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Latest Articles: Immigration

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President Bush's Immigration Bill Suffers Crushing Defeat In Senate
Post Date: 2007-06-28 11:40:22 by Brian S
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush's immigration bill suffered a crushing defeat Thursday in the Senate, when members voted against advancing the controversial legislation. A final tally for the vote has not yet been announced. The bill would provides a path to citizenship for some of the 12 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. and toughens border security. If the bill fails, supporters and opponents of the controversial legislation claim there is no way to bring it back before this Congress ends. Senators voting against cutting off debate and referring the bill for a final vote. The cloture vote required a three-fifths majority, or 60 votes. Senators cast ballots a day after ...

Fla. Sheriff Targets Illegals
Post Date: 2007-06-28 06:34:30 by Jethro Tull
Fla. Sheriff Targets IllegalsJun 27, 2:27 PM (ET)By MELISSA NELSON PANAMA CITY BEACH, Fla. (AP) - The sheriff's department has developed a remarkably effective - and controversial - way of catching illegal immigrants: Deputies in patrol cars pull up to a construction site in force, and watch and see who runs. Those who take off are chased down and arrested on charges such as trespassing, for cutting through someone else's property, or loitering, for hiding out in someone's yard, or reckless driving, for speeding off in a car. U.S. immigration authorities are then given the names of those believed to be in this country illegally. "It's not wrong for them to run, but ...

Hal Turner tonight - 9PM, EST (the politically correct need not tune in)
Post Date: 2007-06-27 20:30:33 by Jethro Tull
Tonight, I will do something on the air that will cause a complete, 100%, absolute SHIT STORM to come down on me from the government. It will far surpass anything I've ever done before in its seriousness and its effect. The powers-that-be are going to go absolutely ballistic. I believe if they don't literally blow their lid, some folks in government may have a sort of stroke over this. I think some of the more laid-back types will actually end up stuttering with ferociousness over what I will do tonight because no other American has EVER done this before. Be sure to tune-in tonight from 9:00 - 11:00 PM EDT (GMT -0400) on the Hal Turner Show.

Senate kills GOP return-home requirement for all adult illegal immigrants
Post Date: 2007-06-27 14:10:20 by Brian S
WASHINGTON – The Senate on Wednesday killed a Republican proposal to require all adult illegal immigrants to return home temporarily in order to qualify for permanent lawful status in this country. The vote was 53-45 to table an amendment by Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, that was one of several proposals designed to respond to conservatives who decry President Bush's immigration bill as a form of amnesty. The bill could grant lawful status to as many as 12 million illegal immigrants as long as they passed background checks and paid fines and fees. Heads of household seeking permanent legal residency would have to return home to apply for green cards, however. Without her ...

Remove Section 413 from the Immigration Bill
Post Date: 2007-06-27 12:27:20 by Jethro Tull
h2 class="title">The New American JBS ACTION ALERT: Remove Section 413 from the Immigration Bill! The immigration debate continued today as Congress reconvened from their Memorial Day recess. Floor votes on S. 1348 are expected to begin on Tuesday, June 5. Perhaps the most significant, and most ignored, section of the immigration reform bill is Section 413 of Amendment #1150, which was offered by Senator Ted Kennedy on May 21, 2007. Among other things, the Kennedy amendment promotes the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. With no current amendment to exclude Section 413 from the text, this portion of the bill would express the sense of Congress that "the ...

El Cenizo-- the Texas Town that Speaks Only Spanish
Post Date: 2007-06-27 09:49:23 by Jethro Tull
Poster Comment:(Hal Turner on) This is the fate that awaits the rest of America if the Immigration Bill, pending in the Senate, is approved. America will see a complete demographic change taking us from a White, Western-European "First-World" Culture and heritage to a non-white, Meztizo, Third-World culture and heritage. The nation you know as the United States will be nothing more than one, big, brown cesspool. (/Hal Turner off)

Pivotal Vote Looms on Immigration
Post Date: 2007-06-26 10:46:56 by Horse
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush encouraged the Senate on Tuesday to put aside bitter differences and pass a bill that would legalize millions of illegal immigrants. Bush appeared optimistic about winning a test vote Tuesday and the Senate's passage of the bill by week's end. "We'll be moving our attention to the House after the Senate passes this comprehensive piece of legislation," Bush told business leaders and representatives of religious, Hispanic and agricultural communities. "I think this is an historic opportunity for Congress to act." Joel Kaplan, Bush's deputy chief of staff, also was optimistic. "Our intelligence suggests that there ...

