirements,” Jayson P. Ahern, deputy commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, said of the pilot project during a briefing with reporters in Washington. Mr. Ahern’s assessment was in line with an announcement last Friday by Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff but contradicted testimony on Wednesday by an ...

As border tightens, smugglers raise their game
Post Date: 2008-03-10 00:19:08 by richard9151
The very concept of a fence designed to keep people out who are being paid to get in..... well, it certainly is beyond me how anyone believes that such will somehow stop the flood. Sun Mar 9, 7:22 PM ET NACO, Arizona (Reuters) - When U.S. authorities raised a tall curtain of steel through this tiny Arizona border town to prevent people crossing illegally from Mexico, the smugglers on the south side were ready. Using blowtorches and welding gear they burned a rectangular gate in the barrier large enough to drive a truck through, then they sealed it with a padlock to use it at their leisure, border police say. As the U.S. government pushes ahead with an unprecedented security buildup ...

American crime victims of illegal aliens [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-03-06 20:45:46 by Jethro Tull

America's Family Prison
Post Date: 2008-03-06 13:32:25 by Artisan
Watch this short film on the T. Don Hutto "residential facility", the nations for-profit family prison for non-criminal immigrant families. This prototype for privatized family detention is located just north of Austin, TX. As they get rich off our tax-dollars, corporations terrorize and traumatize families just trying to keep survive. A determined people stand in solidarity with the families inside Hutto and work to close this immoral prison

[Fred Reed goes to the] American Renaissance Conference
Post Date: 2008-03-04 23:33:31 by Tauzero
American Renaissance Conference Why, Just Maybe, We Should Think More March 3, 2008 This week, disordered thoughts. I’m not sure what other kind might be applicable in today’s world. I just got back from Washington, where I addressed the American Renaissance conference. I hate airplanes. They have the charm of Greyhound buses without the comfort. AmRen, as we say, had invited me to talk about Mexico as it appears from the inside. The organization was alleged to be a vicious racist organization. The more easily frightened of my associates in the crime of journalism tried to warn me off. They told me that my mere presence at the conference would destroy my reputation. (Which ...

In Praise of Homogeneity
Post Date: 2008-03-04 14:40:53 by Tauzero
In Praise of HomogeneityThe Japanese know how to run a country. by Jared Taylor I have just returned from several weeks in Japan, and am again struck by the forceful example that country offers of the advantages of homogeneity. As the years go by, Japan’s steady record of successes stands in ever-greater contrast to America’s failures, and to its inability to think seriously about the kind of country it is becoming. Japan is not without problems, of course, and some are disconcerting by our standards. But the Japanese have a much better chance than we do of surviving into the next century as a coherent, prosperous nation with a culture and civilization it can unmistakably call ...

Skipping School Gets 2 Sisters Deported
Post Date: 2008-03-03 20:41:21 by X-15
WINONA - Skipping school is usually met with fines and the threat of jail time; but, for two sisters, the punishment was much worse - they were deported. Smith County Justice of the Peace Mitch Shamburger said he presided over truancy court last month when Brisa and Lluva Amante, both 17, snickered in his courtroom. The John Tyler High School students were before him for skipping school and Shamburger said he fined them each for the action and told them to go to school every day and not to come back to his courtroom. "I thought they would take it seriously and I wouldn't see them again," he said Friday. However, the twins and a younger sister were brought before him ...

Immigration Gumballs
Post Date: 2008-03-01 19:33:37 by Horse
Poster Comment:This is a 9 minute video and makes good arguments against unlimited immigration.

I can't believe what the "Decider" just said
Post Date: 2008-02-28 10:36:54 by Itisa1mosttoolate
The "Decider" just said: "If your concerned about (millions) of ILLEGAL immigrants coming across the border.. we got ta help em."

New Latino wave helps revitalize Detroit
Post Date: 2008-02-28 10:31:02 by angle
DETROIT (AP) — The broad-brimmed western hats, colorful festival dance dresses and Mayan-style pottery that line the shelves at Xochi's Mexican Imports are common sights at stores in the Southwest. But it's southwest Detroit on a cold, dreary winter day, not sunny El Paso, San Diego, Tucson or other cities just north of the Mexican border. From its Mexican Town restaurant district to the new shops of the La Plaza Mercado retail development, southwest Detroit is doing something it hasn't done in years — grow and prosper. "We come starving for a better life," 32-year-old dance instructor Valeria Montes said. "We want to strive and we've found in ...

