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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Huckabee retreats on birthright citizenship
Post Date: 2008-01-09 12:52:28 by _______
Mike Huckabee yesterday contradicted his own top immigration surrogate, announcing he will not support a constitutional amendment to end birthright citizenship for children born in the United States to illegal aliens. It was a stark reversal after The Washington Times reported that James Gilchrist, founder of the Minuteman Project, said Mr. Huckabee promised to pursue an amendment to the Constitution. In an article in yesterday's editions, Mr. Huckabee's spokeswoman did not challenge the former Arkansas governor's statements to Mr. Gilchrist and said the two men shared the same goals on immigration. But by yesterday afternoon, Mr. Huckabee had backed away from that position. ...

Illegal Aliens Receive $37 Million From County In November (California)
Post Date: 2008-01-08 18:37:26 by X-15
Welfare and food stamp benefits soar $3 million higher than September payout. New statistics from the Department of Public Social Services reveal that illegal aliens and their families in Los Angeles County collected over $37 million in welfare and food stamp allocations in November 2007 – up $3 million dollars from September, announced Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich. Twenty five percent of the all welfare and food stamps benefits is going directly to the children of illegal aliens. Illegals collected over $20 million in welfare assistance for November 2007 and over $16 million in monthly food stamp allocations for a projected annual cost of $444 million. ...

Violent Crime Threatens Baja California, Mexico Tourism
Post Date: 2008-01-06 20:34:10 by Horse
A spate of recent reports in the US press about carjackings, highway robberies and violent crime in Baja California, Mexico is threatening to destroy tourism. Over Thanksgiving weekend, few visitors arrived in Baja California and major tourist destinations were empty. Negative reports about Baja California crime are all over the Internet, with most people saying that they are sick of everything about Mexico and will never travel there again. Tourism officials are currently conducting emergency meetings, and they are expected to make a public announcement within a week. But it is simple to predict what the officials are going to say. They will claim that the crime wave was a brief ...

Funniest (ILLEGALS) Video of the Day
Post Date: 2008-01-06 05:39:13 by noone222
Poster Comment:Try this in your town today ... and tomorrow, and next week.

White House OKs Mexican truck program
Post Date: 2008-01-04 16:45:02 by robin
The Bush administration is going ahead with a controversial pilot program giving Mexican trucks greater access to U.S. highways despite a new law by Congress against it. The decision to proceed with the four-month-old program, which allows participating Mexican trucking companies to send loads throughout the United States, comes despite language in the recently signed catchall spending bill aimed at blocking it. But the Department of Transportation is taking advantage of a loophole in the new law, which prohibits the government from spending any money to "establish" the program. The government says the new rules don't apply to the current program since it was started in ...

Jerusalem & Babylon / Despite benefits, few Iranian Jews want to live here
Post Date: 2007-12-27 19:44:31 by tom007
Jerusalem & Babylon / Despite benefits, few Iranian Jews want to live here By Anshel Pfeffer It should have been a fantastic public relations coup for the Jewish Agency. Dozens of reporters, photographers and camera crews were on hand to chronicle their latest operation, easily outnumbering the 40 new immigrants from Iran and the family members awaiting them. So eager were the assembled forces of the media for this story that no one was even thinking of arguing with the censorship over the restrictions, don't show their faces, no full names and all details about their route from Persia to Zion to be left out. And still, for at least one senior agency official, this was a hollow ...

Illegal immigrants packing up and leaving Arizona
Post Date: 2007-12-25 14:11:41 by robin
PHOENIX, Arizona (AP) -- Illegal immigrants in Arizona, frustrated with a flagging economy and tough new legislation cracking down on their employers, are returning to their home countries or trying their luck in other states. art.bus.depot.gi.jpg Border Patrol officers in Phoenix, Arizona, check a bus depot for illegal immigrants in June 2006. Click to view previous image 1 of 2 Click to view next image For months, immigrants have taken a wait-and-see attitude toward the state's new employer-sanctions law, which takes effect January 1. The voter-approved legislation is an attempt to lessen the economic incentive for illegal immigrants in Arizona, the busiest crossing point along the ...