The Axis Of Amnesty’s Ideology Of Cheap Labor
Post Date: 2007-06-26 05:04:07 by YertleTurtle
During an early Senate debate over the guest worker program in the Kennedy-Bush-McCain Axis of Amnesty bill, ABC News reported: "Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., took the Senate floor in opposition to his Democratic colleague and, red-faced and gesticulating toward [Sen. Byron] Dorgan, defended the guest worker program, yelling, 'The idea that you can have a secure border and close it completely is something that has never happened before and will not happen now'. … The Senate's 'liberal lion' continued to howl at Dorgan, demanding, 'I would like the chicken pluckers to pay $10.15 -- or $15 an hour. They don't do it, and they're not going to do it. ...

Senator Ted Kennedy wants to put the UN in charge of U.S. immigration policy
Post Date: 2007-06-25 23:14:50 by rack42
Three things you can do to beat the immigration bill http://www.englishfirst.org/efalert62107.html Senator Ted Kennedy wants to put the UN in charge of U.S. immigration policy. Ted Kennedy has reintroduced the Senate immigration legislation this week and added 92 pages to its 326-page predecessor. (The new longer bill is S.1639; the shorter one is S.1348.) Pages 388-389 of revised immigration bill invoke "any treaty or other international agreement to which the United States is a party," including treaties never previously ratified by the U.S. Senate. These treaties include the "Declaration of the Rights of the Child," adopted by the United Nations in 1959 (an ...

Pat Buchanan 'end of the United States as we know it'
Post Date: 2007-06-25 19:03:12 by Zipporah
Watch Buchanan on Meet The Press I didnt copy the commentary on C&L as it calls Buchanan a xenophobe ...etc.. But what we now have is de facto amnesty.. thought Buchanan's comments were of interest

H1-B Video Angers Lawmakers
Post Date: 2007-06-25 18:25:37 by Zipporah
H1-B Video Angers Lawmakers By Luke O'Brien June 22, 2007 | 12:04:05 PMCategories: Politics When an attorney at a legal ceremony last month explained how to use the H1-B visa program to hire foreign high tech workers instead of Americans, it got YouTubed, quite naturally. But when Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Lamar Smith (R-Texas) took a peek, it really went viral. Now the Senators are demanding a federal investigation. In the video, Lawrence Lebowitz of Cohen & Grigsby, breaks down a technique that lets U.S. companies hire foreign workers under the government's Program Electronic Review Management process. PERM covers requirements for companies placing help wanted ...

Black Americans Choose: Minutemen Go Home
Post Date: 2007-06-25 17:11:29 by Tauzero
Black Americans Choose: Minutemen Go Home by Leslie Radford Monday, June 25, 2007 From http://la.indymedia.org Anti-minutemen protestors, called by the Mayday Defense Committee and Unión del Barrio, linked arms across the 43rd Place entrance to Leimert Park three lines deep to defend the park against the minutemen. Across the street, Choose Black America, a front group for the anti-immigrant march sponsors, Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), and Save Our State, a minuteman spin-off, fretted and stewed. The LAPD, obviously sensing the determination of the people and reeling from the public outcry against their violence in MacArthur Park last month, kept the groups ...

Immigration II: No Guarantees
Post Date: 2007-06-25 13:30:28 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Immigration II: No GuaranteesBush Counting on Tougher Enforcement To Carry Revived BillBy DAVID ROGERSJune 25, 2007; Page A4 WASHINGTON -- Immigration legislation returns to the Senate this week with the White House hoping that concessions to conservatives and pressure from business will draw reluctant Republicans on board.The measure, a major priority for President Bush, was pulled from the floor June 7 after twice failing to get the 60 votes needed to cut off debate. Since then, $4.4 billion has been added to improve border security, and further changes are expected to emphasize national security and try to quell the revolt on the right.The proposals would establish an entry-exit ...

