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Latest Articles: Immigration

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Romney fires landscaper over illegals
Post Date: 2007-12-05 00:03:19 by FOH
MEREDITH, N.H. (AP) -- Republican Mitt Romney, ridiculed by rival Rudy Giuliani for employing illegal immigrants at his "sanctuary mansion," said Tuesday he had fired the landscaper for his suburban Boston home after learning for a second time about undocumented workers laboring on the property.In a statement issued after he concluded his campaign appearances for the day, Romney said: "After this same issue arose last year, I gave the company a second chance with very specific conditions. They were instructed to make sure people working for the company were of legal status."We personally met with the company in order to inform them about the importance of this ...

Appeal Heard in Border Agents' Shooting
Post Date: 2007-12-03 23:00:01 by robin
NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Federal prosecutors appear to have "overreacted" in their pursuit of a case against two Border Patrol agents convicted of shooting a fleeing drug suspect and hiding evidence, one of three judges considering an appeal said Monday. Jose Alonso Compean is serving 12 years in prison and Ignacio Ramos 11 years for assault, obstruction of justice and civil rights violations in the wounding of Osvaldo Aldrete Davila on the border near El Paso, Texas, in 2005. The agents want the convictions thrown out; they claim the shooting was a case of self-defense but acknowledge not reporting the incident. If the agents had reported the shooting as required, "this ...

France stunned by rioters’ savagery
Post Date: 2007-12-02 21:32:56 by Horse
IN retrospect, it was not a good idea to have left his pistol at home. Called to the scene of a traffic accident in the Paris suburbs last Sunday, Jean-François Illy, a regional police chief, came face to face with a mob of immigrant youths armed with baseball bats, iron bars and shotguns. What happened next has sickened the nation. As Illy tried to reassure the gang that there would be an investigation into the deaths of two teenagers whose motorbike had just collided with a police car, he heard a voice shouting: “Somebody must pay for this. Some pigs must die tonight!” The 43-year-old commissaire realised it was time to leave, but that was not possible: they set his car ...

Show seeks to love match migrants and U.S. citizens
Post Date: 2007-12-01 22:23:22 by Horse
PHOENIX (Reuters) - A Los Angeles company is touting a new reality game show called "Who Wants to Marry a U.S. Citizen" that aims to create televised matrimony between legal citizens and immigrants who have temporary visas. The show's backers at Morusa Media hope to make a sort of love match between reality TV and a national obsession with immigration. But the producers make no promise that a marriage will occur or lead to U.S. citizenship. Show creator Adrian Martinez said that Morusa Media has not yet found a network to produce or air the show, but he is currently in talks with one cable TV network and already has signed up contestants for six episodes. "It's ...

Dog's fate devastates family (guess who)
Post Date: 2007-12-01 11:56:31 by X-15
PRINCETON TOWNSHIP -- A family whose beloved German shepherd faces death for having led a dog attack on a landscaper is devastated by the news but vows to continue to fight to save him. "He needs to come home," said Guy James, the Princeton homeowner who managed to call his dogs off the landscaper, but only after the worker was severely mauled in the June 5 attack. "He's innocent. He did nothing more than protect my wife. He never bit anyone until she was grabbed and pulled to the ground," James said. Congo has been ruled vicious by a municipal judge and ordered put down. "As a family, it's destroyed our way of living," said James, 46. ...

MSNBC report on Border incursion Oct 18 2007
Post Date: 2007-11-30 17:28:06 by TwentyTwelve
MSNBC report on Border incursion Oct 18 2007 Click for Full Text!

Canadians Plan for RFID chipped drivers licenses in response to U.S. regulations
Post Date: 2007-11-30 14:37:54 by Artisan
The above is my title; i have a newspaper from the Winnipeg Sun from 11/26/07 with the article that outlines their plan to implement RFID chipped licenses (linked to an online database) so that Canadians won't have to use a passport for shopping trips. I haven't found that article online but this editorial makes reference to it. OUR OPINION : Manitoba joins move to ease crossings Published Tuesday, November 27, 2007 The Red River flows north - and right now, the Green River is flowing south as Canadian travelers roll down to Grand Forks to spend money. The cash flood makes Grand Forks practically ankle-deep in greenbacks and promises great things for the local economy in the ...