'Virtual Fence' Along Border To Be Delayed - U.S. Retooling High-Tech Barrier After 28-Mile Pilot Project Fails
Post Date: 2008-02-28 08:38:04 by Jethro Tull
'Virtual Fence' Along Border To Be Delayed U.S. Retooling High-Tech Barrier After 28-Mile Pilot Project Fails By Spencer S. Hsu Washington Post Staff Writer Thursday, February 28, 2008; A01 The Bush administration has scaled back plans to quickly build a "virtual fence" along the U.S.-Mexico border, delaying completion of the first phase of the project by at least three years and shifting away from a network of tower-mounted sensors and surveillance gear, federal officials said yesterday. Technical problems discovered in a 28-mile pilot project south of Tucson prompted the change in plans, Department of Homeland Security officials and congressional auditors told a ...

Study finds immigrants commit less California crime [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-02-26 22:51:53 by richard9151
Tue Feb 26, 2:39 AM ET SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Immigrants are far less likely than the average U.S.-born citizen to commit crime in California, the most populous state in the United States, according to a report issued late on Monday. People born outside the United States make up about 35 percent of California's adult population but account for about 17 percent of the adult prison population, the report by the Public Policy Institute of California showed. According to the report's authors the findings suggest that long-standing fears of immigration as a threat to public safety are unjustified. The report also noted that U.S.-born adult men are incarcerated at a rate more than 2 ...

Immigrants demand $100 million initiative in N.Y.
Post Date: 2008-02-26 19:25:52 by X-15
ALBANY-- After a fallout last year over Gov. Eliot Spitzer's failed plan to allow illegal immigrants to obtain drivers' licenses, more than 1,000 immigrants rallied on the steps of the Capitol on Monday to demand a new initiative from Spitzer: a $100 million citizenship program to fund education and legal services to help immigrants assimilate more easily. The crowd was made up of a diverse mix of immigrants - from Russia, Mexico, Africa, Korea, Haiti and other countries - that now call the state home. The $100 million citizenship initiative would fund English-learning classes for children and adults, provide legal assistance to help eligible immigrants through the citizenship ...

Believe NYT on McCain corruption scandal (Or don’t. There are better sources)
Post Date: 2008-02-25 08:06:55 by James Deffenbach
The American public’s distaste for and mistrust of the New York Times is understandable. How else would Americans view a paper that would editorially welcome Republicans arriving in town for their 2004 convention with the suggestion they should embrace a policy of amnesty for illegal aliens in order to attract Hispanic and moderate voters, but should avoid using the word “amnesty” when describing the policy to voters? Attempting to dupe a major political party into duping the American people doesn’t exactly burnish a media outlet’s image with said people as a trusted and friendly source for news and opinion. Nevertheless, Americans should treat as probably ...

Crisis in Mexico Is Headed North
Post Date: 2008-02-24 15:53:03 by DeaconBenjamin
The perfect storm for social upheaval is now brewing in Mexico— and in particular Mexico's northern states along the U.S. border. The first storm front is to the east at a place called Cantarell. Long a blessing, Cantarell is Mexico's largest oil field— and largest source of government funds. Output from Cantarell is down more than 15 percent from last year and many believe the field is now in irreversible decline. Thus, government budgets are being strained. The second front is to the north. As the U.S. economy has slowed so have remittances from the United States to Mexico. The housing crunch has disproportionately affected Mexican labor (both legal and illegal). As ...

Mexican Illegal Math
Post Date: 2008-02-24 14:49:16 by Jethro Tull
In the U.S., there are an estimated 12,000,000-20,000,000 illegal, unknown latino immigrants. If we take the average of those two estimates, we obtain a figure of 16,000,000 illegal, unknown latino (overwhelmingly Mexican) immigrants. You ask, why do I present this mathematical exercise? Let me explain... If ONLY 3% (480,000) - 5% (800,000) of these people were to drop their brooms, rakes, shovels, trowels, dust mops, etc., pick up machetes and march on Washington-we could not stop them. For a moment, think about that. Think about that and what it portends for our future. According to International Law, The country of Mexico, by allowing this unchecked exodus, has committed an overt Act ...

Man Accused of Stealing 7-Year-Old's ID
Post Date: 2008-02-23 15:35:23 by Pern
Police in a Chicago suburb say the Internal Revenue Service has told a 7-year-old boy he owes back taxes on $60,000 because someone else has been using the youngster's identity to collect wages and unemployment benefits. Officers in suburban Carpentersville said Friday the second-grader's identity has been in use by someone else since 2001. Click for Full Text!

Obama, Clinton would consider suspending immigration raids
Post Date: 2008-02-22 19:41:41 by buckeye
During a Democratic presidential debate in Austin, Texas, Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton said they would consider suspending work site immigration raids until Congress passes an immigration overhaul which includes a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. Clinton said she would request such legislation in the first 100 days of her administration. “When we see what’s been happening, with literally babies being left with no one to take care of them, children coming home from school, no responsible adult left, that is not the America that I know,” Clinton said. Other immigration highlights from the debate: Clinton: “We need a path to legalization, to ...

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