Ex-SoCal councilwoman could be deported
Post Date: 2007-06-24 18:01:35 by richard9151
LOS ANGELES - All of her life, Zoila Meyer believed she was an American. She even won election to the City Council of Adelanto. But now she is facing a threat of deportation for illegally voting, because she never became a citizen after being brought to this country from Cuba when she was 1 year old. "To be honest with you, I'm scared. How can they just pluck me out of my family, my kids?" the 40-year-old mother of four said in a telephone interview Friday. "If they can do this to me, they can do it to anybody," she said. After Meyer was elected to the council in Adelanto in 2004, someone told officials that she was born in Cuba, prompting an investigation. ...

Foundations Fund Open Borders Agenda
Post Date: 2007-06-24 15:53:40 by YertleTurtle
Thousands of private tax-exempt foundations, which could be donating millions of dollars to address domestic medical and educational needs, doggedly fund their own ideological objectives in myriad ways that harm the United States. As documented in my new book Foundations of Betrayal: How the Liberal Super-Rich Undermine America, hundreds of these big foundations specifically underwrite agendas aimed at radically changing the United States through demographic change. My research concluded that, along with the environmental groups that peddle fear and flawed science, the most popular recipient of massive foundation money is the vocal Open Borders/ multicultural lobby that, among other things, ...

Workers (illegals protesting) Get Soaked by Pulte Homes!
Post Date: 2007-06-24 15:25:52 by Zipporah
this is the commentary on You Tube: "The video shows Pulte representatives out of control—frustrated at workers demonstrating at construction sites within their developments. Pulte Homes then assaults them with high-pressure water from Pulte water trucks. As the housing market continues to sink in Florence and the rest of the metropolitan area, Pulte Homes dropped its good guy image when it came to the workers who build their homes. Workers demanding justice from Pulte Homes' construction subcontractors were shocked when the well-know homebuilder began directing its water truck drivers to repeatedly douse workers with high-pressure water. Workers, with dripping clothes ...

Lawmaker urges condoms for border control
Post Date: 2007-06-24 00:58:41 by robin
By Richard Cowan WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A congressman is pushing a not-so-quick fix in the debate over illegal immigrants from Mexico: free contraceptives. "A slower rate of growth of Mexico's population would improve the economy of Mexico. It would also reduce the environmental pressure on Mexico's ecosystem. But a slower rate of growth would also reduce the long-term illegal immigration pressure on America's borders," reasoned Rep. Mark Kirk, who also supports stronger border security in the short-term. In reality, fertility rates have plunged in Mexico since 1980, when an average couple would have five or more children. Now, the country's fertility rate has ...

Bush vows permanent ban on future illegal migrants
Post Date: 2007-06-23 15:30:21 by freepatriot32
President George W. Bush promised Saturday to permanently bar future illegal immigrants from the United States as he renewed his push for immigration reform, a centerpiece of his domestic agenda. A revised reform package was reintroduced in the Senate this past week after its predecessor failed on June 7 to garner enough votes to cut off debate and move for final passage. The collapse of the first proposal has prompted a personal intervention by the president, who went to Capitol Hill to plead for giving the bill a second chance. But while he has succeeded in putting the proposal back on the Senate agenda, the legislation is facing strong opposition from both Republicans and Democrats, ...

Republicans feel talk radio's lash
Post Date: 2007-06-23 02:23:40 by freepatriot32
I t was a casual shot across the bow, a shrugged comment last week from Senate Minority Whip Trent Lott, a Mississippi Republican: Advocates of an immigration overhaul would have to "deal" with talk-radio hosts who he said don't know what is in the legislation but want to kill it nonetheless. The return fire to that passing comment has been withering, as some of the nation's most prominent conservative talkers turn on a man they once defended adamantly. Michael Savage, who hosts the conservative program The Savage Nation, accused Lott of dispatching Nazi storm troopers against his critics. A National Review blogger tagged the senator "Vacant Lott." Conservative ...