Post Date: 2007-12-23 01:08:04 by FOH
Note: This article is based on a report received by the National Association of Chiefs of Police.While the battle over providing illegal aliens with driver's licenses rages in state capitals and Washington, DC, North Carolina created the first "North American Union" driver's license, complete with a hologram of the North American continent on the licenses. The hologram is a facsimile of the map of North America that is used as the background for the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America logo on the SPP website. Marge Howell, spokeswoman for the North Carolina DMV, told the press that the state was embedding a hologram of North America on the back of their ...

(Tancredo's Boy) Romney Would Allow Illegals to Stay for Unspecified Time
Post Date: 2007-12-22 16:46:09 by _______
(CNSNews.com) - Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, a Republican presidential candidate, would allow illegal aliens to apply for permanent residency but would also require them to go back home after a "set period" of time, he said on NBC's "Meet the Press" last Sunday. After four days of questioning from Cybercast News Service, however, the Romney campaign was unable to specify how long that "set period" would be. On "Meet the Press" Romney said: "Well, whether they go home - they should go home eventually. There's a set period - in my view they should have a set period during which period they, they sign up for application for ...

Report: Taxes paid by illegals don't offset costs
Post Date: 2007-12-22 07:37:52 by DeaconBenjamin
WASHINGTON - State and local taxes paid by undocumented immigrants fail to offset the cost of public services that state and local governments provide, says a new study done for Congress. The same report says state and local officials can do little to avoid or minimize some of these costs because they are limited by rules governing federal programs, court decisions and state laws or constitutional requirements. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office report does not estimate how much more money, exactly, is spent on public services for the estimated 12 million undocumented immigrants than the amounts taken in through their tax dollars. But it said these costs are concentrated in ...

Border arrests drop along new barriers near Yuma
Post Date: 2007-12-20 12:10:23 by _______
Members of the National Guard work on building a gate in one of the fences that runs aong the border near Yuma. The gate will allow Border Patrol agents access (to) the area between the two fences. Between the Colorado River and a desolate rock hill to the east are 48 miles of various types of barriers dividing the United States and Mexico, almost all of them new. While other parts of the southwestern border remain porous, this small part of Arizona has become an example in the federal government's effort to stop illegal immigration and other traffic. In the Border Patrol's Yuma Sector, arrests of illegal immigrants have dropped from 119,000 in 2006 to 38,000 in the fiscal ...

Feds admit smuggler lied in Ramos-Compean case (Appeals panel suggests prosecutorial 'overreach' in pursuit of border agents)
Post Date: 2007-12-19 23:35:39 by _______
Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean The U.S. government admitted today in federal court that the prosecution's star witness in the criminal trial of Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean – confessed drug dealer Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila – lied under oath. "He told some lies on the stand," Mark Stelmach, the assistant U.S. attorney representing prosecutor U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton said under questioning by a three-judge 5th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals panel in New Orleans. Ramos and Compean are appealing prison sentences of 11- and 12-years respectively for a 2005 incident in which they fired on Aldrete-Davila as he fled back into Mexico after smuggling ...

Bilingual tutors help students adjust (Alaska!!!)
Post Date: 2007-12-18 20:19:17 by X-15
ANCHORAGE, Alaska -- Walk through the halls of the city's public schools and it's easy to see how diverse the community is becoming. The Anchorage School District is officially a 50/50 district, meaning 50 percent of students are of an ethnic minority. More than 4,000 of these students speak a language other than English at home. William Tyson Elementary in Mountain View has the highest percentage of bilingual students in the district. The school also employs the most bilingual tutors, who teach the languages that will be key to these students' success in the future. Ivette Egoak teaches phonetics, a subject that's tricky enough for any kid, but especially those who are ...