US Plant Orders English-Only Spoken For Safety - Gets Sued
Post Date: 2007-11-28 04:05:56 by robin
After a sheet metal plant in Connecticut ordered its employees to speak only English on the job because of safety concerns, five Spanish-speaking workers decided to take the company to court. The employees, who are legal immigrants, say the rule amounts to discrimination and actually makes the workplace more hazardous. "I can think of no good reason for them to institute this policy," said Steven Jacobs, the lawyer for the workers who are suing GC Industries in Deep River, Conn. "It's offensive to people who speak Spanish and is potentially dangerous. It inhibits them from communicating in their native tongue in situations that could put people at risk." According ...

We are pleased to confirm that you have been granted a Visitor Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) to travel to Australia for tourism purposes.
Post Date: 2007-11-27 19:27:40 by tom007
Re: Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) Referral Mr.XXXXXXXXX We are pleased to confirm that you have been granted a Visitor Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) to travel to Australia for tourism purposes. The ETA System has replaced visitor visas and no visa label will be placed in your passport. PLEASE NOTE: Your Visitor ETA is valid for multiple entries into Australia until 27 NOVEMBER 2008 for a stay of up to 3 months on each entry. When you travel, the check-in staff at the airport will confirm your ETA electronically using your passport details. If for some reason the airline is unable to confirm your travel authority, they have the contact details for the 24-hour Entry Operations ...

Proof: Our Founders Wanted A White America
Post Date: 2007-11-27 17:45:24 by Mind_Virus
Proof: Our Founders Wanted A White America Re: president George W. Bush's guest-worker plan [January 2004] to allow millions of illegal immigrants to remain in America: How did our Founding Fathers feel about the matter of 'who can become a citizen of America?' Let's take a look: Act of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat 103-104): "That any alien, being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof, on application to any common law court of record, in any one of the States wherein he shall have resided for the term of one year at least, and ...

Latino influx shakes up Iowa's political picture
Post Date: 2007-11-23 14:43:06 by Dakmar
MARSHALLTOWN, IOWA — Colorful piñatas hang from the ceiling, and Spanish-labeled goods fill the shelves of Angel Regalado's grocery in this rural town with a bulging immigrant community. Many of his customers lived in Mexico a decade ago. But the influx of Latinos to Marshalltown, with its large meatpacking plant, and elsewhere across Iowa has changed the political dynamics in what was one of the most homogeneous states in America. Now more than 115,000 Hispanics live in Iowa, comprising almost 4 percent of the state's population of 3 million. Though their community is tiny by Texas standards, their numbers increased 37 percent between 2000 and 2005, according to the ...

ICE Agents Secretly Reassigned by Bush Administration
Post Date: 2007-11-20 18:38:41 by FOH
by Jim Kouri, CPP The latest news not being covered by the mainstream news media is President George W. Bush's reassignment of some 1,000 Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents to work as US Customs officers. News of this reassignment began to leak out after a press conference by Julie L. Myers, Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security for ICE, announcing that special agents from US Immigration and Customs Enforcement had executed criminal search warrants at Koch Foods in Fairfield, Ohio. ICE identified more than 180 Koch employees working at the Fairfield plant requiring further questioning and administratively arrested more than 160 for immigration violations. ICE agents ...

Michigan: House Plan Would Punish Those Who Employ Illegal Immigrants With Felony Charge
Post Date: 2007-11-20 11:10:40 by Brian S
Employers would face felony charges for hiring illegal immigrants if a new plan were to pass the Michigan Legislature. House Democrats unveiled a plan Thursday that they claim intervenes where the federal government has failed to act. Under the plan, employers would be required to document the legal status of their workers. Michigan workers also would be provided legal recourse when they suspect companies have replaced them with undocumented laborers. Reps. Kate Ebli, D-Monroe, and Kathy Angerer, D-Dundee, met at the Monroe County Courthouse Thursday morning to discuss the plan. "With Michigan struggling under the nation's highest unemployment rate, we must make sure that ...