La Raza’s Lapdogs
Post Date: 2007-06-22 18:48:26 by Tauzero
La Raza’s Lapdogs Why the elite press won’t report seriously on immigration by Steve Sailer Despite its tradition of editorializing in favor of openness and public participation, the prestige press offered virtually no complaints when the Senate recently voted to skip holding hearings on the convoluted “comprehensive immigration reform” package worked out behind closed doors by Sens. Ted Kennedy and John Kyl with Bush administration support. Nor did the mainstream media object when Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced his intention to ram this vast concoction of highly debatable effect through the Senate in one week, a ploy that even Reid soon admitted was ...

'Mile-wide UFO' spotted by British airline pilot
Post Date: 2007-06-22 18:05:02 by JCHarris
'Mile-wide UFO' spotted by British airline pilot 22.06.07 One of the largest UFOs ever seen has been observed by the crew and passengers of an airliner over the Channel Islands. An official air-miss report on the incident several weeks ago appears in Pilot magazine. Aurigny Airlines captain Ray Bowyer, 50, flying close to Alderney first spotted the object, described as "a cigar-shaped brilliant white light". Scroll down for more Aurigny Airlines captain Ray Bowyer, 50, described what he thought to be a UFO as 'a cigar-shaped brilliant white light', similar to the image supplied by Dennis Plunket of the British Flying Saucer bureau As the plane got closer ...

White House report: Immigrants Help Economy, U.S. Workers
Post Date: 2007-06-21 22:42:56 by Brian S
Just as the Senate prepares to revisit a controversial immigration bill, the White House Council of Economic Advisers released a report Wednesday which says that U.S. native workers benefit from legal and illegal immigration. “Immigrants tend to complement (not substitute for ) native workers, raising natives’ productivity and income,” said the report. Other findings include: — Immigrants are a critical part of the U.S. workforce and contribute to productivity growth and technological advancement. Immigrants make up 15% of all workers and even larger shares of certain occupations such as construction, food services and health care. — About 40% of Ph.D. ...

Lou Dobbs is an idiot (as if you needed more evidence) [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-06-20 11:41:20 by can of corn
He’s clueless about political economy. Also, he lies. He claimed immigrants make up 1/3 of the prison population when in fact they have a lower incarceration rate than the rest of the population (they’re 6% of inmates and 7% of the total population). Also, he’s suggested immigrants are responsible for an imaginary leprosy epidemic(!). From the NYT article: The most common complaint about [Dobbs], at least from other journalists, is that his program combines factual reporting with editorializing. But I think this misses the point. Americans, as a rule, are smart enough to handle a program that mixes opinion and facts. The problem with Mr. Dobbs is that he mixes opinion and ...

Post Date: 2007-06-19 17:36:30 by farmfriend
ALIEN BILL DEFIES PUBLIC WILL It's not even about illegal aliens anymore. It's about the relationship between the government and the people. It's about who wears the pants in the family. And right now, the president and a whole bunch of others are confused about that. See, they think they're in charge. They think it's their country. They think they're going to tell us what to do. Well, they've got another think coming. This time they've got a fight on their hands. The background is illegal immigration and the years of treasonously incompetent government which have allowed it to turn into the biggest threat to our country and its future. It takes some ...

PERM Fake Job Ads defraud Americans to secure green cards
Post Date: 2007-06-18 19:25:26 by Zipporah
Immigration attorneys from Cohen & Grigsby explains how they assist employers in running classified ads with the goal of NOT finding any qualified applicants, and the steps they go through to disqualify even the most qualified Americans in order to secure green cards for H-1b workers. See what Bush and Congress really mean by a "shortage of skilled U.S. workers." Microsoft, Oracle, Hewlett-Packard, and thousands of other companies are running fake ads in Sunday newspapers across the country each week. see http://www.programmersguild.org

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