Migrant policy debated at raucous town hall (Phoenix)
Post Date: 2007-12-18 20:13:19 by X-15
Changing Phoenix police's immigration-enforcement policies will create a climate of fear in Phoenix that could lead to multimillion-dollar lawsuits and even riots, speakers said Thursday at a raucous town hall. From the audience, supporters of drafting a new policy said police need more freedom to enforce the law and said their voices weren't being heard Thursday night. About 600 people packed the auditorium at South Mountain High School to address a four-man panel convened by Mayor Phil Gordon to review Operations Order 1.4. The policy prevents police in most cases from asking about a person's immigration status. It has led some to brand Phoenix as a sanctuary city for ...

Pregnant woman beating case ends with community service
Post Date: 2007-12-18 18:21:18 by Dakmar
A Morgan Hill couple accused of allegedly beating a pregnant woman in the summer of 2005 were finally sentenced Monday morning to community service after pleading guilty Nov. 5. Two and a half years after the July 21, 2005 incident, the battery case tinged with racial overtones finally wrapped up, with Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Kenneth Shapero ordering Charles Peralta, 31, and Nicole Agriesti, 23, to be placed on court-ordered probation. Agriesti and Peralta were ordered to perform 85 and 75 hours of community service, respectively and to also be responsible for some other restitution to the victim which was not specified. The couple was arrested and charged with battery ...

What to do about illegal immigrants
Post Date: 2007-12-17 19:55:36 by christine
A few thoughts about illegal immigration -- some original, some not. First, the debate is not about immigrants or immigration. It is about illegal immigrants and illegal immigration. The distinction is important. It is the policy of The Courier News to use the term "illegal alien" or "illegal immigrant." News outlets are under extreme pressure from activist groups to use terms such as "undocumented worker." That would be like calling a drug dealer an "unlicensed pharmacist." It is intentionally misleading. So is calling everyone -- legal or illegal -- an "immigrant." Almost everyone in America today is descended from immigrants. Legal ...

Huckabee aid plan for illegal aliens draws 'venom, anger'
Post Date: 2007-12-14 02:48:05 by X-15
LITTLE ROCK - Gov. Mike Huckabee's proposal last week to provide college scholarships and loans to illegal immigrants has sparked some emotional talk if not much ink compared to his other proposals. Huckabee wants the Legislature to adopt a law that would allow all immigrants who graduate from an Arkansas high school to be treated the same as other graduates. Aimed primarily at the state's growing Hispanic population, the governor introduced his proposal to lawmakers on Tuesday and almost immediately was on the defensive. Radio and television talk shows have devoted time to the issue, with callers to one radio program blistering Huckabee's idea. Lawmakers in Northwest ...

Italy politician urges Nazi policies for immigrants
Post Date: 2007-12-11 23:40:36 by X-15
ROME (Reuters) - A local politician has shocked Italians, and Jews in particular, by proposing that immigrants be treated with the same severity the Nazis used when they occupied the country. Giorgio Bettio, a city councilor in the northern city of Treviso, said during a council meeting earlier this week: "With immigrants, we should use the same system the SS used, punish 10 of them for every slight against one of our citizens." His comments revived memories of the 1944 Ardeatine Caves massacre, when Hitler ordered that 10 Italians be executed for each of the 33 German soldiers killed in a partisan attack against occupying forces on a Rome street. Immigration has been a burning ...

U.S. Farmers Shifting to Mexico
Post Date: 2007-12-10 17:49:38 by richard9151
California farmer Steve Scaroni built a $50 million business growing lettuce and broccoli, depending on immigrant workers, but last year he began shifting part of his operations to rented fields in Mexico. Now, about one-fifth of his business comes out of nearly 2,000 acres on five farms in Guanajuato. About 500 Mexicans run his operation, and Scaroni is happy: the workers run no risk of deportation, and Scaroni runs no risk of labor loss due to immigration raids. He's not alone. Western Growers, a California-Arizona farm association, conducted a spring survey among its members. Twelve afribusinesses admitted that they have operations in Mexico with 11,000 workers. Statistics are hard ...