Record numbers seek new lives abroad
Post Date: 2007-11-19 19:47:56 by Zipporah
Record numbers seek new lives abroad By Nigel Morris, Home Affairs Correspondent Published: 16 November 2007 For decades it has been the dream of millions, but for an increasing number of Britons it is becoming a reality. New figures show the number of people leaving the country to start a new life abroad has reached record levels, with almost 600 emigrating every day. Attracted by the prospect of better pay or warmer climes, 207,000 UK nationals left the country for good last year in search of a better quality of life. Australia, Spain and France ...

Mi Casa, Sue Casa: Nancy Pelosi tries to force the Salvation Army to hire people who can't speak English.
Post Date: 2007-11-19 13:00:55 by Horse
It's been less than a week since New York's Sen. Hillary Clinton and Gov. Eliot Spitzer had to climb down from their support of driver's licenses for illegal aliens. Now House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has moved to kill an amendment that would protect employers from federal lawsuits for requiring their workers to speak English. Among the employers targeted by such lawsuits: the Salvation Army. Sen. Lamar Alexander, a moderate Republican from Tennessee, is dumbstruck that legislation he views as simple common sense would be blocked. He noted that the full Senate passed his amendment to shield the Salvation Army by 75-19 last month, and the House followed suit with a 218-186 vote just ...

Post Date: 2007-11-19 10:14:10 by christine
William E. Gladstone, former Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1868 to 1894 is famously remembered for his quote, "Justice delayed is justice denied." An article appears in today's edition of the Washington Times written by a staff reporter Sara A. Carter. She was also awarded the Eugene Katz Award for journalism by the Center for Immigration Studies, a Washington-based think tank with which I have been associated for a number of years. The news report in question discusses the arraignment of Osvaldo Aldrete Davila, a Mexican citizen who has been charged with conspiracy to distribute hundreds of pounds of marijuana in the United States between June 2005 and November 2005. ...

Dutch float 'migrant prison' scheme
Post Date: 2007-11-18 19:21:03 by robin
Dutch float 'migrant prison' scheme By Dominic Hughes BBC News, Zaandam In the middle of an industrial estate in Zaandam, just north of Amsterdam, stands the newest prison in the Netherlands. The prison is built by the side of an old wood yard But the word "stands" is not quite right, because this prison is in fact moored on one of the country's many waterways. And the inmates in this floating prison are not criminals but illegal immigrants, guilty of what the Dutch call an "administrative offence". This is the answer to a problem the authorities faced in the late 1990s - how to separate illegal ...

Illegal immigrant demands to be flown home because Britons are 'rude and unfriendly'
Post Date: 2007-11-18 01:09:24 by mirage
An illegal immigrant has demanded to be flown home after saying he was fed up with British people - because they are "rude and unfriendly". Speaking today, Mokhtar Tabet, 30 - who has been given a home, food and free travel around London - claims his local council has breached his human rights by moving him to a place he does not like. He was refused asylum in 2004 and is set to be deported. He said: "The council evicted me from my home in September and moved me to Streatham, which I don't like. "The new place is small, and the kitchen closes at 9pm, so I can't have anything to eat late at night. They have taken away my human rights." Croydon Council ...

Chicken-plant workers test 'positive' for TB
Post Date: 2007-11-16 19:08:15 by Horse
Alabama health officials have identified 212 workers who have tested positive for tuberculosis at a single poultry plant owned by one of the largest processors in the U.S. In two batteries of skin tests last month, given to 765 fresh processing employees at the Decatur, Ala., plant owned by Wayne Farms LLC by the State Department of Public Health's Tuberculosis Control Division, 28 percent were found to be infected, including one with active tuberculosis disease, which is contagious. Doctors have yet to evaluate X-rays for 165 current workers who tested positive to determine if any more are contagious. The testing was prompted by an earlier active TB case – a former Wayne Farms ...

Retailer denies sign is a slur (Credito sin papeles de gringo)
Post Date: 2007-11-16 12:20:53 by Horse
A Casa Furniture and Bedding store in Alexandria has been advertising easy credit with a twist: “no gringo papers” necessary. A sign outside the store at the intersection of North Beauregard and King streets reads, “Credito sin papeles de gringo.” In English, that could be translated to say “Credit without gringo papers.” Blanca Granados, the store's assistant manager, translated the message to mean “just 'without white papers,' like Social Security or like that.” Miss Granados said the store requires customers who purchase furniture on credit to fill out an application and provide personal documentation. The store will accept a ...

Irving police arrest activist Carlos Quintanilla
Post Date: 2007-11-15 17:13:23 by X-15
Hispanic activist Carlos Quintanilla was arrested in Irving on an accusation of driving with an invalid license and other charges Thursday, the same day he was organizing an immigration rally. Irving PD Carlos Quintanilla Mr. Quintanilla said Accion America was holding its latest rally to urge police to not take people into custody for minor traffic violations just because they don't have a state-issued identification card or driver's license. Irving police learned of outstanding warrants against Mr. Quintanilla after he applied for a parade permit and underwent a background check. Police said they had advised Mr. Quintanilla to resolve the warrants before returning to the city. ...

New York Governor Spitzer Dropping Illegal Immigrants Drivers License Plan
Post Date: 2007-11-14 10:56:37 by Brian S
(AXcess News) New York - New York governor Eliot Spitzer has backed down on his drivers license plan that would have created a third class of licensing illegal immigrants who operate motor vehicles in the state. Spitzer's plan to issue drivers licenses to illegal aliens has caused such a stir that it even spilled over into Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential bid, but sources close to Spitzer leaked news late Tuesday that the Governor was abandoning his push for giving id to illegal immigrants. Spitzer is expected to address New York lawmakers this morning. In October, Gov. Spitzer moved to cut a deal with the Department of Homeland Security to create three distinct types ...

Goons “No Border Camp” Ends With Major Ass Whooping!
Post Date: 2007-11-14 10:17:44 by hondo68
View VIDEO Hey, all, The “No Border Camp” on the Calexico - Mexicali border ended with a thorough ass-whooping. On the last day everything went well, up until the last moment, when participants marched down to the border wall, attempted to shut down traffic on the road, by laying down in the middle of the street, in traffic, and started cutting holes in the boder fence. Within seconds approximately 100 Border Patrol agents showed up, and surrounded the crowd. An activist drummer tried to motivate his comrades and annoy BP agents with his war drum. He was repeatedly asked to cut it out. He chose to ignore the wise words. BP agents consequently wiped up the street with the guy, ...

Elitist Economists, Immigration, And The American Future
Post Date: 2007-11-13 06:15:01 by YertleTurtle
Economist Bryan Caplan [email him], an associate professor at George Mason U., a commuter school in suburban Virginia, has been getting a lot of good press for his recent book The Myth of the Rational Voter: Why Democracies Choose Bad Policies which argues that voters should have less power because they make bad decisions compared to experts—such as (to pick a random example) economists. Thus Caplan wrote in the online journal of the libertarian-turned-Beltway-Establishment-wannabe Cato Institute: "Consider the case of immigration policy. Economists are vastly more optimistic about its economic effects than the general public. The Survey of Americans and Economists on the ...

LWAN: A New Chapter, A New Life
Post Date: 2007-11-05 19:11:02 by Pinguinite
Ecuador. My new home. I have no idea when I'll be returning to the states. I will at some point, but it's not on the calendar, and even when the time comes, it'll likely only be to visit. That's what I get for having met my wonderful Ecuadorian fiance, Carolina. A new home in a new country where the Christmas season annually ushers in the most sweltering few months of the year instead of some crisp winter wonderland with hot chocolate, sniffles and high heating bills. LWAN stands for "Life Without A Number". A social security number. I gave it a shot. It supposed to be legal to not have one in the USA, and it is. Even the federal government still says so. But in ...

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