Farmers Seek Prison Help
Post Date: 2007-12-10 17:31:26 by richard9151
Colorado sends female prison inmates to harvest onions, corn and melons; Iowa is considering similar steps; Arizona prisoners (NOTE; This is also going on and has been for quite some time in Texas.) have been working in agriculture for nearly 20 years. About 10 percent of Arizona's 37,000 prisoners are cleared to outside work. They must be paid a minumum of $2.00 an hour. Thirty percent of their wages go for prison room and board; the rest goes for victim-restitution payments, applicable child support, and a mandatory savings account. Labor acivists consider the system to be demeaning to agricultural workers, yet there are not enough harvesters to go around. Arizona's Jack Dixon, ...

Huckabee promotes 'open door' policy at LULAC (Tan Klan R Us) convention
Post Date: 2007-12-09 13:23:08 by FOH
By Wesley Brown Arkansas News Bureau LITTLE ROCK - In a impassioned speech before hundreds of influential Hispanic civil rights leaders from across the nation, Gov. Mike Huckabee told a captive audience Wednesday that America is great because it has always opened it doors up to people seeking a better way of life. "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you," Huckabee said, citing the Golden Rule. "I have tried to govern that way and it stands to reason that I really do believe that what made this great country so great and so unique is that it has always been a place for people to run to - and not run from. "I would hope that no matter who we are, or where we ...

Mike Huckabee? Are you kidding? Who are you people?
Post Date: 2007-12-09 13:05:18 by FOH
Arkansas Governer Mike Huckabee suddenly seems to be the established GOP savior. True, he is great on the stump. He is and should be a preacher. But president? NOT if you're a conservative!Remember, a lot of Arkansans voted for a Clinton presidency so they could get him out of the state! Most of them feel asuninspired about the Huckster. YES, I do mean Huckster.I made a prediction a few months back, that Huckabee would get a GOP push, that he would be perfect pick to them to balance out a moderate Rudy type candidate with his southern charm and religiosity. Now, I'm convinced of it.A wise observer stated one of Huck's problems perfectly, "Yep Huckabee is his own man ...

Chertoff To Give Texas Landowners Ultimatum On Border Fence
Post Date: 2007-12-06 23:28:07 by freepatriot32
Washington -- Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff is giving Texas property owners, who don't want a border fence, one last chance to allow access to their land. If not, then Chertoff plans to take court action against them to enter the property. U.S. Sen. John Cornyn said letters from the Department of Homeland Security are expected to go out Friday. Federal officials said they need access to the land to assess possible sites for the fence to curb illegal immigration from Mexico and other crime. Cornyn said he's continuing to urge Homeland Security to consult with local officials. Cornyn also said Chertoff told him about 40 landowners have refused to provide access to ...

Boston firefighter stabbed
Post Date: 2007-12-06 22:59:22 by Horse
BOSTON — A Boston firefighter is mending from what could have been deadly stab wounds he suffered early yesterday morning when he was allegedly jumped in East Boston while off duty by a group of Hispanic males who told him they "don't want any gringo here." Though police are not classifying the incident as racially fueled, the Boston Police Department's Community Disorders Unit is investigating. The 32-year-old jake, whose name officials were not releasing, is white. Ironically, the firefighter's life was likely saved because he sought refuge from his alleged assailants at Engine 5 on Saratoga Street - the station house he's assigned to. "Fortunately, ...

Mexican City Exhumes Thousands of Bodies
Post Date: 2007-12-06 13:21:01 by Jethro Tull
By MARINA MONTEMAYOR The Associated Press Wednesday, December 5, 2007; 11:46 PM CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico -- Authorities in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez said Wednesday that they plan to exhume the remains of more than 4,000 unidentified people buried in common graves and take DNA samples in an attempt to identify them. Rene Medrano, a spokesman for the Chihuahua state attorney general's office, said the bodies were being exhumed because state attorney general Patricia Gonzalez "wants to bring order and clarity to past police practices." Officials did not provide more exact reasons for the exhumations, which they called part of a statewide project that ...

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